„Those who will have theirs names enrolled, will never been lost, because they have specially consecratred themselves to Me and it is then a challange to Me that at death, I owe them a special fight“.
This is an excerpt from the devine messages regarding „The Promises of the Two Hearts of Love„.
If you decide to consecrate yourself to the Two wounded and bleeding Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary, than please recite this Prayer of the Two Hearts of Love as an act of consecration to the Love of God and to the two Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary ever united in Love.
I consecrate myself to the Love of God and to the Two Hearts of Love – the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the immaculate Heart of Mary. I promise to say the Prayer of the Two Hearts of Love regularly (at least once a day) and to do works of Love and charity.
If you decide to consecrate your family or others to the Two wounded and bleeding Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary, than please write there names (+Countrys/Diocese) on a list and send the list through post office to „The Two Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary“ or through the form at the end of this text.
All the lists of the names will be taken to our Prayer Centre in Nigeria, where they will be kept directly under the Holy Altar. The consecrated persons/names written on the lists will be included in the daily prayers and in the Holy Masses which are celebrated in Uwgunswo (Nigeria).
Mailing address:
Kath. Vereinigung der Zwei Herzen e.V.
Kurfürstenstrasse 5-7
45138 Essen (GERMANY)