Words Of Welcome

 „My Love will burn in all.

All hearts will be set

aflame with the

fire of My Love.

I shall come to set

fire on the world and

how I wish it burns.

Let the fire burn.

Let all be set aflame with the

fire of Divine Love…“

 July 12, 2006; p. 197

 « Take my poor sinful heart to

Thyself and do not give it back to me,

until it becomes

a flaming fire of

Your Love.

I know that I am unworthy to come to

You, but take me to

Thyself and cleanse me

by the flames of

Your Love… »

excerpt from the

Prayer of the Two Hearts of Love

 Second Vatican Council about

Private Revelations

« These charismas,

whether they be

the more outstanding or

the more simple and widely diffused,

are to be received with

thanksgiving and consolation

for they are perfectly suited to

and useful for the needs of the Church.


Extraordinary gifts are not to be sought after,

nor are the fruits of apostolic labour

to be presumptuously expected from their use;

but judgement as to their genuinity and proper use

belongs to those who are appointed leaders in the Church,

to whose special competence it belongs,

not indeed to extinguish the Spirit,

but to test all things and hold fast to that which is good. »           


(Dogmatic Constitution on the Church ‚Lumen Gentium‘, Chapter 2, No. 12)

« The Civilization of Love

is indispensable for not to perish from an

uncontrolled egoism and a blind insensibility

towards the suffering of others.

 Brothers and sisters!

Build up such a civilization without relax.

These are my greatest wishes,

with which I entrust you today.

 To reach this aim, spare neither prayers

nor sacrifices. »

 (John Paul II, Speech in Rimini, August 29, 1982

in http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/joh_paulii/speeches/1982/


Two Hearts of Love

publication International  (Editor)

© 2022













« Jesus! Mary!

I love You.

Be appeased.

Save all souls.


(10 times as rosary)


O Hearts of Love!

O Hearts ever united in Love!

Make me to love You always and help me

to make others to love You.

Take my poor sinful heart to Thyself

and do not give it back to me,

until it becomes a flaming fire of Your Love.

 I know that I am unworthy to come to You,

but take me to Thyself

and cleanse me by the flames of Your Love.

Take me to Thyself and use me as it pleases You,

for I am entirely Yours.


 O pure Love!

O holy Love!

Pierce me with Your arrows and send my blood

flowing into the wounds of the Immaculate Heart.

O Immaculate Heart!

Unite with the Sacred Heart

to give life, to comfort, to glorify and to love.



O Jesus! O Mary!

You are the Hearts of Love! I love You.

Consume me. I am Your victim of Love.


 O Hearts of Love!

Consume me. I am Your victim of Love.

Amen. »


Our thoughts should continuously be with God.

This prayer is to be said especially at 12 and 6 o’clock after the Angelus and

at 4 pm at the end of the Holy Hour, at Communion and at the end of Mass.

This is for the solemn moments of union.


Approval: Vicar  Gen. V. A. Chikwe

Owerri /Nigeria, November 15, 1987


The Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus

And The Immaculate Heart Of Mary


Preaching of Francis Cardinal Arinze

Feast of The Two Hearts of Love,

Rome 2017

« Praise Jesus Christ!

From now until forever. Amen.

My dear brothers in the priestly ministry, dear brothers and sisters,

especially you, dear sisters of the Two Hearts of Love!

The great mystery of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the very essence of your faith.

The heart is symbol of love. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is the symbol and centre of His Love for us. As the evangelist writes:

„God so loved the world

that he gave His only begotten Son

that those who believe in Him might have eternal life.“

Jesus Christ is the visible manifestation of God’s Love for each of us.

And the Son of God loved us so much, He humbled Himself so much that He assumed human nature.

He was obedient unto death – even death on a cross.

No man has greater love than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

This is what Christ taught the disciples, and He did just that: He gave His life for us.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is a – a sign, a guarantee of hope for every man, no matter how low he stands, no matter how humbled in his weakness.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is a symbol of hope for that person.

Jesus loved us so much that not only did He give His life for us on the cross, but He also appointed 3 great gifts for us so that even after He died and rose to heaven those gifts will remain with us.

The three gifts of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to us are:

  • the Church
  • in the Church the Blessed Sacrament and
  • His Holy Mother Mary.

Jesus gave us the Church so that in the Church Christ is with us to the end of time.

We have not been left orphans.

Through baptism we are „embodied“ in Christ and in the Church.

  • In the church we encounter Christ.
  • We do not encounter Christ without the Church.
  • In the Church Christ is truly present.
  • He is present in the proclaimed Word of God.
  • He is present in the people of God, in all the baptized who gather together.
  • He is present in the priest when he ministers at the altar.
  • But most especially, Christ is present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.
  • He is really, truly, essentially and fully present as God and man.

Moreover, on the Cross, on Calvary, Christ gave us all His Holy Mother.

John represents us.

„Behold – your mother!

Behold – your son!“

One of the last testimonies of Christ on the cross.

The Sacred Heart is a treasury of wisdom and knowledge, the centre of all hearts.

Even after Christ died on the cross, His side was pierced by the soldier’s spear and blood and water flowed out – symbols for the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist: blood – and for baptism: water.

What more do we want Christ to do for us, to show us that He loves us?!

More than that, we have not been left helpless (not knowing) how to go to Christ.

His Holy Mother is our way to Christ.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus began to beat in the virgin womb of Holy Mother Mary.

Such unity never existed and never will exist again.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is the person closest to Christ. She is the number one Christian. She understands Christ better than any of us. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is closest to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Mary teaches us to be „Christ-centred“, to live for Christ, to centre our whole life in Christ, and to let our whole life be a procession of gifts toward Jesus.

She lived for Christ, she lived with Christ, her whole life was dedicated only to Him and His Church. It is our road to Christ – „through Mary to Jesus!“ is good theology. It’s not something invented in the Vatican or by a disciple of Jesus.

„Behold – your mother!

Behold – your son!“

And the Blessed Virgin Mary teaches us to go to Christ.

The wine ran out at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. Imagine – a wedding without wine – the groom is full of shame! This is how the Blessed Virgin Mary saw: The wine ran out. She said to Christ:

„They have no wine!“

In English 4 words. There are some among us who talk together seven basketfuls of words, each more useless than the next…

You can see from Jesus‘ answer that he did not intend to begin working miracles at that time. The Blessed Virgin Mary did not argue with her Son, who said:

„What do you want from Me – My time has not yet come!

You want to provoke a miracle?“

She said nothing to Him. She merely said to the servants,

„Whatever He tells you – do it.“

And she sat down.

So Christ saw: Well, His mother wanted to have a miracle, so He instructed the servants:

„Fill these water jars with water and bring them to the master of ceremonies!“

He didn’t know where the wine came from and he went to the groom and said,

„So you have champagne and you’re wasting our time with vulgar wine until now??!

Now we have wine!“

The 6 water jars full of wine – now full of wine! – are a symbol of the overflowing graces of salvation that we receive through the mediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is always the grace of Christ – there is no other.

But there is a mediation and a mediator, a middleman. And she said:

„Whatever He tells you, do that.“

The last words of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Gospel!

If you find anything else in the Bible that she said afterwards, I’ll give you a lecture…

These are the last words of the Holy Virgin Mary – handed down in the Gospel. That doesn’t mean she stopped speaking from what was recorded. The gospel gives us enough – not enough for our curiosity, but enough for our salvation.

My brothers and sisters.

In the Sacred Heart of Jesus we have centre, orientation, where we are going.

In the Immaculate Heart of Mary we have a guide, a way, an example.

What is expected of us?

  1. We believe in God’s Love for us.

We believe in the care that God has for us. We thank God. We thank God for the Two Hearts. We adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we consecrate our lives to Him. We say to Jesus: „Without You our life has no meaning.“

Without Christ we do not know why we came, where we are going, and how we will get there. Without Christ we are directionless. But with Christ we have unity, we have a sense of direction, we know where we are going.

  1. We consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

that she may lead us to her Son. One of her Fatima messages is about just that.

We rejoice with the sisters of the Two Hearts of Love.

We pray that each of you and all associated with you – the brothers, priests, lay apostles – that everyone may become more and more Christ-oriented, with the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary – especially priests and religious – to live for Christ, who said:

„If you put your hand to the plow and look back,   

you are not fit for the kingdom of heaven.“

 To live for Christ – and for Him alone,

not looking for anything else or anyone else. »




of His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Ayo-Maria Atoyebi O.P.,

Bishop of the Diocese of Ilorin / Nigeria

« The Society of the Two Hearts of Love, that is to say the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Heart of Mama Maria, His Mother, are dedicated to the Two Hearts of Love, in order to live the Reign of Love on earth and to promote the same among the people of God. The devotion responds to the crucial interest of the Two Hearts of Love, because it is principally centred on the salvation of souls, which is the focal point of the Incarnation of Love in the Person of Jesus Christ as the Incarnation of God’s mercy.

God wants to give us real divine life that transcends all human expectation in the realm of earthly joy or happiness. Jesus says:

“I have come so that they may have life

and it in abundance.” (John 10:10)

The expression of Love of Jesus was not in a partial way, or selfish way, but total and unqualifiable. He confirms this when he says:

“A greater love than this no man has

than to lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)

Jesus has shown his supreme Love for mankind by obediently giving up His Will.

“He was humble and walked the path of obedience

all the way to death – his death on the cross. (Phil 2:8)


His death on the cross is the work of Love.

It is the work of His Heart.

In doing this God destined that Mama Maria should be with Him in the work of salvation.

From the first moment of the Incarnation Mary has been part and parcel of the work of redemption with her obedient Love and positive response to God.

Along with Jesus, and subordinate to Him she disposed herself for our salvation.

She followed Jesus on the way to Calvary and offered her Son as a supreme sacrifice to God for our salvation. She died in heart as the Queen of all Martyrs with her Son on the cross.

It is as if the Two Hearts died together on Calvary for every pang of the nails and hammers in the body of Christ went through the heart of the Mother of Sorrow.

This is the reason why the Two Hearts cannot be separated.

They are destined together in Love for divine purposes, our salvation.

They deserve utmost devotion for this. Hence the prayer says

“Jesus! Mary!

I love You.

Be appeased.

Save all souls.


Precise and succinct as this prayer is, it strikes the highest point of prayer.

–          First of all with exclamation it calls on the most important Names that can save us.

–          Secondly it expresses love to them, which we seldom express.

–          Thirdly it asks for appeasement, which is most needed today because the Heart of            God is grossly hurt today more than ever before.

The Heart of Jesus and Mama Maria are equally hurt as they see people sinning against God who deserves nothing from us but Love.

Oh! Unfortunately LOVE is not loved.

This Prayer of Love and reparation is like an arrow shot into heaven that cannot miss its target. It is a most precious heavenly gift.

What is most needed in the world today is give love for love:

give back to God the Love that He first gives us and express our sorrow for sins committed. This Prayer fulfills this and spurs us to continuous further devotion.

The remaining part of the mystical prayer speaks for itself.

Those who have mystical mind will discern the profundity of the prayer; it is simple, selfless penetrating, spiritual and salvific.

If anybody does not understand it, let him or her keep praying until the discernment of the Spirit is given to him or her. The indisputable fact about it is that only the Spiritual can discern things of the Spirit.

The Prayer is most powerful for growth in Love and other virtues. It is most useful for loving hearts who have ardent desire to love God and make reparation for sins.

I do whole-heartedly recommend the devotion of the Two Hearts of Love.

It is angelic in their reverential prostration

before Divine Majesty.






+ Ayo-Maria Atoyebi O.P.

Bishop of Ilorin

September 25, 2013






  1. The Promises Of The Prayer

Of The Two Hearts Of Love

 Jesus declares:

« After the Holy Eucharist,

after the Holy Mass,

the greatest gift I have given to My Church

and to the whole world

is this Prayer and devotion of

the Two Hearts of Love. 

This Prayer of the Two Hearts of Love comes from the Holy Mass

just as the flow of blood and water comes from My pierced side.

For the Holy Mass and this Prayer are united.

You cannot separate this Prayer and Devotion from the Holy Eucharist,

Sacrifice of the Mass.

My Son,

let My Love reign.

Let My Heart reign.

Let My Hearts of Love reign.

 O Hearts of Love!

O! How I love to be called this.

I am really a Heart of Love as so is My Mother.

We are Hearts of Love.

I am God but a God of Love. »


« All who call Me this (O! Hearts of Love) devotedly

even once in their life will have the seal of the Heart (Hearts of Love)

engraved in theirs. 

Those who practice this devotion constantly

will turn into a flaming fire of divine Love

and will never be lost. »


« Any person who at his or her death bed,

after cleansing himself or herself with the Act of Love

(i.e. Jesus, Mary, I love You be appeased, save souls, Amen)

and devotedly says the Prayer of the Hearts of Love

(O! Hearts of Love! O! Hearts ever united in Love!…),

while kissing the Hearts of Love, I will take to Myself.

No purgatory for him. »


« I will bring out a date especially

for the Feast of the Two Hearts of Love.

On this day, the Hearts will be pierced with Masses and prayers,

and their blood will flow into purgatory

and all those bearing the mark of the Hearts of Love

I will attract to Myself like a magnet.


O! Hearts of Love!

When will I stop bewailing My Love,

which is being repaid with ingratitude and sin?

How I wish to spread My Love in the whole world,

but wickedness, hatred and sin keep Me back. »


« I promise,

no matter the fewness,

I will use those

who are devoted to the Two Hearts of Love

to spread My Love in the whole world. »


« Instruct people

to say this prayer especially

at twelve, at four and at six o’clock,

at communion and at Mass. »


« Those who will have their names enrolled

will never be lost

because they have specially

consecrated themselves to Me

and it is then a challenge to Me

that at death, I owe them a special fight. »


« Those who will propagate this devotion

will have their state in heaven raised

according to their zeal and

success will accompany them. »


« This devotion will spread like wild fire

because many people and places have begun it,

but have not yet known

that it is this devotion that they have started.

One need only instruct them and it is taken up. » 


« Get ready. This is the time for trial and glory. »


« I promise, any person

who even once kisses the

image of the Two  Hearts of Love

will have the seal engraved in theirs.

Any home that exposes and honours the

image of the Two Hearts of Love

will be free from sudden death,

and I will prevent any mortal sin

from being committed in that room. »


« You may think these promises fantastic but it is not.

Just consider the length of time

I have been waiting to establish

the rule of My Heart in the world

but wickedness and sin prevent Me. 

I mean to pour the blood of My Heart of Love

on the whole world

not minding the obstacles. » 

 « My child, you are going to suffer much

but it will last but a little while

because Satan knows that My Heart must triumph and

is ready to give the last fight

which will last a while and My Heart will triumph. 


My child, I don’t want you to doubt any more

because this will mean a postponement of the triumph,

which I am not ready to grant.


I only want you to give up yourself

in simplicity of faith,

prayer, love, obedience and humility. 


My child,

I have taken you as a victim and

I am going to consume you

till you become nothing. 

Just give up yourself to Me and

I will use you as it pleases Me. » 

 « It is I,

your Love Jesus Christ speaking.

I want to establish the Reign of My Sacred Heart

and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother ever united.


We are one for We are united in Love.

And I don’t want any person

to separate the Two Hearts anymore.

Any person who tries to separate the Two Hearts

I mean to eliminate. »



« The laity, seminarian and aspirants,

religious, priests and all the clergy

should rally around the triumphant Two Hearts of Love. 

Satan knows that his time is expired.

Even when it is come, when he sees shining

blinding rays of victims of Love,

it is not I who will tell him

to run and hide in his home. 

 My child,

I mean to give you My Heart.

You will draw the blood from it and

pour it on the world.

O! My Heart will triumph. 

 Through this devotion to My Infinite Love

in the Hearts of Love

I mean to bring unity to My whole Church. 

I want to promote unity among

the various races and cultures in the world.


I mean to unite families, unite

the hearts of husbands with their wives, and

the hearts of women with men,

the hearts of children with their parents,

the hearts of relations and friends with one another. 


This is an apostolate and a mission of

friendship, unity and love

for all and among all.


I mean to fight the evil of

hatred, wickedness and sin. » 

 « It is My Will to establish the

Reign of My Infinite Love and Mercy

in every heart and home,

everywhere and

every time,

in the whole world and

in all creation. »

 « O! My Love will reign – on earth as in Heaven.

O! My Heart will reign! 

O! My Love will reign! »



Bishop Ayo-Maria Atoyebi O.P.,

Ilorin Diocese/Nigeria, May 2002



Message On Prostration –

The Highest Form Of Physical Expression Of Worship

May 18, 2004


Jesus says:

« My Son,

prostration is the highest form of

physical expression of worship.


To lay yourself completely on the ground and

stretch yourself completely before Him on the ground in

total self-giving and absolute abandonment and submission

to His Most Divine Will

is the highest (physical) expression of divine worship.


It combines and expresses

the highest and the lowest at that same time.


There can be nothing lower, humbler and

more totally submissive and absolutely abandonment.


This physical expression must also express the spiritual;

this outward must also express the inward.


This physical expression is also the spiritual manifestation,

physical prostration is spiritual prostration,

and the outward expression is also inward manifestation.

Prostration in divine worship of Love combines

all physical and spiritual, outward and inward,

lowest and highest, total and absolute

submission and self-giving self-sacrifice and

union with God. »


« I want it to be used

as the highest expression of the total self-giving

and union in Love with Me in My Hearts of Love.

As often as you do it,

the more and more you submit yourself

totally to My Will and

the more and more united you are

with My Most Holy and Loving Will. »


« Unite yourself to the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.

It also expresses your readiness

to accept and do

without any doubting or questioning

all I bid you

without further delay or deliberation. » 


The Eternal Father speaks:

« It is also the attitude of total repentance and

absolute pleading for mercy,

like David, My servant, and the Ninivites.

It is the attitude of total and absolute self-sacrifice,

in perfect selflessness and Love,

like My Son Jesus Christ,

nailed to the cross on the ground and

lifted on the cross at Calvary.


There is nothing more exalting for the human being

than to prostrate himself/herself completely

in submission and self-giving and sacrifice

in perfect Love and union with will of God.


This prostration is the form of worship in heaven,

for those nearest to the throne of the Most High.

I have brought you nearest to Me here on earth –

prostration is fitting for you and

before Me in the Most Holy Eucharist.


Heaven is in your midst

My Love, My Son.

Prostration is like heaven on earth.



My Son, My Love,

do it well.


Let all prostrate before Me in loving adoration

and total submission to My Most Holy and Loving Will.

I am with you and will always be with you.


Let nobody discourage you.

What I have sent you to do is

to bring the worship of heaven here on earth.


As I prayed:

‚Father! May Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.‘

Prostration is heaven on earth.

It is the worship of heaven on earth.


Let it be so.

Prostration is

worship in Spirit and truth with the body.

All true worshippers should

worship in Spirit and truth.


My Love,

let all My children learn to

worship Me in Spirit and truth –

with their whole spirit and mind and bodies,

as well as with all they are and have.


I love them all and will always love them

with all My infinite Love –

with all I am and have.


Let them do the prostration well

like My Son Jesus Christ on the cross. »


Call To Holiness

For All Human Beings

November 2002



Jesus declares:

« My Love!

Receive My message for the whole world.


My Love!

My call to holiness is for all human beings –

of all ages, races, cultures, creeds.


I want all human beings to be saved and

to come to perfect Love and union and fullness of Life

and being with Me in Heaven.

I am God, the God of Love, God of all.


I want to unite all in Me –

all in My Love –

in My Hearts of Love.


The whole world is mine.

All creation is mine.

All souls belong to Me.

All power, all Love,





come from Me and go back to Me.


Call all to glory!

Call all to Love!

Call all to prayer!

Call all to holiness,

to peace and Love!


Greet all with My peace and Love.

Whoever accepts your greetings

of peace and Love from Me

will be blessed with peace and Love.

Who refuses to accept it

will not retain My peace and Love.

My peace and Love will go to another. »


« At last he/she will realise what she/he has refused.

Hell is eternal regret.

 Please accept My message for the whole world –

people of all races, cultures, tongues, colours,

ages, shapes, sizes, for the whole creation.

Pray and fast for the salvation of all – all souls.


My Son!

My Love!

I am with you now and always

till the end of time unto eternity.


Tell all the members of My Hearts of Love

that I love them with eternal Love.

I am with them.


Tell them to remain steadfast.

My Heart of Love is the safest, surest and easiest way to heaven.


Tell them not to be worried

by any rejection or threats or calumny or whatsoever.


I am with them to save them, to strengthen them.

I am your Love. I am their Love.

I am your God. I am their God.

I am your all. I am their all. 


Let them call Me:

‚Our God, Our Love, Our All!‘

And give themselves to Me completely.


Tell them that all of them –

all who remain in My Love till the end –

will be saved.

Let nobody and nothing separate them from My Love.


Tell them to be steadfast at prayer.

The Rhythm of Prayer of the Hearts of Love is

the rhythm of Love,

is the rhythm of Life of them.


Tell them to be steadfast

with the hours of the prayers of Love.


Let nothing hold them back – even for a brief moment.

(They can say the prayers even for a brief moment).

They are moments of union, of strength –

union with Me, the source of all life and Love;

moments of strength –

I am the principle and source of all strength.


It is the moment of salvation – for their souls and all souls.

It is the moment of purification – purification of all –

all things around them and in them.

It is the moment of sanctification  – for them and all around them.


At these moments –

I pour My special, most abundant blessings and graces

on them and all around them. 


At this moment – all My priests are to pronounce

the blessings of My Hearts of Love

and bless all souls –

all My creation.

At this moment,

when no priest is there,

all My people are to call upon themselves

My eternal blessings –

on themselves and all around them.


They are to touch one another at least

with their souls, hearts, love and look;

with their hands and their hearts.


They are to open their hearts and hands.

They are to touch all creation with their hands, their spirits.

They are to be a blessing to all creation.


All My members of My Hearts of Love

are a blessing to all creation.

 I am with them.

I am their blessing and through them

I bless My creation.

 They are blessing to all My creation.

You are My blessing for all –

all everywhere and every time.

 Go and spread My blessing to all.

Go and bring My blessings to all.

I am with you. Do not be afraid. 

I Am with you now and forever.



Amen. »


Call to Prayer And Sacrifice

For All Christians

especially those who worship

the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and

honour the Immaculate Heart of Mary,


A letter from Father Montfort, founder and priest

of the Society of the Two Hearts of Love, SHL,

to the early members in Europe and over the whole world

May 2001


„My Dearly beloved Brothers and Sisters!

Peace and Love of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ and

of the Father and of the Holy Spirit be with you.

Let me begin by telling you this factual story:


As I received the Most Holy Communion,

Our Lord Jesus Christ began to draw me more deeply to Himself

and to teach me the innermost mysteries of His Heart of Love.

He asked me:


« Come to Me daily.

Never allow the devil to keep you away from Me or

wilfully stay back from Me.

Teach those souls around you

who are given to you to love Me!

Move many hearts to love Me.

The world still defies Me,

although there are many comforters.

But the sins of the world far outweigh their work. 

As He, Jesus, speaks He weeps.  


See how humanity defies Me.

Even those, whom I trust,

even those whom I look to for consolation

send Me away, beating Me and spitting on My face.


They draw the wrath of My anger,

soon they will feel the strength of My arm,

if reparation is not made.

I am not loved.


Many detest to hear My Name,

only very few come to Me…!  

Ask those people

who still detest Me,

who do not love Me,

who still run away from Me,

who still detest to hear My Name

to come back to Me.

Tell them that I love them.

You alone cannot comfort Me much! » 


„Jesus says:

‚You alone cannot comfort Me much!‘ 

He showed me what He meant.

He showed me Himself on the cross,

with uncountable wounds all over His Body

and they were bleeding.

The blood was gushing all over and dropping on the ground.

I tried to collect all the blood with my mouth and drink it

but the flow was too much from too many wounds.

Much of the blood flowed away on the ground.

Then I tried to stop the flow with my hands

pressing at some of the wounds with my fingers,

but the wounds were too many and the flow of blood was too much.

I was helpless.

I managed to collect some of the blood with my mouth

but a greater amount flowed away on the dirty ground.

As I continued to struggle, hopeless to prevent the flow

and to collect the blood with my mouth,

He said to me:


« You alone cannot comfort Me much.

Bring your relations and friends to come to Me.

Bring many people to visit Me and My house (Church) will be full

and I will be happy, and forgive you (the world) your sins. »


„My brothers and sisters!

Our Lord Jesus Christ is bleeding continuously in many tabernacles in the world.

Our Blessed Mother Mary is often crying and shedding tears of blood in many places in the world.

Our Lord hanging on the cross cried:


« I thirst! » 


He thirsts for souls.

He thirsts for Love.

He thirsts for your soul, for my soul,

for my Love, for your Love.

At another time the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to me

that the solution of the problem of souls,

of the Church and the world, is

to unite to the Two Wounded and Bleeding

Hearts of Love (Jesus and Mary).


He revealed it to me in this way:

The Lord showed me His Heart which because it has lost so much blood

has lost its real colour and appears pale white.

Then He said to me:

« If you can make this Heart turn red again

the world will be saved. »  


I asked Him how I could make the Heart regain its blood and its colour.

He answered me:


« I want you to find that out yourself. »


I went about asking some older, experienced and learned and spiritual persons,

but nobody could provide the right answer.

At the next time when He came to me I told Him that I have thought, searched,

and I asked many people and I could not find the answer myself and

nobody could tell me the answer.

He said:


« I will give you the solution Myself.

I will reveal this mystery to you. »


Then He showed me His Heart again and

the Immaculate Heart of His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Immaculate Heart is covered with deep wounds,

but the wounds were deep but not wide and

the Immaculate Heart was also bleeding profusely.

Then He said to me:


« The only solution is to unite

to the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love. »


I asked Him, how we could unite ourselves with the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts, since we were not pure and holy.

The Lord then taught me the


Prayer of the Two Hearts of Love


and said that through this prayer we should be purified and

united with the Two Hearts of Love and the world would be saved.

Now He made this very earnest, joyful and at the same time frightening appeal:


« Get at least 100 people

who will be saying the Prayer (the Prayer of the Hearts of Love)

100 times (i.e. the Rosary of the Hearts of Love two times)

every night, with you,

no matter where they are (between the hours of midnight and 3 am)

and the world will be changed.      


I will change the face of the earth.

I will renew My Church and I will save all souls.

I will overthrow the influence of evil.

I will overthrow evil.

I will establish the reign of My Love firmly.

My Will will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. » 

„My dear brothers and sisters,

God is calling you out of Love to make this sacrifice,

to be a victim of Love,

suffering for the salvation of souls,

the renewal of the Church,

the salvation of the world,

the firm establishment of the Reign of His Love,

the Triumph of the Two Hearts of Love,

the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and

the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Please, answer this call of God!

Please join us in saying this prayer and

making this sacrifice

– the Vigil of  prayers and sacrifice –

to keep Him company,

to keep awake

even for an hour of prayer with the Lord!

Remember what our Lord said

to His closest apostles Peter, James and John:

« My soul is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death:          

stay here and watch with Me. »

And He went a little further, and fell on His face, and prayed, saying:


« My Father, if it be possible,

let this cup pass from Me,

but not My will but Your will be done. »


And He came to the disciples, and found them asleep

and said to Peter (Matth 26: 38-41):


« Could you not keep awake with Me for one hour?          

Watch and pray that you do not fall into temptation.

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. »     

When our Lord said that we should find at least

100 persons who will be saying the Prayer (of the Hearts of Love)

100 times (i.e. the Rosary of the Hearts of Love twice) every night,

with us, no matter where they are (between the hours of midnight and 3 am),

my mind went immediately to the story about Abraham

who had the opportunity to save Sodom and Gomorrha

but under the condition

that he should find some people – 50, 45, 40, 30, 20,

even 10 righteous people.

(Please note: it was no failure on the part of Abraham

that he could not find 10 righteous people.

There were simply not enough of them.)

This led to the destruction of the city by fire.

This is a well-known story narrated in the book of Genesis (chapter 19).

At this time, at our own time,

God is giving us a special grace, a very rare chance.

He gives you and me this opportunity to help save souls –

our own souls and the souls of others –

to renew the Church and change the face of the earth and

help establish the reign of His Love.

If only you and me and a few others could make the sacrifice

of keeping awake and saying the

prayer of the Two Hearts of Love devotedly –

and thereby uniting ourselves

to the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary.

Have no fears,

this prayer is a special revelation of Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself

to His beloved people, the Church.

This prayer has already received the imprimatur

from many bishops around the world,

for the various translations in different world languages.

This time our Lord is asking specifically

that at least 100 people be found

who will be saying this prayer devotedly

every night (no matter where they are)

– especially between the hours of 12 midnights and 3 am.

This is the time for the Vigil Mass and prayer of the Two Hearts of Love.

Please, I am earnestly appealing to you on my knees

to join us make this sacrifice of Vigil prayers of Love

for souls, for the Church, for the world,

for the Reign of the Love of God,

for the Kingdom of God.

If you are willing to join in this prayer sacrifice every night

please send us your name and address and telephone number.

We shall place it on the altar where we celebrate the Holy Mass.

We shall be celebrating Holy Masses for you and

praying for you and your dear ones,

that God will give you the grace and strength

of soul, mind and body to fulfil your good promise.

We want to keep in contact with you

and all who say the prayer regularly.

We are a family of the

Two Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary,

in the very heart of the Church.

Please get many others to join in this urgent prayer sacrifice.

May God bless and reward

you and all yours abundantly.

Yours devotedly in the Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary

Rev. Father Montfort Okanwikpo



„This Is The Prayer Of The New Time

Of The Reign Of Love“



Jesus says:

«This is the prayer of the new time,

the time of the Reign of Love,

the Reign of the Hearts of Love.

Do you know that prayers of Love never end?

Hope may end,

faith will have an end but

Love never ends.

In heaven the only prayer that is said

is the prayer of Love.

Do you know that I also pray even in heaven?

The Father prays also, the Holy Spirit prays also.

We say the eternal prayer of Love.

‚I love You, Father!‘

‚I Love You, Son!‘

‚I Love You, Holy Spirit!‘

This prayer never ends.

I have taught you this prayer of Love – 

a version of which is the Prayer of the Hearts of Love.

With this I mean to introduce you into this new age of Love –

the age of the Reign of the Hearts of Love.


My Son,

keep writing, do not get weak.

I mean to introduce you into the deep mysteries of life,

into the deep mysteries of Love.

I am Love! I am Life!

Outside Me there is no life,

there is no love, only death and miserable nothing.


My child,

come into My Heart. What do you see?

What do you experience? »


Father Montfort speaking:

„I see and experience flaming fire of Love.

Infinite ocean of fire of love.

Indescribable brightness.

Indescribable peace.

Indescribable joy.

Indescribable quietness,

indescribable LOVE.

Indescribable union.

Indescribable oneness.

Perfect union of hearts,of beings, of persons,

perfect fulfillment of all our true heart desires“.


Jesus says:

« My Son,

this is where you belong.

I have given you My Heart,

this is what you possess and

this is what possesses you:

My Love.


You are My Love.

No matter how they attack you,

no matter how they insult you,

no matter how they throw you away,

no matter how they throw you about,

no matter what they think of you,

no matter what they say of you,

no matter what they do to you.


I have enveloped you in My Love.

You are perfectly secure in My Love.

Nobody and nothing can separate you from My Love.

Nobody and nothing can separate My Love from you.

You are My Love.

You are in Me and I am in you.

Let your only concern be loving Me and

loving all with My Love.


Everything you love with My Love

you are restoring it to My Love.

Restore all to My Love.

Win all in and to My Love.


Go and meet all and embrace all in My Love.

My Heart is your heaven on earth.

My Love is your heaven.

Heaven is in your midst.

Heaven is My Love.

My Love is in you.

My Love lives in you.

I am your heaven. I am in you.

You are in Me. You are Mine.


Remain in Me.

Nothing will separate you from Me.

Nothing can separate Me from you,

only your will, but now I have your will.

My Will is your will.

My Will is in you and your will is in Me.

Your will is perfectly united to Mine.


This is the level of sanctity I want

such that you will only exist in Me and

I live in you.


You are perfectly united to Me and

I am united with you.

You are in union with Me and

with the Father and with the Holy Spirit.

You are in union with My Mother and

with all My Angels and Saints.


Where you are

there I am, and

where I am

there you are.


You are Me.

I am you.

We are one.

You in Me and

I in you.


In you, through you, and with you

I mean to win and draw all souls to My Love,

to Me, to the Father and to the Holy Spirit.


My Son,

love the Father and the Holy Spirit

with one and the same Love

with which you love Me,

that is, with My Love.

We are one.


To love is

to love the Father and

to love the Holy Spirit.


Yet it is good to express it clearly:

„I love You, My Son.“

„I love You, Father.“

„I love You, the Son of God.“

„I love You, Holy Spirit.“


In loving the Father I am loving Myself,

in loving the Holy Spirit I am loving Myself.

In loving the Father and the Holy Spirit I am loving Love.


The Father is Love.

The Holy Spirit is Love.

I am Love.


We are God, God of Love. God Love.

We are Love. We are Love.

We are Love.


You belong to Us.

You come from Me.

You come from Us.

Our life is only Love.

Our Love is life.


To love Us is Love and life.

To love the Father is life.

To love the Holy Spirit is life.


To love Love,

to love God –

Love that is life –

to live Love,

to live in Love,

to live in God,

that is eternal Life.


I have offered all men eternal Life.

I have created and offered all souls,

all hearts, all persons the eternal Life.

God is eternal Love and eternal Life.

Be in Me. I am in you.


Tell all the members of My Heart of Love

that they are members of My Love and

members of My life.


Tell them

that I belong to them and that they belong to Me.

They are in Me and I am in them.


Tell them

that pure and holy life, pure and holy Love

is absolutely necessary to remain in Me.


I want them all to remain in Me and grow in Me.

I in them and they in Me.

I want to be one with them.


I became one of them so that they will be one in Me.

I in them and they in Me.


Just as the Father is in Me and I am in the Father,

and the Holy Spirit is in Me and I am in the Holy Spirit,

and the Father is in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is in the Father.


We are one and all!

One in all and all in One.


So I became man, one with mankind,

so that mankind will be one with Me – one with Us,

with the Father and with Me and with the Holy Spirit.


My Son,

My plan for the fulfilment of all

is the plan for the fulfilment of all things in Me,

in Love, in Life, in the Holy Spirit, in the Father.


It is the eternal plan for the creation and salvation

of all in the Love and Life of God.


God is Love, God is Life,

all find their fulfilment in Love, in Life.


I am Love and Life.

All find their life and Love in Me.

Without Me there is no life and no Love.


I love all.

That is why I have given Life to all:

and I have given life to all because

I want to draw all to My Love,

to unite all in My Love.


I am One and All,

the Beginning and End,

Alpha and Omega.

All is in Me.

All will be one in Me and I am all in all.


The message and work of My Hearts of Love is

the message and work of Love,

the message and work of life;

the message and work of oneness.


I in all and all in Me.

I am one in all, and all is one in Me.

You are one in Me and I am one in you.

My Love, you are Me.

I am you,

We are one. »



Bishop Ayo-Maria Atoyebi O.P.,

Ilorin Diocese/Nigeria, May 2002


„The Two Hearts Of Love Is The Only Way

To The Most Holy Trinity“


Jesus says:

« My Love,

do not let anybody or anything

distract you or derail you or

in any way diminish your Love and

your attachment to the Two Hearts of Love and

the Most Holy Trinity.


The Two Hearts of Love

is the only way to the Most Holy Trinity.

Union with the Two Hearts of Love

is the only way the Most Holy Trinity

is fully revealed to man and

is the only way the Most Holy Trinity

has chosen and established as

the way of union with the Most Holy Trinity.


The way of the Two Hearts of Love

is the way of the Most Holy Trinity.

The Truth of the Two Hearts of Love

is the Truth of the Most Holy Trinity.

The Life of the Two Hearts of Love

is the Life of the Most Holy Trinity.


My Love, do not be afraid or ashamed to

live and teach and lead all in this way, truth and

life of the Two Hearts of Love

which is immediately and completely in the way of the

truth and the Life of the Most Holy Trinity.


That was why I, Jesus, said:

„… that no one comes to the Father

except through Me.

And no one comes to Me

except the Father draws him.“


The Most Holy Trinity chose

the way of Mary,

the way of the Union of the Two Hearts to be

the Way of the revelation of

the infinite and eternal mystery of

the Most Holy Trinity.


My incarnation is the Way.

I did not just pass through Mary,

I took up all I have as man from her.

I took on Mary.


I am one with her

for our Hearts,

our inmost being,

our persons

are ever united in Love 

– the Love of the Most Holy Trinity.


Love is taking on – taking up –

the form and nature and being

of the other, of the beloved and

communicating, sharing, giving

your being – your innermost – your person

with and to the beloved.


Love is union in the innermost being

in the Heart, in the Person.


That is what Love is in the Most Holy Trinity.

That is what Love is in the Two Hearts of Love.

That is what Love is in you.

That is what Love is in the Church.

That is what Love is in the Eucharist.

That is what salvation means.

Salvation means uniting.


Only what is united with Me, Jesus Christ, is saved.


That is what Love is:

union of being,

union of Hearts in Love.


That is why God created Man

in His image and likeness

and Man became Love.


The vocation,

the being,

the origin and

the end and

fulfilment of Man

is Love,

is in God.


There can be no other

origin or end or

fulfilment of Man

than in God,

in Love.


My Love, My Son,


help Man,

save Man,

restore Man.


Win Man back, and

unite Man with His




end and


in Love –     

in the Love of God.



My Love,

love God and

love Man and

bring Man to the

Love of God,

which is what Man really is.



love God and

pity Man and

love Man and

bring Man

to the Love of God.


Help Man to

know himself,

love himself,

love God.


Man’s only




end and


is Love – Love of God.


Only in God

is man Man.

Only in God’s Love

is Man fulfilled.



help Man,

help souls,

save souls,

save Man and

bring him to the

Pure and Holy –                 

Love in God,

Love of Man and Love of God.



Help Man                

to be

what he really is:

Love –

in the Love of God.



all hearts,

‘all loves’,

all blood,

all love

in the One Love of God

in and through and with and

in union with the

Two Wounded and Bleeding

Hearts of Love –

all to the Glorious union

with the Most Holy

Trinity of Love.


You are

Love of Man and

Love of God.


You are Love

in the Most Holy

Trinity of




Love!!! »






















Let it be preached:

„Only Those With The Seal

Of The Love Of God Will Be Saved –

they will be judged according to this seal!“

November 16, 2007


Father Montfort speaking: 

„To hear that the day of the Son of man will be like

the days of Noah and Lot is very fearful,

because it means that only few will be saved.

Only one family will be saved and

the rest will be destroyed at the end of the world,

the family of Noah, the family who entered the Ark.

All were invited to the feast,

all others, no matter what reason they give,

will be destroyed.

Ask yourself:

Are your natural families going to be saved?


One will be taken, one will be left.

What is the criteria?

The seal of the Love of God.

In the Apocalypse the Angel of destruction

is told to wait till all to be saved

are sealed with the seal of God.

We are now in the time of waiting.

Only those united in union with Christ

will be saved, all others destroyed.

Don’t bring any separation from Christ in your life.

The seal implies that we are united to the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love,

the Only Solution.

Only those touched by His Most Precious Blood,

like those in the Old Testament

who slaughtered a lamb and signed their doors with its blood.

Only those covered by His Blood will be saved.

It is a very serious warning.

This is the time of preparation,

the Ark has already been built,

now we have to enter it,

only those in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary will be saved.

Only those who live the two commandments of Love –

Love of God and of Neighbour – will be saved.

It will be like in the days of Noah:

Only those in the Ark will be saved,

all others will fall prey to destruction.“


Jesus said:

« Pour this prayer over the whole world,

let everyone be touched by the seal

of the Love of God. »


Father Montfort speaking: 

„We are warning everybody,

this is the only solution,

only those united to the Two Hearts of Love

will be saved.

I will continue to say it even to those

who will continue to stone me.

„How can only few be saved?“

Christ said it clearly in the gospel,

« Try to enter the narrow door,

wide is the road leading to destruction… »

(The road of sexual pleasure…)


« Save all souls! »

All souls are those united to the Two Hearts…

and only those will be saved and they are few,

but there will be no exception.


The Lord made it the easiest, shortest way to heaven,

those who even once say,


« O Hearts of Love! »


Let us wake up and assume our responsibility.

Let it be preached:

Only those with the seal of the Love of God will be saved,

they will be judged according to this seal.

Let everybody be warned,

let everybody hear this.

This is the message

which I have received and

I am bound to preach it“:

Jesus said;

« My Love,

listen, time is short.

Make use of every opportunity

I give you to radiate and pour

My Love like sunshine and rainfall

in every heart, upon every person

and over the whole world. »


Father Montfort speaking:

„This message must be heard

even by the deaf, the blind, even the lame.


Nobody should claim ignorance.

Nobody should be allowed

to claim ignorance of this message.“

(Jesus said:)

« I am with you to strengthen you,

do not be afraid of anybody, anything.

I am, I am.

My Love,

this is My message to you,

My message of Love for the whole world.


I have decided

in My infinite Love and mercy

to redeem all, all souls,

to save the whole world

because of My Love.


I love the whole world,

the whole of My creation.


It is never in My mind to destroy

what I created out of Love,

but the world has been forcing My hand

to destroy and annihilate it.


The evil one has been forcing

the world and souls

to go against My Eternal Will

so that I will destroy the world as useless.


Now I have decided

in My infinite Love and mercy

to do away with the rebellious one,

the father of all sins and rebellion.

I will drive him away from the world,

which I have created for

My beloved children,

the human beings.


My Son,

all I have promised you

and through you to the whole Church

and to the whole world

I mean to bring to fulfilment.

I stand by My promises

and I will make all of them good.




My Love,

I love you and I will ever love you

and bring all to the Love of Me.

I bring this through you,


My Love,

it is through My Love that I created the world.

Through My Love I have saved and

will ever save My world, My creation.  


My Love,

be ready to work, to suffer,

to sacrifice and to obey Me

even to the point of death.


My Son,

you are carrying the wounds I have.

I share everything with you,

My sufferings, joys and glory.


My Love,

do not let anything

discourage you or stand in the way

of My love in any way.


You are absolutely called

in freedom to be one with Me,

you are absolutely in union with Me.


Let nothing and nobody think

that it can in any way

separate you from Me,

My Love.


I cannot be separated from you,

My Love, for I and My Love are one.

Let the world come back to Me.


I mean to pour the Blood of My Love

over the whole world

not minding the obstacles.


I mean to shine the light of My Love

on all and on the whole world

not minding the obstacles.


I mean to radiate My Love

into the whole world

not minding the obstacles.


I am God, not man.

I am the Holy One

in your midst.




I am not a god,

I am God,

I am One,

there is no other.

I am the Almighty,

nobody else is God!

Nobody else is almighty!  

I alone am God.


I have decided in My infinite Love and Mercy

to save all souls

that I have created out of Love,


but, My Son,

I require the simplest sign of love

and I will make it infinite in value.


Let every soul

make some simple signs of response

and I will accept that out of My Love and

that soul will be saved.

(There must be a sign of love, or else there is no salvation,

no matter how small, how simple.)


The simplest, the least sign of love

and acceptance of My Love

and I will act with My almighty power of

creation and redemption and

all will be saved

who accept My Love and

let My Love be poured upon and into them and

let My Love shine upon and into them,

let My Love,

the fire of My Love, be radiated into them,

the fire of My Love be enkindled

in them and upon them.  


My Son,

there is every hope to save all souls.


My Love,

your prayers have been heard.


The prayers

which I put into your heart and into your mouth,

the Prayer

which I Myself taught you and asked you to teach all.


My Love,

I am saving all souls.


My Love,

the Prayer of My Hearts of Love has been heard.

I am saving all souls

with My Mighty Power,

with My Almighty Power,

with the power of My Infinite Love and Mercy.


My Love,

have you heard and understood

what I have done and what I am doing?

With the fire and the light and

the radiation and outpouring of

My Infinite Eternal Love

I am dispelling and annihilating

all the darkness of wickedness

and hatred and sin.


I am bringing

a new heaven and

a new earth,

where My Love,

My Infinite and Eternal Love reigns.  


My Church has prepared this

over the centuries

with faith, hope and charity,

with the prayers and sacrifices and

blood of uncountable martyrs,

the sacrifice of uncountable Saints.


My Love,

the time must come

for the Reign of the Kingdom,

of My Kingdom,

the Reign of My Love,

the Reign of My Hearts of Love,

the triumph of pure and holy Love,

the time for the Reign of the Most Holy Trinity.


My Love,

the time must come,

it is there, the appointed time,

which I have fixed from all eternity

to install My Kingdom on earth,

to restore the Kingdom to Israel,

the Kingdom of true faith,

pure love and peace and holiness.


My Love,

the time has come

for the union of all hearts in My Love.


My Love,

the time has come,

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.  

Prepare all

for the Reign of My Kingdom of Peace and Love,

of righteousness and universal brotherhood

of all in My Love,

in My one family of Love.


My Love,

this will not happen without a fight.

It will not happen without a fight.


The war is raging,

all the evil forces are loose

and pouring their venom of

deceit and destruction on the world

trying to deceive uncountable souls.


But, My Love,

in My infinite Love and Mercy,

I have shortened the time of these tribulations.


See the light of Love and Peace coming!

The day of salvation is breaking over the whole world!

The fire of Love is lit and shining.  


Prepare all for this day,

the day of war against all evil forces

and overthrow and destruction

of all evil forces

with the Power of Love,

the Almighty Power of Love,

the Divine Power of Love.



My Son,

My plan is to use human beings,

victim souls who will give themselves

as sacrifice of love,

holocausts of love,

who are set on fire and

consumed by the fire of

My Divine Love.


My Son,

do not allow any distraction,

listen well!


This is the time

for the Victims of Love

to shine and come out and

live and proclaim

their love for Me.  


This is the time for the

public war of Love.


This is the time

to fight for the honour of God

and to defeat and overthrow

the enemy completely

with the fire and light and

outpouring of pure and holy Love.


The enemy

cannot withstand and

cannot have anything with which

to counteract the fire and light and

outpouring of pure and holy Love.


The way

the Archangel

destroyed him,

destroying it with the

perfect obedience,

perfect purity and holiness and

oneness with My Eternal Father;


the way

My most holy Mother,

Blessed Mother,

fought and defeated and

crushed the head of the serpent,

the ancient dragon and the devil,

with her perfect response of Love and

union with the Most Holy Will of God,

with her pure and Immaculate Conception,

with the Annunciation.  


My Son, My Love,

everything that happened in My life

and in the life of My mother

are the means of overthrowing

the evil and establishing the kingdom.


Now it is the same with you,

the only solution

I have revealed to you

is this:




Unite with the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts!”




My Love,

this is the time

to apply this solution to the fullest and

see what will happen.


This enemy,

who has been deceiving

souls and nations

will be completely overthrown.


This Prayer, this Prayer, this Prayer.

My Son!

This Prayer!


I have put the

Almighty and Infinite

Power of Love,

which I am,

which I have,

in this Prayer

to save all souls and

save the whole world.

Renew all My creation!


My Love,

this is the time,

no more hesitation,

no more postponement,

this is the time!


My Love,

stretch yourself to the highest of

your limits as man and

the Divine Power in you will take over.


My Love,

I am with you, both

now and forever.


The war is on!

Let all My children of

My Hearts of Love

be warned and alert.


Be awake!

Be watchful.

And pray.

Stay awake and be praying!


They will not fall into temptation.

They will not fall into the hands of the evil one.

The evil one has been overthrown.


Now is the time to fight.

The time for victory and

triumph has come.  


My Son, My Love,

this is the fullness of time.

Not many have understood this.

You must tell them all!

This is the time

for the Reign of Love.


The Pope has prepared the way.


Do not be ashamed or afraid,

nobody and nothing

can do anything to you,

which I have not approved.


Nothing can happen to you

without My approval.


All that happens to you is for

the Reign of My Love.


My Love,

this is the time,

get up and fight,

get up and pray,

get up and preach!


Get up and love,

get up and live!


Get up and shine,

get up and radiate My Love!


Get up and draw

from My infinite ocean of Love and

pour it on souls – all souls.


This is the time

for the annihilation of evil

and the establishing of the

Kingdom of God.


This is that

for which My Son came,

worked tirelessly

and offered Himself

pouring His Most Precious Blood

to the last drops on the cross.


This is the time

for which He has chosen (to pray in all His members this)

„Thy kingdom come!“   


My Love,

open the eyes of the people

to see it and to live

accepting and embracing this Love,

uniting themselves to

these Two Hearts and

in this way

uniting themselves

to the Most Holy Trinity of Love.

This is My plan for

salvation and fulfillment

of all things,

all things in Christ,

to unite all things in Him,

things in heaven and

things on earth.


My Son,

My Love,

this is the fulfillment of the

plan I have for

all My creation.



My whole creation

will be fulfilled

when the splendour of My Love,

the Glory of God,

the Kingdom of God

has come.


My Son,

My Love,

thank you immensely

for the Vigil last night,

for the Mass and the prayers

and for listening

with such attention.

I love you and

I will always love you

and all with you.  



My Son,

My Love,

the time has come

to proclaim openly

the only solution

I have given you

since childhood,

which you have

been proclaiming

but not so loud and

not so organized.

Make everybody understand

that this is the only solution

to the problems of the world.

I have given it and

I will give it.




Tell everybody!

Tell the Pope,

all the bishops,

all  priests,

all religious,

all lay people,

tell even non-Christians,



All should consecrate themselves and

unite themselves to the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.

The only solution;

only those who are united

to the Love of God

will be saved,

and all who are united

will be saved.


Obtain their paper

of consecration,

this is the way I want it

to be organized,

organize it well.


Please, My Son,


I want it.

Hurry and obtain

their consecration and the

union of souls with Me

in My Hearts of Love,

I want it.


This is the Eternal Will of the Father.

I am with you,

both now and forever and ever. Amen.  


All who are consecrated,

all who are united with Me

and remain in this union

are saved and help to save others

through their prayers and

their union with Me.


My Love,

help Me.

The whole world is My family,

the whole world is My garden.

Help Me to recover and replant

My garden with the fruits of Love.


Let Love be flowing like river

in My whole world, and


let Love be falling like rain

on My whole creation.


Let Love be shining like the sun

on My whole creation.


Let Love be flowing from heaven down to the earth and

be rising again from earth to heaven.


Let all on earth and in heaven

be united in the Hearts of Love,

in the one Love of God,

in the one Love of the Most Holy Trinity.


My Son,

this work is enormous.

It can only be done

with the full and total inspiration

and guidance of the Holy Spirit.  


Tell everybody,

tell the Pope,

all the bishops,

all priests,

all religious,

all lay people,

tell even non-Christians,



All should consecrate themselves

and unite themselves to the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.


Remember what happened

in the days of Noah,

he warned them,

he warned them,

he warned them,

only those who entered the Ark were saved,

all who entered the Ark were saved.

(The mixture of these words “only” and “all”. They are united.)

Obtain their papers of consecration,

this is the way I want it to be organized.

Let it be organized

as the Church does the organization

from individual to family,

from station to parish,

diocese, country and the whole world.




Please, My Son,

hurry and obtain the consecration

and union of souls to Me

in the Hearts of Love.

I want it.


This is the Eternal

Will of the Father.

I am with you

both now and forever and ever.

Amen. »  


« This work is enormous

and can only be done

with the full and total

inspiration of the Holy Spirit.


I have poured My Spirit in you

and will ever be pouring Him into you.

You are nothing and

can do nothing

without My Holy Spirit.


Let all the members

have special Love and attachment

to the Holy Spirit

as they have to Me and you.


Let their greatest Love

be to the Eternal Father,

the Father of Love,

your Father and My Father,

the origin and end of all.


My Love,

let all on earth know that they are all

children of One Father,

children of the One Father.


And that they all have their

home in the One Father in heaven.

At last all will return to the

House of the Father in heaven.  

Let there be no more hatred, wickedness and sin.

Let there be no more wars and killing.


Let there be Love

flowing in every heart and every soul.


Let children be taught

from the earliest days

to regard all human beings as

children of the One Father in heaven.




Let Love be planted

and watered and tendered

to grow in every heart,

especially the heart of all children.


Let all children be loved and cared for

as children of the One Father in heaven.


That is why

I asked you to work hard and to

introduce this free and loving

feeding, education, care,

clothing, housing

for all children from the earliest days

to at least their 12th birthday.

Begin with children.


The world resources are more than enough

to take care of this,

let all share,

let all the nations share,

let all the families share.

Let there be children’s fund.


It is strictly forbidden

to teach children hatred,

wickedness and sin.  


The Ten Commandments

is basis for the whole world.


All must know that they have their

one Origin from the Father in heaven,

who has generously poured

His Love on His whole creation,

He has put many resources

in all corners of the world

and allowed man to discover them

and make good use of them

for their well-being in faithfulness and

for the greater glory

and honour of God.


My Son,

go, I will tell you more.


My Son, listen.

Your public ministry has begun

and what you are doing now

is entering into My history of salvation for all souls

and what is happening now

fully goes in direction of My Eternal Plan

for the salvation of all through the

Union with the Two Hearts of Love –

leading to the Ultimate Union with the Most Holy Trinity.

Let therefore all you think, say and do

be only My Most Holy Will.

I have talked to you about your responsibility

of the formation of all

I have entrusted to you in My Hearts of Love,

priests, brothers and sisters. »


Father Montfort speaking: 

„This fearful message from the readings is a happy news.

We rejoice because God has decided to save all souls.

But all souls means only those who are sealed with Love.

Only and All. Only those who are in the Ark.

Only those who are in the family.“


Jesus said:

« Continue going, don’t look behind. »


Father Montfort speaking: 

„Only those who are sealed with His Love.

Only those. All. Only and all who are in His Love.

Therefore the importance of our duty to bring all to His Love.

The Lord wants all to be saved.“


Jesus said:

« All you love with this My Love

will be saved. »


Father Montfort speaking:

„The authority God has given to His Church:

Whatever you bind here on earth

will be bound in heaven.

Whatever you loose here on earth

will be loosed in heaven.

The Union of Heaven and Earth – that is the aim

of the Incarnation. That is the plan and

Eternal Will of God – to unite all things in Christ,

things in heaven and things on earth –

through the Incarnation.

Thank God forever and ever infinitely,

absolutely for choosing me,

choosing us to be bearer of this greatest

Love and Gospel which Lucifer opposed and

therefore became devil and is busy moving many

to reject this Union of the Two Hearts of Love

which is the meaning and means of the Incarnation and

God’s Own and Only Solution for Salvation of All.

The Church has the power to save all.

All the Church saves here on earth are saved there in heaven.

God has given us power, power to love,

power to bring others to the Love of Him,

power to bring all to salvation.

Let us not relent, let us work hard.“


Message On The Only Solution From God

September 2004

Jesus says:

« Work hard now and achieve all I want you to achieve.

The time is short but you have so much to do.

  • All souls must be touched.
  • Every person must receive enough opportunity

and chance to meet Me in My Hearts of Love and

have enough rich information and offer and invitation

to come to Me and unite himself or herself with Me. 

  • Then the decision to be with Me or against Me

must be made in full consciousness of the implications

and benefits and blessings and losses and gains and

consequences and curses. 


Let them have ample and full information and

enough chance to make their decision for Me and

My Hearts of Love or against Me and My Hearts of Love. 


Let no human being say:

„I have never heard that there is something like

God, Love, Hearts of Love.“


Let nobody say:

„I have never heard that there is something

like the Holy Eucharist.“


Let nobody say:

„I have never been told of the implications

or the benefits and blessings of the Hearts of Love.“


Let nobody say:

„I have never heard of the union of the

Two Hearts of Love and I have never been told,

that I should unite Myself to these

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.“


Let nobody claim ignorance

that this solution is from Heaven, from God. 


Let nobody say,

that he/she has never heard that this is the

Only Solution from God, revealed to a small child,

as the only solution for the redemption of all,

for the salvation of the whole world. 


My Love,

this is what you have to let all and sundry know.

Nobody is excluded from My Love.

Nobody is exempt from Salvation.

Nobody is exempt from full information about

My Hearts of Love. 

My Love,

do not allow the enemy to continue to spread lies

about My Hearts of Love and in this way

prevent people from accepting Me in

My Hearts of Love and coming to Me and

uniting themselves to Me in My Two

Wounded and Bleeding Hearts and

being secured for Eternal Life. 

This My plan for the Salvation of all

must be made clear and available to all.


Nobody has the right to withhold such

most important and saving, redeeming, fulfilling truth

from My people,

from any person,

from any soul.


This is for the redemption of souls and

all souls have the inalienable right to

this knowledge of Salvation.


Nobody for any reason whatsoever has the right

to withhold this most useful and eternally and

infinitely important

truth of life, Love and faith and hope

from any soul.

All souls are created for salvation. 


Please, My Son,

work hard and let all souls receive

this information in its purity and fullness

and freedom and holiness.

Let every soul, that can make decisions,

be in the place to make clear and informed decisions.


On this depends

the Eternal Salvation of many,

not only of the person himself/herself

but that of those around him/her and

those going before him/her and

those coming after him/her.


My Love,

let nobody distract you from this Mission.

All who distract you will regret it.

All who prevent it or fight against

this Mission of Love,

this School of Love,

this Reign of My Love,

they will all regret it.


I want them to accept Me in My Hearts of Love. 

Accepting Me in My Hearts of Love is like

accepting Me in My Incarnation,

accepting Me in My Most Holy Eucharist,

accepting Me in My Love,

accepting Me in My Hearts of Love. 


Refusing to accept Me in My Two Hearts of Love is the same as

refusing to accept Me in My Love,

refusing to accept Me in the Most Holy Trinity of Love,

refusing to accept Me in My Incarnation,

refusing to accept Me in My Most Holy Sacraments          

especially the Most Holy Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. 


It has the same consequences as

refusing to accept Me in My Church,

refusing to accept Me in My apostles and prophets

and Saints and Angels and servants and

in My Son and My Love,

whom I have sent to My people,

to My creation.


I want to save

My entire creation.

I want to save all souls.

I want to save

My entire Church,

My entire people,

My entire Church. 


Let all know,

that I have this fixed

Eternal and Infinite Will

to save all in My Love

in and with and through

My Hearts of Love! 


Let all hear this clearly and

let all receive the invocation,

let all receive the invitation

to come to Me and unite themselves

with My Love,

with My Hearts of Love,

with My Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love. 


I am with you and all those with you

both now and forever and ever.



My Son,

do not be afraid to give this truth

as I give it to you.

This is absolutely true – the truth.

This truth is absolutely and infinitely truthful.


My Love, remain in My Love.

Remain the truth of My Love.

Let all see the truth of My Love

in you and through you. 


They have made every effort to

spread all sorts of lies and warnings and

hindrances about you and around you and

even attacking those who are with you. 


My Son,

arise and defend Me.

Defend the truth that I am.

Defend the Love that I am.

Defend the Holiness and the Purity that I am.

Live Me and defend Me.


Let Me live in you, live you and defend Myself in you.

Let Me live you and defend Me in you.


It is the same enemy

– who does not want people to

come to the knowledge of the truth and so

come to the knowledge of salvation.


It is the same ancient and ferocious, sworn enemy,

– who is trying to prevent

the Truth of Love of the Hearts of Love to shine and

is very, very busy spreading the terrible black cloud and

stench smoke of lies and doubts and distraction and

even warnings and persecution

against Me, against you and

against My Society.

But do not be afraid! 


My Son,

this is the time for the victorious triumph of My Love,

of My Hearts of Love,

over all forces of evil and darkness and

wickedness and hatred and sin


My Love,

please do all I bid you and avoid all I forbid.

I love you with Eternal and Infinite Love and in the same way

I love all who are with you and follow you,

My Love. 


It is the same ancient and sworn enemy

– who tried to prevent My becoming Man,

– who tried to instigate Herod to butcher Me

and massacre the children of Bethlehem,

– who entered the hearts and minds and souls of all those,

– who opposed Me and rejected Me

during My earthly ministry.




It is the same enemy,

– who spread lies and calumny against Me,

the same enemy

– who took terrible offence with My curing people

and works of mercy and preaching and miracles

and raising the dead and cleansing the Temple. 


My Love,

it is the same enemy

– who wanted to prevent My ascending the Cross

by suggesting an alternative to the Most Holy and

Loving and Eternal and Absolute and Infinite Will of the Father.

I love the Father and I love all the Father wills.

I love and live the Will of the Father.


My Son,

love Me and Love and live My Will. 


It is the same enemy

– who wanted to prevent My incarnation,

– who wanted to destroy Me when I became man and

was born of the Virgin Mary,

– who attacked My Immaculate Virgin Mother and

wanted to kill her and destroy her,


the same enemy

– who did all to oppose My preaching, My work and mission,

distorting My words and works and imputing terrible evil motives

to My Will and intention,

– who took over the people, even Judas, My apostle

and pushing him to sell Me and betray Me with a kiss. 

My Son, My Love, be careful.


It is the same evil

– that is incessantly fighting

against My Hearts of Love devotion,

society, congregation, family,

messages and prayer and life. 

Do not be worried.

Do not be afraid.


I have conquered him and

I have conquered the world.

You are standing on My Victory.

You have inherited fully My Victory and Triumph.

Let all know this.


Let the enemy and also all friends know,

that you come from Me and

have inherited all I have for you,

for this Mission for

the Salvation of each single soul and

the Salvation of all souls.


It is the same enemy

– who fought to eliminate Me,

to distract Me from the Will of the Father,

– who tried to force Me

to deny the Oneness with the Father –

they will do the same, even worse to you.

But remain strong and steadfast.


It is the same ancient sworn enemy

– who tried to rob My death,

My sufferings,

and the great infinite Graces

and Redemption

and Salvation of all

and Union of all in Me, Jesus Christ,

all in Heaven and all on earth. 


My Love, My Son,

it is the same enemy

– who tried to prevent My coming and never succeeded,   

– who tried to kill Me as a baby and never succeeded,        

– who tried to prevent My preaching and

work of mercy and

healing of souls, spirits and body,


the same ancient enemy

– who tried to cause My early death and

prevent My resurrection –

putting chains and soldiers to watch and

prevent the event.


When they woefully failed

they resorted to lies and distortion and

persecution and killing of My witnesses,

My followers, My apostles, My members. 


They are prepared to repeat

the same ancient war of hatred and distortion and

destruction and lies and

damnation of souls

who would follow him and his lies,

instead of Me Who am

the Truth, the Way, the Life. 


My Love, My Child,

do not be afraid or worried

no matter how the enemy tries to distract you.

Remain firmly fixed on Me and

eternally and infinitely,

unconditionally united with Me.

My Love must reign.

My Hearts of Love must win and

have the victory and triumph.


It is the same enemy

– who is publishing lies about you and

spreading them with the intention to

prevent people from coming to you and

uniting themselves to My

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts. 


My Love,

do not be worried,

just continue living the Life of Love in the Hearts of Love and

bringing all to the Love of Me.

My Love must reign.

The lies of the enemy and the

wickedness, hatred and sin

will never have the upper hand.


No, it is I the Lord, your God,

the God of Love of the Hearts of Love,

I alone am God.

There is no other.

You are My Love.


I will bring all I have planned from all eternity,

all I have prepared,

all I have promised to perfect fulfilment.       

My Love must reign in you as in Me,

My Love must reign on earth as it is in Heaven.

My Love must triumph and reign in all and all in all.

I am with you both now and

forever and ever. Amen.


My Love,

I will bring the lies of the enemy

to face the light of Truth and

all will be exposed.


My Love,

do not be afraid to own Me as

I am not afraid to own you.

You call Me ‚My God, My Love, My All‘.


My Love,

remain firm and steadfast in My Love.

Remain steadfast and unchanging, unwavering –

I am with you both now and

forever and ever. Amen. 


My Love,

the time has come for you to bring out

all you have and to set to work

with all the talents and energy.


I have endowed you to bring about the

Reign of My Hearts of Love in the whole world.


Do not be afraid of anybody or anything,

just do all I bid you and see that

all who follow you

do exactly what I tell you.


I do not want any parallel organisation.

Everything about My Hearts of Love

must flow through you and to you, to Me.


This is the way I want it. 

Just as the Eternal Father Himself

has established it,

that everything flows to Me

and through Me to Him.


He has planned to unite all things in Me,

things in heaven and things on earth.


So I have planned to unite all things in Me

through you and with you in My Two Hearts of Love.


You are Love.

Love is the bond of unity.

All things in heaven and on earth are united

in the one bond of infinite and eternal Love,


God is Love

and all things are united in God,

in Love and through Love.

You are the Love of God.

God is the God of Love. 


My Love,

now you must know that

the enemy has sent many forces visible and invisible

– to watch closely what you say and do.

Do not be afraid.


This is the opportunity

to teach all, even the enemy,

what My Love is,

what My Hearts of Love is.


Now be prepared both

for the worst and the best. 


But please,

make yourself free

to receive all I have to give you and

give to others,

all I have given you for them.


Especially My Family of the Two Hearts of Love,

they need steady nourishment from you.



Please, My Love,

care for and feed My beloved children.

Give them their food at the right time.

I am with you both now and

forever and ever.



My Love,

do you not know

that the whole world is waiting

for the revelation of the Hearts of Love? »


The Archangels speak:


„I, Archangel Raphael,

I have brought you the power to heal all.“ 


„I Gabriel,

I have brought you the power to preach and convince and

win all to the Love of God.“


„I Michael, 

I have brought you power to

pray and fight with God and for God and

to win all battles with prayer – 

the weapon of God -,

with prayer and adoration,

with Love and with praising and

worshipping and thanking God.


With remaining in the presence of God,

loving, obeying, worshipping,

adoring and serving Him

with all He has given you and

all He Will give you,

by doing His Holy and Eternal Will.


It was I, Michael,

who saved the Angels from total destruction

which was what Lucifer wanted.


He knew from the very beginning,

that he cannot win any battle

by revolting against God.


What he wanted,

was a sort of general suicide,

that the generation of Angels should be abolished. 


Such a terrible hatred of himself and

all the Angels,

all the creatures of God in the nature of Angels,

such a terrible hatred of God!


His scheme was to destroy himself and

destroy all Angels with him

and thus try to force God

to change His Eternal Will.

The madness of hatred and terror of self-destruction and

the catastrophe of disobedience!

He has already got one third and

was coercing others

trying to make them use their free will

against God

and therefore against themselves. 


Then, I intervened and

declared openly

that I will serve

the Lord, My God, and He alone – 

His Will alone I will do.


He declared war against me and

those following me

who remained on the side of God.

He did not and cannot reach God

to fight against God.


Who is he to reach God,

to touch God?

All he did was

to destroy himself and the Angels

and destroy God’s plan for His creation –

God’s holy and ever-loving plan

for the entire creation.


I intervened.


God lives in unapproachable

Light and Love.

Even in Heaven there is a

radical natural demarcation

between the Divinity and the creatures.


Creatures and the Divinity

are never the same

not even in Heaven,

for even in Heaven

God sits on His Throne of Glory

and lives in unapproachable

Light of Love. 


This continues drawing you

infinitely to Himself like a magnet.

It never stops fascinating and drawing

but you never enter into it.



But the ecstasy of this pull is

indescribable and the infinite ways

God provides the joy,

the fulfilment and the ecstasy in this drawing. 


So, what the devil Lucifer did

was to try

to go in the opposite direction

away from the Will of God,

the pull of God,

the magnet of God, the Love of God,

by using his creaturely free will

to oppose and refuse the

Loving pull of the Will of God

and setting his creaturely will

against the Eternal Will of God,

and thereby teaching some Angels

the possibility of going against the Will of God

by refusing His Loving Will,

preferring their own useless self-destructive will

to the Eternal and Loving Will of God. 


By my intervention

I saved not only the angelic being,

but all other existences

from being used by the devil Lucifer

against their nature and therefore

against God’s Most Holy and Perfect Will. 



How did I do it? – 

By the Love of God.


God poured His Love into my little soul

and my spirit was filled with the splendour,

the Love and the majesty of God,

and I saw what we would all be loosing –

God’s Love;

and what those who revolt against His Will will receive – 

eternal self-destruction in hell fire.


Then in my ecstasy of Love for God

and for myself and my fellow angelic creatures and

for the entire creation

I shouted: 


‚Who is like God –

so loving, so good, so splendid, so majestic,

so… so … so … so …so …so ….!‘ 


And the voice of my Love and adoration

(filled the whole place) and I prostrated myself on the ground,

adoring and loving and praising Him

with all I have and I am.


Most of the Angels followed me immediately,

loving God and worshipping Him. 


Lucifer became furious.

His hatred of me, of himself and of the Angels and of God

rose to its peak and he

began raining abuses on me and

the Angels worshipping and serving God with me.


He began to pour the venom of his anger

on me and on all with me,

but the more he did that

the more we loved and the more we worshipped and

the more we adored and the deeper we prostrated and

then the splendour of God began to shine more

in me and in all who were with me on the side of God.


His unapproachable Light of Love and splendour

became more and more radiant in me

and in all with me on the side of God.


It was the Light of the Face of God,

the Love,

the Splendour,

His Infinite Majesty,

His indescribable Glory

which began to shine brighter than any brightness,

that drove Satan Lucifer and

his wicked Angels, self destructive Angels,

further and further away from the

Loving and Eternal presence and

splendour of God Love. 


The farer and farer he went from God

the more and more he drifted into

the darkness of hell and

the eternal punishment of self-destruction.


He devised all possible means of destroying

himself and those with him

thinking to end his existence. 


But God has created him to be eternal.

So in his madness of self-destruction

he has done and still does all things

to destroy himself inflicting indescribable injuries

on himself and all with him

to destroy them and end their existence

but he can never stop existing.


God allowed him to do with himself

all he wanted and

to do with all those with him

what he wanted.

He needed only to wish it.

It is only evil, revolt, hatred, wickedness.



It is unthinkable, indescribable,

all that he has unleashed and perpetrated

on himself and all with him,

they scheme to excel each other

in their self- and other-destructive plans and machinations.


The more they hate themselves and seek to destroy themselves,

the more their hatred increases and

the more they do all they can to destroy themselves

revolting against God, who gave them being,

who created them out of Love.


The more they rejected His Love

rejecting their existence and doing all they could imagine

to destroy themselves and obstruct God’s Love and

negate God’s plan for them

they are the most miserable. 


God does nothing to them.

It is they who with their

indescribable hatred of themselves and of all,

do themselves all sorts of harm and inflict on themselves

all sorts of indescribable punishment like

biting their very selves with themselves,

jumping into the hottest destructive burning fire,

crushing themselves,

tearing themselves,

changing themselves into heinous indescribable forms and shapes.

There is no limit and no end to the punishment

they inflict on themselves and others with them.


Whereas those who followed Lucifer Satan

drifted farer and farer away from God,

drifting and flying infinitely away from God,

I and the Angels with me,

we came nearer and nearer to God

and were drawn infinitely nearer to God. 


Before the fall

no creature came so near to God.

It was a test.


Lucifer and his wicked Angels fell from grace and

away from the Love and service of God.


God rewarded us by

drawing us deeper and deeper,

infinitely deeper into His Loving majesty and

infinite splendour and holiness. 


Write what I am telling you:


Many human beings rightly ask

how can Angels in Heaven in the presence of God

turn away from him revolting against Him.


The Heaven that we are in now,

the Heaven into which God in His Infinite Love

has drawn us into,

is really the Heaven, the Heaven of heaven,

the Heaven of His Infinite Love and Holiness

and Majesty and Union in Love.


The infinite ecstasy of this union

is eternally unbreakable,

nonstop, forever permanent in the

increase in the Love. 


How can I describe it?


It cannot be described!

There can never be any language to describe it.


The heaven, we were in before the fall,

is like the paradise

where Adam and Eve were in the presence of God,

but had the possibility of sinning, of disobeying,

of using their wills against God,

they had the possibility of falling away

even though they were in paradise.


But the Heaven which

Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

has opened for man is

the real Heaven,

the Heaven of Heaven,

the innermost Heaven.


Here you are so taken up

in the Will and Love of God,

you are being pulled willingly

into the infinite Goodness and Love of God.


Can you imagine you

driving your car on the ground

with the possibility of getting out

or turning left or right or

even causing an accident;


then there comes a force,

an infinitely great loving ecstasy,

pulling you up with your car into

the infinite space with infinite speed:

it is what you will, your will is one with this Will,

it is the absolute Union of Will, Love, Pleasure.



But now this your free will is

absolutely united with His Will,

which has given you and gives you

infinitely more fulfilment and joy

than you can imagine.


There is no getting out or turning back,

but the point is that you are

infinitely being fulfilled

in union with His.

Your will is

infinitely fulfilled

in His Will Love.  


Go to them and tell them

the great Glory and the great danger.


Take off now completely on this direction.

Here is a small replay

of the Heaven and test for the Angels

and small replay

of paradise for Adam and Eve. 


The only solution is to unite yourselves to the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.


Let God carry you;

tell about the absolute necessity

of pure and holy Love

and total obedience to the Will of God,

revealed in this Love and Prayer.


The weapon of war and victory

is this Prayer.


Let them not misuse or underuse or waste it.


This is the time of the Reign.

Get going and let yourselves be carried

by the Eternal and Loving will of God.“




September 30, 2004

St. Michael says:

„My Love,

I am still talking to you.

I have a lot to tell you for the entire

Family of the Hearts of Love to which I myself belong.


I bring all the Angels with me to this Family.

This is what the Eternal Father has given me to do:

to bring all the angelic powers to this

Family of the Two Hearts of Love.

Do you remember what He promised you?


If you do all He asked you to do

  • living the Life of Love as you should live it,
  • doing the work of Love as you should do it,
  • being united with Him as you should,

He will make this Family of the Two Hearts of Love

the biggest Family on earth

as well as in Heaven.


He has asked me to bring all the Angels and

make them members of this Family.

I am requesting you to register us all, all the Angels of God,

we are all your members,

members of the Family of the Two Hearts of Love. 


We are not just serving you and serving in this Family,

we are members, full fledged members,

with full responsibility of prayers

and apostolate like all other members.


Thank you for accepting us.

Angels are innumerable times more

than human beings in number.

The Lord has fulfilled the Promise He made you.


‚My Family of the Hearts of Love will be

innumerable times more than any

Family in Heaven and on Earth.‘


Have you realised the greatness of this

Family of the Two Hearts of Love? 


I love you, my Love.

I love you, my Love.

I love you, my Love.


Remain always my Love,

remain always our Love,

remain always in the Love of God.“



Jesus is speaking:

« Receive more messages.

Write what I am telling you:


This mission of the Hearts of Love

is the most important mission

and the whole Heaven and earth are waiting

for this Reign of the Love of God,

of the Hearts of Love

on earth as in Heaven.


In other words, the whole Heaven and earth

are waiting for you

to say ‚yes‘ to this Reign.


It depends on you, on your ‚yes‘.

Say this ‚yes‘ with your whole heart and soul and body and spirit.

Say this ‚yes‘ with your whole being.

Say this ‚yes‘ with all you have and are.

Say this ‚yes‘ as an absolute ‚yes‘ and Love of God,

the whole Glory of God,

whole Blessings of God,

the whole Graces of God,

the Power of the Most High will overshadow you

and the Spirit of God will come with His full power

and the Son of God will come with His Fullness of Love,

of Divinity and Humanity and

all will dwell in you and through you.

All the Reign of the Love of God

will be established on earth as in Heaven. » 


I offered myself completely wholly and entirely

to God to use me as it pleases Him and

I am here to do His will wholly and entirely.

He asked me to lie down beside the cross.

I lay down and Jesus on the cross turned and

entered into me and I dissolved into him.

He asked me again to lie beside the cross

with my hand joined to Him on the cross.

I did and He said:


« You have the whole world to feed

with the Word of God,

with the Love of God.

Get up and go to the people.

It is almost ten o’clock. » 

I got up and it was ten o’clock.


« My Son, My Love,

I thank you for giving Me your absolute yes.

I thank you immensely for saying this total,

absolute and unconditional and eternal yes

to Me and My Eternal Will of Love.


In saying this yes to Me,

you have said yes to all I love and to all who love Me.        

You have said yes to My Eternal and Infinite Loving Will;

you have said yes to the Eternal and Infinitely Loving Father;

you have said yes to the Eternal and Infinitely Loving Holy Spirit;

you have said yes to the Eternal and Infinitely Loving Son; and

you have said yes to the Eternal and Infinite Love

in the Most Holy Trinity of Love.


You have said yes to yourself,

your nature, your mission,

your fulfilment, your eternity.



In saying this absolute yes,

you have touched

the very core of all that is,

the very Heart of God and

the very centre of Heaven and

the very core of the entire world and creation. 


My Son, My Beloved,

what I said to you about the Pope

is what is – is what he is:

he is the Pope of My Hearts of Love.

The crown of his papacy is the

Reign of My Hearts of Love,

which he is to proclaim

to the whole world. 


The message of Fatima which spoke much

about his person and his papacy

has the core in the Reign of the Hearts of Love –

the Immaculate Heart of My Mother and

My Most Sacred Heart –

the Two Hearts ever united in Love.


There in Fatima My Mother

made it clear to the whole world

what the Will of My Father is: 


God’s will is

that the Two Hearts of Love be venerated together

and no longer be separated.


The message of Fatima is central

to the Message of the Two Hearts of Love.


Through Lucia I and My Mother made it clear

what the will of My Father is,

that the Hearts of Love will reign

from Deutschland.


My Love, you are the fulfilment of this prophecy.

I have brought this prophecy to fulfilment in and through you.

It is for the Reign of My Hearts of Love in Deutschland

and through Deutschland in the whole world

that I sent you to Germany and

you have been living in Germany one quarter of your earthly life. 

Here you have suffered terrible rejection and persecution.



But, My Son, do not be worried,

it will all come to pass, it is almost all over and



Do not go away from Germany,

stay here and pray and fast and do penance.

Now the light of My Love will shine more and more

in you and through you

in the whole world. »  


« Never allow anybody to make you

think or say or do anything against

– My Church,

– your Church, or against

– her leaders,

– the servants,

– My Pope,

– My Bishops and

– Priests and

– Religious Men and Women and

– the Laity.


Love all of them with My Love – with Hearts of Love.

You are Love from Me, God, the Most Holy Trinity of Love.

Love! Love! Love! Love! Love! Love! Love! Love! Love! » 


(Union with the Will of God, union with the

Two Hearts of Love – this Prayer – as God’s Will,

solution, instrument and weapon for Love and Peace,

freedom, justice, righteousness and

fulfilled life for all and salvation of all.)


« Peace comes with freedom, righteousness and justice.

Justice to all – even the unborn and distant generations.


Let them correct the imbalance in the world,

the lots of injustice and racism and genocide and hatred.


Let them use more My instrument of prayer

and justice and righteousness. 


Tell all those fighting against AIDS to fight harder,

but let them not waste their time

thinking that such diseases will be fought and controlled

by scientific advancement and medicine.


The root of this is the evil,

evil in life,

evil in sex,

evil in marriage,

in the family,

evil in the friendship,

evil in the relationship between man and woman,

evil in the relationship between man and man,

between woman and woman. 

Correct your lives and you will live.

The solution is not medicine or condom.

The solution is

pure and holy Love,

pure and holy Life,

pure and holy relationship between people –

both of opposite sex and of the same sex.


If they think that they can fight

this small and tiny AIDS virus

with their means and even

their magic of medicine and science

and cover up of sex,

the bigger and worse AIDS will break out.


It will attack the genital organs and

reproductive organs and

people will be decaying while still alive. 


Let the world be warned.

I am warning you to warn the whole world.


Please, My Son,

Please, My Love,

warn the whole world.

The forces of evil have teamed up from all sides and

all are aimed at destroying My World, My creation.


I will not allow that. 

The easiest way for the forces of evil

to perpetrate and finish their evil terrible plans

is the use of evil and sin and hatred and wickedness. 


My Son,

fight with the weapons of prayer and Pure and Holy Love.


My Son,

please gather My Children and

bring them all to My Love, My Hearts of Love. 

Do not be tired, write, listen and write. 


I am giving you this warning message

for the whole world.


Although the forces of evil are scheming

to destroy My world

I have sent and equipped you

with My Power of Love and Prayers

to defeat them,

you will defeat them woefully.


But please,

be steadfast in prayer and purity and

holiness of Life and Love.

Do not waste any more time.

Time is very short.

The forces of evil are very strong and

terribly determined to destroy My world,

but the forces of good are infinitely more powerful

and effective and omnipresent.


am God,

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.


My Son,

arise to your responsibility for the whole world.

Let Me manifest

My Love,

My Glory in you and through you

to the whole of My creation.


Be strong and steadfast.

Be firm and unflinching in your faith.

Never doubt anything,

I tell you, never doubt the efficacy of your prayers.


I have given you the greatest power ever

to be given out in the whole of creation. 


You are My Love.

You are My Love,

My most beloved Love.


That is why I have sent you at this time

to come and save My world

from destruction by all the forces of evil put together.


Your mission must succeed,

because your mission is My mission,

your mission is divine,

your mission is Love.

I am your mission. 


My Love,

I carry the whole world in the palm of My hands and

I have given you all the power of My Love.

I carry the whole world,

My whole creation in My Heart and

I have given you all the power and authority of Love. 


My Son, arise to your responsibility.

Go to the leaders of the nations

and the races and cultures and societies

and events and establishment.


Harness the forces of good,

bring them all together to fight the forces of evil.

You are at the centre of the fight.

Your victory is the victory of the whole forces of good. 


Be steadfast,

be not weak,

be strong because I am strong,

be holy for I am holy,

be pure for I am pure.

Do not allow any contamination

to deter and destroy

My mission, My work,

your mission, your work. 


Do not be afraid to go to the leaders of nations

and ask them to contribute.

They are sitting on the resources of the world,

these resources are not their own – they are just caretakers.

These resources are mine.


Go, ask them to release My resources

to use them to fight evil and promote good,

the resources of connection, media,

decision making and execution.

I am not talking of money, do not fight with money,

do not go begging for money,

just do your work and preach

My Love and My Word

and all the resources you need will flow to you. 

Take the bold decision now

to come out openly and proclaim 


My Only Solution


to the whole world, 

the rich and poor alike,

the young and the old,

the white and the black,

the far and the near.


My Love, rest a little.


My Love,

do not hesitate to do My Will

completely in all things and all situations.


My Love,

be steadfast in your judging like Me

with My Spirit and

your acting with decision according

to My Most Holy Will.


Help My Church

to come back to her origin in Love,

in My pierced and bleeding Heart and

in the Wounded and Bleeding Heart of My Mother.


Our Two Hearts of Love

were pierced and wounded and bleeding at the same time.

have already told you this and

I want you to tell the whole Church

and the whole world:


The Only Solution


to the problems in the Church and the

problems in the world as well as

problems in the souls and the communities

including families is


to unite to the

Two Wounded and

Bleeding Hearts.


Please, My Son,

live this solution,

love it, receive it,

treasure it, carry it,

pray it, venerate it,

preach it, spread it and

pour it on all and

shine it in and over all.


Let the whole creation see

the glorious manifestation and shining

of this one great solution

which I have made known to you

even as you were still a very small boy. 



My Love,

help My Church

to accept this solution

by receiving it well in its

purity and holiness and

exclusiveness from Me and


living it, loving it in its

beauty and fittingness, and

spreading it in its

dignity and splendour,

in its clarity and

distinctiveness and

fitting union

with the life and

teaching of My Church,

especially the magisterial and

Popes in councils and

Fathers and Doctors of the Church and

Saints and Bishops. 


Explain it and present it in

different forms and in

different lights and

angles and perspectives and

the numerous effects and

the danger posed

by any possible neglect and

delay in accepting and

applying this



Divine Solution.


Present it very

strongly, clearly and

decisively and

diplomatically and



I am with you now and

forever and ever!

Amen! »

























Universal Mission Of Consecration

And Union Of All In Christ

November 8, 2009

Godfather is  speaking:

« My Love,

your work has started in earnest.

Face this mission and

give all you are and all you have

to this mission.



I Myself will make of you the greatest success

since the beginning of the world.



Bring all to the Love of Me.

Consecrate all to the Love of Me –

all hearts, all persons,

all families, all communities,

all countries, all continents,

the whole world, all creation,

all in heaven and all on earth.


All is Mine.

I created all out of Love and

I will redeem all out of Love.


Let all come to Me.

Those who cannot come can be brought to Me.



Even those who refuse to come

can be recommended to Me.


Pray for all even those

who hate you and hate Me and

hate this consecration.



Bring all to the Love of Me.


Consecrate all to Me – in My Hearts of Love.

This consecration of all to the Love of Me

means bringing all to the Love of Me –

this means loving all with My Love –

with My Hearts of Love.


All you love with My Hearts of Love

you win back to Me.




Let all men of good will help in

– this world wide,

– this universal action,

– mission of Love,

– of consecration of union of all hearts,

– to unite all things in Christ,

all in heaven and all on earth.

There are five types and levels of consecration:

  • Consecration by Me, God, Himself;


„before I created you I have known you and chosen you

and consecrated you and claimed you for Myself“;


  • personal consecration of oneself to Me;
  • consecration of those entrusted to you

like parents and children; those you have taken charge of –

like guardian and teacher and governor and leader;

those you represent;

  • consecration of those related to you in any way.


The widest is

  • consecration of those you want to consecrate –

            here there is no limit.


Remember what the poor leper said to Me:

„You can save and heal me if you want.“


Remember the power I gave to Peter and to My whole Church –

„Whatever you bind here is bound in heaven and

whatever you loose here is loosed in heaven.“


Now use the power I have given you to save all souls and

bring all to the Love of Me and consecrate all

to the Love of Me,

to My Two Hearts of Love,

to My Eucharistic Love,

to the Most Holy Trinity of Love.


Go and eat –

and plan and execute all I have entrusted to you

with your brothers and sisters

whom I have given you to help you

in this great mission of Love,


the greatest Mission of universal Love

since the creation of the world.


I am with you both now and

forever and ever.



I bless you with My infinite and eternal Love and

I bless and reward all who work with you and

who will ever work with you.


I Am He Who Am The God of Love,

and you are My Love, Pure and Holy.


My Love,

by Myself I promise you:

This mission will be a resounding success.

I Myself will make sure it succeeds.


Just do all I ask you to do and avoid all I forbid.

Just do My Most Holy Will that is all and

I will give the greatest success to the work of My Hands.


This Mission of universal Love

is the work of My hands,

I, God the Father

and the Son

and the Holy Spirit.


Do all out of Love,

remain humble and obedient –

in the name of the Father

and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit.

Amen. »


Message On The Holy Mountain (Ugwu-Nso)

In Orlu/Nigeria

December 1, 2003

Jesus says:

« My child,

receive My message!

I love My entire creation and

it is My Eternal Will

to establish the Reign of My Love

in the whole world,

in the whole of creation.


Please help Me.

Please give Me yourself for this work,

please give Me yourself unconditionally for this work.

I am with you and will always be with you.



Please build up My Holy Mountain

to be the highest of the mountains,

the height of holiness,

the height of purity,

the height of Love and service and dedication.



Praise and thanksgiving will be the

highest in the whole world.


Here I have chosen to dwell among men

in My Infinite Love.


Do not be intimidated

by the various setbacks you are experiencing now:

They will all come to pass.

I am with you forever and ever.

Pray and ask for help.



Let every nation or language or culture

find its own place on My Holy Mountain

and around it.



That is why I told you to buy every piece of land

about ten kilometres around Ugwu-Nso.

Let all peoples and nations and languages and ages

find their place on and around My Holy Mountain.


This is the place of salvation and

refuge for all peoples.


I am with you and will always be with you

unto the end of time unto eternity.


My Son,

My Beloved,

secure and build up My Holy Dwelling Place.

Pray and ask for all possible help to build it up.

I will send you help.

But please, be steadfast in prayers and

thanksgiving and sacrifice.

Let the securing and building up

of My Holy Mountain be a priority.



My Son, My Beloved,

take it for what it is, for what I want it to be:

a priority only second to the priority

of spreading the prayer in the whole world.


It is the visible sign of unity and concentration and

dedication to the cause of My Hearts of Love.


I have blessed My Holy Place

with all My eternal blessings.

I have blessed Orlu

with all My eternal blessings of Love.


Make the best use of the least I send to you.

I will increase all I give you.

I will give you more and more, and

I will send you more and more help,

but please, make the best use of all,

even the least I send to you.


I bless Orlu with My eternal blessings.

Amen, alleluia!

Amen, alleluia!



Amen! »



November 3, 2003, Midnight


Godfather declares:

« My Son,

I want to tell you more about My Holy Mountain,

My Universal Centre for the Hearts of Love.


  • This is the Centre of the World of Love,
  • the Centre of the World of Hearts.
  • Just as My Heart is the Centre of all things visible and invisible,

so is My Universal Centre of My Hearts of Love

  • the Universal Centre of Love for the whole world and the
  • Centre of all hearts in the whole world.

Here all hearts are at home,

all Love is at home,

Love is at home.

Here is the

Home of all Hearts and

Home of Love –

Home of all Love – human and Divine.


It is the Universal Centre of all Love –

Divine and human, earthly and heavenly.

This is My Universal Sanctuary,

My Holy of Holies,

the holiest place of the veneration

of My Love in the Two Hearts of Love.


This is the home of My Love,

the seat, the throne of My Love,

the throne of Mercy,

My House of Love,

the House of My Love,

the Gate of Heaven and

House of God.


Here I have chosen to dwell among men

forever and ever.


Nobody and nothing can separate My Love from this Place and

nobody and nothing can separate this place from My Love.


My Love is Eternal and Infinite.

Here I mean to manifest My Eternal and Infinite Love

to the whole world.


Let the whole world come to Me in My Holy Place

to experience My Love.

Let all come to Me in My Love.

I love all with My Infinite and Eternal Love.

I want all to come to My Love.

Come all to My Hearts of Love!


On this My Holy Mountain

all peoples,

all races,

all colours,

all creeds,

all languages,

all ages

will come and encounter Me in

My Eternal and Infinite Love.

All classes of peoples, all! All! All! 

Let all come to Me in My Love.

I love all with My Eternal and Infinite Love.


My Child, all should rally around

the Triumphant Two Hearts of Love.

My Church, My Catholic Church

is the place of this rallying around.                 


My Holy Mountain,

My Universal Centre for the Hearts of Love

is the Place of this rallying around

the Triumphant Two Hearts of Love.

I am the Triumphant Love.


Let all come to Me!

Let all come to Me in My Love!

Let all come to Me in My Two Hearts of Love!

Let all come to Me in My Universal Centre of the Two Hearts of Love!

I am the Triumphant Love!


My Love will reign on earth as it reigns in heaven.

My Love will reign in every heart as it reigns in My Hearts of Love! 

My Love will reign in every home, every home of Love,

as it reigns in the Universal Centre, universal Home of Love.

Here is also home of universal Love.


There should be no segregation,

no discrimination, no racism,

no atom of hatred, no wickedness,

no sin on My Holy Mountain,

My Universal Centre of My Hearts of Love.


Oh, My Love will reign on earth as it reigns in Heaven.

Let My Love reign,

My Love reigns,

My Love will ever reign.

My Love reigns now and forever.

Amen! Amen! Amen!   

All Hearts in the whole world belong to Me.


I am calling on all My Children in the whole world

to come to Me.

Come to My Love and be saved.

Come and drink from the fountain of living water.

Come and drink from the fountain of Life.

Come and drink from the fountain of Love.


I am the fountain of Life and Love.

I am the Life and Love.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.


Let all come to Me in My Love.

Let all come to Me in My Hearts of Love,

let all come to Me in My Holy Place of Love.

Let all come to Me in My Universal Centre of Love,

let all come to Me on My Holy Mountain.


Here I will pour My Love on the whole world

not minding the obstacles.

Here I will save all souls

not minding the obstacles.

Here I will draw all to My Love

not minding the obstacles.

Here My Love will reign. »





























From The Most Holy Trinity –

From God The Father


God the Father speaks:

„I, Father of Love,

God the Father, Father of all Love,

your Father, Origin of all Love,

I speak to you,

My Son.


I love you.

I am Love Myself and Origin of all Love.

I love you with all the Love that I am and have.

I love you.

I love you.

I am only Love.

I will always love you.

I am always with you.


You please Me.

I am happy with you.

You My Son, I your Father,

you My Love.

I love you.


I bless you with all the blessings of My Heart.

I bless you with all the blessings of Heaven.

I bless you with all the blessings of the earth.

I bless you with Myself.

I, Father, your Father,

I am your blessing.

I am your blessing.

I am your blessing.


You are My most beloved Love.

Your place, your eternal place is in My Love.

Your eternal place is in My Heart.

I embrace you.

I kiss you always.

I love you always.                    

My Love for you will never end.                      

My Love for you is Myself.

Develop this Love more and more for Me.


I love you, My Beloved.

My most beloved Love,

I sent you into the world,

to be My Love in the world at this time.

I sent you into the world

so that the world will realise Me as God Love.

Always be in Love.

Always love.

Love all with My Love.

Love all with My Love.

When you love all with My Love

you win all back to Me.

My Beloved!

My Love!

My Heart!

My Child!

My Son!

You are Mine.

You are Me.

I am you.



My Love,

the world is beclouded because

the world does not realise

Me as Love, God of Love.


This is your mission,

the most important mission this time, and forever;

that My Love will reign in the whole world.

It is for this that I, Father, created the world.


I have been waiting very, very patiently

for the Reign of My Love

in every heart,

in every home,


every place,

every time.


My Beloved,

give all your strength,

all your time,

all your energy,

all that you have for this work,

waste no time,

waste no energy on useless things.



I am with you.

I will protect you.

I will strengthen you,

I am with you.

I am. I am. I am.

I Am He Who Am.

I Am He Who Am.               

I Am He Who Am.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love,

and you are My Love.

I love you.


With your hands I mean to bless the whole world.

With your eyes I mean to look at the whole world.

With your ears I mean to hear the whole world.

With your heart I mean to love the whole world.


Love all with My Love.

Come deeper,

come deeper in Me,

My Love.


Be perfectly united with Me.

I am Love.

I am Love.

I love the whole world.

I love.

I love My Church.

I love all.


It is

My eternal Will to redeem all. I will realise

My eternal Will in you, in the whole world.

Give Me all that you are.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you. »













Message From Our Most Blessed

Lord And God Jesus Christ


Jesus says:

« I, God the Son,

your Jesus,

your Love,

your Heart,

I, the God of Love,

the Heart of Love,

I embrace you.

I kiss you.

I love you.

I thank you for being My Love!


I love you with all the Love that I am.

I love you with all the Love that I have.

I love you with all the Love, all, all, all the Love.


I have given you My Heart.

It is your special possession.

I have given it all to you.

I have given you all My Love.


I love you.

I will ever love you.

I will ever love you.

I will ever love you.


I am the Heart of Love.

I am the God of Love.

I am the source of all Love.


All Love belongs to Me.

All power belongs to Me.

All glory belongs to Me.


I am God.

You are My Love.

You are My Heart.


I thank you

for being My Love,

for being My Heart.


Remain ever united with Me, in My Heart of Love.

Remain ever in Me, in My Heart of Love.





be separated from Me.

Nothing can ever separate you from Me.

I, I cannot separate Myself from You,

and you cannot separate yourself from Me,

because you are My Love.

We are forever united.


You come from Me.

I come from the Father.

You come from the Father.

I come from the Father.

You come from the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit comes from Me.


You have the most important work

in the whole history of the world to do.


Through you the Reign of My Heart

will be established in the whole world,

in every heart, in the whole world.

Stand up.


Do not be afraid of anybody or anything.

Go ahead

and say the Prayer of the Hearts of Love

and do Works of Love,

and through this

I will establish the Reign of My Love


and every time.


Don’t apologize to anybody for loving Me,

or blame yourself for accepting to be My Love.

It is they who should apologize for not accepting My Love,

and not you for being My Love.


The whole world belongs to Me.

Every heart belongs to Me.

I am the God of Love.

You are My Love.

I have given you

the instrument of prayer,

the prayer of My Heart,

the prayer of My Love.

I love you, My Love.

I love you, My Love.

I love you, My Love,

come deep in My Heart.

It belongs to you.

Take it.

I love you, My Love. My Love. You are My Love.

You will, My Love, you will ever, ever, ever be My Love. »




Christ The King

– Message For The Whole World

November 20, 2005

God The Father declares:

« My Son,

this is My message for the whole world.


I Am He Who Am,

the Beginning and the End,

the Alpha and the Omega,

the Creator and the Saviour,

the Planner and the Fulfiller,

the One and the All,

the First and the Last.


I Am He Who Is, Was, and Will Be. 


I have come to take care

of Mine and all Mine.

The whole creation belongs

to Me.

All that exists comes

from Me, from My Love.


am Love and the God of Love.

I am Love Myself and

all I have made is out of Love.

My Love is

the beginning and end of all.


I have planned it from the beginning

that all

will find fulfillment

in My Love,

and only

in My Love

can anything

that is,

find the fulfillment of its being.


More especially,

only in My Love

can any soul

or any person

find salvation

and fulfillment.


Nothing can be saved outside My Love and all are destined

for salvation and fulfilment in My Love.



I love all

that I have made,

and will always

love all

I have made,

for I am Love

and Love

and Love,

Infinite Love.


It is My eternal desire

to bring all My creation

to eternal fulfillment in My Love.


It is My Eternal Will

to establish the Reign of My Infinite Love

in all My creation –

even among non-living things.


It is My lasting and Eternal Will

which I have decided to realise

and bring to perfect fulfillment.



I am God and no other.


I will establish the Reign of My Love

in My entire creation.


There will be Peace and Love

reigning in and around,

with and through all My creation.


have already established

My Kingdom in Heaven,

My Eternal Kingdom in Heaven

among My Angels and Saints.


Now it is My eternal desire

to establish the same

Reign of Mine on earth,

where My Will will be done

on earth as it is in Heaven.

I mean that all My creation

will enjoy the loving presence

and Reign of My Love.

I am Love and the God of Love

and the God of All.


By Myself

I have decided it and

I will bring My eternal plan

to perfect fulfillment.


Now I have sent My Son

into the world as man

to show all men – 

all My creation – 

how much I love them

using the human manifestation

that they will understand

and follow.


I called all to follow

My beloved Son,

to be united with Him.


It is My Will

to unite all things in Him,

things on earth and things in heaven.


It is My Eternal Will

to establish My Kingdom

as the Kingdom and

the Reign of My Son,

My Only Begotten Son,

and to bring all to love and honour Him.


I gave Him a Name

which is above every name,

that at the mention

of His Name, 

Jesus Christ,

every knee should bow and

every head prostrate and

every tongue confess that

Jesus Christ,

My Son,

is the Lord.


Let nobody think that he can please God

if he does not love and worship My Son,

the Lord Jesus Christ.


Any person or soul or creature,

spiritual or material or otherwise,

that refuses to love and serve and

honour and worship Him

and be united with Him –

the One Lord Jesus Christ –

has already condemned himself/herself

to eternal separation

and discord and hatred and

therefore to eternal punishment.


Every person,

every soul, every spirit,

every creature in heaven and on earth

and under the earth

and everywhere in My entire creation,

must serve and honour and worship My Son

forever and ever.


That is

My eternal Will.

This I have decreed

from all eternity,

out of My Infinite Love.

Only in Him and

with Him and

through Him

do I want to create

and save and fulfill

all My creation

in heaven and on earth.


Nobody can come to Me

without Him.

He is the Only way,

the truth and the Life.

Him alone have I sent as

the perfect image of Myself,

He alone is My Begotten Son.

He alone is Lord.

He alone is the Saviour.


Only in Him and with Him and through Him

anybody, any creature in heaven and on earth

can come to Me.

In Him, through Him and for Him,

I have made all things and will bring

all things to fulfillment.


My Love,

write what I tell you:

It is the eternal and

unchanging truth,

truth of life,

truth of Love,

the eternal truth of God.


I alone am God.

And you are My Love.


Now is the time for the

Reign of Love and

We (the Most Holy Trinity of Love) have sent you

to establish the Reign of Love

in all creation,

in every heart and soul,

in every person.


We have sent you to enkindle

the fire of Divine Love

in every heart

and home and community,

in every soul and

every person,

in every creature,

in all creation.


My Love,

let the splendour of your God

shine in you and through you

to all creation.


Live the life

we have ordained for you

and sent you to live,

live it fully

and uncompromisingly,

and let all see the

glorious Splendour of your God,

your Love and your All

shining in you.

My God, my Love and my All!“


Love is Divine.

Love is of God.

God is Love.

And all are called to Love, because

Love comes from God and

Love is of God and

God is Love and

Love is God.


God from God,

Light from Light,

Love from Love,

True God from True God.

The Kingdom of God

is the Kingdom of Christ, His Son,

and the Kingdom of His Love. »


Message On The Holy Eucharist

March 2000

Jesus says:

« My people,

the people of My Love:

I am your God.

I am your Love.

I am your Jesus Christ,

I am the Holy Eucharist.

I am not only present in the Holy Eucharist.


I am the Holy Eucharist.


The Mass you celebrate is Me.

The Blood you drink is Me.

The Flesh you eat is Me.


I am the Holy Eucharist.


I am the Eucharistic God.

I am the Eucharistic Love.

No greater Love can

anybody possess and give

as the Eucharistic Love,

which I give you in the Holy Eucharist.          


I am the Holy Eucharist.


It has been My eternal longing

to give Myself to You wholly and entirely.

I created you out of nothing.

I called you to be My people.

I made you My own.


Now My people, listen to your God.


The Holy Eucharist is My gift of Myself to you.

The Holy Eucharist is the gift of all

that I have and all

that I am in the simplest manner,

the most comprehensive manner.

I have given Myself to you.

My Love,

My Beloved,

My people.


I, your God,

have given you all that I am,

all that I have

in the Holy Eucharist.


Why did I do that?

It is because I am Love.

I cannot but love.

It is because I love you.

I made Myself available to you

in the simplest, most comprehensive form.


My People:

Do you understand

what I have given to you?


When I was washing the feet of My apostles

at the celebration of the Eucharist,

they did not understand what I was doing to them. 

I told them they would understand it later.

And they did understand it to some extent.

It is Love. It is service. 


I give Myself to you in order to save you.

I give Myself to you in order to serve you. Service.

I give Myself to you in order to redeem you from your sins.

I give Myself to you in order to unite you to Myself.

l give Myself to you in order to unite you to My Father.

I give Myself to you in order that My Holy Spirit will live in you.

I give Myself to you so that My Love will live in you. 


That is the same Love which is in Me,

between Me and My Father,

between Me and the Holy Spirit,

the same Love will be

between you and Me.


I give Myself to you

so that your Love for each other will be My Love,

so that the Life in you will be My Life,

the Love in you will be My Love.


I give Myself to you

to draw you and

unite you to Myself.


I give Myself to you so

to unite you with all in Heaven;            

with all My Angels and Saints.


I give Myself to you in order

to change you,

to change the          

face of the earth and

to recreate you. 






At every Mass there is

a new creation,

a recreation,

a renewal,

a complete renewal of all

who participate at Mass

very, very devotedly,

with open hearts and mind.


They are completely taken up in light,

in unapproachable Light,

in a wonderful light.


They are all purified and sanctified.

I have come to set fire in the world,

how I wish it were burning!


The fire of My Love!

This fire will cleanse all evil.

This fire will bring all good.

It will remove every taint of hatred,

wickedness and sin.


This fire will establish

the Reign of Love in every heart,

in every home,

everywhere in the world.


I have come to set fire

in the whole world.

How I wish it were burning.

Let it burn. It should burn.

It will burn. It must burn –

the fire of Love.


I am the Eucharist.

The Holy Eucharist is

Heaven in your midst.

I am your Heaven.

I am Heaven in your midst.

You all want to go to Heaven,

but Heaven has come to you.


You all want to see Me, to see God.

But I have made Myself visible

to you in the Holy Eucharist.


I am Heaven.

I am your Heaven.

Heaven in your midst.




Do you expect to meet any person

more glorious in Heaven than Me?

Do you expect to get a joy

more glorious in Heaven than from Me?


My Church, My people,

My Beloved,

love Me.

Accept Me.

Eat Me.

Worship Me.

Be with Me,

I am with you.


The worst sin of My Church,

the worst sin of My people,

the worst sin of My Beloved is

the neglect of My Love,               

especially in the Holy Eucharist.


The worst sin of My priests is

to celebrate the Holy Eucharist

without Love.


The worst sin of My people is

lack of belief in My Love

in the Holy Eucharist.


The worst danger to My people is

forgetfulness of

what I have done and

what I have suffered for them

in the Holy Eucharist.


The worst danger to the

existence of the world is

what some stupid people say –

is the abolition of the Holy Eucharist. 


Any move by any person or group of persons 

to remove or reduce the Love

people should have for the Holy Eucharist

is not from God.


Any move by any person

to remove or reduce

the respect, the worship, the honour

given to Me in the Holy Eucharist

is not from God. 


It is the work of My enemy

who does not want to see Me honoured;

who has sworn never to see Me loved.


My enemy is very active in some of My members.

As he was active in Judas

who blamed Mary

for anointing My Body with oil,

with precious oil.


He suggested selling it and giving it to the poor.

So (he thinks) that what is spent on Me is a waste.


How can My people say that:

That the time spent for Me is a waste?

That the Love given to Me is a waste?


How can My people say that? 

But there are many people

who think that way today.

They think they are proclaiming My Word.



The time spent with Me,

the time spent to Me …,

everything given to Me

by every person in the Eucharist

is the greatest sacrifice

you can make.



To unite your sacrifice with Mine

in the Holy Eucharist

is the greatest sacrifice you can make.



To come to Me

in the Holy Eucharist;

to stay with Me here; 

to love Me direct (in the Holy Eucharist)

is the greatest possible act,

the most glorious act

human being can

perform in the world.

The reward is even infinitely more

than any person can imagine.



There is no greater Love than the EUCHARISTIC Love.

There is no greater worship

possible in the world than the EUCHARISTIC worship.



It is the Worship of HEAVEN:

It is the worship of the TRINITY.

It is the worship of GOD direct. 


I have made Myself available to you

in the form of bread and wine

so that you will have

the easiest access to My Love,

complete and absolute and direct. 



My dear children,

do not let anybody whatsoever

distract your Love for Me

in the Holy Eucharist.


My Heart bleeds to see

how children are being taught

not to honour Me

in the Holy Eucharist.

I weep. 


Any celebration of the Holy EUCHARIST

without Love is worse than My crucifixion.


It is more painful to Me

than the whole of My suffering, 

which I endured for you

to the point of dying

for you on Calvary.


Any celebration of the Holy EUCHARIST

without Love, without respect

is so repulsive to Me,

it gives Me such a terrible pain,

worse than all the pains

I suffered during

My earthly life. 


Love the Sacrament of Love. 

Love your Love.

Love your God.

Love Me.

Because I love you.


Any unworthy reception of the Holy EUCHARIST

is so repulsive to Me!

More than any repulsion and rejection

I have suffered during My earthly life.


My people,

why do you still let Me suffer?

Why do you still crucify Me daily?

When will I stop dying for you?

When will I stop suffering for you? 

Jesus weeps bitterly.



When will I enjoy My Love for you?

When will I start being loved by you?

When will you start loving Me?


Why are you still breaking My Heart?

Any breaking of bread without Love

is worse than the piercing of My Heart,

what the soldier did.


My people,

love Me,

call Me Love.

Come to My Love.

My beloved people.


I will never stop loving you. 

I cannot stop loving you. 

I must always love you.

Love is My law.

Love is My life.


Nothing pleases My Father more on earth

than Love for Me in the Holy Eucharist,

listening to Me in the Holy Eucharist,

coming to Me in the Holy Eucharist. 


The greatest action of My Holy Spirit

is My Incarnation.


The greatest action of the Holy Spirit

is the transubstantiation

of bread and wine into My Body and Blood.


The greatest sacrifice,

the greatest offering,

the greatest participation

of My Church in My salvific act

is in the transubstantiation of bread and wine

into My Body and Blood.


The Church is truly My Church.

My Church is truly My Church.

My Church is wholly My Church.

My Church is My Holy Church.

My Church is faithfully My Church,

My Church is sincerely My Church

when My Church celebrates the Holy Eucharist. 


Any other act that My Church does

comes from the Holy Eucharist

and flows to the Holy Eucharist

into the world.





My Church,

why are you forgetting your identity?

Why are you forgetting your foundation? 

Why are you neglecting your roots?


My Church,

you are nothing without Me.


My Church,

anybody who tries to establish

any form of worship

that removes the Holy Eucharist,

any form of worship

that reduces the Holy Eucharist,

any form of worship of God

that does not flow from and

flow to the Holy Eucharist

is not from God,

it is not from Me.


My Father is present in every Holy Mass.

My Father is present everywhere that I am.

He is not present in the form of bread and wine,

but He is present wherever I am.

He is present to Me,

for I and the Father are one – 

We can never  be separated.


My Holy Spirit is present at every Holy Mass. 

My Holy Spirit is present at every Eucharistic celebration.

My Holy Spirit is present at every Eucharistic celebration.

My Holy Spirit is present at every Tabernacle in the whole world – 

He is there for He is My Spirit.

He cannot be separated from Me.

He is not present in the form of bread and wine.

It is only I, Jesus Christ,

Who am present in the form of Bread and Wine.

It is My Body.

It is My Blood. 


My Father did not become man.

My Father did not and will not become bread – 

My Father did not change into wine, wine and bread,

but My Father is always united with Me.

He is always there, We are one.


When you receive Me in the Holy Eucharist,

you are receiving My Father,

when you worship Me in the Holy Eucharist,

you are worshipping My Father,

when you receive Me in the Holy Eucharist,

you are receiving the Holy Spirit.



The greatest joy of My Mother Mary is

to bring people to the Holy Eucharist – 

you remember the miracle at Kana.

That miracle is a miracle

that points to the Holy Eucharist.


What did My Mother say:




Because of the unity she has with Me,

she knows the culmination of My salvific act

and pointed Me to it.


Everybody who loves My Mother Mary

must love Me in the Holy Eucharist.

The changing of water into wine

is a foretaste, it is a pointer to the Eucharist. 


People do not believe any more that I am God.

Lack of respect for Me in the Holy Eucharist

is lack of respect for God.

It is lack of belief

that I am God,

that I am almighty,

that I can do everything.


Why are some people doubting

that I am really present,

that My Body and Blood are there? 


Do they not believe anymore

that I am God,

that I am God the Almighty?

That I can do everything? 


Oh, My people,

if only you know how much you pain Me

with your little belief …

It is this little belief that would have let Peter

be drowned in the sea.

I asked him to come to Me.

He actually started coming to Me,

walking on the water,

but then he began to doubt.


I ask you to come to Me,

come to My Love. 


Why are some people doubting

that I am really present here?

It is Me!


Peter said:

„Lord, if it is You – ask me to come.“


He was coming with strength,

but midway he began to doubt.


Let Me assure you,

the Holy Eucharist does not depend on

your believing in it or not.


It is not your faith

that makes Me present in the Holy Eucharist.


The Holy Eucharist does not depend

on your loving Me or not.


It is not your Love

that makes Me the Holy Eucharist. 


The Holy Eucharist does not depend

on your holiness, your purity or holiness.


The Holy Eucharist,

My presence there, that it is Me,

does not depend on your believing in it or not.

It does not depend on your loving Me or not.

It does not depend on your worthy reception of Me or not.

It depends on Me, on Me alone, absolutely on Me.


But your benefiting from it

depends on your Love, on your faith, on your hope.


Peter’s faith made him benefit from My presence

and he was coming to Me over the water,

then Peter began to doubt and began to sink. 


My people,

do not doubt

so that you do not sink.


Do not doubt

that I am present,

that it is Me

so that you do not sink.


Come to Me with Love,

receive Me with Love.

Accept Me with Love.


There is no greater joy

for My Angels and Saints in heaven

than to see Me honoured, respected, loved

and received in the Holy Eucharist.


Anybody who receives the Holy Eucharist

with Love, purity and holiness

is automatically in the company

of the Angels and Saints.



My Son, preach Me – 

My Son, defend Me.

My Son, let the people realise that it is Me.


The worst sin of My preachers today is

not to preach Me, My presence,

not to preach My honour,

not to preach My holiness,

not to preach My power of redemption.


They preach weather,

they preach change,

they preach nothing. 


Please, preach Me.

It is Me who you should preach.

It is Me whom you will proclaim.

Any preaching that does not preach Me

is worse than useless.


Let all My priests preach Me.

Let all My people come to Me.

Let My whole Church receive Me.

Let My whole creation worship Me.


I am God in your midst. 

I, the Holy Eucharist,

I am the life of My Church.

I am the life of My people.

I am the life of the world.


I come that they may have life

and have it in abundance.

I give you everything I have,

completely, absolutely,

so that you may have life.


My people,

live in Me.

I live in You,

for separated from Me you are nothing.        


Do not let anybody or anything

separate you from Me.


Let nothing whatsoever separate you

from the Eucharistic Love,

be it persecution or hunger or…


Do not let anything whatsoever

separate you from Me.


What is it –  sickness?

That should rather bring you closer to Me,

deeper in Me. 


Everything you do

let it be done out of Love of Me

in the Holy Eucharist.


Come to Me daily.

Daily Communion, daily Communion!

I love it. I want it.

Come to Me daily, do not stay away from Me.

Come to Me, come and receive Me daily.


If it is difficult for you

to receive Me daily sacramental,

then receive Me spiritually daily.


But please, do not let any day go

without receiving Me in the Holy Eucharist.


Please do not let any day pass

without receiving Me in the Holy Eucharist.


If you cannot receive Me sacramental,

receive Me spiritually.

Wherever you are wish…!


Wherever you are unite yourself to Me

in the Holy Eucharist!


And I will come to you.

Open your heart and your mouth

and I will come to you.


During the prayer of the Hearts of Love

always wish to unite yourself

to Me in the Holy Eucharist.

When you say especially:

‚O Hearts of Love! Consume Me.

I am your victim of Love!‘

it is Eucharistic prayer.


You consume Me and I consume you.

You eat Me and I eat you.

You unite yourself to Me and I unite Myself to you.

Whenever you are saying it,

think of Me in the Holy Eucharist.

Consume Me and I will consume you.

You live in Me and I live in you.


My Love for you grows infinitely more and more;  

Your Love for Me grows infinitely more and more

when you live the Eucharistic Love.



The love of the Hearts of Love is Eucharistic Love.

It is from the Eucharist,

it is from My Love in the Holy Eucharist

that you draw life.


Do not let anybody excommunicate you from Me.

For cut off from Me you are dead.


Do not let anybody or anything put you into sin,

mortal sins are excommunications.

By that you cut yourself off from Me.

By that you are dead, dead in sin.


But no matter how deep you fall into sin,

open your heart,

open your mind,

open your Spirit to Me and say:

„My Jesus, I love.“

„My Love. I love you. My Love!“

Call on Me: „My Love!”

and I will redeem you immediately,

you will never be lost.

There is nobody who calls on Me in Love

who will get lost.

No matter how deep your sin may be,

no matter how long in sin you may be.

No matter how forgotten in sin you may be.

Call on Me in Love, no matter where you are,

and I am there.


My Eucharistic presence in the Church is

My omnipresence everywhere.

The Holy Eucharist is the sacrament of My omnipresence.


My Eucharistic powerlessness – 

I am there as bread that you can eat, touch, break,

you can even throw away,

you can even ignore,

you can even say anything against

and do anything against and I will be looking at you – 

is the sacrament of My Almighty power.


I am God Almighty.

Come to Me now and you will be with Me forever.

Unite yourself with Me now and

you will unite yourself with Me forever.


My Love is eternal. My Love is Me.

My Love is Eternal. My Love is Me.

My Love I am.

I am. I am. I am.

I Am He Who Am.


Many people today think that they can do good works

without Love and benefit from it.

Just as faith without good works is dead

so what people call good works without Love is dead.

Good works will be done with Love.


When you visit the sick you do it out of Love.

When you help the poor you do it out of Love. 


There are many who visit the sick and

inject in them lethal drugs and they kill them.

There are many who help the poor and

their help is to kill them.

There are some who come to poor people

as if they are helping them,

but they make them slaves,

they make them poorer, slaves. 


Good works without Love are dead.

They are useless.

It brings nothing.


Do your good works out of Love.

Love is selflessness.

Do it for the good of the person.

You do it out of Love for Me.

I am Love.


Let the life you draw from Me,

the Holy Eucharist, flow into

everything you do,

everything you say,

everything you think.


„Bring people to the Love of Me“ means:

Love all with My Eucharistic Love and

bring all to My Eucharistic Love,

to the Love of My presence. 


„My God, I love YOU.“ 


The Love of My unity.

The Love of My unity with him – 

to unite him to Me.

Unite all to Me.

All will be all.

All will be one.

All will be One and All in Me.

I am the One and the All.

All will be One in Me. »



Bishop Ayo-Maria Atoyebi O.P.,

Ilorin Diocese/Nigeria, May 2002


Message From The Holy Spirit


« I, God the Holy Spirit!

The Spirit of Love!

The Spirit of the Father and of the Son!


I am in you. You are in Me.

I love you, My Love.

You are My Love.

I am the Spirit of Love.


It is My Work to make

Love in every heart and everywhere grow.

I am the source of Love.

I am the God of Love.

I am the Spirit of Love.


You are My Love.

You are deep in Me and I in you. I love you.

You are ever united with Me.

You come from Me. And you come back to Me.

You are in the world.



We sent you into the world to be

a concrete personification of our Love this time.



Love all with My Love.

Win all with Our Love.

Bring all to Our love.


Let all experience that

We are Love, that I am Love.

I am Love. I love you, My Love.

I love you, My Love, with all the Love that I am.

I am completely in you and you are completely in Me.

Love Me with all that you are, with all that you have.


Do not be afraid of anybody in any situation.

I am with you.

I will strengthen you.

I will comfort you.

I will teach you.

I will lead you.

I will inspire you at every moment.


Go the way of My Love.



Give all you have and are for this work of Love,

the most important work at this time and forever.




I am the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love.

I guide the whole course of creation.

I guide the whole course of things everywhere.


All is in My hand.

I direct and inspire,

I pull down and I build up.

I am the Spirit, the Power of God,

the Spirit of God, the Power of God.


I am in you.

I am, I am, I am in You.

You are mine,

I am yours everywhere and every time,

listen to Me.


Call Me the Spirit of Love. I am there.

Call Me Holy Spirit of Love and I will act.

Call Me Holy Spirit of Love and I will establish

the Love everywhere and every time.

When it appears to be most impossible

call Me, Holy Spirit of Love.


I am especially given to you this time

to be with you to see

that you succeed in your work.


I am God’s Power.

I am God’s Love.

I am with you.


Your work will succeed.

Your work has succeeded.

Your work is My work,

your work is work of the Father.

Your work is work of the Son.

Your work is My work.

Your work will succeed.


I bless you! Amen.

I am with you.

Do not be afraid of anybody any time.

Only trust in Me.

I am with you.

I love you. I love you.

I love you. I love you.

You are entrusted to Me.

I will inspire you.

I will lead you.


Success! Glory! Triumph!

The Reign of Love is there!

The time is there,

today and forever. »











From Our Blessed Mother,

The Virgin Mary


Mother Mary is speaking:

« I, your Mother, the Mother of Divine Love,

I am the Handmaid of the Lord,

but God, my God, God, your God

has raised me and made me

the Mother of Divine Love,

your Mother, call me Mother of Love.


It is through me

that the source of all Love is born in the world.

I am the Mother of Divine Love,

the Mother of Love.


There is no other Love but the Love which is born of me.

There is no other Love but the Love which is God.

There is no other Love but the Love which is in me.

There is no other Love but the Love which is the Trinity,

the Love of the Father,

the Love of the Son and

the Love of the Holy Spirit.


All other things which people think are love

are love only to the extent

that they accept and reflect the Love of God

and are united to the eternal Love.


I am the Mother of Love.

It is my duty to bear Love in the world,

to be the Mother of Love.

My work is not ended.  

My work continues in you and through you.


At this time,

the Father has given you to me

as He gave His Son Jesus to me

so that I will take care of Him.


The same way,

to the same extent and

with the same Love with which

I am united to Jesus,

I am united to you.


You are my Beloved.

Born of me … the Love of God. 

I give you my Heart.

Take my Heart.

My pure Heart.

My sinless Heart.


God made my Heart pure and sinless.

In this pure and sinless Heart

I conceived the Righteous One in the world.

There is eternal happiness in the world.        


I love you, my Love.

I love you, my Love.

My Heartiest of Love.

I love you.

I will ever and forever love you.

I will forever and ever love,

forever and ever love you.

You are sealed in the Love of God.


This is prayer and work of Love.

You are secure in the Love of God.


The enemy has no power over you.

He can shout, fight.

The enemy knows what responsibility you have

at this time for the whole world.

He will do everything possible to discourage you.

But do not be afraid.

For I am with you,

I will save you.

I am in you.

I am your Mother.

I am your Love.

I will ever love you.


With the power with which I crushed the head of Satan,

with this power,

I still have over him,

I am at your side always.

Wherever you go I am there.

Wherever you speak I am there.

Wherever you preach I am there.

Whether you are sleeping or working

I am active by your side.


No enemy will stand me.

I have the power from God to crush,

to destroy the enemy.

Do not be afraid.

I carry you in my bosom.

I press you close to my Heart.

My Heart is in you, my most Beloved.


God has established

such a Love between you and me.

The Love between you and Jesus,

the Love between you and the Father,

the Love between you and the Holy Spirit

is Love.


Call me always the Heart of Love and I will fight,

I press your heart to my Heart.

Our Hearts are one.

I love you.


Do not make any mistake,

you come from Jesus.

You come from the Father.

You come from the Holy Spirit.

I did not bring you forth.

You did not come from me.

You come from God.

You belong to the Father

and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit –

the Most Blessed Trinity of Love.


Here is my Heart,

my Immaculate Heart.

Take it completely.

To be fully united with your Heart.


I love you. My Love.

I love you, my Love.

I am the

Mother of Love. »












„The Secret Of My Success,

My Church And All Is Mary“


Jesus is speaking:

« My Love,

what I am revealing to you

is the supreme truth.

Hold on to it and teach it to all.


Even before I incarnated

I created and chose the

Most Immaculate Virgin Mary, My Mother.

It is only in her that I could incarnate and

she responded in the most wonderful way,

which no creature before her

could respond to My Love –

with total, absolute and unconditional

and indescribable Love.


My Love,

nobody can imagine the Love

I received from her

all the days of My life

here on earth and unto eternity in heaven.

It is because of her Love, unspeakable Love,

that I have made her queen and model of all,

even Angels and archangels and priests and martyrs

and the whole creation and the whole Church.


I entrusted to her

not only all of Myself even My Divinity –

she was the Mother and protector and guardian

of My humanity and My Divinity and My mission and

all I have and

all I am and

all I can have and

all I can be and become – even


My becoming the Eucharist is entrusted to her,

My becoming a priest in the human beings

I have chosen and consecrated and ordained

– all are given to her.


The only thing she has no authority over is the

Most Holy Trinity, the Godhead itself.


She is in charge of and mother and queen of all,

there is no exception in the whole of creation.

There is nothing in creation that is not

under her motherly and loving care and concern and sustenance.



The only thing

she is not and cannot be

is God Himself.

She is not and cannot be Divine.

God is One and three –

Three Divine Persons.


My Love,

the secret of My success is Mary.

I want you to see also

the secret of the success of all My Church                                                    

and all in it is Mary.


That is why

I entrusted all the Church, the apostles to her.


My Love,

entrust your mission to her and

let her guide you and

lead you and

inspire you.


Bring her deepest

into your soul,

into your life,

into your heart,

into the most secret places and

regions and mysteries of your life

and all that you have and are.


Entrust to her        

all My priests and

all the brothers and sisters, religious, and

all the lay apostles,

all working with you.


My Love,

let her take full control of all,

and you will see

how all will be

immediately and permanently in order.


She has powers

which the whole creation

cannot fathom or contain

including heaven and earth

and under the earth.


Her splendour and glory

transcends the entire creation.  






My Son,

when she is placed on one side and

all the creation is placed on another,

neither in beauty

nor holiness

nor purity

nor splendour

nor majesty –   she exceeds all –

as the whole of the ocean exceeds a drop of water,

as the mountain exceeds a grain of sand,

as a forest exceeds a single leaf.


My Son, I am telling you, all this

it is still like a drop of water in the ocean

of the mysteries of My Mother that I have revealed.

It is like a leaf turned in the whole forest.

It is like a grain of sand picked in the whole mountain.


No creature

can fathom or contain

the whole glory of My Mother,

the glory I have given to her…


My Love,

I continue talking to you

here in St. Peter’s Basilica,

about the glory of My Mother

which surpasses the whole creation put together –

all in heaven and all on earth and

all under the earth.


This is such that only I and

My Mother are enough to ….. »





















Message From St. Joseph



St. Joseph is speaking:

« I, St. Joseph,

the Protector of the Holy Family,

I have received the special  assignment

from the Father, from the Son and the Holy Spirit

to take special charge of you

and this Work

of the Hearts of Love

in the world at this time,

as I took care of the Hearts of Love

from the very beginning till my death.


I am to protect this Heart of Love

from all attacks from the devil, from Herod.


With the Hearts of Love I fled into Egypt.

So I am taking care

of this Heart of Love in this time.


The Eternal Father

has given me the charge and

I will do it with great Love and dedication

more than I did it in former times.


He has given me great powers

to take care of this

because he knows that the fight is terrible.


I just want to assure you that

I with all the Saints am on your side.



You are at the centre of this work

at this time in the world.

All the Saints are on your side.

You come from the Father and the Son

and the Holy Spirit.



I, Joseph,

with all the Saints in Heaven and on earth,

we are on your side.

We are fighting the battle.

The battle is fought and won –

is being fought.


Do not be afraid of anybody or anything.

The uncountable number of Saints are with you

everywhere you are.




Remain united to the Father,

remain united to the Son,

remain united to the Holy Spirit.


Do not be afraid to go anywhere.

Do not be afraid to give testimony to my Love –

give testimony for this Love.


It is only the Love of God that exists.

I call it my Love.


The Hearts of Love is my special charge.

The Hearts of Love is my special work forever.

God chose me to be the protector of the Hearts of Love,

always, forever, until all is Love,

until all is restored to the Hearts of Love.


I with all the Saints in heaven,

we are with you.

I, and all the Saints,

we love you, we love you, we love you,

we honour you. We honour you! We honour you,

the Heart of Love, Love of GOD.


The most important work in history in this age,

the most important work at this time,

the most attacked from all sides.


Prepare all the members,

let them not be afraid.

No matter how they are attacked,

all of them are protected.

All of them are protected.

As long as they remain constant in

saying the prayers of the Hearts of Love and

doing the work of Love,

they are all protected.


The battle is on.

The battle is won.

It is won!

Victory! Victory! Victory!


The Hearts of Love reign,

the Hearts of Love reign,

the Hearts of Love will always reign,

the Hearts of Love will always reign.

God bless you. »
















From Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ

And Our Most Blessed Mother, Virgin Mary,


For His Holiness Pope John Paul II,


Vicar of Christ, Successor of St. Peter, Supreme Pontiff

of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church 

Father Montfort is writing:

„May 5, 2004

Holy Father!

In absolute obedience to the Most Holy Will of God and in complete submission to your Holiness, the Vicar of Christ and Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, I, your poor servant, humbly submit these Divine Messages I received from our Divine Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and from our Most Blessed Mother Mary to Your Holiness!

The members of the Society of the Two Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary and I, your servant, keep praying and offering sacrifices for your Holiness.

The Lord said to me, His poor servant,

on Thursday, November 27, 2003:


« If I ask you to do something

or to say something

please do it and say it.


But if My Church, My bishop

prohibits it or orders you not to do it or say it,

obey My Church,

obey him, your bishop (superior).

Obedience is Love.

By obeying My Church, by obeying My bishop

you are fulfilling what I have asked you

to do and say very well. »





The Solemnity Of The

Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus, At Rome

June 7, 2002



The Divine Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said:

« Please, My Son,

give ear to My word.

I speak to you and I long to speak to you.

I have the longing to be speaking to you.

Please, My Son,

listen to Me.


The present Pope (John Paul II) lives still,

because of My Hearts of Love.

(the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and

the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

the Two Hearts ever united in Love)


Please help him

to fulfil his duty before he leaves.

I love him and have entrusted everything

in My Church into his hands.

Help him

to accomplish his task.


His Task is to proclaim the Reign of My Love,

My Hearts of Love in the whole world.


Build that chapel and tell him about it.

Ask for his permission to build it.

Go ahead, he will not say no.

That chapel is

My present of thanksgiving to him

for his sacrifices

by which I mean to unite his sacrifices

with the sacrifices of My Hearts of Love. »



March 31, 2003


« My Son,

write what I tell you about My Pope,

My cardinals,

My bishops,

My priests and My servants in

My sanctuary – My Church.


I love My Pope.

He is the Pope of My Hearts of Love.

I love him and care for him.

He is My Beloved.


I love My Pope,

My cardinals,

My bishops,

My priests and My servants in

My sanctuary – My Church.

I love them all.


You servants and princes

in My house, My sanctuary,

please remain faithful to your vocation.


Princes of My Church!

I have given you the power

to serve,

to guide,

to free,

to save.


Whatever you bind is bound.

Whatever you loose is loosed.

Never forget:

this power is to serve and to save.


Salvation of All Souls!

That is My Eternal Plan. »



June 20, 2003

In Poland, at Czestochowa in the Sanctuary in front of the Shrine – the Sacred Image

of Our Lady, the Black Madonna – our Most Blessed Mother Virgin Mary said:


« Please,

tell Pope John Paul,

My beloved Son,

beloved Son of Poland,

My beloved Son of the Church,


he should please establish the

Feast of the Two Hearts of Love

for the whole Church.


He should please grant plenary indulgence

to the Prayer of the Hearts of Love and

kissing veneration of the

Image of the Two Hearts of Love

before he returns to God in Heaven.


You listen to Me.

Tell him to listen to the voice and

message and request of his Mother.

I am his Mother now and forever.

He is my Son, my beloved Son. »

May 20, 2003

At 4 o’clock pm, end of the Holy Hour, in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel,

at Czestochowa the Divine Lord Jesus Christ said:


« My Son,

keep My people together.

Through this prayer,

Hearts of Love Prayer,

and Holy Hour and

perpetual Eucharistic Adoration,

you keep My people, My Church,

together. »



November 28, 2003

« My Son,

the Pope is the Pope of the Two Hearts of Love.

I love and will care for him

till the end of his life and unto eternity.


He is your intercessor.

He is praying for you.

You must help him.


Please, My Son,

act fast.

You do not have much time left.


This Pope is the Pope of My Love,

the Pope of My Hearts of Love.


Tell the world

that I love him,

that I am pleased with his work and

will bless him forever and ever.


Tell My children to

follow him,

imitate him,

follow his footsteps and

love and respect him and

venerate him.


He is venerable

because of his oneness with Me,

because of his faith, hope and charity,

because of his attachment to Me,

because of his great love for Me and My Mother,

My Angels and Saints,

My Church, the entire humanity and

My entire creation.




He is a good shepherd,

a shepherd after My Heart –

My Heart of Love.


But please tell him,

he has still this work to do –

My Hearts of Love to proclaim

for the whole Church,

for the whole world.


This will be the

summary and

completion and

crown of

his pontificate,

to proclaim the


Union of the Two Hearts of Love –

My Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of

My Most Blessed Mother Mary.

We are One for We are United in Love.

We are the Two Hearts Ever United in Love.


I want him, the Pope of My Hearts of Love,

to proclaim this Union to the whole world

in and throughout My entire Church.


I will pour out

abundant blessings of peace and Love

on the whole of creation

when this universal proclamation is made.


Let him establish

the Solemn Feast of

My Two Hearts of Love

on the day

I have already appointed,


 i.e. on the Sunday following the solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (on Friday) and the memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (on Saturday)],


which is the day

many peoples,

many dioceses and

many countries are already celebrating.


I have prepared this for many centuries.

I have prepared this for a very long time.


I created the world for the Reign of My Love.


My Love, now it is My Eternal Will that

My Hearts of Love should reign.

My Love should reign

in every heart and home,

in every family and community,

in every person,

at every time and



I am God, the God of Love.

The whole creation belongs to Me.


Tell My beloved Son –

My Pope,

Pope of My Hearts of Love –

to do Me this honour.


I want him

to do Me this honour and

to have this honour and blessing

which he will call

upon himself and

upon the whole Church and

the whole mankind.

I leave him with his free will.

It can only be done

out of Love and the fullness of Love.


Please help him

to do Me this singular service.

Pray and make sacrifices for him.

Call the whole world to pray for him

and not to stop praying for him.


He is a blessing for the whole of humanity,

for the whole world.

He is My blessing.

He is suffering a lot.


Please tell all those around him

to help him and give him all their support.

Because of the difficulty

of getting this message

individually to all concerned

I will advise you to publish it,

but with the permission of your bishop.


If he says no, do not publish it,

but try to send it privately.

If he forbids your sending it privately,

obey him,

you would have done everything I want.                                                                                                                                                                                             



My Son,

be obedient,

be loving,

be pure,

be holy,

for I am holy.

I am the obedient one,

I am the pure one,

I am the holy one in your midst.   


The secret of his success (of the Pope John Paul II)

is his union with Me and his great love

for Me and My Mother.


He is the Pope of My Love.

He is the theologian of My Love –

of My Hearts of Love.

He is the philosopher of My Love –

of My Hearts of Love.


Let the world no longer pretend to hide My Love.

My Love cannot be hidden by anybody or anything.


Let My Pope proclaim My Love to the whole world.

Let him proclaim My Hearts of Love to the whole world.

Let My Church proclaim My Love to the whole world.

Let My Church proclaim My Hearts of Love to the whole world.

Let every heart receive My Love in the whole world.

Let every heart receive My Hearts of Love in the whole world.

Let all My creatures proclaim My Love in the whole of creation.

Let all My creatures proclaim My Hearts of Love in the whole of creation.


I love My Pope.

I love My Church.

I love all hearts.

I love all My creation.

I love all.

I am Love for all.









I greet all with My Love.

I bless all with My Love.

I love all with My Love.

I will always love all with My Love.


Let My Church honour this Son of My Hearts of Love  (the Pope John Paul II).

Let the whole world honour this Son of My Hearts of Love.

Let the whole of creation honour this great Son of My Hearts of Love.


I love him with My Eternal Love and

I want all My children to love and honour him.


Please keep praying for him and making sacrifices for him.

Through him

I have blessed his parents and relations,

I have blessed his land and its peoples,

I have blessed My whole Church,

I have blessed the whole world.


He is My blessing for all,

even for those who find it difficult

to believe in Me and My gospel,

even for heretics and schismatics,

even for atheists.


He is My blessing for all, even for sinners.

Let him make his joy complete by

proclaiming My Love for the whole Church

and for the whole world.

He has done a lot for Me, for the Church

and for humanity, nay the entire creation.


What is awaiting him

is the crown of eternal glory.

I have prepared this crown for him.


Come, faithful soul, come and receive your crown,

which is prepared for you in heaven for all eternity.


The crowning will begin on earth

with the proclamation of

My Love,

My infinite Love,

My eternal Love,

My unconditional Love,

My redemptive Love in

My Hearts of Love.      


I will give him this glory, this crown.

I will give him the crown of eternal glory

I have prepared for him.


My Son, mark this, whether he proclaims

My Hearts of Love and establishes the feast or not,

I will still give him the eternal glorious crown

I have prepared for him.


But please

help him and pray for him and

make sacrifices for him and

call on the whole Church and

the entire humanity and

entire creation to pray for him.


I am with him now and forever.

I am with you now and forever.



My Son,

this message about the Pope is very important,

do not let anything distract you from receiving it properly.

His position, his office, his work

is one of the most difficult in the world –

one with the greatest responsibility

for the whole world and

for the eternity of uncountable persons and souls.

That is why I pray for him and keep praying for him.

All My Angels and Saints are praying for him.


The Pope has the greatest responsibility for the whole world,

for the reign of peace and Love in the hearts of all –

not only for the believers but also for non-believers.

He is the Pope for all.


All have the responsibility of love

and respect for him, even if they do not know.

His office is also the most dangerous.


Defend the poor and helpless, especially children,

everywhere and every time.

I love all children and will save

all My children in My Love.

Let My program for the care

of all children in the world be fulfilled.


Tell all the leaders of nations

and peoples

and cultures

and organisations

and families in the world

to love and honour the Pope.


He is the leader of all.

He is the servant of all.


Tell all leaders

that the Pope is the greatest of leaders

and is the greatest of the servants

both temporal, worldly and religious.


My child, My Love,

defend the rights of the poor,

the rejected,

the suffering,

the sick,

the needy.


Promote their rights.

Pray and fight for them,

make sacrifices for them.


Defend and promote the rights of

My Church,

My Pope,

My Society,

My Family.


Defend the rights of

every person,

every soul,

every family on earth.


Pray and make sacrifices

for peace and love –

the reign of peace and love,

justice and righteousness.


Every human being,

even those who are in the wrong,

even sworn enemies and criminals

are to be loved and cared for.

Love and care for all,

pray and make sacrifices for all.

My child, My Love, take some rest, I will come and talk to you later.


My Son, My Love,

tell My Pope,

My Pope of My Hearts of Love,

tell all My Pope that

I have given him authority and jurisdiction in the whole world.

I have given him authority in the whole world over every soul,

to care and love,

to teach and to lead all

to salvation and union with Me.


Let him not relinquish his authority to any person.

My Pope has universal and immediate authority

to love and care and lead,

to teach and feed,

to tend and defend and

save every soul,

every person in the whole world.

Let nobody and nothing delimit his love and care.


He is Papa for all.

His Love and care is for all –

for all My children,

for all My creation,

just as My Church is

for all My children,

for all My creation.

My Church is My Body.


My Incarnation is for the salvation of all,

to unite all things in Me,

things in heaven and things on earth.


I Am He Who Am The God of Love.

I am the God of all. I am the Love of all.

I am All in All. I am the One and the All. »   



November 29, 2003


« Come!

My Beloved, My Love!

I will tell you something more about the Pope.


Pope John Paul II is My beloved child.

I love him with Eternal Love.

And I want all My children to

love him and listen to him.


He will lead you all to the fountain of living waters.           

He will lead you all to union with Me in My Love.

He is the Apostle of My Love

– of My Hearts of Love.    

Let the whole world listen to him and follow him,

he is My beloved apostle.


He combines in himself the loving heart of St. John,          

the fiery zeal of Paul and

the authority and faith of the Rock – My Peter.

In him is all it needs to be the

universal apostle of

Love and faith and evangelisation today.


I love him and will always love and cherish him.

Let all My children love and cherish him.

The memory of him will last forever in this world

and in the world to come.


He is a light of the world and salt of the earth.

Through him a lot of light and joy and salvation

has come into the world especially at his time.

But his influence will last forever in this world

and the world to come.

I am proud of him.

The enemy has tried to discourage and intimidate him,

even to kill him and to destroy him;

but I and My Mother and all the hosts of My Angels,        

we stood by him and we stand by him and

will always stand by him forever and ever.

Amen! Amen!


Let all men of goodwill rejoice in his life.

His life has touched the life of the world permanently.      

I love him and I am very proud of Him.

I will protect him till the end.

I am with him always unto the end of time.


My good and faithful apostle,

My good and faithful child,

come into My Heart,

My Heart of Love.

Here is your home!


Come to the bosom of your Father – your God,

and receive the crown of eternal glory.

I am with you all times unto the end – unto eternity.

My Beloved! My Beloved! My Beloved!


He is a living intercessor for this My Mission of Love,

of the Two Hearts of Love –

My Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother

ever united in Love.


When he is done, is gone and has come back to Me,

he will do even more, infinitely more –

for the Reign of My Love,

My Hearts of Love in the world,

in the whole world.


He is your powerful intercessor.

He will intercede and do infinitely more

because then he will be completely in Me,

absolutely united with Me.


He is My living Saint now,

he is My Saint forever.       

He is a Saint of My Hearts of Love.

My Hearts of Love reigns in him and through him. »


« Please, My Son,

accept My messages and

My invitation to the whole world,

to come to My Love.

Concentrate on prayer and preaching.

Concentrate on children.

Do all the works of Love.


Build for Me

that chapel of My Two Hearts of Love

in Poland, in the birthplace of the Pope,

as My thanksgiving to My Pope

for leading My Church so effectively all these years.

I will bless him forever and with him all

who bless and follow him. »


A Letter to His Holiness,

Pope John Paul II

by Fr. Montfort Okanwikpo SHL


„Dearest Holy Father,

Pope John Paul II!

We are your children in the

Catholic Society of the Two Hearts of Love

of Jesus and Mary –

the Two Hearts ever united in Love.

We love you immensely and

will never stop thanking God for your Holiness.


In the Easter octave this year,

we visited your birth place in Wadowice and

kissed the floor of the room

where you were born and

we worshipped in the Church and

kissed the baptismal font

where you were baptised.

We prayed much there for you

and all your intentions.

We wish you the choicest blessings of peace and love.

We follow you,

our great leader and model,

we revere you,

our living Saint of the

Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary.

We pray for you daily, at Mass,

holy hour of adoration,

rosary and Vigils – regularly.

John Paul II,

we love and revere you!!!

Now we humbly request

your fatherly blessings,

for us all,

dearest Holy Father!

Your servant

Rev. Fr. Montfort Okanwikpo

c/o Diocese of Ilorin

Most Rev. Dr. Ayo-Maria Atoyebi, O. P.

Bishop’s House P. O. Box 686,

Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria“


Invitation To Rome

January 20, 2000

Jesus says:

« I invite all who honour Me in My Love.

I invite all who honour Me in My Hearts of Love.

I invite all who honour My Sacred Heart and

the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.


I invite all who are waiting for the triumph

of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother and

the triumph of My Most Sacred Heart.


I invite all who are waiting for the

Reign of the Hearts of Love

to come to Me, to Me in Rome

for three days during the


Feasts of My Most Sacred Heart and the

Immaculate Heart of My Mother,

the Two Hearts of Love.


Let all  come to Me.

Let them all come to Me.

I will pour My abundant blessings on them all.

I am their blessing.

I am their Lord,

I am their God.

Tell the bishop to help and organise it.

Let all societies dedicated

to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart come.

Let all come.

Let all help to organise it.

Let all come. For these three days

let all come.

Let all come.


Come, come, come!

I love them all.

I mean to pour My Love on the whole world.

I mean to pour My Heart of Love out to them.

I mean to pour the blood of My Love on the whole world             

not minding their obstacles.

I love all of them. Let them all come.

I love you.

I love My Pope.

I love My bishops,

I love My priests,

I love My brothers and sisters.

I love all who are baptised in My name.

I love all My creatures.

I love My Church.

I love all.

My Church is not a creature.

My Church is Me.

My Church is My Body.

Let all come to Me.

I invite all to come to Me.

I love them all with the Love of My Father.

The Love which is Me.

Love of My Holy Spirit.

The Love of My Love.

I bless all of you. »



Godfather is speaking:

« My Son.

I am the Father of Love.

I invite all to come to My Love.

I will pour My blessings of Love on them all. »


The Holy Spirit is speaking:

« I, the Holy Spirit of Love invite all to come at this time.

I will pour the fire of My Love on all of them. »


Mother Mary is speaking:

« I, the Handmaid of Love. I am the invitation,

the organiser of this pilgrimage,

this most special pilgrimage of Love.

It is to be called the Pilgrimage of Love. »


St. Joseph is speaking:

« I, Joseph with all  Angels and Saints, I am there. »


St. Michael is speaking:

« I, Michael with all Angels and Saints, we are already there.

We are calling all to come to this pilgrimage of Love.        

It is a pilgrimage to pray and praise the Love of God. »


The Souls in purgatora are speaking:

« We also, the poor souls in purgatory,

we are crying to all of you:

Come, come!

In these three days your prayers and Masses

will release all of us from our purgatory.

Please come.

Let all come.

Let all who love us come.

Let all who care for us come –

to pray for our release.

We call on all our brothers and sisters,

to all whom it is possible to come.

Come, come, come, come all.

Love to you all! »


Message On Paray-le-Monial

July 4, 2005

Jesus says:

« My Love!

Now I want you to go to Paray-le-Monial and make it a

City of the Two Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary.


That is its new name and it will develop in this way

and become a place of regular international pilgrimages

and prayers and retreats and conferences.

I am with you now and forever and ever.


I want that house bought immediately,

and to be used as a place to begin living

community of the Two Hearts of Love in France.


Do not abandon My Centre of My Heart of Love in France in Paray

to people who do not really understand

what all the messages of My Hearts of Love are about.


It is about    




union of Hearts in Love.


It is about      

the renewal of My Church in Love.


It is about                

going back to the origin of all in Love.

God is Love and the origin of all,

and the fulfillment of all is in Love.


Bring My Church and bring My entire creation

back to the origin – Love.

Love is sacrificial Love.

Love is oneness with Love – with God.


Bring all back to

oneness with ME,

oneness with God,

oneness with Love.


I Am He Who Am The God of Love.

Go, I am with you.

Go in Love.

Go in peace and Love!



With this I mean to begin the claiming back

of all that belongs to Me – in My Hearts of Love.

Let it be clear

that this My Two Hearts of Love

is the fulfillment of all the apparitions and messages

I and My Mother have been giving the whole world.


I am your God, your Love, your All!

You are My Love.


Take it all, write it down:

„You are My God, My Love, My All.

Amen. Alleluia! Amen!

So it was in the beginning,

is now and ever shall be,

world without end, Amen.

Forever and ever!


Amen.“ »



After the Rosary prayers:

« My Love, you are looking for a centre

but I have already given you

this centre there in Paray,

it belongs to you.


All the messages I gave there

through St. Margaret Mary *)

are all for you, for My Family

of the Two Hearts of Love.


Please, claim what belongs to you.

Go to Paray and establish the

Centre of My Two Hearts of Love there.

I am with you and all with you

now and forever.



Begin to claim all that belongs to you

in My Hearts of Love, all that belongs to Me

in My Hearts of Love, all that belongs to My Mother

in My Hearts of Love, all these belong to you

in My Hearts of Love simply and clearly.


Do not be afraid to claim all

that belongs to you.

All that belongs to Me

belongs to you.

You are Mine.

I am yours. »





*) Hl. Margareta Maria Alacoque, 1647-1690


Message For The Church And The People Of Germany

July 15, 1999

God Father is speaking:

« My people!

My beloved people.

I am your God.

I am the God of Love.

I love you, My people.

Come to Me.

Come to your God.


My people,

I am your God.

My beloved people.

I am your God and Love.


I created you and called you to be My own.


I am your God, you are My people.

I love you.


Look with pity on My Love.

I beg you:

Come back to Me.

All who have left Me –

left the way I prepared for you

in My Church, in My Heart:

Come back to your God.

Come back to your salvation.

Come back to your fulfilment.


I created you out of Love and

called you to be Mine in My Love.

I have given you My Love.


Look in My Heart of Love.

Look on My beloved Son.

Look on His Heart – the Heart of Love.

Look on My daughter, My chosen daughter and bearer of My Love.

Look on her Immaculate Heart.

These Two Hearts are bleeding for you.

These Two Hearts are still suffering for you, for Love for you.

Come to Me in My Love.


Tell My people that I am the God of Love.

Tell My people that I love them.

Tell My people that I will forgive all their sins.

Tell them to repent of their sins and come back to Me.

Tell My people that My Heart is open to them.

Tell My people that I am crying for them.

My Heart is bleeding for them.

Tell them that I love them with an Infinite Love.


No matter how deeply they have wounded Me I still love them.

No matter how far they have wandered from Me I still love them.

I love them till the last minute of their life.

I love them till the end.


Tell them not to decide against Me.

Tell them not to decide against My visible Church.

Tell them not to decide against the visible leaders.

Tell them to build Me a Temple of My Presence in their midst.


I am God, the Holy One in your midst.

I mean to establish a Centre of My Love in your midst, in your land.

I mean to draw all souls to Myself, to bless and save them.    


This is the place where people will feel My Presence (in) My Love.

I mean to establish a Centre of My Love,

of My Heart of Love in their midst,

a Centre of My Presence.


Come! Come!

Come, My people,

to Me,

to My Love,

to My Heart of Love!


Only in My Love you will find  






I am your God.

You are My people.

In this My Centre of Love there will be


perpetual adoration

of My Love,

of My Presence

in the Sacrament of My Love

in your midst day and night.


From this place I mean to pour

My blessings of My Infinite Love

on the whole people,

on the whole land.


I mean to claim all who belong to Me,

and bless all and save all who come to Me.


Here true Love of God and of one another

is to be lived, taught and practised.

Pure and holy Love.

Here is the School of Love

for the whole people,

for the whole world.


The poor are to be taken care of,

the rich are to share,

the sick will be cured,

and all will share,

all will take part

in the Heart of My Love.


Here I mean to unite the hearts of all.

All will be one.

I am God.

One God,

one Love,

the God of all,

the God of Love.


Oh, My Love will reign!

From here My Love will spread to all, into

every heart and home,

every community,

everywhere and

at all times.



Oh, My Love will reign.

There will be attacks from the evil one

but My Love will reign! »














Message On The Priests


Jesus says:

« My Love,

any country from where a priest comes is blessed,

any community from where a priest comes is blessed.       

Any family from where a priest comes is blessed.    

Any womb that bears a priest is blessed.       

Any loin from where/from whom a priest comes is blessed.


Blessed are those

who receive My priests,

they receive Me personally.


Any person

who rejects a priest or insults a priest

or neglects a priest

neglects Me personally.


My Love,

My priests are

the most precious of all My creatures,

they are not just ordinary human beings,

they are Me –

another Me –

another Christ

in the real sense and in every sense,

the only difference is

that they are not gods

and cannot be God.


For God is one – Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


My Son,

thank My priests,

My priestly sons,

for their love and willingness

to work for Me and with Me,

to care for My children,

My sons, My daughters in the church, in the world.


All My sons and daughters in the church

are to love and care for My priests,

My priestly sons.

My priests,

My priestly sons are to love and care and

offer their lives for

My sons and daughters in My church.


Tell My baptized and

confirmed sons and daughters,

they are not to try to control or dictate to

My consecrated sons and daughters;


and tell My baptized and

confirmed and

consecrated sons and daughters,

they are not to dictate, to control their rector,

dominate My ordained sons,


My priestly sons.

My priestly sons are

precious gifts of Myself

in the person of My priestly sons

to My church.



Tell My ordained sons

to be responsible,

to know,

to be sufficiently aware of

their responsibility of leadership

and teaching and sanctification

and sacrifice and purification

of My entire people.



Every priest

is priest of My entire people,

his love and prayers and sacrifice,

even when concentrated on a specific

group of community, assigned to him

by his superior, or bishop,

his whole heart and love and prayers

and sacrifice and concern

should extend to the entire people,

My church, all My children.



In this way will he realize

the full splendour and attraction,

responsibility of his priesthood,

which is Mine,

it is My priesthood.




I am the universal and eternal High priest.


My priestly sons are

My very special children

of My Hearts of Love.

I love them very, very tenderly.

I care for them with all My Heart of Love.

I am in them and

I unite Myself permanently with them.

Let them never weaver.



Any and all of them,

who remain true, steadfast to his         

priestly commitment and duty,

will never, never be led astray

by any person or force.


He will certainly reach his goal of eternal union

and happiness in Me in Heaven.



I thank all My priests,

I love all My priests,

I revere all My priests,

I praise all My priests,

I honour all My priests,

I cherish them,


I draw them deep into My Heart of Love,

I cover them with the blood of My Love,

I am in them,

I am one with them,



I continue My work of

teaching and salvation and

sacrifice and sanctification and

glorification and union

with My eternal loving Father

in My Holy Spirit

through My beloved priests.


My beloved priests

are special children of My Love,

of My Hearts of Love.

All in My Hearts of Love

are to pray for, care

and have special concern for them.



My priestly sons!

Anything done to them is done to Me directly.

Anything given to them is given to Me directly.

I am one with My priestly sons.


Let all love, care and honour them.

Let all listen attentively to their preaching.


Come and see,

I will show you

the splendour of My priests: 


He let me have a glimpse into Heaven and said:


See, nearest to Me and

higher than all My Angels and Saints

are My priests.


The trunk of My beloved saintly priests

are all next to Me,

surrounded in indescribable splendour.


My saintly priests

are the joy of My Heart of Love.

They are the glory

of My Church

on earth and in Heaven. »







Message On The Synod And Church In Africa

At 07.22 in Air France from Paris-Charles de Gaulle

to Rome-Fiumicino:



Jesus says:

« Now I want to talk to you

about the synod for Africa.


This synod belongs to one

of the most important things

happening in the Church today

not just for Africa

but for the whole world:


My Son,

listen as I speak to you

about the Synod and the Church in Africa.

I have placed much of My hope, faith and love

in the Church in Africa and

I repose same in the synod.


Please pray for the synod fathers

that they take this synod as serious as possible,


because through it a lot of good and blessings

and progress and prosperity will come

to My Church especially in Africa.



My beloved Love,

I have appointed you

the bearer of My Hearts of Love,

the personification of My Love in and through

the Two Hearts of Love

in union with the

Most Holy Eucharist and

in full union

with the Most Holy Trinity of Love. »




Messages On The Pilgrimage

To The Holy Land

October 21, 2009

Jesus says:

« My Love,

I thank you for coming

to the Land of My birth here on earth.

Love this Land and people and

cherish and honour this Land and people.

I thank you for reverencing this Land and people

of My earthly birth.



I love and cherish and revere and honour

the land and people of your earthly birth and

I bring all My Angels and Saints and My church

and all who love and follow Me

to honour the land and people of your birth.



I want you to be coming on pilgrimage

to the Land and people of My birth on earth

every year if possible

as you go to Rome every year

for the Feast of My Hearts of Love.


I will give you the means for it.

In this way you will be bringing people

to the Love of Me even in the very Land

and among the very people of My birth.



My Love,

I am still being rejected by My own people

and My own Land of earthly birth.

It has happened to you and will also happen to you

but do not be worried, you are Me and I am you.

We are one for we are One.

As I and My Father are One,

so I am One with you.



My Love,

I love this people and this Land of My birth and     

I want all to love and cherish this Land and people of My birth.

I will bring the Family of My Hearts of Love

to this people and Land of my earthly birth and

plant them as a community of My Love and peace.

I will make it possible.     



My Son,

My Love, pray and work for it.

It is you who are My abode.

I dwell in you and in all in My Hearts of Love.

There will be attacks, but do not be afraid and

do not be discouraged,

I  am with you both now

and forever and ever.




I dwell in you,

I live in you and

I am more active in you,

more than in any other,

more than any human mind can fathom.

I am with you both now

and forever and ever.




My Love,

I thank you immensely

for coming to the very town and place

where My Incarnation took place.

This place is forever and ever hallowed

by My Incarnation.



Here you have done for Me

and for the whole Church          

and the whole creation

what pleases Me and My Father and My Holy Spirit

and My Mother and all My Angels and Saints most –

the Most Holy Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Mass.


Thank you for listening

and doing what I tell you.

I begged you

as you knelt and prostrated in prayer in the

Church of My Incarnation,

Church of Annunciation –

I requested you and commanded you

to offer the sacrifice of Holy Mass for Me and

you complied immediately.



My Love,

just be doing all I bid you and

you will see the tremendous miraculous progress

and blessings that will be poured on you

and the whole family of My Love

and My whole Church and entire creation.


It will be a continuation

of the blessings of heaven and earth

poured upon My Most Blessed Mother

as she gave Me herself

completely absolutely and unconditionally

in Love in her FIAT.



This FIAT is forever and ever

the most blessed and perfect response

and prayer a creature has offered to God.

I am most pleased with My Mother.



My Love,

I am very, very pleased with you.

Please give Me always

this your eternal and infinite YES

to My Most Holy Will,

as I gave Myself infinitely and eternally

to My Most Loving Father in

My YES to His Most Holy

and Loving Will. »



October 22, 2009

After Midnight Mass the Lord said:

« I want you to be organising

pilgrimages every year

to this Holy Land and to Rome and

to My Universal Centre –

My Holy Mountain.

My Holy Mountain is

My Holiest Mount on earth.

There is My Sceptre. »

At Cana in Galilea Mother Mary said:

« My Most beloved Love,

do whatever the Lord tells you and

avoid whatever He forbids.

Do this perfectly and avoid that completely.


You are the miracle of the Lord.


Love Him perfectly,

living the life of purity and holiness and

keeping the prayer times,

thus you bring all to the Love of Him.

I, your Mother, I am with you

both now and forever and ever.


I am continually praying the Lord God,

the Most Holy Trinity, on your behalf.


He loves you and will not only

ornament your preaching with miracles

especially miracles of union and Love of all hearts


but He will turn you

into a living miracle of Love for all.


He has done this and will do it

and bring all to fulfilment.

He is with you

both now and forever and ever.



Please, my Love,

my Most beloved Love,

‚agwa Gi uka Gi ekwere.‘


At every station listen, listen always to God,

even ask Him what you have to do and

do whatever and all He tells you perfectly well

and you will see that your mission

will be continually and fully fulfilled

both now and forever and ever.


Alleluia! »

October 23, 2009


After Midnight Mass Jesus says:

« My Love,

your public ministry and witness has started

and I will be with you to strengthen you and

support you and make your witnessing bear all the fruits.


My Love,

I am with you

both now and forever and ever. 

Amen. »



October 25, 2009

After Holy Mass at the Upper Room House Jesus says:


« My Love, My most beloved Love,

I thank you for celebrating

such a beautiful, holy, elevating, comforting,

glorifying and most loving

Holy Eucharistic Sacrifice

of the Holy Mass for Me.


I thank you for celebrating Me so –

most lovingly, beautifully, comforting,

glorifying, elevating, magnificent and

drawing all around

to the deepest loving encounter

with Me and with one another.


My Love,

I promise you

at every Holy Mass you celebrate,

when you raise Me up

in the Most Sacred Species

I will draw uncountable souls

and creatures to Myself.


My supreme intention and will is

to draw all to Myself.

Please, My Most beloved Love,

help Me to draw all to Myself through you.

In the Holy Eucharist you have celebrated

I have transformed you into Myself

and united Myself with you

in such a union that

I am completely one with you.


My Will is your will,

My Heart is your heart,

My Love is your love,

My Way is your way,

My Life is your life,

My Blood is your blood,

My Body is your body,

My Life is your life,

My Joy is your joy.


Simply and clearly:

I am you and you are Me.


Never be afraid or ashamed

to live My perfect union and identity with you.


I am you and you are Me.


I Am He Who Am the God of Love –

your God, your Love, your All!

I Am He Who Am –

the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,

the God of Israel,

the God of Moses and Joshua,

the God of Elija and Isaiah,


I alone am God,

there is no other.


Now rest and be sure

I am with you

both now and forever and ever.



My Love,

I want to thank you

for your Love,

for being My Love and

accepting My Love and

accepting to be My Love,

for being the embodiment of My Love and

the radiance of My Love. »

November 2, 2009


Jesus says:

« My Love,

I thank you for accepting to be My Love.

I thank you for accepting My Love without conditions.    

I love you with eternal Love and

I want you to love all human beings with My Love.


All you love with

My Love you win back to Me.

My Love,

love Me and

love all with

My Love.


Today on your Feast Day,

I want to talk to you about souls

and how important your mission is for the

fulfilment of the eternal plan of God

to redeem all souls out of His Infinite Love and mercy.

If I gain the whole world

and loose My soul or any soul

I have lost everything and the greatest, but

if I loose the whole world

and gain My soul and any soul

I have gained everything and the greatest.


My Love,

pursue the winning of souls,

every soul and all souls

at every cost, at all costs.

Lie down and rest a while. »

November 4, 2009


«There are many evil forces in the world

seeking to dominate and destroy the spirit of man.

Tell all human beings that they are

My beloved people.

I love them all and will preserve and protect them

and prosper them all in

My Love and unite them all to

My Two Wounded and bleeding Hearts.

My Love,

I am with you

both now and forever and ever.

Amen. »


« My Love,

help all human beings

to come to the fullness of love and life

in union with

My Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.

My Love,

fight for all souls,

for all hearts,

for all human beings

to come to the fullness

of salvation,

of love,

of life.


Fight and destroy and kill

the enemy of human life and Love,

the enemy of human spirit and soul.

I love all human beings,

for their sake I gave Myself to God completely.


My Love,

fight and destroy and kill

the devil and all his agents and

wicked Angels and forces.


My Love,

please help and eliminate

all these evil forces.

I am with you to grant you

the greatest success.


Your mission is My mission and

your mission must succeed.

I have granted the greatest success

to this great mission of Love

of the Hearts of Love.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love. »









Guidelines For The Formation Of Priests

Of The Two Hearts Of Love SHL


Jesus declares:

« My Son, My Love,

here are the guidelines for the formation

of the Priests of the Two Hearts of Love.


They have to be in perfect union and oneness

with My Love, with My Heart –

you are My Love, you are My Heart -,

perfect union and oneness with you,

the Love of God and

the Love of Man.


They have to be in perfect union and oneness

with The Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love       

– the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

the Two Hearts of Love ever united in Love.


They have to be in perfect union and oneness

with the Church – the Catholic Church –

their place is your place

in the very Heart of the Catholic Church.


So they have to be in union and oneness

with the Pope,

the Magisterium of the Church,

the bishops,

in union with the Pope,

the Priests, Religious Men and Women,

the Lay Apostles,

the Consecrated (who consecrated themselves to the Two Hearts of Love, ed.)

and the baptised,   

all men and women of goodwill –

all in union with the Catholic Church.




They have to be in perfect and total and absolute obedience

to the Most Holy Will of God –

in union and oneness, in Love

with the Most Holy Trinity of Love.


They have to be in perfect union and oneness

with one another

knowing that the Love of God

is the same as the Love of Man,

the Love of God and the Love of neighbour

are one and inseparable.


Their first neighbour is

their fellow brothers,

priests and

members of the

Family of the Two Hearts of Love.


They have to be consumed by the Love of God

and all souls and all persons and

communities and nations and races,

loving all with the same and one Love of God

and in this way winning all

and uniting all to the Love of God.


They have to have always before their eyes

the goal of perfect

union and oneness with the Love of God.

In all they think, say and do,

they have to be in

union and oneness with the Love of God.


They are in the world,

but not of the world and

they have to be perfectly formed

in the Image of the Love of Christ

being one with Christ’s Love for God,

the Church and mankind and

all souls and all creation.


The Most Holy Eucharist is

the centre of their lives,

both communal and individual lives.


The absolute Love for the

Prayer of the Hearts of Love

is their Life and their Love

and perpetual preoccupation day and night

both in community and deep

in their personal and individual

hearts and mind and spirit.

Their souls and bodies and physical existence is

consumed by the flaming fire of this Love –

every heart beat most

lovingly and

beautifully and


offers this prayer of Love.


Their whole life is one unbroken rhythm of

Prayer of the Hearts of Love.


They know that it is their vocation to be

victims of Love

in union and oneness with the

supreme Victim of Love – Jesus Christ,

in union and oneness with the

Most Holy and Immaculate

Virgin and Mother Mary.        


I will guide your

thoughts and words and actions. »


Message On The Sisters For Their

Final Profession

August 1, 2006

Jesus says:

« My Love,

I want to talk to you about the sisters

who will be going in to prepare for final profession.


Before applying for it any person must produce

written authenticated evidence

of complete faithfulness and compliance

with the prayer times and life of Love.


All the professed sisters must send in

  • a totally confidential report and conscientious assessment

written before Me in the Blessed Sacrament

of all they know about the sisters, both positive and negative,

with regard to the life of vocation as sisters,

  • concerning these main points of prayer life of Love,

compassion, identification with the ideals of the Hearts of Love,

  • in complete and unconditional and eternal oneness

with the Most Holy Will of God.


Each professed sister must

  • pursuit perfection and sanctity

with all she is and has;

  • prove her union and oneness

with the Love of God in purity and holiness of Life;

  • prove her union and oneness

with the Prayer of the Hearts of Love;

  • prove her absolute faithfulness

and unflinching and unconditional and loving

attendance to the Prayer Times without fail no matter the reasons;

and in spite of any difficulties and weakness and temptation and obstacles.


I mean to pour the Blood of My Love not minding the obstacles

  • so with the keeping of the Prayer Times without conditions

and no compromise with whole heart and mind and soul and all her Love;

  • union and oneness

with you, My Love and Founder, with your Spirit, charism, character;

  • union and oneness

with the Society of the Two Hearts of Love, especially with the sisters of her congregation, and with other members of various circles and stages;

  • union

with the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary,

as Victim of Love,

  • in union

with the Supreme Victim of Love, Jesus Christ,

and Our Blessed Mother Mary.


She has to be Maria and in

  • union and oneness with the other sisters, they have to be one Maria.

She must prove

  • her union and oneness

with the Catholic Church with passionate Love and joyful and loving

defence and promotion of the Church;

  • her great Love, obedience, respect and allegiance to the Pope and Bishops
  • in union

with him, Priests, Religious Sisters and Brothers, all Consecrated Life, Laity,

all Baptised, and her love for all souls and all human beings;      

  • her union and oneness

with Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament, the Most Holy Eucharist;

  • her great unconditional Love

and complete attachment for and total dependence on the Mass;

  • her great Love

for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and all the Sacraments;

  • her union and oneness

with the Most Holy Trinity of Love;

  • her union and oneness

with the vows – the three evangelical vows

and the vows particular and special to her congregation;

  • her comprehensive report of apostolate

done so far and pastoral program and plan and

even results so far visibly attained by the grace of God.

She must send in

  • a confidential report and recommendation

from communities where she has lived, worked, studied

or even religious, relations and friends who know her well;

  • with regard to her faithfulness

to her vocation as victim of Love in this Society and Congregation.

I will tell you more, pray, I will reveal to you their spirit.


The professed sister has to send in

  • her medical and psychological reports comprehensive;
  • progress report and comprehensive assessment
  • in the areas of continuous spiritual formation;
  • human formation;
  • intellectual – theological formation in the

theology of the Two Hearts of Love;

  • apostolic pastoral formation etc.

She must declare:

  • How many new vocations

has she attracted and promoted in this Congregation, Society

and in the Church?

  • In which initiatives,

community life and team work did she take part?




My Love,

any persons you have any doubts at all about her suitability for vows – first or final vows

  • you are bound to fully investigate and clear the doubts

before promoting the person to the vows and proceeding with her.

For the final professed sisters there is need at this stage

  • to give one full year of formation and assessment

so as not to do harm to them and to the Society and Congregation and

the Church and to her religious vocation.


My Love,     

  • take proper personal care of them and form and prepare them personally

at Ugwu-Nso.

  • Let them live in seclusion and deep personal reflection and preparation.
  • Let no other occupation distract them from full preparation

for their final vows.


This is the greatest thing happening to their lives in their life time.

The next is beatification and canonisation which happens when they are dead. Take the final profession as living beatification.


In fact, My Son,

any person you admit to final vows I have admitted for beatification.


Do not hurry it.

Take time and devote

all the necessary prayer and preparation, time and resources, sacrifice and research.


Let each candidate

  • write her autobiography and
  • let another person who knows her well write

a comprehensive biography of her, which will be well documented on her life as a Victim of Love.


My Son,

I will give all the blessings and graces necessary

for this comprehensive preparation.


It cannot happen that you will admit any person to final vows

who you do not know allround comprehensively and deeply spiritually.


Final vows is more than marriage.

It is next to beatification.


For any person to be admitted to final vows

there must be enough evidence which can be used

to advance her cause of beatification.

At least it must be certain

  • that she is firmly fixed on this narrow and thorny path of sanctity.


Give them

  • at least one year of intensive prayer and discernment and preparation.
  • Give them a six month preparation personally guided by you.
  • The remaining six months will be guided by the Servant General (Preparer Mother).

You will need to bring in

  • spiritual and theological and human experts in many fields

to supply them all they require, to prepare very, very well.


Please, My Son,

demonstrate for Me and for them My great Love for them

in this period of their preparation and

let them have already here on earth

some foretaste of the glory of the Life of Love and purity

and holiness and oneness with you and this Prayer,

with the Two Hearts of Love in the heart of the Catholic Church,

with the Most Holy Eucharist and the Most Holy Trinity of Love.

Let them have some glimpse

of what is awaiting them

if they remain completely faithful till the end.

In this time let them have an experience

close to what I gave My apostles at the mount of transfiguration.


Let them be completely fixed on holiness and purity.


This is the purpose of this final profession

–   that it is clearly attested

that the person is completely and unconditionally fixed –

freely, firmly fixed

  • on Love,
  • on Prayer,
  • on you,
  • on the Two Hearts of Love,
  • on the Church,
  • on the Holy Eucharist and
  • on the Most Holy Trinity,

as a sign,

that Love, the Prayer and the vows are totally

fixed and internalized in her.

She is a living embodiment and manifestation

of the ideals and goals and glory of the Hearts of Love.


My Son,

make them

My Glory and

your glory and

the glory of My Church

here on earth and even in heaven (later).

I thank you, I will tell you more.


After Holy Mass:

My Son,

if you do all I bid you and

follow faithfully the instructions I have given you

regarding this second set (of sisters)

all will be alright.


It will not be easy I must tell you

but I will make sure

that My Congregation receives the best and

becomes a congregation of Saints

Saints of Love.

Saints of the Hearts of Love!

Saints of the Most Holy Eucharist!

Saints in the very heart of My Catholic Church.

Saints of the Most Holy Trinity of Love! 

Your Saints, My Love, My most beloved Love.


Do not hide My Love for you.

I do not hide My Love for you.

Do not hide your Love for Me.

I will never hide your Love for Me and

My Love for you.


You are My most beloved Love,

and this congregation

is the congregation of

My Own Very Heart of Love! 


My Love, listen to My message!

I have chosen this hour to be My Holy Hour.

It is holy to Me,

holy unto the Lord and

I want all men to respect it as Holy Hour.


This is

the hour of My death,

the hour of salvation,

the hour of the piercing of My Heart,

the hour of the opening of the gates of paradise,

the hour of opening of the gates of heaven,

the hour of My descending into Sheol,

into the regions of hell, the territory of the dead,

to wake them from their eternal sleep,


the hour I mean

to unite all hearts with the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts,

the union of union of all hearts

with My Hearts of Love. »
















Jesus Thanks All Who Have Followed

His Call For Prayer

July 6, 2001

« I thank all who have responded

to this Prayer Call,

which I sent from heaven.

All who keep awake and pray

in the middle of the night are blessed.



I bless them with My eternal blessings of Love.

I bless their families und undertakings.

I bless their generation.



Through their prayers  and sacrifice

they are supporting Me in carrying the world –

they are helping Me

in carrying the world,

in saving the world,

in renewing My Church,

in fighting evil.



Let them not get weak.

I am with them.

I am with them always till the end of time.



Let them never get tired.

I am with them and will never, never, never abandon them.

have accepted them and their sacrifice of Love.

They are fragrant offerings of Love of Me.



The light of their prayers and sacrifice shines

through the darkness of sin, of hatred and wickedness and evil.

Darkness cannot overcome them.

Weakness cannot overpower them.


Their Love is united with My Love.

Their hearts are united with My Heart.

Their blood flows into My own.


I am with them.

I am united with them.

They are united with Me.


They form a formidable army of praying and

loving and self-sacrificing souls.


The future of the world, the Church

and the salvation of souls

depend on such sacrifices

of Love and Prayer.



Let them never get tired.

If they see the effect of their sacrifices and prayers

in heaven, on earth and under the earth

they will marvel, they will be surprised.

They will not understand it now.



Their prayer and sacrifice

rock hell,

free innumerable souls in purgatory,

redeem innumerable souls on earth and

bring great joy in heaven.



I am very much comforted,

and My Mother and all My Angels and Saints

thank them and protect them and pray for them.


They form a formidable immense army

with all My Angels and Saints.


The devil fights against them.

Let them not be surprised or discouraged

that the devil is fighting them and

trying to discourage them.



And you,

My Son of Love,

My Heart of Love,

do not be worried at all

that the hell is let loose against you,

that all sorts of plans are being made against you,   

and all sorts of calumny are being unleashed against you,        

that all sorts of publications are being made against you.


Be firm, be firm, be firm.

Do not look left or right, back or front, up or down.

Look only on Me.

Fix your gaze on Me.


I am, I am, I am.

I alone am. I am God and no other.

You are doing My Will, My Eternal Will.

I am immensely pleased with you.


I am with you.

I am with you.

I am with you.

I am with you.

I am giving you the greatest support possible.


Your Mission is My Mission.

Your Mission must succeed.

My Hearts of Love must triumph.

I am! I am! I am!


Now I beg My beloved children

to remember that I am                

– still suffering,

– still lonely in many tabernacles in the world,

– in many hearts in the world,

– in many Churches, 

– in many families I am abandoned and not being cared for.


I call on all My beloved to keep Me company,

fifteen minutes a day is enough

for Me for the meantime.

Let any person choose the time

he/she can come and stay with Me

for at least fifteen minutes.

Just stay with Me.

Just visit Me.

Just say a word of Love to Me. »


« Visit Me – lonely in the Church,

visit Me –      lonely in prisons,

visit Me –      lonely in hospitals,

visit Me –      lonely in old people’s homes,

visit Me –      lonely, abandoned in many homes and places          

and towns in the world.


Please come! Come! Come!


Let all who are ready to do this apostolate of Love,

to give their hearts and their Love,

give Me their names.

I will write them in My own Heart of Love.


Come! Come! Come!

This visiting apostolate of Love, of the Hearts of Love,

will flourish in the whole world.


If enough people do this,

Love will reign

everywhere on earth

as it is in heaven.


I am the God of Love.

I am! I am! I am!

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.


When they visit Me or visit one another

let them say the Prayer of the Hearts of Love.

bless all who will do this apostolate

with My eternal blessings of Love.

I bless all who will propagate this

with all the blessings of My Hearts of Love.

I will be the teacher of all who will do this constantly.       

I Myself will teach them and lead them to perfection in

My School of Love, in My Heart of Love.


They will remain steadfast in My Hearts of Love.

They will never fall away.

No devil can separate them from Me.

No failure will destroy them.

I will raise them up always and

carry them in My Hands and

press them to My Heart.


My Heart of Love is

their place of refuge,

their solace,

their salvation.

I am! I am!

I am their Love!


They are

My loving children

of My Hearts of Love.

I love them all with Eternal Love,

and I bless them all

with My Eternal blessings of Love.


Remain in My Love!

Remain in My Hearts of Love!

Remain united with Me!

I am one with you.


All who remain

steadfast in this

will receive

My Eternal Blessings.

I will bless        

their generation,

their families,

their undertakings.

None of them will be lost.


I will comfort them                      

in all situations,

in their trials and sufferings.


I will stay with them always,

especially at their              

most troublesome,

most abandoned times,

especially their hours of death.


I am with them.

I will be their comfort,

their glory, their happiness.

I am! I am! I am!


I Am He Who Am The God of Love.


Through them

I will pour My blessings on

all to whom they go and

all who come to them.


I will pour My eternal blessings

on My whole Church anew.


Churches where

many of these visits take place

will experience a rebirth

in faith, hope and charity.


Through them (the professed sisters)

I will bless

all in their family,

relations and community,

I mean to pour

My eternal blessings on

all through them.


My children,

I love you.


My beloved children,

give Me this time  –

at least fifteen minutes a day now –

and I will give you eternity

for ever and ever.

Amen. »


Message To The Members

Of My Hearts Of Love

September 1999

Jesus says:

« My members,

members of My Love,

members of My Body,

members of My Heart,

members of My Blood!


lt is the same Love between Me and My Father and the Holy Spirit.

It is the same Love which united Me forever with My Mother.

lt is the same Love which exists between Me and you,

between Me and every one of you.


I love you all with one and the same Love.

I am Love and I do not change.

I am God of Love, your God,

You are all children of My Love.

I begot each and every one of you

with My Love, with My Heart of Love.


Darling children of My Heart!

My Heart is your home.

My Love is your life.

Live the life of Love always and everywhere,

life of prayer and works of Love.


I repose My confidence on you.

I entrust you with the deepest secrets of My Heart.

I burn with the Love for you – each and everyone of           you.

My Love is all for you. 

Do not be worried.

Do not be afraid.

As long as you remain in My Heart of Love – 

My Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother

ever united and one in Love –

you are secure.


The devil has no power over you.

No catastrophe will,

no catastrophe can,

nothing can destroy you in My Love

as long as you remain united with Me

in My Heart of Love.


Montfort, My Love!

Unite all My children in My Love.

Gather all My children in My heart of Love!

Unite all in My Love.

This is urgent.

Pour the Blood of My Love on all.

Love all with My Love.

Love is. lt is Love. It is only Love. Love is all.

Love is that which unites you and all My children

with Me and My Father and the Holy Spirit,

with My Mother and

with all the Angels and Saints,

with all in heaven and all the redeemed on earth.


Love is all.

Love is that which separates you from the devil.

The devil cannot love.

The devil cannot love Me.

It cannot love you.

lt cannot love itself.

The moment it loves it ceases to be the devil. 

Kill the devil with Love!

Destroy the devil with Love!


As long as you remain in My pure and holy Love,

united in pure and holy Love with one another,

the devil has no power.

You are very, very, very secure in My Love.

The best and highest security for you

is in My Heart of Love.

Remain in My Love.

Remain in My Heart of Love. 


The Triumph of My Heart of Love is there.

My Love is in you.

The Reign of My Heart of Love

is coming among you.


Remain ever united with Me and

with one another in pure and holy Love.

I am in you.

I am for you.

I am with you.

I am. I am. I am:

through this Prayer, Prayer of My Heart of Love. 


This prayer is the precious gift of

My deepest and Infinite Love.

Storm the world,

the whole world

with Prayer,

with this Prayer of

My deepest and Infinite Love:

Prayer of My Heart of Love.


lt is I Myself Who am this Prayer.

Storm everywhere and everybody with it.

Let it reach every heart and every home.

Do not delay.

Put it into every language and every culture. 

This Prayer and works of Love!

Say this Prayer everywhere and every time and

do works of Love everywhere and every time.


The world of creation is Mine.

I give you all

to be My Love in the whole of My creation.

Be My Love everywhere.

Carry My Love everywhere.

Do not be afraid.

You cannot hurt anybody with Love. 


This Prayer is My Love.

My Love cannot be desecrated or destroyed.

Nothing can do that.

My Love can be rejected but

My Love cannot be desecrated, cannot be destroyed.

My Love is Me.

l am My Love.

I am God of Love.


This Prayer cannot be abused.

I Myself I am the security of this Prayer.

Pour this Prayer like rain on all good and bad.

Storm the whole world, all creation with it.

Through this Prayer

My Love reigns.

Through this Prayer and works of Love

My Love reigns.

Love is life and all life is about Love.

Without Love there is no life.

The meaning of life is Love.

Life finds its only and ultimate fulfillment in Love.

I am Love.


My child,

do not delay.

Never, never, never doubt.

Teach all to pray and do works of Love.

Let all pray and do works of Love.

Through My Love I will win all to Myself.

When I am raised up I will draw all to Myself.

I am God and God of Love.

I am Love.

Let all come to Me. 

Separated from Me they are lost.

United with Me they are saved.

This union with Me in My Heart of Love

is already there in this Prayer and in works of Love. 

My child!

My children,

never get tired or worried or angry.

Remain always cheerful,

full of joy and happiness and hope

which comes from the depths of the Heart. 


My Love is all for you.

All you need is My Love.

All you are is My Love.

Outside My Love you are not, you are nothing.

In My Love you have the fullness of Life and existence.    

You are fulfilled. 

I want your happiness here and hereafter.

I want your fullness of Life here and hereafter.

That is only possible with union with Me, in My Love.

Come! Come! Come! Come to My Love!

Come deep into My Heart of Love.


This Prayer cannot be said too much.

Love cannot be loved too much.

There can never be too much Love, excess Love.

There can never be too much Prayer, excess Prayer. 

Let every heartbeat say this Love, say this Prayer.

Let everything say this Prayer, say this Love, express this Love. 

Let everywhere be filled with this Prayer, with this Love.

Let everywhere be set aflame with My Love.

Let everything proclaim My Love. 


Oh, My Love is all.

My Love! In My Heart of Love!

I love all. I love all. I love all.

Let all come to My Love. 

Prayer of Love is Prayer of the new time.

Prayer of the Hearts of Love is the Prayer of the new age!

Love this Prayer! Prayer is Love! Love is Life!

Prayer is Life! Life is Prayer. Life is Love. Live Love, that is all. 


Thank you for listening to Me and loving Me.

Thank you for coming to Me.

Thank you for loving Me.

I am Love.

I will turn you into flaming fires of My Love.

My Love! My Love!

My Love will reign.

Love reigns. My Love reigns in heaven.

My Love will reign on earth.

Oh, My Love reigns!

Oh, My Love will reign!

Oh, My Love reigns! »


Imprimatur: Bishop Ayo-Maria Atoyebi O.P.,

Ilorin Diocese/Nigeria, May 2002


„The Highest Vocation Of Victims Of Love Is

What I Have Given You“

July 12, 2006

Jesus speaking:

« My Son, My Love,

I love you and will ever love you.

I have sent you into the world

so that My Love will be visible, touchable, hearable, consumable.


My Love,

you are being consumed and you consume.

All will consume My Love and

My Love will consume all.


My Love will burn in all.

All hearts will be set aflame with the fire of My Love.

I have come to set fire on the world and

how I wish it burns.

Let the fire burn.

Let all be set aflame with the fire of Divine Love.


My Love,

the highest vocation of Victims of Love, that is

what I have given you and all My children in the Hearts of Love –

My priests, brothers, sisters and lay apostles.


My Son,

teach them and train them to understand

their vocation as Victims of Love and

help them all to understand Love and

to live their vocation as Victims of Love.


Let them all be transformed and be what they are –

the flaming fire of Divine Love.


Let them all be aflame and be burning, wherever they are,

to dispel the darkness of wickedness, hatred and sin.


Let them all be fully united

with the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts and


let them be perfectly united

to the Most Holy Trinity of Love.


My Love,

let them all be perfect, as their heavenly Father is perfect.

Their perfection is the perfection of Love.


Concretely let them all learn from My Heart of Love.


Come to Me all you who labour and are overburdened

and I will give you rest.



Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of Heart.

Let them all learn from My gentle and humble Heart of Love.

Let them shoulder My yoke.


My Love,

My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

My yoke and My burden – that is Love.


That is Living the Life of Love.

That is Living the Life of the Prayer of the Hearts of          Love.

That is Living the Eucharistic Life.

That is Living the Life of the Gospel.

That is Living the Christian Life.


My Love,

let them all learn the Life of bearing witness.


The Life of Love –

loving God and loving all

with the Love of God and

bringing all to the Love of God

in and through and with the Two Hearts of Love    

in prayer and preaching and doing works of Love.


Let them be actively engaged in spreading

the Gospel of Love and shining and radiating

and pouring God’s Love on all.


Let them live the active Life of Love –

visiting the sick,     

feeding the hungry,

clothing the naked,

sheltering the homeless,

giving water to the thirsty,

visiting prisoners,

comforting the afflicted.


My Love,

let them live this.

This is the Life of Love.

This is My yoke and My burden.

It is light and sweet to be Victims of Love.

Receiving the Love of God and radiating it and

pouring it on people with the aim of

doing the Will of God and

saving all souls by

bringing all to the

Love of God and the

Love of God to all.


My Son,

this is the meaning of the Gospel.

This is the meaning of the scriptures.



My Love, this is the meaning of religion.

My Love, this is the meaning of Life – human Life.

My Love, this is the meaning of existence.


Let all My members, all My children know this and

live it and spread it.

Let the whole world be filled

with the knowledge of God,

with this knowledge of God of Love.


God is Love and the vocation of man is Love.

The life of man is Love.

The work of man is Love.

The knowledge of man is Love.


Man, know God and know yourself!

The fulfillment of Man is God is Love.

The fulfillment of all the laws and the prophets is Love.


My Son,

this is what you are – Love:

the Love of God and Love of man.


I have created all out of Love.

There is nothing outside My Love.

Outside My Love there is nothing but

damnation, misery, hell.


The devil has bracketed himself and

all who follow him out from My Love,

even though all is created and destined for My Love,

for infinite and eternal union with Me in Love –

Love and union of the Two Hearts of Love and then

Love and union of the Most Holy Trinity of Love.


But the enemy, the devil and all his agents,

have refused My Love,

separated themselves from My Love and       

established their own rebellion of disobedience,      

separation, hatred, wickedness, sin and misery of hell.      

That is their free choice.


My Son,

that is not all.

The most wicked act is not

that they have chosen to reject My Love, Me –

but that they are fighting to draw

innocent, unsuspecting souls into this hell fire.


My Love,

I have vowed to redeem all My souls.

Please, love Me and fight and

make all the sacrifice in Love,

in prayer and preaching and living the

Life of Love and works of Love,

shining and pouring My Love

to win back all My souls and

unite them to Me in Love.


My Love,

teach all My children to fight and

win all My souls back to Me

and bring them all to the Love of their Father.


I am their Father.

They are all My loving souls.

I love them all.

I created them all out of Love and

I will redeem them all out of Love.


I need your help and I want their help –

their loving response to My Infinite and Eternal Love.

No matter how small.

I need their response to My Love.


Let them all respond to My Love.

Let them all Love Me.

Let them all call Me Love.

I am God Love.

I am God of Love.

Let them all call Me from their hearts: Heart of Love.      

Let them all look at Me, look on Me as God of Love.         

Let them all come to My Love.


Invite them,

call them and

unite them all to Me in Love.

This is your work and

the work of all My children in Love.


My Love,

accomplish this Mission of Love.

This Mission of Love must succeed.

Love must reign.

The Two Hearts of Love must triumph.

The Love of the Most Holy Trinity of Love must reign.

Love must reign in all and through all for all.


I Am He Who Am The God of Love,

and you are My Love.

I am. »


„Your Vocation And The Vocation of Your Children“


Godfather is speaking:

« My Love,

please listen,

I want to talk to you about your vocation and the

vocation of your children in the Hearts of Love.


Your vocation comes from Me direct.

It is I who sent you.

It is I who gave you this Mission.

This Mission is not from anybody else and

not through the mediation of anybody –

I gave it to you direct and it is to Me direct

that you are accountable.


I did not give you this mission

through anybody or group of persons,

not even through the mediation of Angels or Saints.

I called you direct and gave you

this Mission of Love in     the Hearts of Love.


My Love,

please take this very, very seriously.


No other person in the world

could understand the magnitude of this mission,

it is only Me, God,

Who gave it to you.


That is why I did not send you

to any person to direct you.

Nobody would have directed you the way I want it.


That is why I Myself,

I am forming and directing you by

My Holy Spirit and

My Son Jesus Christ.


I have sent you Angels and Saints and holy people

to help you in this Mission.


My entire Church supports you and

works with you and prays for you and with you.

You are a member of My Church

like any other member.


That is why you have to listen

to the Pope and love and

respect and obey him.


That is why you have to listen

to My Bishops, your bishop,

and obey and respect him.


That is why you have to listen

to My Priests, your priest,

and respect and work with them

in obedience to My Most Holy Will.


That is why you have to listen

to My Sisters and Brothers        

and obey their need and work with them and

respect them and help them.


You need the help of the whole Church

and the help of everybody for this work,

because everybody has to open his own heart

to the flow of My Love,

to the radiation of My Love and

the shining and pouring of My Love.


My Love,

this work is apostolate of universal friendship and Love.

Do all I tell you and all will be alright.


Now, the vocation of

all My Children in the Hearts of Love

especially the Priests and Brothers

and Sisters and Lay Apostles

are all tied to yours.


They are all part of your vocation.

This is the way you should understand it and

the way they should understand it.


They have no vocation in the Hearts of Love

without you.     

And your vocation is not fulfilled

without theirs.


I have established a union with you and them

such that nobody and nothing can destroy it. 


Do not be afraid or worried,

there will never be a time when they will

do without you.

For without you they are nothing.


My Love,

listen well.

Protect their vocation as you protect yours.

Love their vocation as you love yours.

Cherish their vocation as you cherish yours.


They are all yours.

They are all your vocation.

They are all part and partial of your vocation of Love.


Love them as you love Me

and love yourself.


My Love,

this Love is real and pure and holy and unalloyed.

You cannot remain pure if they are not preserved in          purity.

Your purity is the preservation of their purity and

their purity is the manifestation and preservation and      

prolongation and extension of your purity.


Please, My Love,

this type of union between you and them

and between you and Me

has never been like that

since the beginning of the Church.


Your position is completely different.

Many will not understand that

but later I will make it as clear as daylight

to all to whom it is given to understand it.

There is no saying

that you are drawing them to you.


To be united with you

in eternal and infinite bond and union of Love

that touches and goes to the deepest roots of

their being and existence and eternal salvation

is the way,

I have made their vocation

and your vocation

and all in Me.


You are Me and you are My Love.

They are you and your Love.

They are you.

They are you.

They are you.

That is how I have made it from all eternity.


All the priests, brothers and sisters

and lay apostles of My Hearts of Love

are you. You are they.

They are you and you are they.

They are you and you are they.

They are you and you are they.

Say this millions of times to them

so that they will know

who they are and who you are.

They have no identity outside you.

You are identified with them

both now and forever and ever.


This bond of union is My eternal bond of Love.

It is infinite and does not depend on anything          

but My Most Holy and Eternal Will.


My Son,

that is how it is.

That is how it was.

That is how it will be

forever and ever.                                                  

Amen. »


Father Montfort says:

„Oh, my God, this is indescribable Love.

This is Infinite and Eternal Love.

I love You, my God, my Love, my All.

Help me to love and cherish and protect and sacrifice all

for the good of all these precious souls and vocations

You have given me and

eternally and infinitely united with me in You,

in Your Church,

in Your Hearts of Love,

in the Most Holy Trinity of Love.“


« My Love,

the prayer you said asking for helpers,

is the prayer I put in you.

It is the prayer I said in you.

I have given you helpers after My Heart,

who will have great Love of Me and

who will work with you

in complete union in Love,

in the Hearts of Love,

in the Love of the Most Holy Trinity,

in the heart of My Catholic Church.


Take care of all of them

with all the Love you are and you have.

I take care of all of you

with all the Love I am and I have.


I Am He Who Am The God of Love.

And you are My Love. »



This Little Family Of Love

Will Be The Greatest In My Church

June 21, 2003

Jesus explains:

« What I am doing with this My little family is this:


I have been looking for a person,

in whom I will live and    

through whom I will let

My Glory, My Love

shine like the sun,

more than the sun,

on the whole world,

on the whole of My creation

in Heaven and on earth.


I found this in My Mother,

the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.         


She gave Me all she is and has, and

I gave her all I have and I am.

We are one, I am one with her.


The clearest representation of

this our oneness is

the oneness in Love,

oneness in the Heart,

union in the Heart.

I remain forever thankful to Her,

My Most Blessed Mother.


Now I have been looking for the person,

in whom this union,

this oneness of Love,

oneness of the Hearts in Love,

will live and through whom

it will shine like the sun,

and more than the sun,

in the whole world,

in the whole of My creation,

in Heaven and on earth.


And I have found this in you.

I sent you into this world just for this reason,


to love and live and pray and preach

this oneness of Love,

union of hearts of Love,

which is also union with the

Most Blessed Trinity.

Now, as you prayed to Me

asking Me to give you helpers

for this great mission,

this work which I have given you to do,


I have chosen people

who will have great Love of Me and

who will work with you.


From these people

I mean to form a family,

a stable, a steady family, a solid family,

which will be the foundation of the

renewal of My Church and

My creation in the Love.


This Love

which has its origin in the

Most Blessed Trinity and

which is the same Love in the

Two Hearts ever united in Love and

which is the same Love in you: 


this is the same Love

which I have planted in

this little family of Love.


I am always beginning little and new.

I am always renewing

My Church and My creation.


This family will be an

unflinching support for you

in your mission – this work.


They are your co-workers.

They are My family and

they are in the family

of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


This family receives and bears and spreads the

Love of the Most Holy Trinity.

This family is not God.

God is one in Three Divine Persons.


This family is a little family,

but I have great things for this family.

When they live My Love

they will be


the greatest Family in My Church, in the world.



They are to receive My Love and

radiate My Love in the whole world.

Wherever they are,

the presence of My Love will be felt.

All who see them will know

that this is a blessed Family –

the Family of Love,

of the Hearts of Love,

of the Two Hearts of Love,

of the Most Holy Trinity of Love.


This family has to know

that it is special unto the Lord,

but at the same time must remain simple,

pure, holy, humble, uncontaminated.


Their wills will have to be united

with My Holy Will and

they have to be one

as I am one with My Mother,

the Two Hearts ever united in Love.

As I am one with the Father and the Holy Spirit


The Spirit of oneness must live in them,


not the spirit of division and separation,

no matter where they are,

they have to be one.          


One in heart,

one in soul,

one in body, 

one in prayer,

one in work.


My Son,

please make them one,

make sure that they are one.

They must be one to fulfil My purpose.


Take full control and make sure that they are one.

Through their oneness they will be universal.


They have always to be united with you,

their Father, their Love.


They have to be united with My Mother,

their Mother, their Love.


They have to be always united with Me,

their Lord and God, their All.


They have to be always united with My Father,

their Father, the One Father in Heaven.

They have to be united

with My Holy Spirit,

their Holy Spirit,

who inspires and strengthens them and

is their advocate everywhere and all times.


I mean to pour My Glory into them.


This is, why I require them to be always

adoring Me in the Most Blessed Sacrament.


During the adoration

I pour My Love steadily into them,

I pour My Glory steadily into them,

I pour My Life steadily into them,


I transform them into My Light of Love,

I transform them into My people, My family,

My workers, My instruments of Love.


I change them into flaming fires of Divine Love.

I bring them deep into My Heart of Love.

I let My blood flow into them and

I let them flow in Me.

They draw life from Me.


The Life they live is

no longer their ordinary lives but

My Love, My Life of Love,

Life lived in union with Me in Love.


What I do with them

during adoration is

what I do with

My Angels and Saints in Heaven.

Adoration is earthly Heaven,

life of adoration on earth is

life of an earthly Heaven.  


My Son,

encourage them to live this Life always.

If they live this Life

as I want them to live,

prosperity in grace will be theirs,

prosperity in holiness will be theirs,

prosperity in all the blessings

of heaven and earth

will be theirs.



The enemy will do all things possible

to distract them, to disturb them.

It will even bring storms and quakes and

all sorts of things to distract them.

But please reassure them,

that they are absolutely protected

in My Hearts of Love.


Let them not be disturbed.

Just as the enemy is trying

to disturb this message,

I am giving you now,

but has not and will not succeed.


So will it try to distract and disturb them,

but will never succeed

as long as they

remain united with Me in Love.


My Love is almighty.

My Almighty power shows itself

most especially in Love.



Let them know what they are

for Me,

for you,

for the Church,

for the whole world.

Especially let them know,

what they are

for you in this Mission.


Their reason for existing is this Mission.



Tell them all.

They are ever to be united in Love with you.


Let nothing and let nobody,

no matter who, no matter what,


let no situation, nothing whatsoever,

separate them from you.


You are Love,

you are Father.


Their union with you is

union in pure and holy Love, like the

union I have with My Mother.


You are their Father,

their Mother,

their sister,

their brother,

they are your mother,

your sister,

your brother.


Go to them.

They are waiting.

Be one with them and

remain united with them in

pure and holy Love of the Hearts of Love

of the Most Blessed Trinity.

They are your family.


I love them as

I love you and

I want them to

love Me as you

love Me.

Tell them all this.


Every day I will be giving you

messages for them.


I love them,

I love them,

I love them.

I love them.

I love them.

I love them especially because

they are united with My Love.

They are one in My Love.


My Love, My Love, My Love.

Love them all with My love.


My Love is their Life,

their existence, their glory, their salvation,

their eternal and their all.


I am All for them.

I am Love for them.

Let them be all for Me.

When they do all I tell them,

they will be all for Me.

I love them,

My Love.


My Love,

love them with My Love,

with all My Love.

Go to them, they are waiting.

Be My Love among them,

in them and through them.


I will let the whole world know that

I am God Love,

the God of Love.




I will let My Glory shine through them.

I will establish the Reign of My Love through them.            



Let them remain steadfast         

in Prayer,

in Love,

in Adoration,

in Union in Love.



With Me,

with the Father,     

with the Holy Spirit,

with My Church,

with My Mother Mary,

with all My Angels and Saints,

with you, My Love.

Go to them.  



My Son,

I thank you

for saving My House, My Family.

I thank you,

I will bless you forever and ever.

I will bless My Family forever and ever.

I will bless My House with My Eternal Blessings.



Let My Family, My House, My People

live the life they should live and

I will bless them with

My Eternal Blessings of

Love and prosperity in grace.



They will not lack anything,

which they need for life, for work.

They may not have luxuries,

but they will never lack anything,

which they need for life and apostolate.



Their life is prayer.

Their apostolate is prayer.



Their life is Love.

Their apostolate is Love.



They are to teach all

the Prayer of Love,

the Life of Prayer,

the Apostolate of Prayer of Love,

the Work of Love.




My Son,

let nothing worry you.

You will see,

what I will do with this House,

My House, your House.



You will see,

what I will do with this Family,

My Family, your Family.

Be calm but vigilant.


Do not be afraid to lead My Family.

Do not be afraid to take decisions.

Do all I tell you.



My Son,

take the decisions according to My Spirit,

My Love,

and to My Will and

I will supply all the graces and means

needed to execute them.



Take full control of this House and

restructure it to suit My Purpose,

the Life and Apostolate of the

Hearts of Love. »






















Message On The Importance Of

Keeping The Prayer Times

November 6, 2002. Morning.

Jesus warns us:

« My Son! My Love!

My Son of Love!

Note this:


Keeping of the Prayer times

is a sign, clear sign

of the Triumph of Love,

of the Triumph of the Hearts of Love,

of the Reign of the Love of God in the Hearts of Love.


Please keep them and

teach others to

keep them very, very religiously.

I Am He Who Am.


In all the Centres of My Hearts of Love,

in all hearts united to My Hearts of Love,

the Prayer times are to be regularly kept.


Anybody not willing to keep the Prayer times

should not live in any of My Centres

of the Hearts of Love.


My Centres are Centres of Prayer,

Centres of Triumph and

Centres of the Reign of My Divine Love.


When all the prayer times are

kept religiously –

kept by all who live there –

no matter their fewness –

there will be extraordinary

peace and love there,

peace and love which the world cannot give

will reign there.

All who live there

will feel it.

All who come there with open heart

will notice it and

will be filled with this peace and love.

This Peace and Love is My Presence – is Me.


Let all know that this is what I want.

This is how My Centres of My Hearts of Love

are to be run.


My Centre is built on Love and

rotates on the Prayer and

prayer times of the Hearts of Love.


This is how I mean

to establish the Reign of My Love

in My Hearts of Love.


My Love must reign.

My Hearts of Love must triumph –

through this Prayer and works of Love.


The principal sin of those given to Me –

dedicated to Me in My Hearts of Love –

is not keeping these prayer times and

not doing works of Love.

The principal sin at My Centres of My Hearts of Love

is not keeping the prayer times and

not doing works of Love.


My Son,

I asked you to teach all to say the prayer

especially at 12, 4, 6,

at communion, Holy Mass, Holy Hour, Vigil.


Let it be kept.

I bless all who

keep these prayer times and do works of Love.

They are My martyrs of Love.

They give their lives and pour their blood of Love

in union with Mine

for the whole world, the whole Church.


They are My heroes,

My Saints,

My beloved,

My companions,

My members.

They are My Love.

I love and cherish them all.

Let them realise

that these times are the

times of eternal union in Love,

in peace and Love,

they are times of triumph,

times of eternal triumph,

times of eternal graces,

times of eternal blessings,

times of eternity.


At these times

eternity unites with time and

time flows into eternity.

All in heaven

unite with the beloved on earth

and in purgatory.


Eternal flames of Love

burn from heaven to earth.

Eternal streams of Love

flow from heaven to earth and

from earth back to heaven.

Oh, what a wonderful union,

peace, Love, triumph.


It is in this simple way and plan

that the enemy, the devil,

will be destroyed

and all his plans annihilated.


My Son,

remain strong.

I am with you and with all who

keep these prayer times and do works of Love.

I am your God, your Love, your All.

I am their God, their Love their All.

Be one with Me.

I am one with you.

Every day before they go to sleep

let them examine their consciences –

personal and collective –

how they have kept the prayer times and

how they have lived the

Life of Prayer and works of Love.

Any failures, omissions, laxity,

should be confessed and

let them ask for pardon in all humility

both, personally and collectively.

I am the God of Love, mercy, pardon.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.


My Son,

My Love, My Love, My Love, My Love,

I am, I am, I am.

I bless you and I bless all with you.

I bless you and I bless all with

My Eternal Blessings of Love.

Peace and Love.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Halleluiah! Halleluiah! Halleluiah!


O, My Love must reign!

O, My Love reigns!

O, My Love will ever reign! »


Message On The Temptation

August 17, 1999

At the very beginning of community-life in Germany


Jesus says:

« My Son,

the temptation is there.

It will last for a little while and the

Reign of My Love will be made clear.


I have given you a very strong faith,

which has united you firmly to Me.

Do not be shaken. 

Tell the members not to be shaken.


Do not fear.

I am.

I am God.

I am the God of Love.

I have everything under My control.



Pray a lot for this little group.


That this temptation

to scatter and destroy this little group

is coming so soon

is all the better now than later.


This is My community.

I am the Heart and Soul

of this community.


They are all My members.

I am the Vine

they are the branches.


Ask them to remain united with Me,

for separated from Me

they are nothing;

but united with Me

they will receive all.


Tell them

to stand firm and pray and

do some penance – the much they can.

I am in their midst.


For entry into the community

proper preparation is necessary.


Nobody is to be accepted

without being properly prepared. »


Message On purity And Holiness

July 6, 2006

Jesus says:

« Now, My Love,

today on the Feast of St. Maria Goretti

I want to talk to you about


purity and holiness of soul, spirit and body.


I have already made it clear to you

that without holiness and purity

there can be no reign of the Hearts of Love,

there can be no reign of Love,

there can be no reign of God,

there can be no reign of the spiritual or

heavenly or true and right religion,

there can be no salvation.


Do you know

how many souls are being destroyed,

misled and damned because of impurity?


My Son,

your greatest enemy

you have to fight is

impurity and lack of holiness.


Fight it first of all

in you and around you,

then in your brothers and sisters

and around them.


Establish the right atmosphere

and environment

of purity and holiness

among you,

among your brothers and sisters

and you will see how

the Reign of Love,

true Love, pure and holy Love

will blossom.


Do not tolerate or ignore or downplay

any signs no matter how small

of impurity and lack of holiness.

This must be emphasized.


This is what is destroying the work

and negating the efforts

of so many priests and religious

in the world today.

I do not want

anything impure or unholy to come in –

in you or in this mission of My Hearts of Love,

in you or around you,

in My sisters and brothers or around them.


I mean to protect them with the

fire of My Divine Love as

I did protect My Mother,

but they must be prepared

to listen to Me and

obey Me completely,

submit their wills to Me completely,

give Me their bodies completely,

all the organs and senses

all the time and everywhere,

consecrate themselves to Me wholly and entirely and

do what I tell them,

all I tell them and

avoid all I forbid.


Let them keep My commandments and rules.


Now you have heard what

St. Theresa told you to avoid.

Be strict with that

very very completely and meticulously and

teach all your children

to live and do and be the same.


This physical care helps a lot

and conditions the mind

so that the longing,

the passions of the body are

controlled by the physical

discipline and abstinence.


Let there be no touching

beyond the elbows and the knees and the neck.

Do that, observe that and

you must have avoided

90% of the troubles and temptations.


I love you and will always love you and

care for you and protect you and prosper you.


The bodies of your sisters and brothers

and all members are

temples of the Holy Spirit,

temples of the Most Holy Trinity and

temples of Love.


They are sacraments of Love.

Their bodies are signs,

visible signs of pure and holy Love.

They are themselves

visible signs of the reign of pure and holy Love.

Let them realise their singular and great dignity.


Their bodies are given them

to live pure and holy Love,

for the reign of the Love of God,

for the pure and Holy Love of God,

for the worship of God,

to do the Most Holy Will of God.         


The bodies and souls are so united that

whatever touches the body touches the soul

and vice versa,

whatever touches the spirit touches the body.


And nothing vile, nothing impure, nothing unholy

will ever enter My Kingdom.


My Kingdom is

Kingdom of purity and holiness.

One of the greatest and clearest signs

of their consecration and belonging to Me

is their use of their bodies.


When I asked My Mother

to give Me herself, her body,

so that I will become incarnate in her

she accepted.


I took flesh in her.

I cannot take flesh

in rotten bodies and foul spirit.


Tell all My sisters

that they must remain absolutely pure and holy,


preserve themselves only for Me and

I will incarnate in them.


They are My Mothers.

They are My temples.


I long for their complete pure and holy Love

now and always.


Go for the conference and

you will hear what I will tell you

through the priest. »



Voice of Little St. Maria Goretti

July 6, 2006

At Holy Hour


Jesus says:

« My Love, My Son,

listen to the voice of the little Maria Goretti! »

 („My God! My Love! My All!“)


St. Maria Goretti says:

« The Eternal Father has sent me

to warn you and especially the sisters

about the dangers of impurity and immorality

and the sins of sex and lustful passion.



These sins and wicked weakness

crucify God,

crucify Jesus,

crucify the Love of God,

crucify the Mother of God,

crucify the Church and

crucify holiness and purity.



They drag innumerable souls to hell.



We must resist any little signs and temptations

against purity and holiness

with all that we have and are.


In this way we show

our Love for God,

our Love for Jesus,

our Love for the Mother of God,

our Love for the Church,

our Love for the Angels and Saints,

our Love for souls,

our Love for purity and holiness,


and our hatred

for evil,

for sin,

for hell and

for the devil.



this hatred is fixed by God.



This hatred for sin is a sign

that we are real

children of God and Jesus and

Mother Mary and the Church and

children of Love,

pure and holy Love.


Especially today –

do you know how many souls

are under the bondage of this sin?


It is the worst and most destructive bondage

into which uncountable people here on earth

have willingly surrendered themselves,

and they and everybody are paying for it.


The world is paying for it.

There is no single sin

that has not been paid or must be paid for.


Every soul that sins,

that falls into this sin

is dead.

It requires extra grace of God

to come out of this.


I warn you,

Father Montfort,

this mission of the Hearts of Love

is so holy

and so pure

that only the pure

and holy can live it

and persevere in it

and fulfill it.


Do not have any illusions:

Any soul that has tasted this

sin of fornication or adultery

should not be taken to be

priest or brother or sister

of the Two Hearts of Love.

If any must be taken at all

it must be after long consideration

and prayers and penance.


I warn you,

I have been sent

by the Eternal Father

to warn you;


exactly in this area of purity and holiness

will the enemy and

enemies of God,

enemies of Jesus Christ,

enemies of the Hearts of Love,

enemies of the Church and

enemies of religion and

enemies of souls

attack this Mission, attack you,

and the sisters and the brothers and priests.


Be prepared.


It will not take long and the attack will come.

But you are protected.


Now protect yourself by

never giving in to impure

thoughts or words or action.

Anything that arouses

the sexual desire and lustful passion

must be avoided as fire.


They are acid being poured on

simple innocent persons and souls.


Souls are as delicate as new born babies.

Souls are like little babies,

like little innocent harmless children.


For anybody to bring acid and

pour on innocent babies

that is what most evil doers are doing and

still worse intend to do

in a larger scale.


God has given this only solution

to destroy all the plans and activities

of the enemy and evil forces –

unite all with the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.


There is no need

bringing these evil forces into the

very ranks of the fighters against this evil.


Many have already tried to

penetrate into the

Family of the Two Hearts of Love.


Fish them out and weed them.



Bring the net to the shore and

select the good fish

and take them home into the

Family of the Two Hearts of Love,


but the bad ones

you must throw away.


This is the time to

do this little selection.


The big selection will be

done at the end of time.


Any person

who has tasted this sin of

fornication and adultery

need not be admitted as

brother or priest or lay apostle.


Be strict about this

but also discreet.

God is with you.


I am your little Saint

sent by God to

warn you and all the

sisters and brothers and priests.


Any who is already a

sister or brother or priest and

indulges in this

must be dismissed straightaway!


No compromise.

No compromise.

No compromise.


Tell the priests, brothers and sisters

that any person

who tempts them to impurity

is worse than the devil.

Jesus called Peter Satan

just because he wanted to prevent Him

from the cross of suffering and death

according to the Will of the Father.


How do you think

Jesus would have reacted

if any person has tried to pull him

into fornication or adultery?



Remember what He said:

„Any person

who looks at a woman lustfully

has already committed adultery

with her in his heart.“


Remember what He warned that

„… if your right eye would lead you to sin

pluck it out and throw it away,

it is better for you to be one eyed

and go into Life of Heaven

than to have your whole body

thrown into hell,

your whole person, body and soul,

thrown into hell.“


I did that.

Rather than loose my soul

I decided out of Love of God and neighbour

to give up my life.


Tell and teach the sisters and brothers

and priests to do the same.

Anybody and anything and anywhere

that would be a temptation to them

against purity and holiness

must be cut off no matter the costs.


I tell you this as God’s Love.

Do this, live this and teach this

very, very meticulously and uncompromisingly,

and you would have saved

the Mission of the Hearts of Love,

the Society of the Two Hearts of Love,

the Congregation of the Two Hearts of Love,

the Sisters, Brothers, Priests and Lay Apostles

of the Two Hearts of Love.


You would have served and saved

the Church and uncountable souls.

The world is looking for witnesses –

to pure and holy Love.

God has chosen you and set you apart for this –

for the Reign of pure and Holy Love,

for the Reign of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus                  

and the Immaculate Heart of Mary –

the Two Hearts ever united in Love,

for the Reign of the Love of God –

the Most Holy Trinity of Love,

for the Reign of Love.


You are there for the sake of the Kingdom –

the Reign of the Most Pure and Holy Will of God – Love.


Please father,

please priests,

please brothers and sisters,

please lay apostles,


do not disappoint God,

do not disappoint Jesus,

do not disappoint the Two Hearts of Love,

do not break the Two Hearts of Love,

do not disappoint the Church,

do not disappoint souls,

do not disappoint Love,

do not disappoint religion,

do not disappoint religious life and

priestly life and Christian Life.


Do not disappoint us who have died for God

out of Love of God in purity and holiness.

Do not disappoint all the Angels and Saints

and all in heaven.

Do not disappoint the Most Holy Trinity of Love –

the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


I, your little Angel,

I am always by your side

to help you and all

in the Hearts of Love,

to defend you and warn you sufficiently

of every danger to impurity.


I am with you.

God is with you.

You will succeed.

Your mission must succeed.                                                  

The Hearts of Love must reign.


Pure and Holy Love of God

and man

and the world

and all creation

must reign.

This is the Will of God. »








„Why Afraid To Appear Different?“


Jesus asks:

« My Love,,

why were you afraid

to appear different even

when you are doing the right thing?

Never again have any fear or shame or worry

when you are doing the right thing and

the right thing is always



My Most Holy Will.

Its rightness does not depend on anything

only that it is



My Most Holy Will.

Once you are sure it is



My Most Holy Will

do it. Once you are sure it is



My Will

go ahead and do it

not minding the consequences or obstacles.

Once you are sure it,

once it is clear that it is



My Most Holy Will

go and think, say and do it

without looking to the left or right,

or forward or backward or up or down

just look on Me and on Me alone and do



My Most Holy Will

in all situations and at all times.

Your only concern is to be

absolutely sure that it is



My Will.

My Love, I will always be making


My Most Holy Will

clear, I will make it absolutely

clear to you and

you do not need to have

any fears or feel ashamed

or be worried about anything

or anybody whatsoever.

Your only concern is to do



My Most Holy Will,

to live it,

to know it,

to think and

contemplate it,

to say it,

preach it and

do it and

see that it is done.



„May your Will be done!“

That is the Prayer

which you should be saying

at all times and every moment.


„Father, may your Most Holy Will be done.“

That is the prayer of prayers.

This prayer makes

all other prayers valid.

You can ask whatever you want

but always end with:


„Father, may your Most Holy Will be done.“

There is no difference,

for Christ is the Will of God and

He came only

to do the


Will of the Father.

So asking anything through Christ

is asking in and through


the Will of God

and it is the same as asking that the


Most Holy Will of God

be done. »








„It Is Heaven On Earth“

June 22, 2003

Jesus says:

« My Son, My Love,

do you know what happens here?


It is heaven on earth.

What happens here is exactly

what happens in heaven.


I have come down to dwell among you,

without leaving My Heaven,

during your adorations with the

Prayer of the Hearts of Love.


What happens is always the same

as in Eucharistic celebrations.


You give to Me this tiny piece of bread

you humans produced and

I accept it and change it into Myself.


I Myself  Who am God

the Everlasting,

the Eternal,

the Infinite,

the Almighty.


I accept this little piece of bread of yours

and change it not just into Mine but into Me.


So I accept your adoration

and change it into

Divine Adoration,

My Adoration, that is

My personal Adoration of the Father.


Come into your heaven,

My adoration is your heaven,

My presence is your heaven,

your chapel is your heaven.

How do you behave in your heaven?


My Son,

I am heaven in your midst.

I Myself, I am your heaven.

Because I am here

with My whole Person

with all My Divinity and humanity,

all My Angels and Saints

are here adoring Me.

That is why I said to you

that you should not worry about

putting Me back in the tabernacle.


When no human being is there or can be here

I receive all the worship of

My Angels and Saints in heaven.

My Angels and Saints are all there to adore Me.


Lie down,

I will show you a lot even as you lie down.

I communicate with you always.

Just as the Father is always in communication with Me,

even as I was in the world as a human being.


I was never separated from Him.

I remained ever united – ever one with Him.

So you must remain always and everywhere

one and united with Me.


I am your Life, your Love, your All.

Listen to Me always,

no matter where you are.

I am with you

to strengthen you,

to inspire you,

to direct you. »



October 18, 2004

Before Holy Hour:

« My Son,

write what I am telling you.


I want My Centres of My Hearts of Love

to be Centres of Perfection.


Here all who live in it

are struggling for perfection;

are aiming at being perfectly united

with the Will of God;

are doing their best to follow the Will of God

and live it and teach it and defend it.

I am with you and with all who seek

perfection in Love in the Hearts of Love. »



After Holy Hour:

« My Son, My Love,

the perfection which I want

from you and from all my           members is

the perfection which is

a gift of My Infinite Love.

I will give it to all who

with their whole heart

are crying and praying for it day and night

calling on Me

in My Hearts of Love,

in My Hearts of Love.

I will give it to them.


My Love,

this perfection in Love

is a gift of My Infinite Love and Mercy.

I give it freely to all whom I want. »



October 21, 2004

« My Son,

teach My children

the way of perfection –


in prayer,

in Love,

in works of Love and

in doing the Will of God.   


Teach them all the

Way of Perfection in Love.

I am with you.


Teach them

what I have taught you.

Everything about the Prayer of the Hearts of Love

that I have taught you belong to the

Way of Perfection.

Teach them all

I have taught you about this Prayer. »



October 21, 2004

11.50 pm

« Do not be afraid about the Pope,

his Life is in My hands and no other.

I will protect him now and always.

Just pray for him.


My Son,

listen to My voice.

Be perfect for I am perfect.

Be perfect yourself.

Be perfect Love, for I am perfect Love.

Do not be afraid to be yourself.

Be who you are! »

October 24, 2004

« My Son,

write this, you are the teacher of perfection.

Your work is to teach people the way of perfection,

the way of Love and bring all to the Love of Me.

My Son, My Love,

please make My House a House of Perfection –

perfection in Prayer,

perfection in Love,

perfection in works of Love,

perfection in doing the Will of God.

Let all who come here experience here as

House of Perfection

in Love,

in Prayer

of the Hearts of Love.

Do not hide the identity of My House –

house of Perfection in

Prayer of the Hearts of Love.

Do not hide your identity –

My Love, My Beloved,

Love of God and Love of man.

Teach My children this great

Way of Perfection in Prayer.

Before anyone attains the perfection in prayer,

that person must have really attained

human perfection and union with the Divine.

For this perfection is possible only

as a gift from God

in the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary. »


October 26, 2004

« My Son,

I am happy with you and

My family of the Two Hearts of Love.

But I want you to make more efforts

to be the perfect family I want you to be.

I am with you now and always.

Remain always in Me, grow in My Love.

I am with you and with all who are with you. »



October 28, 2004

« My Son,

never be discouraged.

I am with you.

This Mission of the Two Hearts of Love

is My Mission.

I will take full care of you and

of this Mission and all working with you.

The only thing I require from you

is steadfastness in prayer. »

October 29, 2004

« My Son,

write what I am telling you.

I have taken full control of you

and this work of Love,

see what will happen from now on.

I am with you.

I have given you

My Holy Spirit,

My Spirit of Love.


My Holy Spirit

will direct you in all things and

make sure that this mission succeeds as I want it.


It is My eternal Will

that My Love reigns

now and forever and ever. Amen.


My Love,

let Me do with you what I want.

I will do with you

what I, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

did with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.

She gave herself completely to Me and

I did with her all I wanted.


Please let Me manifest My Glory in you.

Please let Me manifest My Glory in you.

Please let Me manifest My Glory in you and through you.

Please let Me manifest My Love in you and through you.

Please let Me manifest My Holiness in you and through you.

Please let Me manifest My Purity in you and through you.

Please let Me manifest My Simplicity in you and through you.

Please let Me manifest My Oneness in you and through you.

My Love, I am Who I am.


Please let Me manifest Who I am in you and through you.

Let nothing again be an obstacle to My manifesting

My Love,

My Glory,

My Holiness,

My Purity,

My Oneness,

My Trinitarian which you are,

My Being Who I am in you and through you.


My Love,

be yourself.

I have waited enough to

manifest Myself to the whole world.

You are My Epiphany.



let Me manifest all I want to

manifest in you and through you.

Be yourself –

the manifestation of Me, the God of Love.


I Am He Who Am and you are My manifestation.


My Love,

I thank you for allowing Me

to manifest Myself in you and through you.

You are one with Me and

I am one with you.


My Love,

thank you that you have heard My Voice and

have decided to come and follow Me.

I am with you now and forever and ever.



Let My Society grow.

Do not be afraid to let My Society grow.

Do not be afraid to let My Society manifest itself.

Do not be afraid to let Me manifest Myself fully in you.


It is My Eternal Will

to manifest Myself in you and through you –

the fullness of

My Love,







Might and Power.

My Son,

thank you for the Mass,

I will talk to you again after communion.


My Love,

you are the manifestation of My Love.

You are the manifestation of Love of the Most Holy Trinity.


Rejoice and be happy

for you are the Love of the Most Holy Trinity of Love. »


October 29, 2004

At 04.20 am:

« My Love,

I thank you for going this way of My Love, My Infinite Love.

I am with you and will always be with you

to help you and to protect you and inspire you.

Just listen to Me in every situation.

I am with you always, but please listen to Me always.

All I have revealed to you must come true.

I am the guarantee of the Truth of My Revelations.


My Love,

let Me tell you more and more,

let Me reveal more and more to you,

let Me show you more and more.


As I am spread on the cross so you are,


but by spreading Me

on the cross of suffering and death

so is the Love of God

wonderfully revealed to all,

opened to all and shining to all.

So you are.


You are shining,

My Love, My pure and holy Love,

My infinite Love,

as you are spread upon your cross,

your cross of victory white and red. »



October 31, 2004

At the Loire in France, after midnight Mass during adoration at 2.25 (3.25) am


« My Love,

please give Me this special time

of being alone with Me as I want it.

However, even if you cannot be alone at this time

do not give any creature attention at this time,

ignore all creation and give Me, the Creator, the attention

I need from you. »



April 30, 2001


« My Son, My Love,

because you have done this

I will bless you and My Family of Love,

My Family of My Hearts of Love,

with all My blessings, with all My Love.



I will make My Family not only the greatest in the Church

but also the greatest human Family.

I will make My Family of Love

the greatest family in heaven and on earth.

I will let all My Angels and Saints rally around the

Triumphant Two Hearts of Love.


All Mine are Mine in My Love.

All Mine will worship Me in My Love.

All Mine will Love My Love and worship Me in My Love.

All Mine will rally around My Love.

All Mine will rally around My Triumphant Heart of Love.


I love you, My Love.

Be My Love.

Remain My Love.

Live My Love.

I am Love.

You are My Love.

I am you. You are Me.


Do not be afraid to organise

My Family of Love

the way Iwant it,

the way I direct you.

Do My Will and I will do My Will in you.

Do My Will and My Will will be your will.

Do My Will and I will do your will.

My Will is your will.

My Will is one.

Your will is one with My Will.

Live My Will.

Love My Will.

Do My Will.

My Will is Love.

My Will is your will.

My Will is Love.

My Will is you.

You are My Love.

I am Love.

I am My Will.

I and My Will are one.

You are in My Will.

You are My Will.

You are My Love.

I will you, My Love.

I love you,

My Love.

I will ever love you.

You are My Love. »

„Lord, make me perfect.“


The Great Day Of The Absolute And Unconditional Donation

October 31, 2004


I came into the Chapel and prostrated myself completely

giving myself to Him absolutely unconditionally.


He asked me:

« Do you give yourself


absolutely and


to Me without (limits)

so that I will do with you all I want

absolutely and unconditionally?“


I said ‚yes‘.


„Do you give Me

this your mission,

the Work of the Hearts of Love


so that I will do with it all I want

absolutely and unconditionally?“


 I said ‚yes‘.


„Do you give to Me

all your Sisters,

and Brothers

and Priests

and Lay Apostles

and all that you have and are,

so that I will do with them all that I want

completely and absolutely and unconditionally?“


I said ‘yes‘.

He answered:

„I also give you

all that I am and all that I have

completely, absolutely and unconditionally.

All that I have created,

all that I have made,

all that I have,

and all that I am

I give to you,

all belong to you –

wholly and unconditionally. »


This is the Great Day of the

Absolute and Unconditional Donation.


„This Is The Perfection I Want You To Possess“

March 17, 2012

Jesus declares:

« My Love,

I am speaking!




It is you

I have established

as My Light for the nations,

for the whole world.

The Light of My Divine Presence

shines in you and through you

for the whole of My creation.



I Am He Who Am The God of Love,

and you are My Love.


Love Infinite and Eternal.

Let My Light of Love,

the Light of My Presence

shine in you and through you

for My entire creation.

I am with you both now and

forever and ever.



In you the Light of My Presence and Love shines

both now and

forever and ever.



My Love,

listening to Me and loving Me

is more important than anything.


And listening to your fellow human beings and

loving them for the sake of My Love

is more important than any other thing.


This is the perfection

I want you to possess –

the perfection of Love –

Love of God –

God the Most Holy Trinity of Love,

and union with the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love

of Jesus and Mary.


Just live this life of Love,

of the Prayer of the Hearts of Love,

fully uncompromisingly and perfectly

and all will be saved –

all will be okay,

the whole world

will be saved and restored

and My Will will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.


Begin each day

with rosary procession at


up to the Holy Sanctuary

with candles and flowers and incense.

Let all who want to take part in the Vigil

come in time and be prepared.

Let nobody come unprepared.

The little external visible

sign of their preparation

is the lighted candle or lamps,

their flowers and their incense –

light and smoke and Love.

Let none unprepared be allowed in.


This Vigil Mass is for all

for the salvation of all souls

but not all must be

present in the wedding hall.


Blessed are those

who are called and take part,

full and active part in the wedding of the Lamb.

I am with you

both now and forever and ever.





say the Angelus and give the Eucharistic Blessing and

begin the Mass immediately – latest  

0.30 am.


Let nobody and nothing

stop you or delay you.



Let the model of the Vigil Mass be the

Holy Saturday night Easter Vigil –

the Vigil of Vigils,

the mother of Vigils.


But conclude it with adoration.



All who take part must take part fully.

Part–partakers should stay outside.


I will still bless them and

I will in fact bless the whole world –

all I have created –

all souls, all persons.


I am the Lord, your God.


Plan everything and


My Holy Mountain –

all in My Hearts of Love

around this Vigil.


It is the summary,

the summit and culmination of all,

the beginning and the end.

It is one and all.

All is in it.


If you do it well

you have done all things well.



use the talents I have given you –

all the ingenuity of

your soul and heart and spirit –

and make it the

simplest and most splendid

place, time and action of Love,

show Me the summit of Love in this.


I am with you

both now and forever and ever.



My Love,

just do this for Me and

you have done all things well.


I Am He Who Am The God of Love.



My Love,

at the end of the Holy Mass and adoration,

there should be time of total silence and

adoring reverential quietness and

listening to the voice and inspiration of

My Holy Spirit of Love, and

the Two Hearts of Love.


Let all remain in

silent and quiet and joyful expectation.


I will come down and manifest

My Pleasure,

My Love,

My Blessings

will be poured in superabundance on

all participants and

all in the whole of My creation.



My Love,

never curse anything or get angry or upset.

Look only on Me, I am the Lord God.

I alone I am God –

your God, your Love, your All.



The Vigil ends at

4.00 am

with Eucharistic Blessings, or latest 

4.30 am.



People are given time to rest and

prepare for morning Mass at  

6.00 am.




6.00 am

say the Angelus and give the Eucharistic blessing and

celebrate morning Mass with lauds immediately.




At the end of Holy Mass is

morning function, compound cleaning –

Ugwu-Nso must be clean.

Cleanliness is second to godliness – holiness.





Then it is time for breakfast and

work and teaching and learning.

Father’s Office and consultation is from  


9.00 to 11.30 am.


The system is

the first to come is first served.




11.45 am

Father will be kneeling before the        


praying and bringing all the

petitions of the people to God,

that God will bless them all and

grant them their hearts‘ good desires,

according to His Most Holy and Adorable Will.





noon, say the Angelus, Eucharistic Blessing and

midday prayer of the Church.



Lunch begins at


and ends at  

1.30 pm.



Rest preparing for Holy Hour is from 

1.30 to 2.30 pm.



Washing of feet there at the foot of the Holy Steps at 

2.30 pm,



Holy Hour from  

3.00 – to 4.00 pm




concluded with Eucharistic Blessing at  

4.00 pm

and evening prayer of the Church.

There can be and there should be

Holy Mass during Holy Hour,

but all should end by  

4.30 pm.


Then supper is at  

5.00 to 5.30 pm.




And then preparation for Rosary Procession at  

6.00 pm,

Angelus, Eucharistic Blessing and Rosary Procession till  

7.45 pm,

ending with Eucharistic Blessing and compline.



Then at  

8.00 pm

all retire and sleep preparing for Vigil.


I bless all

with My Eternal Blessings of Love

Infinite and Eternal.


Do My Will and I will do your will.

I will save all in

My Eternal and Infinite Love.


This is the life I want you to live

perfectly here on earth.

Let My Will be done

on earth as it is done in heaven.

Let all who follow you

try to live this life perfectly.


Here at Ugwu-Nso

this life must be lived uncompromisingly,

fully, lovingly, devoutly and perfectly.


I bless you and

I bless all in My Hearts of Love.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.



face this life and only this life,

and live it fully and perfectly and

all will be alright,

all will be okay and

all will be saved.


It is possible to save all souls.

It is possible to save all souls.

It is possible to save all souls.


I am with you both now and forever and ever.

I Am He Who Am

The God of Love – your God!

Your Love!

Your All! »

March 22, 2012


« My perfect Son,

My perfect Love,

this is the life I want you to live here on earth –

the life of perfect Love,

the life of perfect sonship,

the love of perfect Son.


My Love,

just live this and

all will be okay,

all will be alright,

all will be saved.

I will save all souls,

I will save the whole world.


My perfect Son,

My perfect Love,

this is how I want you to live

until you die and leave the earth.

Just live this life of Love

of the Trinitarian Love –

of the Two Hearts of Love –

of Eucharist Love

perfectly and all will be alright.

My Will be done on earth

as it is done in heaven. »





„I Need Victime Souls“

Jesus says:

« My Love,

tell all there that

I want them all to be Victims of Love.

I want them to offer themselves

as living sacrifice

in union with the Sacrifice

I have offered of Myself

for the salvation of the whole world.


I have really suffered everything

and offered everything

and achieved all that is needed

to save all souls

from the beginning of creation in time

till the end that is forever and ever.


What I have achieved

is infinitely more than is required

to save all souls forever and ever.

Imagine that what is needed

is just one drop of blood

but I have shed infinitely more than that.

I have shed all the blood

even till the last drop.

Still I need victim souls.



Why do I need victim souls?



It is the same reason why did

I create at all, why did

I create human beings.

I created out of Love.

I created human being out of Love to be My image and likeness.

I love human beings as I love Myself.

I created to fill the entire creation with My Love.

I created so that My Love will reign in all My creation.

I created for the Reign of Love.

I created human beings so that My Love will be personified.

I created human beings so that My image and likeness will be manifested.

I created human beings so that My personified Love, the human being,

will be the apex and caretaker of My entire creation.

So that My image and likeness will rule over My entire creation.


In the same way I need victim souls to manifest My Love

in its fullness, purity and holiness, in its perfection.



I need victim souls because I Myself

I am a victim soul.

I am a victim of Love.



I need souls

who are like Me, who will attain the heights of perfection in Love.



I need souls

who will radiate My Love in its fullness, purity and perfection in holiness.



I need souls

who are My image and likeness.



I need souls

who will reach that perfection of having the greatest Love.

No greater love has anyone than

that he gives his life for others, for his friends.



I need victim souls

who will help Me carry on the work of salvation of souls at all times,

who will go with Me and live with Me

and pray with Me and suffer with Me

and die with Me and for Me and for their brothers.



I need victim souls

who will sacrifice all they have and are,

their own lives for others.



I need victim souls

who will carry their cross and follow Me.



I need victim souls

who will shoulder My burden and take up My yoke.

And they will discover that My yoke is easy and My burden light.



I need victim souls

who will help Me carry My cross of taking away the sins of the world.



I need victim souls

who will cry with Me for the loss of souls.



The loss of a single soul is more catastrophic

than the destruction of the whole material world.



The loss of a single spiritual soul is infinitely more painful

than the loss of the whole world.

What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world

but looses his soul?

I need victim souls

who will receive and radiate My Love and the Love of

the Father and of the Holy Spirit.



I need victim souls

in whom My Love will live and be at home.



I need victim souls

in whom is the same Love which is in

the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.



I need victim souls

in whom the same Love that is in the Most Holy Trinity will be.



As the Father has loved Me so have I loved you.



Remain in My Love.


You remain in My Love if you do what I bid you

just as I do the will of the Father.


Keep His commandments and

so remain in His Love.


„A new commandment I give you: Love.

Love one another as I have loved you. No greater

Love has anyone than that he gives his Life for the other.“


(As Christ has died giving his life for us so we must give our lives for one another!)



I need victim souls

who will offer the sacrifice

of their lives and their wills and

unite themselves in all things

to Me and My Mother,

the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.



I need victim souls

who will give their lives

so that others will live.

Look at St. Maximilian Kolbe.

I need victim souls

who will offer themselves for their love

to comfort Me, to show Me Love.

I thirst and hunger for Love.

Please love Me.

I am the unloved Love.




I need victim souls

who will shock the world

with their lives of sacrifice

to bring people back

to the real meaning of Love

as sacrifice of oneself for the good of others.



The greatest good possible in the world is

union and salvation of all souls in Love.


My children,

I thirst for your love because

I am Love and I love you.


I am suffering terribly –

being neglected and because of

sacrileges and Mass celebrations

and part taking in Masses

without love,

without respect and honour.



I do not need

the honour of human beings or

the honour of creatures.


But when I ask for their love and respect and sacrifice,

it is so that

I will manifest My Love,

My Glory in and through them.



My Love,

help Me awaken in the hearts

of My bishops, priests,

religious men and women and

in the lay people

the desire, the burning desire

for great Love of God

to make sacrifice.

I need their consoling Love.



Let  them   console Me

with their pure and holy Love.

I love all My victim souls

infinitely more and more.   



My Love,

please appeal to them to love Me.

You are My Love.

Please move them to love Me.





I am God of Love and

I love each and every one of them

with Eternal Love.



It is I

Who have created them out of Love and

called them to be My own children,

to belong to Me specially.



It is I

Who have called each of them

personally by name

to leave all and follow Me.



Please let them not forget

that it is Love that binds Me to them

and them to Me.  


I am God of Love and

they are My children –  

image and likeness of God in Love.



Please help them

to renew today their total and unconditional dedication

to Me in Love.



Let them use

especially this Prayer of the Hearts of Love,

which summarizes

–        the spirituality of the entire Christian religion,

–        the entire Catholic Church and

–        particularly the spirituality of Love and

–        total dedication to God in Love, 

–        Union with God. »
















« Jesus! Mary!

I love You.

Be appeased.

Save all souls.


(10 times as rosary)


O Hearts of Love!

O Hearts ever united in Love!

Make me to love You always and help me

to make others to love You.

Take my poor sinful heart to Thyself

and do not give it back to me,

until it becomes a flaming fire of Your Love.


I know that I am unworthy to come to You,

but take me to Thyself

and cleanse me by the flames of Your Love.

Take me to Thyself and use me as it pleases You,

for I am entirely Yours.



O pure Love!

O holy Love!

Pierce me with Your arrows and send my blood

flowing into the wounds of the Immaculate Heart.

O Immaculate Heart!

Unite with the Sacred Heart

to give life, to comfort, to glorify and to love.



O Jesus! O Mary!

You are the Hearts of Love! I love You.

Consume me. I am Your victim of Love.



O Hearts of Love!

Consume me. I am Your victim of Love.

Amen. »


Our thoughts should continuously be with God.

This prayer is to be said especially at 12 and 6 o’clock after the Angelus

and at 4 pm at the end of the Holy Hour,

at Communion and at the end of Mass.

This is for the solemn moments of union.

Approval: Vicar  Gen. V. A. Chikwe

Owerri /Nigeria, November 15, 1987


The Theology of the Union in the

Two Hearts of Love


Lecture by

Rev. Prof. John O. Egbulefu CCE


on occasion of the 6th Feast of the TWO HEARTS OF LOVE

in Rome, June 2, 2005






  • 1

The intimate union of the Two Hearts of Love – which are not only the heart of the Son and of His mother, namely the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but still deeper also the Heart of the same Son and of His Father, the meek and humble Heart of Jesus and the merciful and compassionate Heart of His heavenly Father – is the ultimate theological roots of that intimate union of the brothers and sisters of Christ in the Two Hearts of Love, which the title of this Congress has sought to recapture:


The Theology of the Union in the Two Hearts of Love.


And since all honour and glory to the Father can be given by the brothers and sisters of Christ only through Christ, with Christ and in Christ, and it is to the glory and honour of the Father that His children – His only begotten Son and the brothers and sisters of His Son –

get united in the Two Hearts of Love, that is why they seek to live out such union through, with and in Christ, in the heavenly Christ who is accessible on earth through, with and in the Eucharistic Sacrament, hence in the Eucharistic Christ.


  • 2

For these systematic-theological reasons, the title of my paper at this Congress reads:



The intimate Union of the Two Hearts of Love:

in God as Family of Father and Son,

in the Church as family of God and

in Eucharist as sacramental Communion.



The family of God concerned is the Church.

So is our title faithful to the ecclesiology proposed by the bishops of the particular Church of Christ in Africa, as the Apostolic postsynodal Exhortation ‚Ecclesia in Africa’ (1995) of the great Pope John Paul II of blessed memory articulates it in its no. 63.






Part I:

The Spirituality of the Union on the Two Hearts of Love

as a Eucharistic Spirituality


  • 1

The doctrinal and spiritual events going on in the universal Church in these first five years of new Millennium concern in a particular way the bilateral relation between the Church and the Church and the Eucharist.

On the one hand is the relation of the Eucharist towards the Church,

on the other hand is the relation of the Church (the new people of God) towards the Eucharist.

With regard to the relation of the Eucharist towards the Church,

the Holy Father, the Great Pope John Paul II of blessed memory (God rest him in perfect peace and glory), released, two years before  his death,

a prominent Encyclical Letter „Ecclesia de Eucharistia“ (Vatican City 2003), and he planned an

Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops to be held in the Vatican

from 2 – 29  October 2005,

whereby thetheme of the Synod isthe

Eucharist as both the source and the summit of life and mission of the Church,

and he made this plan known also in (the fourth paragraph of) his last Apostolic Letter, „Mane Nobiscum Domine“ (Vatican City 2003).

With regard to the relation of the Church towards the Eucharist, he, Pope John Paul II – “Having thought it helpful for this purpose to dedicate an entire year to this wonderful sacrament” (Mane Nobiscum Domine, 3) – declared the current year as

„Year of the Eucharist“ which stretches from October 2004 to October 2005;

and it is in function of this that he released the named Apostolic Letter and called upon

“the young people to gather around the Eucharist as the vital source

which nourishes their faith and enthusiasm” (Mane Nobiscum Domine, 4).

Hence, this year’s

World Youth Day (the twentieth so far in the series),

which will take place in the

City of Cologne (Germany) from 16-21 August 2005,

has chosen as its main theme

The adoration of God in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist,

following the footsteps of the wise men who travelled all the way from the East to come to adore God in the new born Most Sacred Child at Bethlehem: „vidimus stellam eius in oriente et venimus adorare eum“.

The celebration of the current Year of the Eucharist therefore stretches from

–  the event of the International Eucharistic Congress

(in Guadalajara, Mexico, from 10-17 October 2004), through

–  the event of the 20th World Youth Day

(in Cologne, from 16-21 August 2005), to

–  the event of the Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops

(in the Vatican, from 2-29 October 2005).





  • 2

Of all the key ideas contained in these and related writings and invitations the ones most relevant to the theme of the present Congress concerning the union of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary are the following:

The Christ-faithful, along with the memorial of Christ’s death, of which they have acquired unique experience in the Eucharist, always receive in the Eucharistic celebration

–  the gift of Mary, a gift made to us at the foot of the Cross in the person of John

(‘Behold your mother’, Jn 19:27), and they

–  “take on a commitment to be conformed to Christ, putting ourselves at the school of His Mother and allowing Her to accompany us … as the Mother of the church” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 57)

–  in the long pedagogical spiritual journey of being conformed to Christ. In this Journey there is no better way than

–  to let oneself be “taught” by Mary, “woman of the Eucharist” who

–  “enables us to enter naturally into Christ’s life and as it were to share His deepest feelings” (John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Rosario Virginis Mariae, Vatican City 2002, n. 15).

The experience of the faithful is thereby like that of the two disciples travelling in the evening of the day of the resurrection (cf. Lk 24) for whom there was no better joyful surprise in the encounter with the God in our midst as the God with us and for us than to come to realize that the Wayfarer who had accompanied them on their journey, speaking to them and explaining the Scriptures to them and whom they had intuitively pleaded to stay with them, and who had gently agreed and stayed with them only to open their eyes to recognize Him through His significant breaking (‘opening’) of the bread that literally reminds of what happened at the last supper, was none other than their Master, risen from the dead (cf. Mane Nobiscum Domine, 1).

  • 3

Out of his own deep lived experience of the memorial of Christ’s death in the Eucharist and of his encounter with the presence of the resurrected Lord outside the Eucharist, Pope John Paul II made his particular und ultimate intention for inaugurating a Year of the Eucharist most clear in the following words:

“If the fruit of this year were only to revitalize in all the Christian communities the celebration of the Sunday Mass and to increase Eucharistic adoration outside the Mass, this year of grace would have attained a significant result” (Mane Nobiscum Domine, 29).

The two components of the Pope’s intention are intimately and mutually related:

–  on the one hand the Eucharistic adoration (required to be increased) is a source of power for a truly spiritual celebration of the Sunday Mass (required to be revitalized),

–  while on the other hand the celebration of the Sunday Mass (as of memorial of the death and resurrection of the Lord and the Lord’s Own Day in which what is believed is lived out and what is lived by the believer is shaped into authentic spiritual worship, cf. Rom 12:1) must lead to nurturing a Eucharistic Spirituality, for otherwise “the liturgical practice becomes easily reduced to ‘ritualism’ that cancels the grace that flows from the celebration” (Congregation  for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments: Suggestions and Proposals for the Year of the Eucharist, n. 4).

A Eucharistic Spirituality is one in which the Holy Spirit directs the human spirit towards

“Christ and the contemplation of His  Face” (Mane nobiscum  Domine, 10) in total intensive admiration of Him and, through Him like in a mirror, of the entire divine Trinity that is with Him and in Him, whereby such admiration is the act of adoration of Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Already in his other Apostolic Letter „Spiritus et Sponsa“ (Vatican City, 2003) Pope John Paul II indicated the development of new forms of authentic “Eucharistic Spirituality” within the Church as more gifts from Christ the Groom through the Holy Spirit as His Spirit (spiritus) to the Church His Bride (sponsa).

  • 6

Those sons and daughters of the Church

who as children of God cultivate spiritual devotion to and nurse spiritual affection for the Two Hearts of Love within the frame of an authentic Eucharistic Spirituality

have the duty

–  to give witness to – and give reasons for – their faith in the union of these Two Hearts and

–  to explain their own union with one another in the two united Sacred and Immaculate Hearts.

This they can most adequately do from point of view of their

–  experience of the intimate unions of persons in the Divine Trinity and

–  of persons in the Church as family of God and, from there,

–  of their intensive encounters with Mary and Jesus in the Eucharist as the Sacrament of Union with Jesus the Son of God who assumed human flesh from the Blessed Virgin Mary and in whom this flesh of human nature is irrevocably united with His Divine nature, such that

“His humanity united with the Divine Person of the Word… (is) the instrument of our salvation” (Vat. Council II, Sacrosanctum Concilium 5).

For, while

–  this union of two – divine and human – natures in Him

which renders His humanity an instrument to our salvation, is distinct but inseparable from the union of the two – spiritual and corporal – components of His human nature, it is

–  this second union, namely the union of His human body and His human soul, that grounds the existence of His Heart as a coefficient of the

–  third union of His humanity: the union of His Sacred Heart with the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary.

The virgin Mary whose Heart is thereby perfectly united with the Heart of Jesus (cf. Cor Mariae corde Jesu perfectissime unitum) is she in whose womb the Son of God took human flesh in such a way that,

–  on the one hand, the conception and birth of the incarnate Son of God in time did not diminish the integrity of the Virgin Mother but rather intensified it (cf. Prayer over the Gifts at the common Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary), while,

–  on the other hand, since her “unviolated virginity did not know concupiscence and offered such material of the flesh” to the Son (cf. Pope Lei I, Letter to Flavian – Tomus Leonis – in DS 294), the incarnate Son, like His Mother, knew no concupiscence, neither of the flesh nor of the eyes, nor pride of life, but rather was meek and humble of heart (cf. Mt 11:29).








Part II:

The Intimate Union of the Two Hearts of Love in God,

the Divine Trinity, as Family of Father and Son


  • 1

God is a family of an eternal Father and His Son

eternally begotten by Him

–  not in flesh – for, “God is Spirit” (1 Jn 1:5)

–  but rather in spirit, and in fact in an

–  eternal, hence divine Spirit, thus in the Holy Spirit.

God is therefore a family of three persons of one essence (eternal nature).

These three divine persons, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (cf. Mt 28:19), are distinct but inseparable

–  on account not only of the one divine essence existing only in and out of the three and uniting the three with one another,,

–  but  also on account of the fact that the three penetrate one another and dwell in one another (cf. innerdivine pericoresis) and

–  are sowith properly, intimately, mutually united.

The three love one another, have joy at one another, glorify one another and are in peace with one another. The Son testifies of His Father’s love for Him even before the world was created (cf. Joh 18:24) and of the glory He had with the Father even before the world was formed (cf. Joh 17:5). The Son furthermore gives witness of their intimate union as lovers through their mutual indwelling, the Father and the Son being in one another (cf. Jn 17:21).


  • 2

But the heart is the organ for loving, as the eye is the organ for seeing, or the ear the organ for hearing or listening. That is valid not only for the heart of men and the human love, but also for the heart of God and the divine love. The Son of God has revealed the Heart of God as the name of God and as the glory from God, when He says to the Father:

“I have made your name (namely your heart) known to them and will continue to make it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and that I may be in them” (Jn 18:26), and

“May they all be one. Father, may they be one in us, as you are in me and I am in you… I have given them the glory (namely the heart) you gave to me, that they may be one as we are one (in heart). With me in  them (namely in their heart) and  you in me, may they be so completely one (in heart) that the world will realize that it was you who sent me and that I have loved them (with my heart, my whole heart) as much as you loved me.” (Jn 17:20-23).

  • 3

Therefore the Father and the Son are

–  the absolutely superlative, most perfect two Hearts of Love united with one another from whom the Son and His Mother as

–  the relatively superlative, perfect Two Hearts of Love that are united with one another, derive their identity as the model according to which the brothers and sisters of Christ should pattern their union not only with Christ as

–  the comparative Two Hearts of Love but also with one another as

–  the positive Two Hearts of Love.


Part III:

The Intimate Union of the Two Hearts of Love

in the Church as Family of God


  • 1

The Family of God is different from the family of men, all similarities notwithstanding.

The family of men is a matrix of relationships:

1) between parents –

1a) as man and woman in front of God,

1b) as husband and wife in front of one another, and

1c) as father and mother in front of their children;

2) between the parents and the children –

2a) between the father and his children (his sons and daughters),

2b) between the mother and her children (her sons and daughters);

3) among the children of same blood –

3a) as brothers (sons of the same parents),

3b) as sisters  (daughter of the same parents), and

3c) as brothers and sisters.


The Family of God is also a matrix of relationships but of different type:

1) the relationship between the heavenly Father and His Son made man

(the Godman Jesus Christ), whereby the two are in one another;


2) the relationship between the Godman Christ and

  1. i) His Mother who is His mother not only in the unique physical sense that she is the one who conceived Him in her womb and gave birth to Him,

but also in the moral sense that she does the will of His heavenly Father,

  1. ii) His brothers and sisters in the moral sense of Christians as those children of God who, like Himself and His Mother, do the Will of His heavenly Father and are united to the Son as the members are united to the head of a body;


3) the relationship between the Mother and the brothers and sisters of Christ.


And the Holy Spirit as the lifegiving Lord is the blood that runs through the veins of such mystical Body and is the one that unites the diverse members both with the one Head and with one another and sustains this union towards the unity for which the Son has prayed to the Father.


  • 2

With the Father in the Son (cf. Jn 17:21) and

the Son as Godman both in the Father and in us (cf. Jn 17:23),

it follows that the Father is in us through His being in the Son.

But the Father is in us not in the same way as He is in the Son and in the Holy Spirit.

–  The three are in one anotheras persons that penetrate and dwell in one another

(cf. the innerdivine pericoresis, or circumincessio and circum-insessio), whereas

–  the Father is in us in the form of the love with which He loved the Son. And it is

–  through the activity, the ministry of the Son as revealer of the name (namely unveiler of the heart) of the Father that the Son is in us (cf. Jn 18:26).


  • 3

The union of the Son with His physical and moral Mother,

whom at the foot of the Cross He gave to us to be our mother and

to whom he gave us to be her children

is the origin and model of our union with both

–  with Mary as our Mother and, through her,

–  with Himself in the Eucharist.


  • 3.1

The union of Christ with Mary

–  is the origin of our union with her, for,

since Christ as the Son of Mary is united with her as His Mother,  we becoming her children and she becoming our Mother as willed by Him, must be united with her; it is the God-willed union of a God-willed mother with her God-willed children.

That Mary is our Mother and we are her children, is the Will of Christ, not the fantasy of men.


„Seeing his mother and the disciple he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, ‘Woman, this is your son’. Then to the disciple he said, ’This is your mother’. And from that moment the disciple made a place for her in his home.” (Jn 19:26),

whereby the beloved disciple  represents here all the Christ-faithful, with the consequence that

–  Mary henceforth has, in keeping with the Will or testament of Christ, become the moral hence spiritual mother of all the Christ-faithful,

–  the Mother of the Church, Mater ecclesiae, and the

Church represented by John since then, following the example of this disciple,

–  made a place for Mary in the home – in the heart – of the Church;

consequently any Church that has no place in her heart for Mary

–  is not a dutiful son of Mary,

–  but an irresponsible and insensitive son,

–  a non-follower of the good example of the Apostles,

–          a non-doer of what Christ expects His beloved disciple to do for His beloved Mother,

–          or of what Christ expects His beloved disciple to do for His beloved Mother,

–          or of what Christ would have liked to see done to His Mother so dear to Him by those who are His friends – when Himself is no more physically around to take personal care of her –

–  especially by those for whom Himself had done so much good and

–  whom He had given the greatest love.

  • 3.2

But while

–  our union with Mary has its origin in the union of Christ with her,

–  this union of Christ with Mary as the union of the Son with His Mother has its origin in the union of the Son with His Father. The Son’s union with His Father is the origin and ground for His entering into union with His Mother,

–  not only physically by His entering into (cf. incessio) her womb and remaining there inside (cf. insessio) till birth (cf. “O Jesu vivens in Maria – veni et vive in famulis tuis, in Spiritu sanctitatis tuae,  in  plenitudine Virtutis tuae, in perfectione viarum tuarum, in veritate virtutum tuarum, in communione mysteriorum tuorum: dominare omni adversae potestati, in spiritu tuo, ad gloriam Patris. Amen. O Cor Jesu sacratissimum. Miserere nobis. O Cor Mariae, Cordi Jesu perfectissime unitum – Interveni pro nobis”, Manual of Prayers, pp 17-18),

–  but also morally by her being a doer of the Will of His heavenly Father

(“Anyone who does the Will of my Father in heaven, he is my brother and sister and mother”, Mk 3:35).

And the Son would not have entered into this union on earth with His Mother if He were not in a similar intimate union with His Father.

Yet, there is a difference between the two unions.

For, while

–  on the one hand the union of the Son with the Father is effected through a bilateral  inherence, a mutual indwelling whereby the Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father,

–  on the other hand the Son’s union with the mother is effected through a unilateral inherence and unilateral adherence, for only the Son is physically inside the Mother (cf. O Jesu vivens in Maria), whereby He, by entering into her womb and remaining there till birth, is in her, while only the Mother morally adheres to Him, whereby she, by doing the will of His Father and therefore the will of the entire Trinity, through her fiat, is adherent to Him like a branch for the stem and thus, through this adherence to His Will, is in Him, makes her home in Him and, only so, can she bear fruit:


“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine dresser …

Make  your home in me, as I make mine in you. As a branch cannot bear fruit all by itself, but  must remain   part of the  vine, neither can you unless you remain in me.

I am the vine you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty; for, cut off from me you can do nothing.” (Jn 15:1.4-5).

The Father, “every branch in me that bears no fruit, he cuts away, and every that does bear fruit he prunes to make it bear even more.” (Jn 15:1).

In other words,

–  it is only through the adherence of the Virgin Mary to the Will of God that she could conceive and give birth to Christ, and

–  it is because she has given birth to Christ as the blessed fruit of her womb that God has pruned her to make her become the Mother of Christians, the Mother of the Christ-faithful, the Mother of the Church.

In short,

–  while the union of the Son with His Father in heaven which is effected by a bilateral inherence, their mutual indwelling, is thus an

absolutely superlative union.


–  That of the Son with His mother on earth which is effected by the unilateral inherence of the Son in the mother and the unilateral adherence of the Mother to the (Will of God the Father and therefore of God the) Son, is a

relatively superlative union.



  • 4

The union of the Son with the Mother is the union of two hearts that love and are lovable, and are loving without frontiers.


  • 4 a

The heart is both symbol of love and instrument of love (cf. Romano Guardini, Bekehrung des Hl. Augustinus, S. 82); in this connection God commands men to love Him with the heart, with the whole heart.

The heart is in man the platform on which the drama of love is played. Hence it is said in the Christian revelation that “the love of God has been poured  into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us” (Rom 5:5; cf.Augustine, De Trinitate XV, 17;31). Love is the basis on which man’s existence is founded, and therefore love can shine forth properly only from the personal centre of man, namely only from the human heart.


  • 4b

With regard to where the heart is located in man, one can hold firm to the fact that

“Man is the synthesis of body and soul, and there must be a power that unites and holds the unity of the human person, through which the two substances, body and soul, are entirely innerly fused into a single unit.

The heart is the centre of the human person and is fit and suitable for symbolizing this fusion, since man sees himself essentially reflected in the heart like a mirror, and is only in the heart that which he is.”

(Anton Maxsein, „Philosophia cordis. Das Wesen der Personalität bei Augustinus,“ Otto Müller Verlag, Salzburg, 1966, p. 75).


  • 4c

With regard to the social and spiritual function of the heart, one can also hold firm to the fact that

“In the fusion of body and the soul prevails love, be it on the side of the soul the love that receives and joins the body to itself, be it on the side of the body the love of finding oneself in good condition and in feeling of harmony with oneself through devoting oneself to the soul as the leading principle. Seen from this fusion, the heart becomes very important as long as it, the correct heart, by virtue of its rectitude, presents the true order of the body-soul-relationship: the body directed towards the soul; the soul directed towards God. The correct heart, cor rectum, is thus that organ of love in which man knows and feels himself to be in the original order.

For in  the heart are gathered the forces of the human synthesis, of  person, of rest, here they lie latent waiting for a new blossoming, because personal life is from the centre and is out for the centre. The heart is the personal centre, the centre of gravity of the personhood, possesses the unveiling and once again withdrawingly hiding force, in which the proper life of the person presents itself.” (Anton Maxsein, Philosophia cordis. Das Wesen der Personalität bei Augustinus, Otto Müller Verlag Salzbug, 1966, pp 75-76).



  • 5

Since on the one hand, the union of Christ with Mary as the union of the Son with His Mother is such that is effected by the Son’s physical inherence in the Mother and by the Mother’s moral adherence to the (Will of God the Father and therefore of God the) Son, and on the other hand we are Mary’s children and she is our mother according to the Will, Mind and Heart of Christ, then our union with Mary must be such that is effected, not by our physical inherence in her, nor by our physical adherence to her, but by her spiritual inherence in us and our moral adherence to her as our Model in doing the Will of (the Father and therefore of) the Son.




Part IV:

The Intimate Union Of The Two Hearts Of Love In The Eucharist


  • 1

But while this our union with Mary is rooted in our Mother-children-relation with her, our Mother-children-relation with her is on its own part rooted in the co-natural relation between Christ as the Light of the world

(“I am the light of the world, anyone who follows me will not be walking in the dark; he will have the light of life”) (Jn 8:12)

and us, the Christ-faithful (His beloved disciples), as the light of the world

(“You are the light of the world…No one lights a lamp to put it under a tub; they put it on the lamp-stand where it shines for everyone in the house. In the same way your light must shine in the sight of men, so that, seeing your good works, they may give the praise to your Father in heaven”) (Mt 5:14-16).

While we are co-natural with Christ (for both He and ourselves are light of the world, for He is the Son of God and we are in Him children of God, and God is light, hence he is the Son of Light and we are the children of Light), and on the basis of this luminous co-naturality with Him He as the son of the virgin Mary gives us to her as her sons, yet the difference between the type of Light of the world He is and the type of light of the world that we are is as clear as that between Him as the uncreated Light that gives life to men and ourselves as created lamps lit by God and put up on high to shine for others to the glory of God.

These two types of light, namely the uncreated life-giving Light that Christ is and the created visible light that we are, are united with one another in the sacrament of Eucharist  as mystery of light and this union of Christ as Light with us as light in the Eucharist is the union of the Sacred Heart of Christ with our heart in the Eucharistic communion.

And this union is effected by the Holy Spirit who is in the Body and Blood of Christ received by us in the Eucharist. For, like it is He, the Holy Spirit that prepared the womb of the virgin Mary for the indwelling of the Son, so, too, it is He that prepares our heart for the sacramental indwelling of the heavenly Christ in us.

(Cf. “Mentibus nostris, quaesumus, Domine, Spiritum Sanctum benignus infunde, cuius et sapientia conditi sumus providential gubernamur. Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui in Corde Beatae Mariae Virginis dignum Spiritus Sancti habitaculum praeparatsi: concede propitious, ut eiusdem purissimi Cordis commemorationem devota mente recolentes, secundum cor tuum vivere valeamus. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen”

(Manual of Prayers, pp 16-17)



  • 2

The receiver and the received are in the Eucharist as sacramental communion two hearts of love intimately united with one another. The incarnation of the Word – whereby the eternal Word assumed flesh of human nature and penetrates, permeates and resides in the flesh to sanctify it for man’s salvation, while the human flesh on its part adheres to the eternal Word to participate in His divine nature, His eternity, His eternal life – is the principle of the Eucharistic Sacrament and Communion. The incarnate Son thus has not only the whole divinity in Himself but also the entire humanity, human nature, as the union of body and soul through the heart as the principle of the fusion of the two.




  • 3

In the Eucharistic sacrament the human body of the invisible incarnate Son is in the form of visible bread, while the invisible human soul as the spiritual principle of life represented by the blood as the visible principle of life of the same Son is present in the form of visible wine.

To receive the body and blood of the resurrected and heavenly Christ at the Eucharist is thus to receive at the same time His heart – as the uniting principle of His body and soul, it is the reception of His Heart into our heart, the reception of the meek and humble heart to make our own hearts also meek and humble and, only so, worthy of elevation (of being raised) and of seeing God face to face, God who is Love in person, hence of seeing the fullness of Love face to face.


“O God, who illumines every man

that comes into this world,

make shine upon us

the light of Your face,

so that our thoughts

may be always conform

to Your wisdom and

so that we can love You

with sincere heart !”

(Prayer after Communion, 4th Sunday in Lent, Year C).






1) the absolutely superlative union of the Son with His Father which is effected by

– a bilateral inherence, their mutual indwelling, and


2) the relatively superlative union of the Son with His Mother which is effected by

– the unilateral physical inherence of the Son in the Mother and

– the unilateral moral adherence of the Mother to (the Will of the Father and therefore of) the Son, and


3) the comparative union


3a) not only of the Mother with us which is effected by

– her spiritual inherence in us and

– our moral  adherence to her as our Model in doing the Will of (the Father and therefore of) the Son (“Ora pro nobis, Cor sanctissimum et amantissimum Dei Genitricis – Ut accendantur corda nostra divinis tui Cordis ardoribus, O Maria”,Manual of Prayers, pg 16),


3b) but also of the Son with us which is effected by

– the sacramental inherence of the heavenly Christ in our soul (similar to the physical inherence of the earthly Christ in the womb of the Mother) and our

– moral and spiritual adherence to Him (at the model of the Mother’s moral adherence to Him), there descends within the Church as the Spirit-filled family of God the reason for


4) our positive union with one another as brothers and sisters of  Christ, hence as sons and daughters of His Mother and of His heavenly Father, a union to be effected by a

bilateral spiritual inherence, our mutual spiritual indwelling in one another.


And such mutual spiritual inherence or indwelling

is the hallmark of the Spirit-worked

Union of Two Hearts of Love

that we as brothers and sisters of Christ

and as sons and daughters of His Mother Mary

and of His Heavenly Father

should symbolize with one another in our lives and

should not only manifest but also propagate

to prolong and perpetuate

the species of the Union of

the Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary

with one another. »



























Words of Welcome                                                                                                                                                   2


The Prayer Of The Two Hearts Of Love Of Jesus And Mary     6


  1. Preaching Of Francis Cardinal Arinze                     7

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary


  1. Forword                             10

Of His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Ayo-Maria

Atoyebi O.P., Bishop of the Diocese of Ilorin


III. Messages On The Mission Of The Two Hearts                                        12


  1. The Promises of the Prayer                                                                                                                         12


  1. Message on the Prostration                                                                                                                                                             16


  1. Call to Holiness                                                                                                                                                                                                                    18


  1. Call to Prayer and Sacrifice for All Christians                                                                                    21


  1. „This is the Prayer of the New Time“                                                                          26


  1. „The Two Hearts – the Only Way to Holy Trinity“                                                                               31


  1. „Only Those With the Seal of Love Will be Saved“                                                                              35


  1. Message on The Only Solution of God                                                                                                            51


  1. Universal Mission of Consecration                                                                                                                                                75


  1. Message on the Holy Mountain in Orlu/Nigeria                                                  78
  1. Messages From The Holy Trinity                   83


  1. Message from the Most Holy Trinity, God Father                                                             83


  1. Message from our Lord and God Jesus Christ                                                             86


  1. Christ the King – Message for the whole World                                                                        88


  1. The Holy Eucharist                                                                                     93


  1. Message from the Holy Spirit                                                                                                                                                107
  1. Messages From Our Blessed Mother Mary,

And From St. Joseph                                                                                                                                                      109


  1. Message from our Most Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary                                                 109


  1. „The Secret of My Success is Mary“                                                                                                                        112


  1. Message from St. Joseph                                                                                                                                                                                 115
  2. Messages For The Holy Church                                      117


  1. Messages for His Holiness Pope John Paul II                                                                                     117


  1. A Letter to His Holiness, Pope John Paul II                                                                                    129


  1. Invitation to Rome                                                                                                            130


  1. Message on Paray-le-Monial                                                                                                132


  1. Message for the Church and the People of Germany                                                                         134


  1. Message on the Priests                                                                                                                                                137


  1. Message on the Synod and Church in Africa                                                                                    141


  1. Messages on the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land                                                                         142



VII. Messages For The Congregations Of

The Two Hearts Of Love SHL                                                                                                         149


  1. Guidelines for the Formation of Priests                                                                                     149


  1. Message on the Sisters for their Final Profession                                                             152



VIII. Messages On The Life Of The Two Hearts Of Love                    157


  1. Jesus Thanks All who have Followed His Call                                                                                    157


  1. Message to the Members of My Hearts of Love                                                                         162


  1. „The Highest Vocation of Victims of Love“                                                                                    166


  1. „Your Vocation and the Vocation of Your Children“                                                170


  1. „This Little Family of Love Will be the Greatest“                                                                         174


  1. Message on the Importance of Keeping the Prayer Times                                                182


  1. Message on the Temptation                                                 185


  1. Message on Purity and Holiness                                                                                                                        186


  1. Voice of Little St. Maria Goretti                                                                                                                        187


38  „Why Afraid to Appear Different?“                                                                                                                                            195


  1. „It is Heaven on Earth“                                                                                    197


  1. The Great Day of The Absolute and Unconditional Donation             205


  1. „This is the Perfection I Want You to Possess“                                                                         206


  1. „I Need Victim Souls“                                                                                                                                                           213


The Prayer Of The Two Hearts Of Love                                                                   218




  1. The Theology of the Union in the Two Hearts of Love 219

Lecture by Rev. Prof. John O. Egbulefu CCE                                                                                               


Introduction                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             219


Part I:    The Spirituality Of The Union Of The Two Hearts Of Love                           220


Part II:  The Intimate Union Of The Two Hearts Of Love In God                                              223


Part III: The Intimate Union Of The Two Hearts Of Love In The Church       224


Part IV: The Intimate Union Of The Two Hearts Of Love In The Eucharist   228


Conclusion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    229


Index                                                                                                                                                                                                     231


Contact and Information                                                                                                                            235





























Contact and Information





Catholic Society of the Two Hearts of Love

of Jesus and Mary SHL

Rev. Fr. Dr. Montfort Okanwikpo SHL

Universal Centre for the Two Hearts of Love

P.O. Box 1500   ORLU / Imo-State (Nigeria)

Tel.: 00234 – 80 38 80 68 1

00234 – 70 30 18 97 63

e-mail: fatherloveshl@yahoo.com


Kath. Vereinigung der Zwei Herzen der Liebe

Jesu und Mariens SHL e. V.

Kurfürstenstr. 5 – 7 / SHL

D – 45138  ESSEN  (Germany)

Telefon: .0049 – (0) 201- 319 5470

Telefax:  0049 – (0) 201- 319 5478

e-mail:        twoheartsoflove@t-online.de

Homepage: http://www.twoheartsoflove.com/


Information on:


Spiritual Retreats „School of the Love of God“

Pilgrimages with the TWO HEARTS OF LOVE to Rome, to Nigeria etc.


Publications as


Pamphlet in various languages

THE REIGN OF LOVE – GOD’s Only Solution in the Two Hearts of Love

Book in various languages


(to be continued)











TWO Hearts of Love publication

international (Editor)

© 2022












































Words Of Welcome



„My Love will burn in all.

All hearts will be set

aflame with the

fire of My Love.

I shall come to set

fire on the world and

how I wish it burns.

Let the fire burn.

Let all be set aflame with the

fire of Divine Love…“


July 12, 2006; p. 197




« Take my poor sinful heart to

Thyself and do not give it back to me,

until it becomes

a flaming fire of

Your Love.

I know that I am unworthy to come to

You, but take me to

Thyself and cleanse me

by the flames of

Your Love… »


excerpt from the

Prayer of the Two Hearts of Love















Second Vatican Council about

Private Revelations

« These charismas,

whether they be

the more outstanding or

the more simple and widely diffused,

are to be received with

thanksgiving and consolation

for they are perfectly suited to

and useful for the needs of the Church.


Extraordinary gifts are not to be sought after,

nor are the fruits of apostolic labour

to be presumptuously expected from their use;

but judgement as to their genuinity and proper use

belongs to those who are appointed leaders in the Church,

to whose special competence it belongs,

not indeed to extinguish the Spirit,

but to test all things and hold fast to that which is good. »           


(Dogmatic Constitution on the Church ‚Lumen Gentium‘, Chapter 2, No. 12)




« The Civilization of Love

is indispensable for not to perish from an

uncontrolled egoism and a blind insensibility

towards the suffering of others.


Brothers and sisters!

Build up such a civilization without relax.

These are my greatest wishes,

with which I entrust you today.


To reach this aim, spare neither prayers

nor sacrifices. »


(John Paul II, Speech in Rimini, August 29, 1982

in http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/joh_paulii/speeches/1982/


Two Hearts of Love

publication International  (Editor)

© 2022






















































« Jesus! Mary!

I love You.

Be appeased.

Save all souls.


(10 times as rosary)


O Hearts of Love!

O Hearts ever united in Love!

Make me to love You always and help me

to make others to love You.

Take my poor sinful heart to Thyself

and do not give it back to me,

until it becomes a flaming fire of Your Love.


I know that I am unworthy to come to You,

but take me to Thyself

and cleanse me by the flames of Your Love.

Take me to Thyself and use me as it pleases You,

for I am entirely Yours.



O pure Love!

O holy Love!

Pierce me with Your arrows and send my blood

flowing into the wounds of the Immaculate Heart.

O Immaculate Heart!

Unite with the Sacred Heart

to give life, to comfort, to glorify and to love.



O Jesus! O Mary!

You are the Hearts of Love! I love You.

Consume me. I am Your victim of Love.



O Hearts of Love!

Consume me. I am Your victim of Love.

Amen. »



Our thoughts should continuously be with God.

This prayer is to be said especially at 12 and 6 o’clock after the Angelus and

at 4 pm at the end of the Holy Hour, at Communion and at the end of Mass.

This is for the solemn moments of union.


Approval: Vicar  Gen. V. A. Chikwe

Owerri /Nigeria, November 15, 1987


The Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus

And The Immaculate Heart Of Mary


Preaching of Francis Cardinal Arinze

Feast of The Two Hearts of Love,

Rome 2017

« Praise Jesus Christ!

From now until forever. Amen.

My dear brothers in the priestly ministry, dear brothers and sisters,

especially you, dear sisters of the Two Hearts of Love!

The great mystery of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the very essence of your faith.

The heart is symbol of love. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is the symbol and centre of His Love for us. As the evangelist writes:

„God so loved the world

that he gave His only begotten Son

that those who believe in Him might have eternal life.“

Jesus Christ is the visible manifestation of God’s Love for each of us.

And the Son of God loved us so much, He humbled Himself so much that He assumed human nature.

He was obedient unto death – even death on a cross.

No man has greater love than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

This is what Christ taught the disciples, and He did just that: He gave His life for us.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is a – a sign, a guarantee of hope for every man, no matter how low he stands, no matter how humbled in his weakness.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is a symbol of hope for that person.

Jesus loved us so much that not only did He give His life for us on the cross, but He also appointed 3 great gifts for us so that even after He died and rose to heaven those gifts will remain with us.

The three gifts of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to us are:

  • the Church
  • in the Church the Blessed Sacrament and
  • His Holy Mother Mary.

Jesus gave us the Church so that in the Church Christ is with us to the end of time.

We have not been left orphans.

Through baptism we are „embodied“ in Christ and in the Church.

  • In the church we encounter Christ.
  • We do not encounter Christ without the Church.
  • In the Church Christ is truly present.
  • He is present in the proclaimed Word of God.
  • He is present in the people of God, in all the baptized who gather together.
  • He is present in the priest when he ministers at the altar.
  • But most especially, Christ is present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.
  • He is really, truly, essentially and fully present as God and man.

Moreover, on the Cross, on Calvary, Christ gave us all His Holy Mother.

John represents us.

„Behold – your mother!

Behold – your son!“

One of the last testimonies of Christ on the cross.

The Sacred Heart is a treasury of wisdom and knowledge, the centre of all hearts.

Even after Christ died on the cross, His side was pierced by the soldier’s spear and blood and water flowed out – symbols for the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist: blood – and for baptism: water.

What more do we want Christ to do for us, to show us that He loves us?!

More than that, we have not been left helpless (not knowing) how to go to Christ.

His Holy Mother is our way to Christ.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus began to beat in the virgin womb of Holy Mother Mary.

Such unity never existed and never will exist again.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is the person closest to Christ. She is the number one Christian. She understands Christ better than any of us. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is closest to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Mary teaches us to be „Christ-centred“, to live for Christ, to centre our whole life in Christ, and to let our whole life be a procession of gifts toward Jesus.

She lived for Christ, she lived with Christ, her whole life was dedicated only to Him and His Church. It is our road to Christ – „through Mary to Jesus!“ is good theology. It’s not something invented in the Vatican or by a disciple of Jesus.

„Behold – your mother!

Behold – your son!“

And the Blessed Virgin Mary teaches us to go to Christ.

The wine ran out at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. Imagine – a wedding without wine – the groom is full of shame! This is how the Blessed Virgin Mary saw: The wine ran out. She said to Christ:

„They have no wine!“

In English 4 words. There are some among us who talk together seven basketfuls of words, each more useless than the next…

You can see from Jesus‘ answer that he did not intend to begin working miracles at that time. The Blessed Virgin Mary did not argue with her Son, who said:

„What do you want from Me – My time has not yet come!

You want to provoke a miracle?“

She said nothing to Him. She merely said to the servants,      

„Whatever He tells you – do it.“

And she sat down.

So Christ saw: Well, His mother wanted to have a miracle, so He instructed the servants:

„Fill these water jars with water and bring them to the master of ceremonies!“

He didn’t know where the wine came from and he went to the groom and said,

„So you have champagne and you’re wasting our time with vulgar wine until now??!

Now we have wine!“

The 6 water jars full of wine – now full of wine! – are a symbol of the overflowing graces of salvation that we receive through the mediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is always the grace of Christ – there is no other.

But there is a mediation and a mediator, a middleman. And she said:

„Whatever He tells you, do that.“

The last words of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Gospel!

If you find anything else in the Bible that she said afterwards, I’ll give you a lecture…

These are the last words of the Holy Virgin Mary – handed down in the Gospel. That doesn’t mean she stopped speaking from what was recorded. The gospel gives us enough – not enough for our curiosity, but enough for our salvation.

My brothers and sisters.

In the Sacred Heart of Jesus we have centre, orientation, where we are going.

In the Immaculate Heart of Mary we have a guide, a way, an example.

What is expected of us?

  1. We believe in God’s Love for us.

We believe in the care that God has for us. We thank God. We thank God for the Two Hearts. We adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we consecrate our lives to Him. We say to Jesus: „Without You our life has no meaning.“

Without Christ we do not know why we came, where we are going, and how we will get there. Without Christ we are directionless. But with Christ we have unity, we have a sense of direction, we know where we are going.

  1. We consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

that she may lead us to her Son. One of her Fatima messages is about just that.

We rejoice with the sisters of the Two Hearts of Love.

We pray that each of you and all associated with you – the brothers, priests, lay apostles – that everyone may become more and more Christ-oriented, with the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary – especially priests and religious – to live for Christ, who said:

„If you put your hand to the plow and look back,   

you are not fit for the kingdom of heaven.“


  1. To live for Christ – and for Him alone,

not looking for anything else or anyone else. »





of His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Ayo-Maria Atoyebi O.P.,

Bishop of the Diocese of Ilorin / Nigeria

« The Society of the Two Hearts of Love, that is to say the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Heart of Mama Maria, His Mother, are dedicated to the Two Hearts of Love, in order to live the Reign of Love on earth and to promote the same among the people of God. The devotion responds to the crucial interest of the Two Hearts of Love, because it is principally centred on the salvation of souls, which is the focal point of the Incarnation of Love in the Person of Jesus Christ as the Incarnation of God’s mercy.

God wants to give us real divine life that transcends all human expectation in the realm of earthly joy or happiness. Jesus says:

“I have come so that they may have life

and it in abundance.” (John 10:10)

The expression of Love of Jesus was not in a partial way, or selfish way, but total and unqualifiable. He confirms this when he says:

“A greater love than this no man has

than to lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)

Jesus has shown his supreme Love for mankind by obediently giving up His Will.

“He was humble and walked the path of obedience

all the way to death – his death on the cross. (Phil 2:8)


His death on the cross is the work of Love.

It is the work of His Heart.

In doing this God destined that Mama Maria should be with Him in the work of salvation.

From the first moment of the Incarnation Mary has been part and parcel of the work of redemption with her obedient Love and positive response to God.

Along with Jesus, and subordinate to Him she disposed herself for our salvation.

She followed Jesus on the way to Calvary and offered her Son as a supreme sacrifice to God for our salvation. She died in heart as the Queen of all Martyrs with her Son on the cross.

It is as if the Two Hearts died together on Calvary for every pang of the nails and hammers in the body of Christ went through the heart of the Mother of Sorrow.

This is the reason why the Two Hearts cannot be separated.

They are destined together in Love for divine purposes, our salvation.

They deserve utmost devotion for this. Hence the prayer says

“Jesus! Mary!

I love You.

Be appeased.

Save all souls.


Precise and succinct as this prayer is, it strikes the highest point of prayer.

–          First of all with exclamation it calls on the most important Names that can save us.

–          Secondly it expresses love to them, which we seldom express.

–          Thirdly it asks for appeasement, which is most needed today because the Heart of            God is grossly hurt today more than ever before.

The Heart of Jesus and Mama Maria are equally hurt as they see people sinning against God who deserves nothing from us but Love.

Oh! Unfortunately LOVE is not loved.

This Prayer of Love and reparation is like an arrow shot into heaven that cannot miss its target. It is a most precious heavenly gift.

What is most needed in the world today is give love for love:

give back to God the Love that He first gives us and express our sorrow for sins committed. This Prayer fulfills this and spurs us to continuous further devotion.

The remaining part of the mystical prayer speaks for itself.

Those who have mystical mind will discern the profundity of the prayer; it is simple, selfless penetrating, spiritual and salvific.

If anybody does not understand it, let him or her keep praying until the discernment of the Spirit is given to him or her. The indisputable fact about it is that only the Spiritual can discern things of the Spirit.

The Prayer is most powerful for growth in Love and other virtues. It is most useful for loving hearts who have ardent desire to love God and make reparation for sins.

I do whole-heartedly recommend the devotion of the Two Hearts of Love.

It is angelic in their reverential prostration

before Divine Majesty.






+ Ayo-Maria Atoyebi O.P.

Bishop of Ilorin       

September 25, 2013





















The Promises Of The Prayer

Of The Two Hearts Of Love



Jesus declares:

« After the Holy Eucharist,

after the Holy Mass,

the greatest gift I have given to My Church

and to the whole world

is this Prayer and devotion of

the Two Hearts of Love.


This Prayer of the Two Hearts of Love comes from the Holy Mass

just as the flow of blood and water comes from My pierced side.

For the Holy Mass and this Prayer are united.

You cannot separate this Prayer and Devotion from the Holy Eucharist,

Sacrifice of the Mass.


My Son,

let My Love reign.

Let My Heart reign.

Let My Hearts of Love reign.


O Hearts of Love!

O! How I love to be called this.

I am really a Heart of Love as so is My Mother.

We are Hearts of Love.

I am God but a God of Love. »


« All who call Me this (O! Hearts of Love) devotedly

even once in their life will have the seal of the Heart (Hearts of Love)

engraved in theirs. 

Those who practice this devotion constantly

will turn into a flaming fire of divine Love

and will never be lost. »


« Any person who at his or her death bed,

after cleansing himself or herself with the Act of Love

(i.e. Jesus, Mary, I love You be appeased, save souls, Amen)

and devotedly says the Prayer of the Hearts of Love

(O! Hearts of Love! O! Hearts ever united in Love!…),

while kissing the Hearts of Love, I will take to Myself.

No purgatory for him. »


« I will bring out a date especially

for the Feast of the Two Hearts of Love.

On this day, the Hearts will be pierced with Masses and prayers,

and their blood will flow into purgatory

and all those bearing the mark of the Hearts of Love

I will attract to Myself like a magnet.


O! Hearts of Love!

When will I stop bewailing My Love,

which is being repaid with ingratitude and sin?

How I wish to spread My Love in the whole world,

but wickedness, hatred and sin keep Me back. »


« I promise,

no matter the fewness,

I will use those

who are devoted to the Two Hearts of Love

to spread My Love in the whole world. »


« Instruct people

to say this prayer especially

at twelve, at four and at six o’clock,

at communion and at Mass. »


« Those who will have their names enrolled

will never be lost

because they have specially

consecrated themselves to Me

and it is then a challenge to Me

that at death, I owe them a special fight. »


« Those who will propagate this devotion

will have their state in heaven raised

according to their zeal and

success will accompany them. »


« This devotion will spread like wild fire

because many people and places have begun it,

but have not yet known

that it is this devotion that they have started.

One need only instruct them and it is taken up. » 


« Get ready. This is the time for trial and glory. »


« I promise, any person

who even once kisses the

image of the Two  Hearts of Love

will have the seal engraved in theirs.

Any home that exposes and honours the

image of the Two Hearts of Love

will be free from sudden death,

and I will prevent any mortal sin

from being committed in that room. »


« You may think these promises fantastic but it is not.

Just consider the length of time

I have been waiting to establish

the rule of My Heart in the world

but wickedness and sin prevent Me. 

I mean to pour the blood of My Heart of Love

on the whole world

not minding the obstacles. » 



« My child, you are going to suffer much

but it will last but a little while

because Satan knows that My Heart must triumph and

is ready to give the last fight

which will last a while and My Heart will triumph. 


My child, I don’t want you to doubt any more

because this will mean a postponement of the triumph,

which I am not ready to grant.


I only want you to give up yourself

in simplicity of faith,

prayer, love, obedience and humility. 


My child,

I have taken you as a victim and

I am going to consume you

till you become nothing. 

Just give up yourself to Me and

I will use you as it pleases Me. » 



« It is I,

your Love Jesus Christ speaking.

I want to establish the Reign of My Sacred Heart

and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother ever united.


We are one for We are united in Love.

And I don’t want any person

to separate the Two Hearts anymore.

Any person who tries to separate the Two Hearts

I mean to eliminate. »



« The laity, seminarian and aspirants,

religious, priests and all the clergy

should rally around the triumphant Two Hearts of Love. 

Satan knows that his time is expired.

Even when it is come, when he sees shining

blinding rays of victims of Love,

it is not I who will tell him

to run and hide in his home. 





My child,

I mean to give you My Heart.

You will draw the blood from it and

pour it on the world.

O! My Heart will triumph. 


Through this devotion to My Infinite Love

in the Hearts of Love

I mean to bring unity to My whole Church. 

I want to promote unity among

the various races and cultures in the world.


I mean to unite families, unite

the hearts of husbands with their wives, and

the hearts of women with men,

the hearts of children with their parents,

the hearts of relations and friends with one another. 


This is an apostolate and a mission of

friendship, unity and love

for all and among all.


I mean to fight the evil of

hatred, wickedness and sin. » 




« It is My Will to establish the

Reign of My Infinite Love and Mercy

in every heart and home,

everywhere and

every time,

in the whole world and

in all creation. »




« O! My Love will reign – on earth as in Heaven.

O! My Heart will reign! 

O! My Love will reign! »




















Bishop Ayo-Maria Atoyebi O.P.,

Ilorin Diocese/Nigeria, May 2002



Message On Prostration –

The Highest Form Of Physical Expression Of Worship

May 18, 2004


Jesus says:

« My Son,

prostration is the highest form of

physical expression of worship.


To lay yourself completely on the ground and

stretch yourself completely before Him on the ground in

total self-giving and absolute abandonment and submission

to His Most Divine Will

is the highest (physical) expression of divine worship.


It combines and expresses

the highest and the lowest at that same time.


There can be nothing lower, humbler and

more totally submissive and absolutely abandonment.


This physical expression must also express the spiritual;

this outward must also express the inward.


This physical expression is also the spiritual manifestation,

physical prostration is spiritual prostration,

and the outward expression is also inward manifestation.

Prostration in divine worship of Love combines

all physical and spiritual, outward and inward,

lowest and highest, total and absolute

submission and self-giving self-sacrifice and

union with God. »


« I want it to be used

as the highest expression of the total self-giving

and union in Love with Me in My Hearts of Love.

As often as you do it,

the more and more you submit yourself

totally to My Will and

the more and more united you are

with My Most Holy and Loving Will. »


« Unite yourself to the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.

It also expresses your readiness

to accept and do

without any doubting or questioning

all I bid you

without further delay or deliberation. » 


The Eternal Father speaks:

« It is also the attitude of total repentance and

absolute pleading for mercy,

like David, My servant, and the Ninivites.

It is the attitude of total and absolute self-sacrifice,

in perfect selflessness and Love,

like My Son Jesus Christ,

nailed to the cross on the ground and

lifted on the cross at Calvary.


There is nothing more exalting for the human being

than to prostrate himself/herself completely

in submission and self-giving and sacrifice

in perfect Love and union with will of God.


This prostration is the form of worship in heaven,

for those nearest to the throne of the Most High.

I have brought you nearest to Me here on earth –

prostration is fitting for you and

before Me in the Most Holy Eucharist.


Heaven is in your midst

My Love, My Son.

Prostration is like heaven on earth.



My Son, My Love,

do it well.


Let all prostrate before Me in loving adoration

and total submission to My Most Holy and Loving Will.

I am with you and will always be with you.


Let nobody discourage you.

What I have sent you to do is

to bring the worship of heaven here on earth.


As I prayed:

‚Father! May Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.‘

Prostration is heaven on earth.

It is the worship of heaven on earth.


Let it be so.

Prostration is

worship in Spirit and truth with the body.

All true worshippers should

worship in Spirit and truth.


My Love,

let all My children learn to

worship Me in Spirit and truth –

with their whole spirit and mind and bodies,

as well as with all they are and have.


I love them all and will always love them

with all My infinite Love –

with all I am and have.


Let them do the prostration well

like My Son Jesus Christ on the cross. »


Call To Holiness

For All Human Beings

November 2002



Jesus declares:

« My Love!

Receive My message for the whole world.


My Love!

My call to holiness is for all human beings –

of all ages, races, cultures, creeds.


I want all human beings to be saved and

to come to perfect Love and union and fullness of Life

and being with Me in Heaven.

I am God, the God of Love, God of all.


I want to unite all in Me –

all in My Love –

in My Hearts of Love.


The whole world is mine.

All creation is mine.

All souls belong to Me.

All power, all Love,





come from Me and go back to Me.


Call all to glory!

Call all to Love!

Call all to prayer!

Call all to holiness,

to peace and Love!


Greet all with My peace and Love.

Whoever accepts your greetings

of peace and Love from Me

will be blessed with peace and Love.

Who refuses to accept it

will not retain My peace and Love.

My peace and Love will go to another. »


« At last he/she will realise what she/he has refused.

Hell is eternal regret.


Please accept My message for the whole world –

people of all races, cultures, tongues, colours,

ages, shapes, sizes, for the whole creation.

Pray and fast for the salvation of all – all souls.


My Son!

My Love!

I am with you now and always

till the end of time unto eternity.


Tell all the members of My Hearts of Love

that I love them with eternal Love.

I am with them.


Tell them to remain steadfast.

My Heart of Love is the safest, surest and easiest way to heaven.


Tell them not to be worried

by any rejection or threats or calumny or whatsoever.


I am with them to save them, to strengthen them.

I am your Love. I am their Love.

I am your God. I am their God.

I am your all. I am their all. 


Let them call Me:

‚Our God, Our Love, Our All!‘

And give themselves to Me completely.


Tell them that all of them –

all who remain in My Love till the end –

will be saved.

Let nobody and nothing separate them from My Love.


Tell them to be steadfast at prayer.

The Rhythm of Prayer of the Hearts of Love is

the rhythm of Love,

is the rhythm of Life of them.


Tell them to be steadfast

with the hours of the prayers of Love.


Let nothing hold them back – even for a brief moment.

(They can say the prayers even for a brief moment).

They are moments of union, of strength –

union with Me, the source of all life and Love;

moments of strength –

I am the principle and source of all strength.


It is the moment of salvation – for their souls and all souls.

It is the moment of purification – purification of all –

all things around them and in them.

It is the moment of sanctification  – for them and all around them.


At these moments –

I pour My special, most abundant blessings and graces

on them and all around them. 


At this moment – all My priests are to pronounce

the blessings of My Hearts of Love

and bless all souls –

all My creation.

At this moment,

when no priest is there,

all My people are to call upon themselves

My eternal blessings –

on themselves and all around them.


They are to touch one another at least

with their souls, hearts, love and look;

with their hands and their hearts.


They are to open their hearts and hands.

They are to touch all creation with their hands, their spirits.

They are to be a blessing to all creation.


All My members of My Hearts of Love

are a blessing to all creation.


I am with them.

I am their blessing and through them

I bless My creation.


They are blessing to all My creation.

You are My blessing for all –

all everywhere and every time.


Go and spread My blessing to all.

Go and bring My blessings to all.

I am with you. Do not be afraid. 

I Am with you now and forever.



Amen. »


















Call to Prayer And Sacrifice

For All Christians

especially those who worship

the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and

honour the Immaculate Heart of Mary,


A letter from Father Montfort, founder and priest

of the Society of the Two Hearts of Love, SHL,

to the early members in Europe and over the whole world

May 2001


„My Dearly beloved Brothers and Sisters! 

Peace and Love of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ and

of the Father and of the Holy Spirit be with you.

Let me begin by telling you this factual story:


As I received the Most Holy Communion,

Our Lord Jesus Christ began to draw me more deeply to Himself

and to teach me the innermost mysteries of His Heart of Love. 

He asked me:


« Come to Me daily.

Never allow the devil to keep you away from Me or

wilfully stay back from Me.

Teach those souls around you

who are given to you to love Me!

Move many hearts to love Me.

The world still defies Me,

although there are many comforters.

But the sins of the world far outweigh their work. 

As He, Jesus, speaks He weeps.  


See how humanity defies Me.

Even those, whom I trust,

even those whom I look to for consolation

send Me away, beating Me and spitting on My face.


They draw the wrath of My anger,

soon they will feel the strength of My arm,

if reparation is not made.

I am not loved.


Many detest to hear My Name,

only very few come to Me…!  

Ask those people

who still detest Me,

who do not love Me,

who still run away from Me,

who still detest to hear My Name

to come back to Me.

Tell them that I love them.

You alone cannot comfort Me much! » 


„Jesus says: 

‚You alone cannot comfort Me much!‘ 

He showed me what He meant.

He showed me Himself on the cross,

with uncountable wounds all over His Body

and they were bleeding.

The blood was gushing all over and dropping on the ground.

I tried to collect all the blood with my mouth and drink it

but the flow was too much from too many wounds.

Much of the blood flowed away on the ground.

Then I tried to stop the flow with my hands

pressing at some of the wounds with my fingers,

but the wounds were too many and the flow of blood was too much.

I was helpless. 

I managed to collect some of the blood with my mouth

but a greater amount flowed away on the dirty ground.

As I continued to struggle, hopeless to prevent the flow

and to collect the blood with my mouth,

He said to me:


« You alone cannot comfort Me much.

Bring your relations and friends to come to Me.

Bring many people to visit Me and My house (Church) will be full

and I will be happy, and forgive you (the world) your sins. »


„My brothers and sisters! 

Our Lord Jesus Christ is bleeding continuously in many tabernacles in the world.

Our Blessed Mother Mary is often crying and shedding tears of blood in many places in the world. 

Our Lord hanging on the cross cried:


« I thirst! » 


He thirsts for souls.

He thirsts for Love.

He thirsts for your soul, for my soul,

for my Love, for your Love.

At another time the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to me

that the solution of the problem of souls,

of the Church and the world, is

to unite to the Two Wounded and Bleeding

Hearts of Love (Jesus and Mary).


He revealed it to me in this way:

The Lord showed me His Heart which because it has lost so much blood

has lost its real colour and appears pale white.

Then He said to me: 

« If you can make this Heart turn red again

the world will be saved. »  


I asked Him how I could make the Heart regain its blood and its colour.

He answered me:


« I want you to find that out yourself. »


I went about asking some older, experienced and learned and spiritual persons,

but nobody could provide the right answer.

At the next time when He came to me I told Him that I have thought, searched,

and I asked many people and I could not find the answer myself and

nobody could tell me the answer.

He said: 


« I will give you the solution Myself.

I will reveal this mystery to you. »


Then He showed me His Heart again and

the Immaculate Heart of His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Immaculate Heart is covered with deep wounds,

but the wounds were deep but not wide and

the Immaculate Heart was also bleeding profusely.

Then He said to me:


« The only solution is to unite

to the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love. »


I asked Him, how we could unite ourselves with the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts, since we were not pure and holy.

The Lord then taught me the 


Prayer of the Two Hearts of Love


and said that through this prayer we should be purified and

united with the Two Hearts of Love and the world would be saved. 

Now He made this very earnest, joyful and at the same time frightening appeal:


« Get at least 100 people

who will be saying the Prayer (the Prayer of the Hearts of Love)

100 times (i.e. the Rosary of the Hearts of Love two times)

every night, with you,

no matter where they are (between the hours of midnight and 3 am)

and the world will be changed.      


I will change the face of the earth.

I will renew My Church and I will save all souls.

I will overthrow the influence of evil.

I will overthrow evil.

I will establish the reign of My Love firmly.

My Will will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. » 

„My dear brothers and sisters,

God is calling you out of Love to make this sacrifice,

to be a victim of Love,

suffering for the salvation of souls,

the renewal of the Church,

the salvation of the world,

the firm establishment of the Reign of His Love,

the Triumph of the Two Hearts of Love,

the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and

the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Please, answer this call of God!

Please join us in saying this prayer and

making this sacrifice

– the Vigil of  prayers and sacrifice –

to keep Him company,

to keep awake

even for an hour of prayer with the Lord!

Remember what our Lord said

to His closest apostles Peter, James and John:

« My soul is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death:          

stay here and watch with Me. »

And He went a little further, and fell on His face, and prayed, saying: 


« My Father, if it be possible,

let this cup pass from Me,

but not My will but Your will be done. »


And He came to the disciples, and found them asleep

and said to Peter (Matth 26: 38-41):


« Could you not keep awake with Me for one hour?          

Watch and pray that you do not fall into temptation.

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. »     

When our Lord said that we should find at least

100 persons who will be saying the Prayer (of the Hearts of Love)

100 times (i.e. the Rosary of the Hearts of Love twice) every night,

with us, no matter where they are (between the hours of midnight and 3 am),

my mind went immediately to the story about Abraham

who had the opportunity to save Sodom and Gomorrha

but under the condition

that he should find some people – 50, 45, 40, 30, 20,

even 10 righteous people.

(Please note: it was no failure on the part of Abraham

that he could not find 10 righteous people.

There were simply not enough of them.)

This led to the destruction of the city by fire.

This is a well-known story narrated in the book of Genesis (chapter 19). 

At this time, at our own time,

God is giving us a special grace, a very rare chance. 

He gives you and me this opportunity to help save souls –

our own souls and the souls of others –

to renew the Church and change the face of the earth and

help establish the reign of His Love.

If only you and me and a few others could make the sacrifice

of keeping awake and saying the

prayer of the Two Hearts of Love devotedly –

and thereby uniting ourselves

to the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary. 

Have no fears,

this prayer is a special revelation of Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself

to His beloved people, the Church.

This prayer has already received the imprimatur

from many bishops around the world,

for the various translations in different world languages. 

This time our Lord is asking specifically

that at least 100 people be found

who will be saying this prayer devotedly

every night (no matter where they are)

– especially between the hours of 12 midnights and 3 am.

This is the time for the Vigil Mass and prayer of the Two Hearts of Love. 

Please, I am earnestly appealing to you on my knees

to join us make this sacrifice of Vigil prayers of Love

for souls, for the Church, for the world,

for the Reign of the Love of God,

for the Kingdom of God.

If you are willing to join in this prayer sacrifice every night

please send us your name and address and telephone number.

We shall place it on the altar where we celebrate the Holy Mass.

We shall be celebrating Holy Masses for you and

praying for you and your dear ones,

that God will give you the grace and strength

of soul, mind and body to fulfil your good promise. 

We want to keep in contact with you

and all who say the prayer regularly.

We are a family of the

Two Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary,

in the very heart of the Church.

Please get many others to join in this urgent prayer sacrifice. 

May God bless and reward

you and all yours abundantly. 

Yours devotedly in the Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary 

Rev. Father Montfort Okanwikpo



„This Is The Prayer Of The New Time

Of The Reign Of Love“



Jesus says:

«This is the prayer of the new time,

the time of the Reign of Love,

the Reign of the Hearts of Love.

Do you know that prayers of Love never end?

Hope may end,

faith will have an end but

Love never ends.

In heaven the only prayer that is said

is the prayer of Love.

Do you know that I also pray even in heaven?

The Father prays also, the Holy Spirit prays also.

We say the eternal prayer of Love.

‚I love You, Father!‘

‚I Love You, Son!‘

‚I Love You, Holy Spirit!‘

This prayer never ends.

I have taught you this prayer of Love – 

a version of which is the Prayer of the Hearts of Love.

With this I mean to introduce you into this new age of Love –

the age of the Reign of the Hearts of Love.


My Son,

keep writing, do not get weak.

I mean to introduce you into the deep mysteries of life,

into the deep mysteries of Love.

I am Love! I am Life!

Outside Me there is no life,

there is no love, only death and miserable nothing.


My child,

come into My Heart. What do you see?

What do you experience? »


Father Montfort speaking:

„I see and experience flaming fire of Love.

Infinite ocean of fire of love.

Indescribable brightness.

Indescribable peace.

Indescribable joy.

Indescribable quietness,

indescribable LOVE.

Indescribable union.

Indescribable oneness.

Perfect union of hearts,of beings, of persons,

perfect fulfillment of all our true heart desires“.


Jesus says:

« My Son,

this is where you belong.

I have given you My Heart,

this is what you possess and

this is what possesses you:

My Love.


You are My Love.

No matter how they attack you,

no matter how they insult you,

no matter how they throw you away,

no matter how they throw you about,

no matter what they think of you,

no matter what they say of you,

no matter what they do to you.


I have enveloped you in My Love.

You are perfectly secure in My Love.

Nobody and nothing can separate you from My Love.

Nobody and nothing can separate My Love from you.

You are My Love.

You are in Me and I am in you.

Let your only concern be loving Me and

loving all with My Love.


Everything you love with My Love

you are restoring it to My Love.

Restore all to My Love.

Win all in and to My Love.


Go and meet all and embrace all in My Love.

My Heart is your heaven on earth.

My Love is your heaven.

Heaven is in your midst.

Heaven is My Love.

My Love is in you.

My Love lives in you.

I am your heaven. I am in you.

You are in Me. You are Mine.


Remain in Me.

Nothing will separate you from Me.

Nothing can separate Me from you,

only your will, but now I have your will.

My Will is your will.

My Will is in you and your will is in Me.

Your will is perfectly united to Mine.


This is the level of sanctity I want

such that you will only exist in Me and

I live in you.


You are perfectly united to Me and

I am united with you.

You are in union with Me and

with the Father and with the Holy Spirit.

You are in union with My Mother and

with all My Angels and Saints.


Where you are

there I am, and

where I am

there you are.


You are Me.

I am you.

We are one.

You in Me and

I in you.


In you, through you, and with you

I mean to win and draw all souls to My Love,

to Me, to the Father and to the Holy Spirit.


My Son,

love the Father and the Holy Spirit

with one and the same Love

with which you love Me,

that is, with My Love.

We are one.


To love is

to love the Father and

to love the Holy Spirit.


Yet it is good to express it clearly:

„I love You, My Son.“

„I love You, Father.“

„I love You, the Son of God.“

„I love You, Holy Spirit.“


In loving the Father I am loving Myself,

in loving the Holy Spirit I am loving Myself.

In loving the Father and the Holy Spirit I am loving Love.


The Father is Love.

The Holy Spirit is Love.

I am Love.


We are God, God of Love. God Love.

We are Love. We are Love.

We are Love.


You belong to Us.

You come from Me.

You come from Us.

Our life is only Love.

Our Love is life.


To love Us is Love and life.

To love the Father is life.

To love the Holy Spirit is life.


To love Love,

to love God –

Love that is life –

to live Love,

to live in Love,

to live in God,

that is eternal Life.


I have offered all men eternal Life.

I have created and offered all souls,

all hearts, all persons the eternal Life.

God is eternal Love and eternal Life.

Be in Me. I am in you.


Tell all the members of My Heart of Love

that they are members of My Love and

members of My life.


Tell them

that I belong to them and that they belong to Me.

They are in Me and I am in them.


Tell them

that pure and holy life, pure and holy Love

is absolutely necessary to remain in Me.


I want them all to remain in Me and grow in Me.

I in them and they in Me.

I want to be one with them.


I became one of them so that they will be one in Me.

I in them and they in Me.


Just as the Father is in Me and I am in the Father,

and the Holy Spirit is in Me and I am in the Holy Spirit,

and the Father is in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is in the Father.


We are one and all!

One in all and all in One.


So I became man, one with mankind,

so that mankind will be one with Me – one with Us,

with the Father and with Me and with the Holy Spirit.


My Son,

My plan for the fulfilment of all

is the plan for the fulfilment of all things in Me,

in Love, in Life, in the Holy Spirit, in the Father.


It is the eternal plan for the creation and salvation

of all in the Love and Life of God.


God is Love, God is Life,

all find their fulfilment in Love, in Life.


I am Love and Life.

All find their life and Love in Me.

Without Me there is no life and no Love.


I love all.

That is why I have given Life to all:

and I have given life to all because

I want to draw all to My Love,

to unite all in My Love.


I am One and All,

the Beginning and End,

Alpha and Omega.

All is in Me.

All will be one in Me and I am all in all.


The message and work of My Hearts of Love is

the message and work of Love,

the message and work of life;

the message and work of oneness.


I in all and all in Me.

I am one in all, and all is one in Me.

You are one in Me and I am one in you.

My Love, you are Me.

I am you,

We are one. »



Bishop Ayo-Maria Atoyebi O.P.,

Ilorin Diocese/Nigeria, May 2002 


„The Two Hearts Of Love Is The Only Way

To The Most Holy Trinity“


Jesus says:

« My Love,

do not let anybody or anything

distract you or derail you or

in any way diminish your Love and

your attachment to the Two Hearts of Love and

the Most Holy Trinity.


The Two Hearts of Love

is the only way to the Most Holy Trinity.

Union with the Two Hearts of Love

is the only way the Most Holy Trinity

is fully revealed to man and

is the only way the Most Holy Trinity

has chosen and established as

the way of union with the Most Holy Trinity.


The way of the Two Hearts of Love

is the way of the Most Holy Trinity.

The Truth of the Two Hearts of Love

is the Truth of the Most Holy Trinity.

The Life of the Two Hearts of Love

is the Life of the Most Holy Trinity.


My Love, do not be afraid or ashamed to

live and teach and lead all in this way, truth and

life of the Two Hearts of Love

which is immediately and completely in the way of the

truth and the Life of the Most Holy Trinity.


That was why I, Jesus, said:

„… that no one comes to the Father

except through Me.

And no one comes to Me

except the Father draws him.“


The Most Holy Trinity chose

the way of Mary,

the way of the Union of the Two Hearts to be

the Way of the revelation of

the infinite and eternal mystery of

the Most Holy Trinity.


My incarnation is the Way.

I did not just pass through Mary,

I took up all I have as man from her.

I took on Mary.


I am one with her

for our Hearts,

our inmost being,

our persons

are ever united in Love 

– the Love of the Most Holy Trinity.


Love is taking on – taking up –

the form and nature and being

of the other, of the beloved and

communicating, sharing, giving

your being – your innermost – your person

with and to the beloved.


Love is union in the innermost being

in the Heart, in the Person.


That is what Love is in the Most Holy Trinity.

That is what Love is in the Two Hearts of Love.

That is what Love is in you.

That is what Love is in the Church.

That is what Love is in the Eucharist.

That is what salvation means.

Salvation means uniting.


Only what is united with Me, Jesus Christ, is saved.


That is what Love is:

union of being,

union of Hearts in Love.


That is why God created Man

in His image and likeness

and Man became Love.


The vocation,

the being,

the origin and

the end and

fulfilment of Man

is Love,

is in God.


There can be no other

origin or end or

fulfilment of Man

than in God,

in Love.


My Love, My Son,


help Man,

save Man,

restore Man.


Win Man back, and

unite Man with His




end and


in Love –     

in the Love of God.



My Love,

love God and

love Man and

bring Man to the

Love of God,

which is what Man really is.



love God and

pity Man and

love Man and

bring Man

to the Love of God.


Help Man to

know himself,

love himself,

love God.


Man’s only




end and


is Love – Love of God.


Only in God

is man Man.

Only in God’s Love

is Man fulfilled.



help Man,

help souls,

save souls,

save Man and

bring him to the

Pure and Holy –                 

Love in God,

Love of Man and Love of God.



Help Man                

to be

what he really is:

Love –

in the Love of God.



all hearts,

‘all loves’,

all blood,

all love

in the One Love of God

in and through and with and

in union with the

Two Wounded and Bleeding

Hearts of Love –

all to the Glorious union

with the Most Holy

Trinity of Love.


You are

Love of Man and

Love of God.


You are Love

in the Most Holy

Trinity of




Love!!! »






















Let it be preached:

„Only Those With The Seal

Of The Love Of God Will Be Saved –

they will be judged according to this seal!“

November 16, 2007


Father Montfort speaking: 

„To hear that the day of the Son of man will be like

the days of Noah and Lot is very fearful,

because it means that only few will be saved.

Only one family will be saved and

the rest will be destroyed at the end of the world,

the family of Noah, the family who entered the Ark.

All were invited to the feast,

all others, no matter what reason they give,

will be destroyed.

Ask yourself:

Are your natural families going to be saved?


One will be taken, one will be left.

What is the criteria?

The seal of the Love of God.

In the Apocalypse the Angel of destruction

is told to wait till all to be saved

are sealed with the seal of God.

We are now in the time of waiting.

Only those united in union with Christ

will be saved, all others destroyed.

Don’t bring any separation from Christ in your life.    

The seal implies that we are united to the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love,

the Only Solution.

Only those touched by His Most Precious Blood,

like those in the Old Testament

who slaughtered a lamb and signed their doors with its blood.

Only those covered by His Blood will be saved.

It is a very serious warning.

This is the time of preparation,

the Ark has already been built,

now we have to enter it,

only those in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary will be saved.

Only those who live the two commandments of Love –

Love of God and of Neighbour – will be saved.

It will be like in the days of Noah:

Only those in the Ark will be saved,

all others will fall prey to destruction.“


Jesus said:

« Pour this prayer over the whole world,

let everyone be touched by the seal

of the Love of God. »


Father Montfort speaking: 

„We are warning everybody,

this is the only solution,

only those united to the Two Hearts of Love

will be saved.

I will continue to say it even to those

who will continue to stone me.

„How can only few be saved?“

Christ said it clearly in the gospel,

« Try to enter the narrow door,

wide is the road leading to destruction… »

(The road of sexual pleasure…)


« Save all souls! »

All souls are those united to the Two Hearts…

and only those will be saved and they are few,

but there will be no exception.


The Lord made it the easiest, shortest way to heaven,

those who even once say,


« O Hearts of Love! »


Let us wake up and assume our responsibility.

Let it be preached:

Only those with the seal of the Love of God will be saved,

they will be judged according to this seal.

Let everybody be warned,

let everybody hear this.

This is the message

which I have received and

I am bound to preach it“: 

Jesus said;

« My Love,

listen, time is short.

Make use of every opportunity

I give you to radiate and pour

My Love like sunshine and rainfall

in every heart, upon every person

and over the whole world. »


Father Montfort speaking:

„This message must be heard

even by the deaf, the blind, even the lame.


Nobody should claim ignorance.

Nobody should be allowed

to claim ignorance of this message.“  

(Jesus said:)

« I am with you to strengthen you,

do not be afraid of anybody, anything.

I am, I am.

My Love,

this is My message to you,

My message of Love for the whole world.


I have decided

in My infinite Love and mercy

to redeem all, all souls,

to save the whole world

because of My Love.


I love the whole world,

the whole of My creation.


It is never in My mind to destroy

what I created out of Love,

but the world has been forcing My hand

to destroy and annihilate it.


The evil one has been forcing

the world and souls

to go against My Eternal Will

so that I will destroy the world as useless.


Now I have decided

in My infinite Love and mercy

to do away with the rebellious one,

the father of all sins and rebellion.

I will drive him away from the world,

which I have created for

My beloved children,

the human beings.


My Son,

all I have promised you

and through you to the whole Church

and to the whole world

I mean to bring to fulfilment.

I stand by My promises

and I will make all of them good.




My Love,

I love you and I will ever love you

and bring all to the Love of Me.

I bring this through you,


My Love,

it is through My Love that I created the world.

Through My Love I have saved and

will ever save My world, My creation.  


My Love,

be ready to work, to suffer,

to sacrifice and to obey Me

even to the point of death.


My Son,

you are carrying the wounds I have.

I share everything with you,

My sufferings, joys and glory.


My Love,

do not let anything

discourage you or stand in the way

of My love in any way.


You are absolutely called

in freedom to be one with Me,

you are absolutely in union with Me.


Let nothing and nobody think

that it can in any way

separate you from Me,

My Love.


I cannot be separated from you,

My Love, for I and My Love are one.

Let the world come back to Me.


I mean to pour the Blood of My Love

over the whole world

not minding the obstacles.


I mean to shine the light of My Love

on all and on the whole world

not minding the obstacles.


I mean to radiate My Love

into the whole world

not minding the obstacles.


I am God, not man.

I am the Holy One

in your midst.




I am not a god,

I am God,

I am One,

there is no other.

I am the Almighty,

nobody else is God!

Nobody else is almighty!  

I alone am God.


I have decided in My infinite Love and Mercy

to save all souls

that I have created out of Love,


but, My Son,

I require the simplest sign of love

and I will make it infinite in value.


Let every soul

make some simple signs of response

and I will accept that out of My Love and

that soul will be saved.

(There must be a sign of love, or else there is no salvation,

no matter how small, how simple.)


The simplest, the least sign of love

and acceptance of My Love

and I will act with My almighty power of

creation and redemption and

all will be saved

who accept My Love and

let My Love be poured upon and into them and

let My Love shine upon and into them,

let My Love,

the fire of My Love, be radiated into them,

the fire of My Love be enkindled

in them and upon them.  


My Son,

there is every hope to save all souls.


My Love,

your prayers have been heard.


The prayers

which I put into your heart and into your mouth,

the Prayer

which I Myself taught you and asked you to teach all.


My Love,

I am saving all souls.


My Love,

the Prayer of My Hearts of Love has been heard.

I am saving all souls

with My Mighty Power,

with My Almighty Power,

with the power of My Infinite Love and Mercy.


My Love,

have you heard and understood

what I have done and what I am doing?

With the fire and the light and

the radiation and outpouring of

My Infinite Eternal Love

I am dispelling and annihilating

all the darkness of wickedness

and hatred and sin.


I am bringing

a new heaven and

a new earth,

where My Love,

My Infinite and Eternal Love reigns.  


My Church has prepared this

over the centuries

with faith, hope and charity,

with the prayers and sacrifices and

blood of uncountable martyrs,

the sacrifice of uncountable Saints.


My Love,

the time must come

for the Reign of the Kingdom,

of My Kingdom,

the Reign of My Love,

the Reign of My Hearts of Love,

the triumph of pure and holy Love,

the time for the Reign of the Most Holy Trinity.


My Love,

the time must come,

it is there, the appointed time,

which I have fixed from all eternity

to install My Kingdom on earth,

to restore the Kingdom to Israel,

the Kingdom of true faith,

pure love and peace and holiness.


My Love,

the time has come

for the union of all hearts in My Love.


My Love,

the time has come,

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.  

Prepare all

for the Reign of My Kingdom of Peace and Love,

of righteousness and universal brotherhood

of all in My Love,

in My one family of Love.


My Love,

this will not happen without a fight.

It will not happen without a fight.


The war is raging,

all the evil forces are loose

and pouring their venom of

deceit and destruction on the world

trying to deceive uncountable souls.


But, My Love,

in My infinite Love and Mercy,

I have shortened the time of these tribulations.


See the light of Love and Peace coming!

The day of salvation is breaking over the whole world!

The fire of Love is lit and shining.  


Prepare all for this day,

the day of war against all evil forces

and overthrow and destruction

of all evil forces

with the Power of Love,

the Almighty Power of Love,

the Divine Power of Love.



My Son,

My plan is to use human beings,

victim souls who will give themselves

as sacrifice of love,

holocausts of love,

who are set on fire and

consumed by the fire of

My Divine Love.


My Son,

do not allow any distraction,

listen well!


This is the time

for the Victims of Love

to shine and come out and

live and proclaim

their love for Me.  


This is the time for the

public war of Love.


This is the time

to fight for the honour of God

and to defeat and overthrow

the enemy completely

with the fire and light and

outpouring of pure and holy Love.


The enemy

cannot withstand and

cannot have anything with which

to counteract the fire and light and

outpouring of pure and holy Love.


The way

the Archangel

destroyed him,

destroying it with the

perfect obedience,

perfect purity and holiness and

oneness with My Eternal Father;


the way

My most holy Mother,

Blessed Mother,

fought and defeated and

crushed the head of the serpent,

the ancient dragon and the devil,

with her perfect response of Love and

union with the Most Holy Will of God,

with her pure and Immaculate Conception,

with the Annunciation.  


My Son, My Love,

everything that happened in My life

and in the life of My mother

are the means of overthrowing

the evil and establishing the kingdom.


Now it is the same with you,

the only solution

I have revealed to you

is this:




Unite with the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts!”




My Love,

this is the time

to apply this solution to the fullest and

see what will happen.


This enemy,

who has been deceiving

souls and nations

will be completely overthrown.


This Prayer, this Prayer, this Prayer.

My Son!

This Prayer!


I have put the

Almighty and Infinite

Power of Love,

which I am,

which I have,

in this Prayer

to save all souls and

save the whole world.

Renew all My creation!


My Love,

this is the time,

no more hesitation,

no more postponement,

this is the time!


My Love,

stretch yourself to the highest of

your limits as man and

the Divine Power in you will take over.


My Love,

I am with you, both

now and forever.


The war is on!

Let all My children of

My Hearts of Love

be warned and alert.


Be awake!

Be watchful.

And pray.

Stay awake and be praying!


They will not fall into temptation.

They will not fall into the hands of the evil one.

The evil one has been overthrown.


Now is the time to fight.

The time for victory and

triumph has come.  


My Son, My Love,

this is the fullness of time.

Not many have understood this.

You must tell them all!

This is the time

for the Reign of Love.


The Pope has prepared the way.


Do not be ashamed or afraid,

nobody and nothing

can do anything to you,

which I have not approved.


Nothing can happen to you

without My approval.


All that happens to you is for

the Reign of My Love.


My Love,

this is the time,

get up and fight,

get up and pray,

get up and preach!


Get up and love,

get up and live!


Get up and shine,

get up and radiate My Love!


Get up and draw

from My infinite ocean of Love and

pour it on souls – all souls.


This is the time

for the annihilation of evil

and the establishing of the

Kingdom of God.


This is that

for which My Son came,

worked tirelessly

and offered Himself

pouring His Most Precious Blood

to the last drops on the cross.


This is the time

for which He has chosen (to pray in all His members this)

„Thy kingdom come!“   


My Love,

open the eyes of the people

to see it and to live

accepting and embracing this Love,

uniting themselves to

these Two Hearts and

in this way

uniting themselves

to the Most Holy Trinity of Love.

This is My plan for

salvation and fulfillment

of all things,

all things in Christ,

to unite all things in Him,

things in heaven and

things on earth.


My Son,

My Love,

this is the fulfillment of the

plan I have for

all My creation.



My whole creation

will be fulfilled

when the splendour of My Love,

the Glory of God,

the Kingdom of God

has come.


My Son,

My Love,

thank you immensely

for the Vigil last night,

for the Mass and the prayers

and for listening

with such attention.

I love you and

I will always love you

and all with you.  



My Son,

My Love,

the time has come

to proclaim openly

the only solution

I have given you

since childhood,

which you have

been proclaiming

but not so loud and

not so organized.

Make everybody understand

that this is the only solution

to the problems of the world.

I have given it and

I will give it.




Tell everybody!

Tell the Pope,

all the bishops,

all  priests,

all religious,

all lay people,

tell even non-Christians,



All should consecrate themselves and

unite themselves to the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.

The only solution;

only those who are united

to the Love of God

will be saved,

and all who are united

will be saved.


Obtain their paper

of consecration,

this is the way I want it

to be organized,

organize it well.


Please, My Son,


I want it.

Hurry and obtain

their consecration and the

union of souls with Me

in My Hearts of Love,

I want it.


This is the Eternal Will of the Father.

I am with you,

both now and forever and ever. Amen.  


All who are consecrated,

all who are united with Me

and remain in this union

are saved and help to save others

through their prayers and

their union with Me.


My Love,

help Me.

The whole world is My family,

the whole world is My garden.

Help Me to recover and replant

My garden with the fruits of Love.


Let Love be flowing like river

in My whole world, and


let Love be falling like rain

on My whole creation.


Let Love be shining like the sun

on My whole creation.


Let Love be flowing from heaven down to the earth and

be rising again from earth to heaven.


Let all on earth and in heaven

be united in the Hearts of Love,

in the one Love of God,

in the one Love of the Most Holy Trinity.


My Son,

this work is enormous.

It can only be done

with the full and total inspiration

and guidance of the Holy Spirit.  


Tell everybody,

tell the Pope,

all the bishops,

all priests,

all religious,

all lay people,

tell even non-Christians,



All should consecrate themselves

and unite themselves to the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.


Remember what happened

in the days of Noah,

he warned them,

he warned them,

he warned them,

only those who entered the Ark were saved,

all who entered the Ark were saved.

(The mixture of these words “only” and “all”. They are united.)

Obtain their papers of consecration,

this is the way I want it to be organized.

Let it be organized

as the Church does the organization

from individual to family,

from station to parish,

diocese, country and the whole world.




Please, My Son,

hurry and obtain the consecration

and union of souls to Me

in the Hearts of Love.

I want it.


This is the Eternal

Will of the Father.

I am with you

both now and forever and ever.

Amen. »  


« This work is enormous

and can only be done

with the full and total

inspiration of the Holy Spirit.


I have poured My Spirit in you

and will ever be pouring Him into you.

You are nothing and

can do nothing

without My Holy Spirit.


Let all the members

have special Love and attachment

to the Holy Spirit

as they have to Me and you.


Let their greatest Love

be to the Eternal Father,

the Father of Love,

your Father and My Father,

the origin and end of all.


My Love,

let all on earth know that they are all

children of One Father,

children of the One Father.


And that they all have their

home in the One Father in heaven.

At last all will return to the

House of the Father in heaven.  

Let there be no more hatred, wickedness and sin.

Let there be no more wars and killing.


Let there be Love

flowing in every heart and every soul.


Let children be taught

from the earliest days

to regard all human beings as

children of the One Father in heaven.




Let Love be planted

and watered and tendered

to grow in every heart,

especially the heart of all children.


Let all children be loved and cared for

as children of the One Father in heaven.


That is why

I asked you to work hard and to

introduce this free and loving

feeding, education, care,

clothing, housing

for all children from the earliest days

to at least their 12th birthday.

Begin with children.


The world resources are more than enough

to take care of this,

let all share,

let all the nations share,

let all the families share.

Let there be children’s fund.


It is strictly forbidden

to teach children hatred,

wickedness and sin.  


The Ten Commandments

is basis for the whole world.


All must know that they have their

one Origin from the Father in heaven,

who has generously poured

His Love on His whole creation,

He has put many resources

in all corners of the world

and allowed man to discover them

and make good use of them

for their well-being in faithfulness and

for the greater glory

and honour of God.


My Son,

go, I will tell you more.  


My Son, listen.

Your public ministry has begun

and what you are doing now

is entering into My history of salvation for all souls

and what is happening now

fully goes in direction of My Eternal Plan

for the salvation of all through the

Union with the Two Hearts of Love –

leading to the Ultimate Union with the Most Holy Trinity.

Let therefore all you think, say and do

be only My Most Holy Will.

I have talked to you about your responsibility

of the formation of all

I have entrusted to you in My Hearts of Love,

priests, brothers and sisters. »


Father Montfort speaking: 

„This fearful message from the readings is a happy news.

We rejoice because God has decided to save all souls.

But all souls means only those who are sealed with Love.

Only and All. Only those who are in the Ark.

Only those who are in the family.“


Jesus said:

« Continue going, don’t look behind. »


Father Montfort speaking: 

„Only those who are sealed with His Love.

Only those. All. Only and all who are in His Love.

Therefore the importance of our duty to bring all to His Love.

The Lord wants all to be saved.“


Jesus said:

« All you love with this My Love

will be saved. »


Father Montfort speaking:

„The authority God has given to His Church:

Whatever you bind here on earth

will be bound in heaven.

Whatever you loose here on earth

will be loosed in heaven.

The Union of Heaven and Earth – that is the aim

of the Incarnation. That is the plan and

Eternal Will of God – to unite all things in Christ,

things in heaven and things on earth –

through the Incarnation.

Thank God forever and ever infinitely,

absolutely for choosing me,

choosing us to be bearer of this greatest

Love and Gospel which Lucifer opposed and

therefore became devil and is busy moving many

to reject this Union of the Two Hearts of Love

which is the meaning and means of the Incarnation and

God’s Own and Only Solution for Salvation of All.

The Church has the power to save all.

All the Church saves here on earth are saved there in heaven.

God has given us power, power to love,

power to bring others to the Love of Him,

power to bring all to salvation.

Let us not relent, let us work hard.“


Message On The Only Solution From God

September 2004

Jesus says:

« Work hard now and achieve all I want you to achieve.

The time is short but you have so much to do.

  • All souls must be touched.
  • Every person must receive enough opportunity

and chance to meet Me in My Hearts of Love and

have enough rich information and offer and invitation

to come to Me and unite himself or herself with Me. 

  • Then the decision to be with Me or against Me

must be made in full consciousness of the implications

and benefits and blessings and losses and gains and

consequences and curses. 


Let them have ample and full information and

enough chance to make their decision for Me and

My Hearts of Love or against Me and My Hearts of Love. 


Let no human being say:

„I have never heard that there is something like

God, Love, Hearts of Love.“


Let nobody say:

„I have never heard that there is something

like the Holy Eucharist.“


Let nobody say:

„I have never been told of the implications

or the benefits and blessings of the Hearts of Love.“


Let nobody say:

„I have never heard of the union of the

Two Hearts of Love and I have never been told,

that I should unite Myself to these

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.“


Let nobody claim ignorance

that this solution is from Heaven, from God. 


Let nobody say,

that he/she has never heard that this is the

Only Solution from God, revealed to a small child,

as the only solution for the redemption of all,

for the salvation of the whole world. 


My Love,

this is what you have to let all and sundry know.

Nobody is excluded from My Love.

Nobody is exempt from Salvation.

Nobody is exempt from full information about

My Hearts of Love. 

My Love,

do not allow the enemy to continue to spread lies

about My Hearts of Love and in this way

prevent people from accepting Me in

My Hearts of Love and coming to Me and

uniting themselves to Me in My Two

Wounded and Bleeding Hearts and

being secured for Eternal Life. 

This My plan for the Salvation of all

must be made clear and available to all.


Nobody has the right to withhold such

most important and saving, redeeming, fulfilling truth

from My people,

from any person,

from any soul.


This is for the redemption of souls and

all souls have the inalienable right to

this knowledge of Salvation.


Nobody for any reason whatsoever has the right

to withhold this most useful and eternally and

infinitely important

truth of life, Love and faith and hope

from any soul.

All souls are created for salvation. 


Please, My Son,

work hard and let all souls receive

this information in its purity and fullness

and freedom and holiness.

Let every soul, that can make decisions,

be in the place to make clear and informed decisions.


On this depends

the Eternal Salvation of many,

not only of the person himself/herself

but that of those around him/her and

those going before him/her and

those coming after him/her.


My Love,

let nobody distract you from this Mission.

All who distract you will regret it.

All who prevent it or fight against

this Mission of Love,

this School of Love,

this Reign of My Love,

they will all regret it.


I want them to accept Me in My Hearts of Love. 

Accepting Me in My Hearts of Love is like

accepting Me in My Incarnation,

accepting Me in My Most Holy Eucharist,

accepting Me in My Love,

accepting Me in My Hearts of Love. 


Refusing to accept Me in My Two Hearts of Love is the same as

refusing to accept Me in My Love,

refusing to accept Me in the Most Holy Trinity of Love,

refusing to accept Me in My Incarnation,

refusing to accept Me in My Most Holy Sacraments          

especially the Most Holy Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. 


It has the same consequences as

refusing to accept Me in My Church,

refusing to accept Me in My apostles and prophets

and Saints and Angels and servants and

in My Son and My Love,

whom I have sent to My people,

to My creation.


I want to save

My entire creation.

I want to save all souls.

I want to save

My entire Church,

My entire people,

My entire Church. 


Let all know,

that I have this fixed

Eternal and Infinite Will

to save all in My Love

in and with and through

My Hearts of Love! 


Let all hear this clearly and

let all receive the invocation,

let all receive the invitation

to come to Me and unite themselves

with My Love,

with My Hearts of Love,

with My Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love. 


I am with you and all those with you

both now and forever and ever.



My Son,

do not be afraid to give this truth

as I give it to you.

This is absolutely true – the truth.

This truth is absolutely and infinitely truthful.


My Love, remain in My Love.

Remain the truth of My Love.

Let all see the truth of My Love

in you and through you. 


They have made every effort to

spread all sorts of lies and warnings and

hindrances about you and around you and

even attacking those who are with you. 


My Son,

arise and defend Me.

Defend the truth that I am.

Defend the Love that I am.

Defend the Holiness and the Purity that I am.

Live Me and defend Me.


Let Me live in you, live you and defend Myself in you.

Let Me live you and defend Me in you.


It is the same enemy

– who does not want people to

come to the knowledge of the truth and so

come to the knowledge of salvation.


It is the same ancient and ferocious, sworn enemy,

– who is trying to prevent

the Truth of Love of the Hearts of Love to shine and

is very, very busy spreading the terrible black cloud and

stench smoke of lies and doubts and distraction and

even warnings and persecution

against Me, against you and

against My Society.

But do not be afraid! 


My Son,

this is the time for the victorious triumph of My Love,

of My Hearts of Love,

over all forces of evil and darkness and

wickedness and hatred and sin


My Love,

please do all I bid you and avoid all I forbid.

I love you with Eternal and Infinite Love and in the same way

I love all who are with you and follow you,

My Love. 


It is the same ancient and sworn enemy

– who tried to prevent My becoming Man,

– who tried to instigate Herod to butcher Me

and massacre the children of Bethlehem,

– who entered the hearts and minds and souls of all those,

– who opposed Me and rejected Me

during My earthly ministry.




It is the same enemy,

– who spread lies and calumny against Me,

the same enemy

– who took terrible offence with My curing people

and works of mercy and preaching and miracles

and raising the dead and cleansing the Temple. 


My Love,

it is the same enemy

– who wanted to prevent My ascending the Cross

by suggesting an alternative to the Most Holy and

Loving and Eternal and Absolute and Infinite Will of the Father.

I love the Father and I love all the Father wills.

I love and live the Will of the Father.


My Son,

love Me and Love and live My Will. 


It is the same enemy

– who wanted to prevent My incarnation,

– who wanted to destroy Me when I became man and

was born of the Virgin Mary,

– who attacked My Immaculate Virgin Mother and

wanted to kill her and destroy her,


the same enemy

– who did all to oppose My preaching, My work and mission,

distorting My words and works and imputing terrible evil motives

to My Will and intention,

– who took over the people, even Judas, My apostle

and pushing him to sell Me and betray Me with a kiss. 

My Son, My Love, be careful.


It is the same evil

– that is incessantly fighting

against My Hearts of Love devotion,

society, congregation, family,

messages and prayer and life. 

Do not be worried.

Do not be afraid.


I have conquered him and

I have conquered the world.

You are standing on My Victory.

You have inherited fully My Victory and Triumph.

Let all know this.


Let the enemy and also all friends know,

that you come from Me and

have inherited all I have for you,

for this Mission for

the Salvation of each single soul and

the Salvation of all souls.


It is the same enemy

– who fought to eliminate Me,

to distract Me from the Will of the Father,

– who tried to force Me

to deny the Oneness with the Father –

they will do the same, even worse to you.

But remain strong and steadfast.


It is the same ancient sworn enemy

– who tried to rob My death,

My sufferings,

and the great infinite Graces

and Redemption

and Salvation of all

and Union of all in Me, Jesus Christ,

all in Heaven and all on earth. 


My Love, My Son,

it is the same enemy

– who tried to prevent My coming and never succeeded,   

– who tried to kill Me as a baby and never succeeded,        

– who tried to prevent My preaching and

work of mercy and

healing of souls, spirits and body,


the same ancient enemy

– who tried to cause My early death and

prevent My resurrection –

putting chains and soldiers to watch and

prevent the event.


When they woefully failed

they resorted to lies and distortion and

persecution and killing of My witnesses,

My followers, My apostles, My members. 


They are prepared to repeat

the same ancient war of hatred and distortion and

destruction and lies and

damnation of souls

who would follow him and his lies,

instead of Me Who am

the Truth, the Way, the Life. 


My Love, My Child,

do not be afraid or worried

no matter how the enemy tries to distract you.

Remain firmly fixed on Me and

eternally and infinitely,

unconditionally united with Me.

My Love must reign.

My Hearts of Love must win and

have the victory and triumph.


It is the same enemy

– who is publishing lies about you and

spreading them with the intention to

prevent people from coming to you and

uniting themselves to My

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts. 


My Love,

do not be worried,

just continue living the Life of Love in the Hearts of Love and

bringing all to the Love of Me.

My Love must reign.

The lies of the enemy and the

wickedness, hatred and sin

will never have the upper hand.


No, it is I the Lord, your God,

the God of Love of the Hearts of Love,

I alone am God.

There is no other.

You are My Love.


I will bring all I have planned from all eternity,

all I have prepared,

all I have promised to perfect fulfilment.       

My Love must reign in you as in Me,

My Love must reign on earth as it is in Heaven.

My Love must triumph and reign in all and all in all.

I am with you both now and

forever and ever. Amen.


My Love,

I will bring the lies of the enemy

to face the light of Truth and

all will be exposed.


My Love,

do not be afraid to own Me as

I am not afraid to own you.

You call Me ‚My God, My Love, My All‘.


My Love,

remain firm and steadfast in My Love.

Remain steadfast and unchanging, unwavering –

I am with you both now and

forever and ever. Amen. 


My Love,

the time has come for you to bring out

all you have and to set to work

with all the talents and energy.


I have endowed you to bring about the

Reign of My Hearts of Love in the whole world.


Do not be afraid of anybody or anything,

just do all I bid you and see that

all who follow you

do exactly what I tell you.


I do not want any parallel organisation.

Everything about My Hearts of Love

must flow through you and to you, to Me.


This is the way I want it. 

Just as the Eternal Father Himself

has established it,

that everything flows to Me

and through Me to Him.


He has planned to unite all things in Me,

things in heaven and things on earth.


So I have planned to unite all things in Me

through you and with you in My Two Hearts of Love.


You are Love.

Love is the bond of unity.

All things in heaven and on earth are united

in the one bond of infinite and eternal Love,


God is Love

and all things are united in God,

in Love and through Love.

You are the Love of God.

God is the God of Love. 


My Love,

now you must know that

the enemy has sent many forces visible and invisible

– to watch closely what you say and do.

Do not be afraid.


This is the opportunity

to teach all, even the enemy,

what My Love is,

what My Hearts of Love is.


Now be prepared both

for the worst and the best. 


But please,

make yourself free

to receive all I have to give you and

give to others,

all I have given you for them.


Especially My Family of the Two Hearts of Love,

they need steady nourishment from you.



Please, My Love,

care for and feed My beloved children.

Give them their food at the right time.

I am with you both now and

forever and ever.



My Love,

do you not know

that the whole world is waiting

for the revelation of the Hearts of Love? »


The Archangels speak:


„I, Archangel Raphael,

I have brought you the power to heal all.“ 


„I Gabriel,

I have brought you the power to preach and convince and

win all to the Love of God.“


„I Michael, 

I have brought you power to

pray and fight with God and for God and

to win all battles with prayer – 

the weapon of God -,

with prayer and adoration,

with Love and with praising and

worshipping and thanking God.


With remaining in the presence of God,

loving, obeying, worshipping,

adoring and serving Him

with all He has given you and

all He Will give you,

by doing His Holy and Eternal Will.


It was I, Michael,

who saved the Angels from total destruction

which was what Lucifer wanted.


He knew from the very beginning,

that he cannot win any battle

by revolting against God.


What he wanted,

was a sort of general suicide,

that the generation of Angels should be abolished. 


Such a terrible hatred of himself and

all the Angels,

all the creatures of God in the nature of Angels,

such a terrible hatred of God!


His scheme was to destroy himself and

destroy all Angels with him

and thus try to force God

to change His Eternal Will.

The madness of hatred and terror of self-destruction and

the catastrophe of disobedience!

He has already got one third and

was coercing others

trying to make them use their free will

against God

and therefore against themselves. 


Then, I intervened and

declared openly

that I will serve

the Lord, My God, and He alone – 

His Will alone I will do.


He declared war against me and

those following me

who remained on the side of God.

He did not and cannot reach God

to fight against God.


Who is he to reach God,

to touch God?

All he did was

to destroy himself and the Angels

and destroy God’s plan for His creation –

God’s holy and ever-loving plan

for the entire creation.


I intervened.


God lives in unapproachable

Light and Love.

Even in Heaven there is a

radical natural demarcation

between the Divinity and the creatures.


Creatures and the Divinity

are never the same

not even in Heaven,

for even in Heaven

God sits on His Throne of Glory

and lives in unapproachable

Light of Love. 


This continues drawing you

infinitely to Himself like a magnet.

It never stops fascinating and drawing

but you never enter into it.



But the ecstasy of this pull is

indescribable and the infinite ways

God provides the joy,

the fulfilment and the ecstasy in this drawing. 


So, what the devil Lucifer did

was to try

to go in the opposite direction

away from the Will of God,

the pull of God,

the magnet of God, the Love of God,

by using his creaturely free will

to oppose and refuse the

Loving pull of the Will of God

and setting his creaturely will

against the Eternal Will of God,

and thereby teaching some Angels

the possibility of going against the Will of God

by refusing His Loving Will,

preferring their own useless self-destructive will

to the Eternal and Loving Will of God. 


By my intervention

I saved not only the angelic being,

but all other existences

from being used by the devil Lucifer

against their nature and therefore

against God’s Most Holy and Perfect Will. 



How did I do it? – 

By the Love of God.


God poured His Love into my little soul

and my spirit was filled with the splendour,

the Love and the majesty of God,

and I saw what we would all be loosing –

God’s Love;

and what those who revolt against His Will will receive – 

eternal self-destruction in hell fire.


Then in my ecstasy of Love for God

and for myself and my fellow angelic creatures and

for the entire creation

I shouted: 


‚Who is like God –

so loving, so good, so splendid, so majestic,

so… so … so … so …so …so ….!‘ 


And the voice of my Love and adoration

(filled the whole place) and I prostrated myself on the ground,

adoring and loving and praising Him

with all I have and I am.


Most of the Angels followed me immediately,

loving God and worshipping Him. 


Lucifer became furious.

His hatred of me, of himself and of the Angels and of God

rose to its peak and he

began raining abuses on me and

the Angels worshipping and serving God with me.


He began to pour the venom of his anger

on me and on all with me,

but the more he did that

the more we loved and the more we worshipped and

the more we adored and the deeper we prostrated and

then the splendour of God began to shine more

in me and in all who were with me on the side of God.


His unapproachable Light of Love and splendour

became more and more radiant in me

and in all with me on the side of God.


It was the Light of the Face of God,

the Love,

the Splendour,

His Infinite Majesty,

His indescribable Glory

which began to shine brighter than any brightness,

that drove Satan Lucifer and

his wicked Angels, self destructive Angels,

further and further away from the

Loving and Eternal presence and

splendour of God Love. 


The farer and farer he went from God

the more and more he drifted into

the darkness of hell and

the eternal punishment of self-destruction.


He devised all possible means of destroying

himself and those with him

thinking to end his existence. 


But God has created him to be eternal.

So in his madness of self-destruction

he has done and still does all things

to destroy himself inflicting indescribable injuries

on himself and all with him

to destroy them and end their existence

but he can never stop existing.


God allowed him to do with himself

all he wanted and

to do with all those with him

what he wanted.

He needed only to wish it.

It is only evil, revolt, hatred, wickedness.



It is unthinkable, indescribable,

all that he has unleashed and perpetrated

on himself and all with him,

they scheme to excel each other

in their self- and other-destructive plans and machinations.


The more they hate themselves and seek to destroy themselves,

the more their hatred increases and

the more they do all they can to destroy themselves

revolting against God, who gave them being,

who created them out of Love.


The more they rejected His Love

rejecting their existence and doing all they could imagine

to destroy themselves and obstruct God’s Love and

negate God’s plan for them

they are the most miserable. 


God does nothing to them.

It is they who with their

indescribable hatred of themselves and of all,

do themselves all sorts of harm and inflict on themselves

all sorts of indescribable punishment like

biting their very selves with themselves,

jumping into the hottest destructive burning fire,

crushing themselves,

tearing themselves,

changing themselves into heinous indescribable forms and shapes.

There is no limit and no end to the punishment

they inflict on themselves and others with them.


Whereas those who followed Lucifer Satan

drifted farer and farer away from God,

drifting and flying infinitely away from God,

I and the Angels with me,

we came nearer and nearer to God

and were drawn infinitely nearer to God. 


Before the fall

no creature came so near to God.

It was a test.


Lucifer and his wicked Angels fell from grace and

away from the Love and service of God.


God rewarded us by

drawing us deeper and deeper,

infinitely deeper into His Loving majesty and

infinite splendour and holiness. 


Write what I am telling you:


Many human beings rightly ask

how can Angels in Heaven in the presence of God

turn away from him revolting against Him.


The Heaven that we are in now,

the Heaven into which God in His Infinite Love

has drawn us into,

is really the Heaven, the Heaven of heaven,

the Heaven of His Infinite Love and Holiness

and Majesty and Union in Love.


The infinite ecstasy of this union

is eternally unbreakable,

nonstop, forever permanent in the

increase in the Love. 


How can I describe it?


It cannot be described!

There can never be any language to describe it.


The heaven, we were in before the fall,

is like the paradise

where Adam and Eve were in the presence of God,

but had the possibility of sinning, of disobeying,

of using their wills against God,

they had the possibility of falling away

even though they were in paradise.


But the Heaven which

Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

has opened for man is

the real Heaven,

the Heaven of Heaven,

the innermost Heaven.


Here you are so taken up

in the Will and Love of God,

you are being pulled willingly

into the infinite Goodness and Love of God.


Can you imagine you

driving your car on the ground

with the possibility of getting out

or turning left or right or

even causing an accident;


then there comes a force,

an infinitely great loving ecstasy,

pulling you up with your car into

the infinite space with infinite speed:

it is what you will, your will is one with this Will,

it is the absolute Union of Will, Love, Pleasure.



But now this your free will is

absolutely united with His Will,

which has given you and gives you

infinitely more fulfilment and joy

than you can imagine.


There is no getting out or turning back,

but the point is that you are

infinitely being fulfilled

in union with His.

Your will is

infinitely fulfilled

in His Will Love.  


Go to them and tell them

the great Glory and the great danger.


Take off now completely on this direction.

Here is a small replay

of the Heaven and test for the Angels

and small replay

of paradise for Adam and Eve. 


The only solution is to unite yourselves to the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.


Let God carry you;

tell about the absolute necessity

of pure and holy Love

and total obedience to the Will of God,

revealed in this Love and Prayer.


The weapon of war and victory

is this Prayer.


Let them not misuse or underuse or waste it.


This is the time of the Reign.

Get going and let yourselves be carried

by the Eternal and Loving will of God.“




September 30, 2004

St. Michael says:

„My Love,

I am still talking to you.

I have a lot to tell you for the entire

Family of the Hearts of Love to which I myself belong.


I bring all the Angels with me to this Family.

This is what the Eternal Father has given me to do:

to bring all the angelic powers to this

Family of the Two Hearts of Love.

Do you remember what He promised you?


If you do all He asked you to do

  • living the Life of Love as you should live it,
  • doing the work of Love as you should do it,
  • being united with Him as you should,

He will make this Family of the Two Hearts of Love

the biggest Family on earth

as well as in Heaven.


He has asked me to bring all the Angels and

make them members of this Family.

I am requesting you to register us all, all the Angels of God,

we are all your members,

members of the Family of the Two Hearts of Love. 


We are not just serving you and serving in this Family,

we are members, full fledged members,

with full responsibility of prayers

and apostolate like all other members.


Thank you for accepting us.

Angels are innumerable times more

than human beings in number.

The Lord has fulfilled the Promise He made you.


‚My Family of the Hearts of Love will be

innumerable times more than any

Family in Heaven and on Earth.‘


Have you realised the greatness of this

Family of the Two Hearts of Love? 


I love you, my Love.

I love you, my Love.

I love you, my Love.


Remain always my Love,

remain always our Love,

remain always in the Love of God.“



Jesus is speaking:

« Receive more messages.

Write what I am telling you:


This mission of the Hearts of Love

is the most important mission

and the whole Heaven and earth are waiting

for this Reign of the Love of God,

of the Hearts of Love

on earth as in Heaven.


In other words, the whole Heaven and earth

are waiting for you

to say ‚yes‘ to this Reign.


It depends on you, on your ‚yes‘.

Say this ‚yes‘ with your whole heart and soul and body and spirit.

Say this ‚yes‘ with your whole being.

Say this ‚yes‘ with all you have and are.

Say this ‚yes‘ as an absolute ‚yes‘ and Love of God,

the whole Glory of God,

whole Blessings of God,

the whole Graces of God,

the Power of the Most High will overshadow you

and the Spirit of God will come with His full power

and the Son of God will come with His Fullness of Love,

of Divinity and Humanity and

all will dwell in you and through you.

All the Reign of the Love of God

will be established on earth as in Heaven. » 


I offered myself completely wholly and entirely

to God to use me as it pleases Him and

I am here to do His will wholly and entirely.

He asked me to lie down beside the cross.

I lay down and Jesus on the cross turned and

entered into me and I dissolved into him.

He asked me again to lie beside the cross

with my hand joined to Him on the cross. 

I did and He said: 


« You have the whole world to feed

with the Word of God,

with the Love of God.

Get up and go to the people.

It is almost ten o’clock. » 

I got up and it was ten o’clock.


« My Son, My Love,

I thank you for giving Me your absolute yes.

I thank you immensely for saying this total,

absolute and unconditional and eternal yes

to Me and My Eternal Will of Love.


In saying this yes to Me,

you have said yes to all I love and to all who love Me.        

You have said yes to My Eternal and Infinite Loving Will;

you have said yes to the Eternal and Infinitely Loving Father;

you have said yes to the Eternal and Infinitely Loving Holy Spirit;

you have said yes to the Eternal and Infinitely Loving Son; and

you have said yes to the Eternal and Infinite Love

in the Most Holy Trinity of Love.


You have said yes to yourself,

your nature, your mission,

your fulfilment, your eternity.



In saying this absolute yes,

you have touched

the very core of all that is,

the very Heart of God and

the very centre of Heaven and

the very core of the entire world and creation. 


My Son, My Beloved,

what I said to you about the Pope

is what is – is what he is:

he is the Pope of My Hearts of Love.

The crown of his papacy is the

Reign of My Hearts of Love,

which he is to proclaim

to the whole world. 


The message of Fatima which spoke much

about his person and his papacy

has the core in the Reign of the Hearts of Love –

the Immaculate Heart of My Mother and

My Most Sacred Heart –

the Two Hearts ever united in Love.


There in Fatima My Mother

made it clear to the whole world

what the Will of My Father is: 


God’s will is

that the Two Hearts of Love be venerated together

and no longer be separated.


The message of Fatima is central

to the Message of the Two Hearts of Love.


Through Lucia I and My Mother made it clear

what the will of My Father is,

that the Hearts of Love will reign

from Deutschland.


My Love, you are the fulfilment of this prophecy.

I have brought this prophecy to fulfilment in and through you.

It is for the Reign of My Hearts of Love in Deutschland

and through Deutschland in the whole world

that I sent you to Germany and

you have been living in Germany one quarter of your earthly life. 

Here you have suffered terrible rejection and persecution.



But, My Son, do not be worried,

it will all come to pass, it is almost all over and



Do not go away from Germany,

stay here and pray and fast and do penance.

Now the light of My Love will shine more and more

in you and through you

in the whole world. »  


« Never allow anybody to make you

think or say or do anything against

– My Church,

– your Church, or against

– her leaders,

– the servants,

– My Pope,

– My Bishops and

– Priests and

– Religious Men and Women and

– the Laity.


Love all of them with My Love – with Hearts of Love.

You are Love from Me, God, the Most Holy Trinity of Love.

Love! Love! Love! Love! Love! Love! Love! Love! Love! » 


(Union with the Will of God, union with the

Two Hearts of Love – this Prayer – as God’s Will,

solution, instrument and weapon for Love and Peace,

freedom, justice, righteousness and

fulfilled life for all and salvation of all.)


« Peace comes with freedom, righteousness and justice.

Justice to all – even the unborn and distant generations.


Let them correct the imbalance in the world,

the lots of injustice and racism and genocide and hatred.


Let them use more My instrument of prayer

and justice and righteousness. 


Tell all those fighting against AIDS to fight harder,

but let them not waste their time

thinking that such diseases will be fought and controlled

by scientific advancement and medicine.


The root of this is the evil,

evil in life,

evil in sex,

evil in marriage,

in the family,

evil in the friendship,

evil in the relationship between man and woman,

evil in the relationship between man and man,

between woman and woman. 

Correct your lives and you will live.

The solution is not medicine or condom.

The solution is

pure and holy Love,

pure and holy Life,

pure and holy relationship between people –

both of opposite sex and of the same sex.


If they think that they can fight

this small and tiny AIDS virus

with their means and even

their magic of medicine and science

and cover up of sex,

the bigger and worse AIDS will break out.


It will attack the genital organs and

reproductive organs and

people will be decaying while still alive. 


Let the world be warned.

I am warning you to warn the whole world.


Please, My Son,

Please, My Love,

warn the whole world.

The forces of evil have teamed up from all sides and

all are aimed at destroying My World, My creation.


I will not allow that. 

The easiest way for the forces of evil

to perpetrate and finish their evil terrible plans

is the use of evil and sin and hatred and wickedness. 


My Son,

fight with the weapons of prayer and Pure and Holy Love.


My Son,

please gather My Children and

bring them all to My Love, My Hearts of Love. 

Do not be tired, write, listen and write. 


I am giving you this warning message

for the whole world.


Although the forces of evil are scheming

to destroy My world

I have sent and equipped you

with My Power of Love and Prayers

to defeat them,

you will defeat them woefully.


But please,

be steadfast in prayer and purity and

holiness of Life and Love.

Do not waste any more time.

Time is very short.

The forces of evil are very strong and

terribly determined to destroy My world,

but the forces of good are infinitely more powerful

and effective and omnipresent.


am God,

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.


My Son,

arise to your responsibility for the whole world.

Let Me manifest

My Love,

My Glory in you and through you

to the whole of My creation.


Be strong and steadfast.

Be firm and unflinching in your faith.

Never doubt anything,

I tell you, never doubt the efficacy of your prayers.


I have given you the greatest power ever

to be given out in the whole of creation. 


You are My Love.

You are My Love,

My most beloved Love.


That is why I have sent you at this time

to come and save My world

from destruction by all the forces of evil put together.


Your mission must succeed,

because your mission is My mission,

your mission is divine,

your mission is Love.

I am your mission. 


My Love,

I carry the whole world in the palm of My hands and

I have given you all the power of My Love.

I carry the whole world,

My whole creation in My Heart and

I have given you all the power and authority of Love. 


My Son, arise to your responsibility.

Go to the leaders of the nations

and the races and cultures and societies

and events and establishment.


Harness the forces of good,

bring them all together to fight the forces of evil.

You are at the centre of the fight.

Your victory is the victory of the whole forces of good. 


Be steadfast,

be not weak,

be strong because I am strong,

be holy for I am holy,

be pure for I am pure.

Do not allow any contamination

to deter and destroy

My mission, My work,

your mission, your work. 


Do not be afraid to go to the leaders of nations

and ask them to contribute.

They are sitting on the resources of the world,

these resources are not their own – they are just caretakers.

These resources are mine.


Go, ask them to release My resources

to use them to fight evil and promote good,

the resources of connection, media,

decision making and execution.

I am not talking of money, do not fight with money,

do not go begging for money,

just do your work and preach

My Love and My Word

and all the resources you need will flow to you. 

Take the bold decision now

to come out openly and proclaim 


My Only Solution


to the whole world, 

the rich and poor alike,

the young and the old,

the white and the black,

the far and the near.


My Love, rest a little.


My Love,

do not hesitate to do My Will

completely in all things and all situations.


My Love,

be steadfast in your judging like Me

with My Spirit and

your acting with decision according

to My Most Holy Will.


Help My Church

to come back to her origin in Love,

in My pierced and bleeding Heart and

in the Wounded and Bleeding Heart of My Mother.


Our Two Hearts of Love

were pierced and wounded and bleeding at the same time.

have already told you this and

I want you to tell the whole Church

and the whole world:


The Only Solution


to the problems in the Church and the

problems in the world as well as

problems in the souls and the communities

including families is


to unite to the

Two Wounded and

Bleeding Hearts.


Please, My Son,

live this solution,

love it, receive it,

treasure it, carry it,

pray it, venerate it,

preach it, spread it and

pour it on all and

shine it in and over all.


Let the whole creation see

the glorious manifestation and shining

of this one great solution

which I have made known to you

even as you were still a very small boy. 



My Love,

help My Church

to accept this solution

by receiving it well in its

purity and holiness and

exclusiveness from Me and


living it, loving it in its

beauty and fittingness, and

spreading it in its

dignity and splendour,

in its clarity and

distinctiveness and

fitting union

with the life and

teaching of My Church,

especially the magisterial and

Popes in councils and

Fathers and Doctors of the Church and

Saints and Bishops. 


Explain it and present it in

different forms and in

different lights and

angles and perspectives and

the numerous effects and

the danger posed

by any possible neglect and

delay in accepting and

applying this



Divine Solution.


Present it very

strongly, clearly and

decisively and

diplomatically and



I am with you now and

forever and ever!

Amen! »

























Universal Mission Of Consecration

And Union Of All In Christ

November 8, 2009

Godfather is  speaking:

« My Love,

your work has started in earnest.

Face this mission and

give all you are and all you have

to this mission.



I Myself will make of you the greatest success

since the beginning of the world.



Bring all to the Love of Me.

Consecrate all to the Love of Me –

all hearts, all persons,

all families, all communities,

all countries, all continents,

the whole world, all creation,

all in heaven and all on earth.


All is Mine.

I created all out of Love and

I will redeem all out of Love.


Let all come to Me.

Those who cannot come can be brought to Me.



Even those who refuse to come

can be recommended to Me.


Pray for all even those

who hate you and hate Me and

hate this consecration.



Bring all to the Love of Me.


Consecrate all to Me – in My Hearts of Love.

This consecration of all to the Love of Me

means bringing all to the Love of Me –

this means loving all with My Love –

with My Hearts of Love.


All you love with My Hearts of Love

you win back to Me.




Let all men of good will help in

– this world wide,

– this universal action,

– mission of Love,

– of consecration of union of all hearts,

– to unite all things in Christ,

all in heaven and all on earth.

There are five types and levels of consecration:

  • Consecration by Me, God, Himself;


„before I created you I have known you and chosen you

and consecrated you and claimed you for Myself“;


  • personal consecration of oneself to Me;
  • consecration of those entrusted to you

like parents and children; those you have taken charge of –

like guardian and teacher and governor and leader;

those you represent;

  • consecration of those related to you in any way.


The widest is

  • consecration of those you want to consecrate –

            here there is no limit.


Remember what the poor leper said to Me:

„You can save and heal me if you want.“


Remember the power I gave to Peter and to My whole Church –

„Whatever you bind here is bound in heaven and

whatever you loose here is loosed in heaven.“


Now use the power I have given you to save all souls and

bring all to the Love of Me and consecrate all

to the Love of Me,

to My Two Hearts of Love,

to My Eucharistic Love,

to the Most Holy Trinity of Love.


Go and eat –

and plan and execute all I have entrusted to you

with your brothers and sisters

whom I have given you to help you

in this great mission of Love,


the greatest Mission of universal Love

since the creation of the world.


I am with you both now and

forever and ever.



I bless you with My infinite and eternal Love and

I bless and reward all who work with you and

who will ever work with you.


I Am He Who Am The God of Love,

and you are My Love, Pure and Holy.


My Love,

by Myself I promise you:

This mission will be a resounding success.

I Myself will make sure it succeeds.


Just do all I ask you to do and avoid all I forbid.

Just do My Most Holy Will that is all and

I will give the greatest success to the work of My Hands.


This Mission of universal Love

is the work of My hands,

I, God the Father

and the Son

and the Holy Spirit.


Do all out of Love,

remain humble and obedient –

in the name of the Father

and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit.

Amen. »


Message On The Holy Mountain (Ugwu-Nso)

In Orlu/Nigeria

December 1, 2003

Jesus says:

« My child,

receive My message!

I love My entire creation and

it is My Eternal Will

to establish the Reign of My Love

in the whole world,

in the whole of creation.


Please help Me.

Please give Me yourself for this work,

please give Me yourself unconditionally for this work.

I am with you and will always be with you.



Please build up My Holy Mountain

to be the highest of the mountains,

the height of holiness,

the height of purity,

the height of Love and service and dedication.



Praise and thanksgiving will be the

highest in the whole world.


Here I have chosen to dwell among men

in My Infinite Love.


Do not be intimidated

by the various setbacks you are experiencing now:

They will all come to pass.

I am with you forever and ever.

Pray and ask for help.



Let every nation or language or culture

find its own place on My Holy Mountain

and around it.



That is why I told you to buy every piece of land

about ten kilometres around Ugwu-Nso.

Let all peoples and nations and languages and ages

find their place on and around My Holy Mountain.


This is the place of salvation and

refuge for all peoples.


I am with you and will always be with you

unto the end of time unto eternity.


My Son,

My Beloved,

secure and build up My Holy Dwelling Place.

Pray and ask for all possible help to build it up.

I will send you help.

But please, be steadfast in prayers and

thanksgiving and sacrifice.

Let the securing and building up

of My Holy Mountain be a priority.



My Son, My Beloved,

take it for what it is, for what I want it to be:

a priority only second to the priority

of spreading the prayer in the whole world.


It is the visible sign of unity and concentration and

dedication to the cause of My Hearts of Love.


I have blessed My Holy Place

with all My eternal blessings.

I have blessed Orlu

with all My eternal blessings of Love.


Make the best use of the least I send to you.

I will increase all I give you.

I will give you more and more, and

I will send you more and more help,

but please, make the best use of all,

even the least I send to you.


I bless Orlu with My eternal blessings.

Amen, alleluia!

Amen, alleluia!



Amen! »



November 3, 2003, Midnight 


Godfather declares:

« My Son,

I want to tell you more about My Holy Mountain,

My Universal Centre for the Hearts of Love.


  • This is the Centre of the World of Love,
  • the Centre of the World of Hearts.
  • Just as My Heart is the Centre of all things visible and invisible,

so is My Universal Centre of My Hearts of Love

  • the Universal Centre of Love for the whole world and the
  • Centre of all hearts in the whole world.

Here all hearts are at home,

all Love is at home,

Love is at home.

Here is the

Home of all Hearts and

Home of Love –

Home of all Love – human and Divine.


It is the Universal Centre of all Love –

Divine and human, earthly and heavenly.

This is My Universal Sanctuary,

My Holy of Holies,

the holiest place of the veneration

of My Love in the Two Hearts of Love.


This is the home of My Love,

the seat, the throne of My Love,

the throne of Mercy,

My House of Love,

the House of My Love,

the Gate of Heaven and

House of God.


Here I have chosen to dwell among men

forever and ever.


Nobody and nothing can separate My Love from this Place and

nobody and nothing can separate this place from My Love.


My Love is Eternal and Infinite.

Here I mean to manifest My Eternal and Infinite Love

to the whole world.


Let the whole world come to Me in My Holy Place

to experience My Love.

Let all come to Me in My Love.

I love all with My Infinite and Eternal Love.

I want all to come to My Love.

Come all to My Hearts of Love!


On this My Holy Mountain

all peoples,

all races,

all colours,

all creeds,

all languages,

all ages

will come and encounter Me in

My Eternal and Infinite Love.

All classes of peoples, all! All! All! 

Let all come to Me in My Love.

I love all with My Eternal and Infinite Love.


My Child, all should rally around

the Triumphant Two Hearts of Love.

My Church, My Catholic Church

is the place of this rallying around.                 


My Holy Mountain,

My Universal Centre for the Hearts of Love

is the Place of this rallying around

the Triumphant Two Hearts of Love.

I am the Triumphant Love.


Let all come to Me!

Let all come to Me in My Love!

Let all come to Me in My Two Hearts of Love!

Let all come to Me in My Universal Centre of the Two Hearts of Love!

I am the Triumphant Love!


My Love will reign on earth as it reigns in heaven.

My Love will reign in every heart as it reigns in My Hearts of Love! 

My Love will reign in every home, every home of Love,

as it reigns in the Universal Centre, universal Home of Love.

Here is also home of universal Love.


There should be no segregation,

no discrimination, no racism,

no atom of hatred, no wickedness,

no sin on My Holy Mountain,

My Universal Centre of My Hearts of Love.


Oh, My Love will reign on earth as it reigns in Heaven.

Let My Love reign,

My Love reigns,

My Love will ever reign.

My Love reigns now and forever.

Amen! Amen! Amen!   

All Hearts in the whole world belong to Me.


I am calling on all My Children in the whole world

to come to Me.

Come to My Love and be saved.

Come and drink from the fountain of living water.

Come and drink from the fountain of Life.

Come and drink from the fountain of Love.


I am the fountain of Life and Love.

I am the Life and Love.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.


Let all come to Me in My Love.

Let all come to Me in My Hearts of Love,

let all come to Me in My Holy Place of Love.

Let all come to Me in My Universal Centre of Love,

let all come to Me on My Holy Mountain.


Here I will pour My Love on the whole world

not minding the obstacles.

Here I will save all souls

not minding the obstacles.

Here I will draw all to My Love

not minding the obstacles.

Here My Love will reign. »





























From The Most Holy Trinity –

From God The Father


God the Father speaks:

„I, Father of Love,

God the Father, Father of all Love,

your Father, Origin of all Love,

I speak to you,

My Son.


I love you.

I am Love Myself and Origin of all Love.

I love you with all the Love that I am and have.

I love you.

I love you.

I am only Love.

I will always love you.

I am always with you.


You please Me.

I am happy with you.

You My Son, I your Father,

you My Love.

I love you.


I bless you with all the blessings of My Heart.

I bless you with all the blessings of Heaven.

I bless you with all the blessings of the earth.

I bless you with Myself.

I, Father, your Father,

I am your blessing.

I am your blessing.

I am your blessing.


You are My most beloved Love.

Your place, your eternal place is in My Love.

Your eternal place is in My Heart.

I embrace you.

I kiss you always.

I love you always.                    

My Love for you will never end.                      

My Love for you is Myself.

Develop this Love more and more for Me.


I love you, My Beloved.

My most beloved Love,

I sent you into the world,

to be My Love in the world at this time.

I sent you into the world

so that the world will realise Me as God Love.

Always be in Love.

Always love.

Love all with My Love.

Love all with My Love.

When you love all with My Love

you win all back to Me.

My Beloved!

My Love!

My Heart!

My Child!

My Son!

You are Mine.

You are Me.

I am you.



My Love,

the world is beclouded because

the world does not realise

Me as Love, God of Love.


This is your mission,

the most important mission this time, and forever;

that My Love will reign in the whole world.

It is for this that I, Father, created the world.


I have been waiting very, very patiently

for the Reign of My Love

in every heart,

in every home,


every place,

every time.


My Beloved,

give all your strength,

all your time,

all your energy,

all that you have for this work,

waste no time,

waste no energy on useless things.



I am with you.

I will protect you.

I will strengthen you,

I am with you.

I am. I am. I am.

I Am He Who Am.

I Am He Who Am.               

I Am He Who Am.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love,

and you are My Love.

I love you.


With your hands I mean to bless the whole world.

With your eyes I mean to look at the whole world.

With your ears I mean to hear the whole world.

With your heart I mean to love the whole world.


Love all with My Love.

Come deeper,

come deeper in Me,

My Love.


Be perfectly united with Me.

I am Love.

I am Love.

I love the whole world.

I love.

I love My Church.

I love all.


It is

My eternal Will to redeem all. I will realise

My eternal Will in you, in the whole world.

Give Me all that you are.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you. »













Message From Our Most Blessed

Lord And God Jesus Christ


Jesus says:

« I, God the Son,

your Jesus,

your Love,

your Heart,

I, the God of Love,

the Heart of Love,

I embrace you.

I kiss you.

I love you.

I thank you for being My Love!


I love you with all the Love that I am.

I love you with all the Love that I have.

I love you with all the Love, all, all, all the Love.


I have given you My Heart.

It is your special possession.

I have given it all to you.

I have given you all My Love.


I love you.

I will ever love you.

I will ever love you.

I will ever love you.


I am the Heart of Love.

I am the God of Love.

I am the source of all Love.


All Love belongs to Me.

All power belongs to Me.

All glory belongs to Me.


I am God.

You are My Love.

You are My Heart.


I thank you

for being My Love,

for being My Heart.


Remain ever united with Me, in My Heart of Love.

Remain ever in Me, in My Heart of Love.





be separated from Me.

Nothing can ever separate you from Me.

I, I cannot separate Myself from You,

and you cannot separate yourself from Me,

because you are My Love.

We are forever united.


You come from Me.

I come from the Father.

You come from the Father.

I come from the Father.

You come from the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit comes from Me.


You have the most important work

in the whole history of the world to do.


Through you the Reign of My Heart

will be established in the whole world,

in every heart, in the whole world.

Stand up.


Do not be afraid of anybody or anything.

Go ahead

and say the Prayer of the Hearts of Love

and do Works of Love,

and through this

I will establish the Reign of My Love


and every time.


Don’t apologize to anybody for loving Me,

or blame yourself for accepting to be My Love.

It is they who should apologize for not accepting My Love,

and not you for being My Love.


The whole world belongs to Me.

Every heart belongs to Me.

I am the God of Love.

You are My Love.

I have given you

the instrument of prayer,

the prayer of My Heart,

the prayer of My Love.

I love you, My Love.

I love you, My Love.

I love you, My Love,

come deep in My Heart.

It belongs to you.

Take it.

I love you, My Love. My Love. You are My Love.

You will, My Love, you will ever, ever, ever be My Love. »




Christ The King

– Message For The Whole World

November 20, 2005

God The Father declares:

« My Son,

this is My message for the whole world.


I Am He Who Am,

the Beginning and the End,

the Alpha and the Omega,

the Creator and the Saviour,

the Planner and the Fulfiller,

the One and the All,

the First and the Last.


I Am He Who Is, Was, and Will Be. 


I have come to take care

of Mine and all Mine.

The whole creation belongs

to Me.

All that exists comes

from Me, from My Love.


am Love and the God of Love.

I am Love Myself and

all I have made is out of Love.

My Love is

the beginning and end of all.


I have planned it from the beginning

that all

will find fulfillment

in My Love,

and only

in My Love

can anything

that is,

find the fulfillment of its being.


More especially,

only in My Love

can any soul

or any person

find salvation

and fulfillment.


Nothing can be saved outside My Love and all are destined

for salvation and fulfilment in My Love.



I love all

that I have made,

and will always

love all

I have made,

for I am Love

and Love

and Love,

Infinite Love.


It is My eternal desire

to bring all My creation

to eternal fulfillment in My Love.


It is My Eternal Will

to establish the Reign of My Infinite Love

in all My creation –

even among non-living things.


It is My lasting and Eternal Will

which I have decided to realise

and bring to perfect fulfillment.



I am God and no other.


I will establish the Reign of My Love

in My entire creation.


There will be Peace and Love

reigning in and around,

with and through all My creation.


have already established

My Kingdom in Heaven,

My Eternal Kingdom in Heaven

among My Angels and Saints.


Now it is My eternal desire

to establish the same

Reign of Mine on earth,

where My Will will be done

on earth as it is in Heaven.

I mean that all My creation

will enjoy the loving presence

and Reign of My Love.

I am Love and the God of Love

and the God of All.


By Myself

I have decided it and

I will bring My eternal plan

to perfect fulfillment.


Now I have sent My Son

into the world as man

to show all men – 

all My creation – 

how much I love them

using the human manifestation

that they will understand

and follow.


I called all to follow

My beloved Son,

to be united with Him.


It is My Will

to unite all things in Him,

things on earth and things in heaven.


It is My Eternal Will

to establish My Kingdom

as the Kingdom and

the Reign of My Son,

My Only Begotten Son,

and to bring all to love and honour Him.


I gave Him a Name

which is above every name,

that at the mention

of His Name, 

Jesus Christ,

every knee should bow and

every head prostrate and

every tongue confess that

Jesus Christ,

My Son,

is the Lord.


Let nobody think that he can please God

if he does not love and worship My Son,

the Lord Jesus Christ.


Any person or soul or creature,

spiritual or material or otherwise,

that refuses to love and serve and

honour and worship Him

and be united with Him –

the One Lord Jesus Christ –

has already condemned himself/herself

to eternal separation

and discord and hatred and

therefore to eternal punishment.


Every person,

every soul, every spirit,

every creature in heaven and on earth

and under the earth

and everywhere in My entire creation,

must serve and honour and worship My Son

forever and ever.


That is

My eternal Will.

This I have decreed

from all eternity,

out of My Infinite Love.

Only in Him and

with Him and

through Him

do I want to create

and save and fulfill

all My creation

in heaven and on earth.


Nobody can come to Me

without Him.

He is the Only way,

the truth and the Life.

Him alone have I sent as

the perfect image of Myself,

He alone is My Begotten Son.

He alone is Lord.

He alone is the Saviour.


Only in Him and with Him and through Him

anybody, any creature in heaven and on earth

can come to Me.

In Him, through Him and for Him,

I have made all things and will bring

all things to fulfillment.


My Love,

write what I tell you:

It is the eternal and

unchanging truth,

truth of life,

truth of Love,

the eternal truth of God.


I alone am God.

And you are My Love.


Now is the time for the

Reign of Love and

We (the Most Holy Trinity of Love) have sent you

to establish the Reign of Love

in all creation,

in every heart and soul,

in every person.


We have sent you to enkindle

the fire of Divine Love

in every heart

and home and community,

in every soul and

every person,

in every creature,

in all creation.


My Love,

let the splendour of your God

shine in you and through you

to all creation.


Live the life

we have ordained for you

and sent you to live,

live it fully

and uncompromisingly,

and let all see the

glorious Splendour of your God,

your Love and your All

shining in you.

My God, my Love and my All!“


Love is Divine.

Love is of God.

God is Love.

And all are called to Love, because

Love comes from God and

Love is of God and

God is Love and

Love is God.


God from God,

Light from Light,

Love from Love,

True God from True God.

The Kingdom of God

is the Kingdom of Christ, His Son,

and the Kingdom of His Love. »


Message On The Holy Eucharist

March 2000

Jesus says:

« My people,

the people of My Love:

I am your God.

I am your Love.

I am your Jesus Christ,

I am the Holy Eucharist.

I am not only present in the Holy Eucharist.


I am the Holy Eucharist.


The Mass you celebrate is Me.

The Blood you drink is Me.

The Flesh you eat is Me.


I am the Holy Eucharist.


I am the Eucharistic God.

I am the Eucharistic Love.

No greater Love can

anybody possess and give

as the Eucharistic Love,

which I give you in the Holy Eucharist.          


I am the Holy Eucharist.


It has been My eternal longing

to give Myself to You wholly and entirely.

I created you out of nothing.

I called you to be My people.

I made you My own.


Now My people, listen to your God.


The Holy Eucharist is My gift of Myself to you.

The Holy Eucharist is the gift of all

that I have and all

that I am in the simplest manner,

the most comprehensive manner.

I have given Myself to you.

My Love,

My Beloved,

My people.


I, your God,

have given you all that I am,

all that I have

in the Holy Eucharist.


Why did I do that?

It is because I am Love.

I cannot but love.

It is because I love you.

I made Myself available to you

in the simplest, most comprehensive form.


My People:

Do you understand

what I have given to you?


When I was washing the feet of My apostles

at the celebration of the Eucharist,

they did not understand what I was doing to them. 

I told them they would understand it later.

And they did understand it to some extent.

It is Love. It is service. 


I give Myself to you in order to save you.

I give Myself to you in order to serve you. Service.

I give Myself to you in order to redeem you from your sins.

I give Myself to you in order to unite you to Myself.

l give Myself to you in order to unite you to My Father.

I give Myself to you in order that My Holy Spirit will live in you.

I give Myself to you so that My Love will live in you. 


That is the same Love which is in Me,

between Me and My Father,

between Me and the Holy Spirit,

the same Love will be

between you and Me.


I give Myself to you

so that your Love for each other will be My Love,

so that the Life in you will be My Life,

the Love in you will be My Love.


I give Myself to you

to draw you and

unite you to Myself.


I give Myself to you so

to unite you with all in Heaven;            

with all My Angels and Saints.


I give Myself to you in order

to change you,

to change the          

face of the earth and

to recreate you. 






At every Mass there is

a new creation,

a recreation,

a renewal,

a complete renewal of all

who participate at Mass

very, very devotedly,

with open hearts and mind.


They are completely taken up in light,

in unapproachable Light,

in a wonderful light.


They are all purified and sanctified.

I have come to set fire in the world,

how I wish it were burning!


The fire of My Love!

This fire will cleanse all evil.

This fire will bring all good.

It will remove every taint of hatred,

wickedness and sin.


This fire will establish

the Reign of Love in every heart,

in every home,

everywhere in the world.


I have come to set fire

in the whole world.

How I wish it were burning.

Let it burn. It should burn.

It will burn. It must burn –

the fire of Love.


I am the Eucharist.

The Holy Eucharist is

Heaven in your midst.

I am your Heaven.

I am Heaven in your midst.

You all want to go to Heaven,

but Heaven has come to you.


You all want to see Me, to see God.

But I have made Myself visible

to you in the Holy Eucharist.


I am Heaven.

I am your Heaven.

Heaven in your midst.




Do you expect to meet any person

more glorious in Heaven than Me?

Do you expect to get a joy

more glorious in Heaven than from Me?


My Church, My people,

My Beloved,

love Me.

Accept Me.

Eat Me.

Worship Me.

Be with Me,

I am with you.


The worst sin of My Church,

the worst sin of My people,

the worst sin of My Beloved is

the neglect of My Love,               

especially in the Holy Eucharist.


The worst sin of My priests is

to celebrate the Holy Eucharist

without Love.


The worst sin of My people is

lack of belief in My Love

in the Holy Eucharist.


The worst danger to My people is

forgetfulness of

what I have done and

what I have suffered for them

in the Holy Eucharist.


The worst danger to the

existence of the world is

what some stupid people say –

is the abolition of the Holy Eucharist. 


Any move by any person or group of persons 

to remove or reduce the Love

people should have for the Holy Eucharist

is not from God.


Any move by any person

to remove or reduce

the respect, the worship, the honour

given to Me in the Holy Eucharist

is not from God. 


It is the work of My enemy

who does not want to see Me honoured;

who has sworn never to see Me loved.


My enemy is very active in some of My members.

As he was active in Judas

who blamed Mary

for anointing My Body with oil,

with precious oil.


He suggested selling it and giving it to the poor.

So (he thinks) that what is spent on Me is a waste.


How can My people say that:

That the time spent for Me is a waste?

That the Love given to Me is a waste?


How can My people say that? 

But there are many people

who think that way today.

They think they are proclaiming My Word.



The time spent with Me,

the time spent to Me …,

everything given to Me

by every person in the Eucharist

is the greatest sacrifice

you can make.



To unite your sacrifice with Mine

in the Holy Eucharist

is the greatest sacrifice you can make.



To come to Me

in the Holy Eucharist;

to stay with Me here; 

to love Me direct (in the Holy Eucharist)

is the greatest possible act,

the most glorious act

human being can

perform in the world.

The reward is even infinitely more

than any person can imagine.



There is no greater Love than the EUCHARISTIC Love.

There is no greater worship

possible in the world than the EUCHARISTIC worship.



It is the Worship of HEAVEN:

It is the worship of the TRINITY.

It is the worship of GOD direct. 


I have made Myself available to you

in the form of bread and wine

so that you will have

the easiest access to My Love,

complete and absolute and direct. 



My dear children,

do not let anybody whatsoever

distract your Love for Me

in the Holy Eucharist.


My Heart bleeds to see

how children are being taught

not to honour Me

in the Holy Eucharist.

I weep. 


Any celebration of the Holy EUCHARIST

without Love is worse than My crucifixion.


It is more painful to Me

than the whole of My suffering, 

which I endured for you

to the point of dying

for you on Calvary.


Any celebration of the Holy EUCHARIST

without Love, without respect

is so repulsive to Me,

it gives Me such a terrible pain,

worse than all the pains

I suffered during

My earthly life. 


Love the Sacrament of Love. 

Love your Love.

Love your God.

Love Me.

Because I love you.


Any unworthy reception of the Holy EUCHARIST

is so repulsive to Me!

More than any repulsion and rejection

I have suffered during My earthly life.


My people,

why do you still let Me suffer?

Why do you still crucify Me daily?

When will I stop dying for you?

When will I stop suffering for you? 

Jesus weeps bitterly.



When will I enjoy My Love for you?

When will I start being loved by you?

When will you start loving Me?


Why are you still breaking My Heart?

Any breaking of bread without Love

is worse than the piercing of My Heart,

what the soldier did.


My people,

love Me,

call Me Love.

Come to My Love.

My beloved people.


I will never stop loving you. 

I cannot stop loving you. 

I must always love you.

Love is My law.

Love is My life.


Nothing pleases My Father more on earth

than Love for Me in the Holy Eucharist,

listening to Me in the Holy Eucharist,

coming to Me in the Holy Eucharist. 


The greatest action of My Holy Spirit

is My Incarnation.


The greatest action of the Holy Spirit

is the transubstantiation

of bread and wine into My Body and Blood.


The greatest sacrifice,

the greatest offering,

the greatest participation

of My Church in My salvific act

is in the transubstantiation of bread and wine

into My Body and Blood.


The Church is truly My Church.

My Church is truly My Church.

My Church is wholly My Church.

My Church is My Holy Church.

My Church is faithfully My Church,

My Church is sincerely My Church

when My Church celebrates the Holy Eucharist. 


Any other act that My Church does

comes from the Holy Eucharist

and flows to the Holy Eucharist

into the world.





My Church,

why are you forgetting your identity?

Why are you forgetting your foundation? 

Why are you neglecting your roots?


My Church,

you are nothing without Me.


My Church,

anybody who tries to establish

any form of worship

that removes the Holy Eucharist,

any form of worship

that reduces the Holy Eucharist,

any form of worship of God

that does not flow from and

flow to the Holy Eucharist

is not from God,

it is not from Me.


My Father is present in every Holy Mass.

My Father is present everywhere that I am.

He is not present in the form of bread and wine,

but He is present wherever I am.

He is present to Me,

for I and the Father are one – 

We can never  be separated.


My Holy Spirit is present at every Holy Mass. 

My Holy Spirit is present at every Eucharistic celebration.

My Holy Spirit is present at every Eucharistic celebration.

My Holy Spirit is present at every Tabernacle in the whole world – 

He is there for He is My Spirit.

He cannot be separated from Me.

He is not present in the form of bread and wine.

It is only I, Jesus Christ,

Who am present in the form of Bread and Wine.

It is My Body.

It is My Blood. 


My Father did not become man.

My Father did not and will not become bread – 

My Father did not change into wine, wine and bread,

but My Father is always united with Me.

He is always there, We are one.


When you receive Me in the Holy Eucharist,

you are receiving My Father,

when you worship Me in the Holy Eucharist,

you are worshipping My Father,

when you receive Me in the Holy Eucharist,

you are receiving the Holy Spirit.



The greatest joy of My Mother Mary is

to bring people to the Holy Eucharist – 

you remember the miracle at Kana.

That miracle is a miracle

that points to the Holy Eucharist.


What did My Mother say:




Because of the unity she has with Me,

she knows the culmination of My salvific act

and pointed Me to it.


Everybody who loves My Mother Mary

must love Me in the Holy Eucharist.

The changing of water into wine

is a foretaste, it is a pointer to the Eucharist. 


People do not believe any more that I am God.

Lack of respect for Me in the Holy Eucharist

is lack of respect for God.

It is lack of belief

that I am God,

that I am almighty,

that I can do everything.


Why are some people doubting

that I am really present,

that My Body and Blood are there? 


Do they not believe anymore

that I am God,

that I am God the Almighty?

That I can do everything? 


Oh, My people,

if only you know how much you pain Me

with your little belief …

It is this little belief that would have let Peter

be drowned in the sea.

I asked him to come to Me.

He actually started coming to Me,

walking on the water,

but then he began to doubt.


I ask you to come to Me,

come to My Love. 


Why are some people doubting

that I am really present here?

It is Me!


Peter said:

„Lord, if it is You – ask me to come.“


He was coming with strength,

but midway he began to doubt.


Let Me assure you,

the Holy Eucharist does not depend on

your believing in it or not.


It is not your faith

that makes Me present in the Holy Eucharist.


The Holy Eucharist does not depend

on your loving Me or not.


It is not your Love

that makes Me the Holy Eucharist. 


The Holy Eucharist does not depend

on your holiness, your purity or holiness.


The Holy Eucharist,

My presence there, that it is Me,

does not depend on your believing in it or not.

It does not depend on your loving Me or not.

It does not depend on your worthy reception of Me or not.

It depends on Me, on Me alone, absolutely on Me.


But your benefiting from it

depends on your Love, on your faith, on your hope.


Peter’s faith made him benefit from My presence

and he was coming to Me over the water,

then Peter began to doubt and began to sink. 


My people,

do not doubt

so that you do not sink.


Do not doubt

that I am present,

that it is Me

so that you do not sink.


Come to Me with Love,

receive Me with Love.

Accept Me with Love.


There is no greater joy

for My Angels and Saints in heaven

than to see Me honoured, respected, loved

and received in the Holy Eucharist.


Anybody who receives the Holy Eucharist

with Love, purity and holiness

is automatically in the company

of the Angels and Saints.



My Son, preach Me – 

My Son, defend Me.

My Son, let the people realise that it is Me.


The worst sin of My preachers today is

not to preach Me, My presence,

not to preach My honour,

not to preach My holiness,

not to preach My power of redemption.


They preach weather,

they preach change,

they preach nothing. 


Please, preach Me.

It is Me who you should preach.

It is Me whom you will proclaim.

Any preaching that does not preach Me

is worse than useless.


Let all My priests preach Me.

Let all My people come to Me.

Let My whole Church receive Me.

Let My whole creation worship Me.


I am God in your midst. 

I, the Holy Eucharist,

I am the life of My Church.

I am the life of My people.

I am the life of the world.


I come that they may have life

and have it in abundance.

I give you everything I have,

completely, absolutely,

so that you may have life.


My people,

live in Me.

I live in You,

for separated from Me you are nothing.        


Do not let anybody or anything

separate you from Me.


Let nothing whatsoever separate you

from the Eucharistic Love,

be it persecution or hunger or…


Do not let anything whatsoever

separate you from Me.


What is it –  sickness?

That should rather bring you closer to Me,

deeper in Me. 


Everything you do

let it be done out of Love of Me

in the Holy Eucharist.


Come to Me daily.

Daily Communion, daily Communion!

I love it. I want it.

Come to Me daily, do not stay away from Me.

Come to Me, come and receive Me daily.


If it is difficult for you

to receive Me daily sacramental,

then receive Me spiritually daily.


But please, do not let any day go

without receiving Me in the Holy Eucharist.


Please do not let any day pass

without receiving Me in the Holy Eucharist.


If you cannot receive Me sacramental,

receive Me spiritually.

Wherever you are wish…!


Wherever you are unite yourself to Me

in the Holy Eucharist!


And I will come to you.

Open your heart and your mouth

and I will come to you.


During the prayer of the Hearts of Love

always wish to unite yourself

to Me in the Holy Eucharist.

When you say especially:

‚O Hearts of Love! Consume Me.

I am your victim of Love!‘

it is Eucharistic prayer.


You consume Me and I consume you.

You eat Me and I eat you.

You unite yourself to Me and I unite Myself to you.

Whenever you are saying it,

think of Me in the Holy Eucharist.

Consume Me and I will consume you.

You live in Me and I live in you.


My Love for you grows infinitely more and more;  

Your Love for Me grows infinitely more and more

when you live the Eucharistic Love.



The love of the Hearts of Love is Eucharistic Love.

It is from the Eucharist,

it is from My Love in the Holy Eucharist

that you draw life.


Do not let anybody excommunicate you from Me.

For cut off from Me you are dead.


Do not let anybody or anything put you into sin,

mortal sins are excommunications.

By that you cut yourself off from Me.

By that you are dead, dead in sin.


But no matter how deep you fall into sin,

open your heart,

open your mind,

open your Spirit to Me and say:

„My Jesus, I love.“

„My Love. I love you. My Love!“

Call on Me: „My Love!”

and I will redeem you immediately,

you will never be lost.

There is nobody who calls on Me in Love

who will get lost.

No matter how deep your sin may be,

no matter how long in sin you may be.

No matter how forgotten in sin you may be.

Call on Me in Love, no matter where you are,

and I am there.


My Eucharistic presence in the Church is

My omnipresence everywhere.

The Holy Eucharist is the sacrament of My omnipresence.


My Eucharistic powerlessness – 

I am there as bread that you can eat, touch, break,

you can even throw away,

you can even ignore,

you can even say anything against

and do anything against and I will be looking at you – 

is the sacrament of My Almighty power.


I am God Almighty.

Come to Me now and you will be with Me forever.

Unite yourself with Me now and

you will unite yourself with Me forever.


My Love is eternal. My Love is Me.

My Love is Eternal. My Love is Me.

My Love I am.

I am. I am. I am.

I Am He Who Am.


Many people today think that they can do good works

without Love and benefit from it.

Just as faith without good works is dead

so what people call good works without Love is dead.

Good works will be done with Love.


When you visit the sick you do it out of Love.

When you help the poor you do it out of Love. 


There are many who visit the sick and

inject in them lethal drugs and they kill them.

There are many who help the poor and

their help is to kill them.

There are some who come to poor people

as if they are helping them,

but they make them slaves,

they make them poorer, slaves. 


Good works without Love are dead.

They are useless.

It brings nothing.


Do your good works out of Love.

Love is selflessness.

Do it for the good of the person.

You do it out of Love for Me.

I am Love.


Let the life you draw from Me,

the Holy Eucharist, flow into

everything you do,

everything you say,

everything you think.


„Bring people to the Love of Me“ means:

Love all with My Eucharistic Love and

bring all to My Eucharistic Love,

to the Love of My presence. 


„My God, I love YOU.“ 


The Love of My unity.

The Love of My unity with him – 

to unite him to Me.

Unite all to Me.

All will be all.

All will be one.

All will be One and All in Me.

I am the One and the All.

All will be One in Me. »



Bishop Ayo-Maria Atoyebi O.P.,

Ilorin Diocese/Nigeria, May 2002


Message From The Holy Spirit


« I, God the Holy Spirit!

The Spirit of Love!

The Spirit of the Father and of the Son!


I am in you. You are in Me.

I love you, My Love.

You are My Love.

I am the Spirit of Love.


It is My Work to make

Love in every heart and everywhere grow.

I am the source of Love.

I am the God of Love.

I am the Spirit of Love.


You are My Love.

You are deep in Me and I in you. I love you.

You are ever united with Me.

You come from Me. And you come back to Me.

You are in the world.



We sent you into the world to be

a concrete personification of our Love this time.



Love all with My Love.

Win all with Our Love.

Bring all to Our love.


Let all experience that

We are Love, that I am Love.

I am Love. I love you, My Love.

I love you, My Love, with all the Love that I am.

I am completely in you and you are completely in Me.

Love Me with all that you are, with all that you have.


Do not be afraid of anybody in any situation.

I am with you.

I will strengthen you.

I will comfort you.

I will teach you.

I will lead you.

I will inspire you at every moment.


Go the way of My Love.



Give all you have and are for this work of Love,

the most important work at this time and forever.




I am the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love.

I guide the whole course of creation.

I guide the whole course of things everywhere.


All is in My hand.

I direct and inspire,

I pull down and I build up.

I am the Spirit, the Power of God,

the Spirit of God, the Power of God.


I am in you.

I am, I am, I am in You.

You are mine,

I am yours everywhere and every time,

listen to Me.


Call Me the Spirit of Love. I am there.

Call Me Holy Spirit of Love and I will act.

Call Me Holy Spirit of Love and I will establish

the Love everywhere and every time.

When it appears to be most impossible

call Me, Holy Spirit of Love.


I am especially given to you this time

to be with you to see

that you succeed in your work.


I am God’s Power.

I am God’s Love.

I am with you.


Your work will succeed.

Your work has succeeded.

Your work is My work,

your work is work of the Father.

Your work is work of the Son.

Your work is My work.

Your work will succeed.


I bless you! Amen.

I am with you.

Do not be afraid of anybody any time.

Only trust in Me.

I am with you.

I love you. I love you.

I love you. I love you.

You are entrusted to Me.

I will inspire you.

I will lead you.


Success! Glory! Triumph!

The Reign of Love is there!

The time is there,

today and forever. »











From Our Blessed Mother,

The Virgin Mary


Mother Mary is speaking:

« I, your Mother, the Mother of Divine Love,

I am the Handmaid of the Lord,

but God, my God, God, your God

has raised me and made me

the Mother of Divine Love,

your Mother, call me Mother of Love.


It is through me

that the source of all Love is born in the world.

I am the Mother of Divine Love,

the Mother of Love.


There is no other Love but the Love which is born of me.

There is no other Love but the Love which is God.

There is no other Love but the Love which is in me.

There is no other Love but the Love which is the Trinity,

the Love of the Father,

the Love of the Son and

the Love of the Holy Spirit.


All other things which people think are love

are love only to the extent

that they accept and reflect the Love of God

and are united to the eternal Love.


I am the Mother of Love.

It is my duty to bear Love in the world,

to be the Mother of Love.

My work is not ended.  

My work continues in you and through you.


At this time,

the Father has given you to me

as He gave His Son Jesus to me

so that I will take care of Him.


The same way,

to the same extent and

with the same Love with which

I am united to Jesus,

I am united to you.


You are my Beloved.

Born of me … the Love of God. 

I give you my Heart.

Take my Heart.

My pure Heart.

My sinless Heart.


God made my Heart pure and sinless.

In this pure and sinless Heart

I conceived the Righteous One in the world.

There is eternal happiness in the world.        


I love you, my Love.

I love you, my Love.

My Heartiest of Love.

I love you.

I will ever and forever love you.

I will forever and ever love,

forever and ever love you.

You are sealed in the Love of God.


This is prayer and work of Love.

You are secure in the Love of God.


The enemy has no power over you.

He can shout, fight.

The enemy knows what responsibility you have

at this time for the whole world.

He will do everything possible to discourage you.

But do not be afraid.

For I am with you,

I will save you.

I am in you.

I am your Mother.

I am your Love.

I will ever love you.


With the power with which I crushed the head of Satan,

with this power,

I still have over him,

I am at your side always.

Wherever you go I am there.

Wherever you speak I am there.

Wherever you preach I am there.

Whether you are sleeping or working

I am active by your side.


No enemy will stand me.

I have the power from God to crush,

to destroy the enemy.

Do not be afraid.

I carry you in my bosom.

I press you close to my Heart.

My Heart is in you, my most Beloved.


God has established

such a Love between you and me.

The Love between you and Jesus,

the Love between you and the Father,

the Love between you and the Holy Spirit

is Love.


Call me always the Heart of Love and I will fight,

I press your heart to my Heart.

Our Hearts are one.

I love you.


Do not make any mistake,

you come from Jesus.

You come from the Father.

You come from the Holy Spirit.

I did not bring you forth.

You did not come from me.

You come from God.

You belong to the Father

and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit –

the Most Blessed Trinity of Love.


Here is my Heart,

my Immaculate Heart.

Take it completely.

To be fully united with your Heart.


I love you. My Love.

I love you, my Love.

I am the

Mother of Love. »












„The Secret Of My Success,

My Church And All Is Mary“


Jesus is speaking:

« My Love,

what I am revealing to you

is the supreme truth.

Hold on to it and teach it to all.


Even before I incarnated

I created and chose the

Most Immaculate Virgin Mary, My Mother.

It is only in her that I could incarnate and

she responded in the most wonderful way,

which no creature before her

could respond to My Love –

with total, absolute and unconditional

and indescribable Love.


My Love,

nobody can imagine the Love

I received from her

all the days of My life

here on earth and unto eternity in heaven.

It is because of her Love, unspeakable Love,

that I have made her queen and model of all,

even Angels and archangels and priests and martyrs

and the whole creation and the whole Church.


I entrusted to her

not only all of Myself even My Divinity –

she was the Mother and protector and guardian

of My humanity and My Divinity and My mission and

all I have and

all I am and

all I can have and

all I can be and become – even


My becoming the Eucharist is entrusted to her,

My becoming a priest in the human beings

I have chosen and consecrated and ordained

– all are given to her.


The only thing she has no authority over is the

Most Holy Trinity, the Godhead itself.


She is in charge of and mother and queen of all,

there is no exception in the whole of creation.

There is nothing in creation that is not

under her motherly and loving care and concern and sustenance.



The only thing

she is not and cannot be

is God Himself.

She is not and cannot be Divine.

God is One and three –

Three Divine Persons.


My Love,

the secret of My success is Mary.

I want you to see also

the secret of the success of all My Church                                                    

and all in it is Mary.


That is why

I entrusted all the Church, the apostles to her.


My Love,

entrust your mission to her and

let her guide you and

lead you and

inspire you.


Bring her deepest

into your soul,

into your life,

into your heart,

into the most secret places and

regions and mysteries of your life

and all that you have and are.


Entrust to her        

all My priests and

all the brothers and sisters, religious, and

all the lay apostles,

all working with you.


My Love,

let her take full control of all,

and you will see

how all will be

immediately and permanently in order.


She has powers

which the whole creation

cannot fathom or contain

including heaven and earth

and under the earth.


Her splendour and glory

transcends the entire creation.  






My Son,

when she is placed on one side and

all the creation is placed on another,

neither in beauty

nor holiness

nor purity

nor splendour

nor majesty –   she exceeds all –

as the whole of the ocean exceeds a drop of water,

as the mountain exceeds a grain of sand,

as a forest exceeds a single leaf.


My Son, I am telling you, all this

it is still like a drop of water in the ocean

of the mysteries of My Mother that I have revealed.

It is like a leaf turned in the whole forest.

It is like a grain of sand picked in the whole mountain.


No creature

can fathom or contain

the whole glory of My Mother,

the glory I have given to her…


My Love,

I continue talking to you

here in St. Peter’s Basilica,

about the glory of My Mother

which surpasses the whole creation put together –

all in heaven and all on earth and

all under the earth.


This is such that only I and

My Mother are enough to ….. »





















Message From St. Joseph



St. Joseph is speaking:

« I, St. Joseph,

the Protector of the Holy Family,

I have received the special  assignment

from the Father, from the Son and the Holy Spirit

to take special charge of you

and this Work

of the Hearts of Love

in the world at this time,

as I took care of the Hearts of Love

from the very beginning till my death.


I am to protect this Heart of Love

from all attacks from the devil, from Herod.


With the Hearts of Love I fled into Egypt.

So I am taking care

of this Heart of Love in this time.


The Eternal Father

has given me the charge and

I will do it with great Love and dedication

more than I did it in former times.


He has given me great powers

to take care of this

because he knows that the fight is terrible.


I just want to assure you that

I with all the Saints am on your side.



You are at the centre of this work

at this time in the world.

All the Saints are on your side.

You come from the Father and the Son

and the Holy Spirit.



I, Joseph,

with all the Saints in Heaven and on earth,

we are on your side.

We are fighting the battle.

The battle is fought and won –

is being fought.


Do not be afraid of anybody or anything.

The uncountable number of Saints are with you

everywhere you are.




Remain united to the Father,

remain united to the Son,

remain united to the Holy Spirit.


Do not be afraid to go anywhere.

Do not be afraid to give testimony to my Love –

give testimony for this Love.


It is only the Love of God that exists.

I call it my Love.


The Hearts of Love is my special charge.

The Hearts of Love is my special work forever.

God chose me to be the protector of the Hearts of Love,

always, forever, until all is Love,

until all is restored to the Hearts of Love.


I with all the Saints in heaven,

we are with you.

I, and all the Saints,

we love you, we love you, we love you,

we honour you. We honour you! We honour you,

the Heart of Love, Love of GOD.


The most important work in history in this age,

the most important work at this time,

the most attacked from all sides.


Prepare all the members,

let them not be afraid.

No matter how they are attacked,

all of them are protected.

All of them are protected.

As long as they remain constant in

saying the prayers of the Hearts of Love and

doing the work of Love,

they are all protected.


The battle is on.

The battle is won.

It is won!

Victory! Victory! Victory!


The Hearts of Love reign,

the Hearts of Love reign,

the Hearts of Love will always reign,

the Hearts of Love will always reign.

God bless you. »
















From Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ

And Our Most Blessed Mother, Virgin Mary,


For His Holiness Pope John Paul II,


Vicar of Christ, Successor of St. Peter, Supreme Pontiff

of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church 

Father Montfort is writing:

„May 5, 2004

Holy Father!

In absolute obedience to the Most Holy Will of God and in complete submission to your Holiness, the Vicar of Christ and Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, I, your poor servant, humbly submit these Divine Messages I received from our Divine Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and from our Most Blessed Mother Mary to Your Holiness!

The members of the Society of the Two Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary and I, your servant, keep praying and offering sacrifices for your Holiness. 

The Lord said to me, His poor servant,

on Thursday, November 27, 2003:


« If I ask you to do something

or to say something

please do it and say it.


But if My Church, My bishop

prohibits it or orders you not to do it or say it,

obey My Church,

obey him, your bishop (superior).

Obedience is Love.

By obeying My Church, by obeying My bishop

you are fulfilling what I have asked you

to do and say very well. »





The Solemnity Of The

Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus, At Rome

June 7, 2002



The Divine Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said:

« Please, My Son,

give ear to My word.

I speak to you and I long to speak to you.

I have the longing to be speaking to you.

Please, My Son,

listen to Me.


The present Pope (John Paul II) lives still,

because of My Hearts of Love.

(the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and

the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

the Two Hearts ever united in Love)


Please help him

to fulfil his duty before he leaves.

I love him and have entrusted everything

in My Church into his hands.

Help him

to accomplish his task.


His Task is to proclaim the Reign of My Love,

My Hearts of Love in the whole world.


Build that chapel and tell him about it.

Ask for his permission to build it.

Go ahead, he will not say no.

That chapel is

My present of thanksgiving to him

for his sacrifices

by which I mean to unite his sacrifices

with the sacrifices of My Hearts of Love. »



March 31, 2003


« My Son,

write what I tell you about My Pope,

My cardinals,

My bishops,

My priests and My servants in

My sanctuary – My Church.


I love My Pope.

He is the Pope of My Hearts of Love.

I love him and care for him.

He is My Beloved.


I love My Pope,

My cardinals,

My bishops,

My priests and My servants in

My sanctuary – My Church.

I love them all.


You servants and princes

in My house, My sanctuary,

please remain faithful to your vocation.


Princes of My Church!

I have given you the power

to serve,

to guide,

to free,

to save.


Whatever you bind is bound.

Whatever you loose is loosed.

Never forget:

this power is to serve and to save.


Salvation of All Souls!

That is My Eternal Plan. »



June 20, 2003

In Poland, at Czestochowa in the Sanctuary in front of the Shrine – the Sacred Image

of Our Lady, the Black Madonna – our Most Blessed Mother Virgin Mary said:


« Please,

tell Pope John Paul,

My beloved Son,

beloved Son of Poland,

My beloved Son of the Church,


he should please establish the

Feast of the Two Hearts of Love

for the whole Church.


He should please grant plenary indulgence

to the Prayer of the Hearts of Love and

kissing veneration of the

Image of the Two Hearts of Love

before he returns to God in Heaven.


You listen to Me.

Tell him to listen to the voice and

message and request of his Mother.

I am his Mother now and forever.

He is my Son, my beloved Son. »

May 20, 2003

At 4 o’clock pm, end of the Holy Hour, in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel,

at Czestochowa the Divine Lord Jesus Christ said:


« My Son,

keep My people together.

Through this prayer,

Hearts of Love Prayer,

and Holy Hour and

perpetual Eucharistic Adoration,

you keep My people, My Church,

together. »



November 28, 2003

« My Son,

the Pope is the Pope of the Two Hearts of Love.

I love and will care for him

till the end of his life and unto eternity.


He is your intercessor.

He is praying for you.

You must help him.


Please, My Son,

act fast.

You do not have much time left.


This Pope is the Pope of My Love,

the Pope of My Hearts of Love.


Tell the world

that I love him,

that I am pleased with his work and

will bless him forever and ever.


Tell My children to

follow him,

imitate him,

follow his footsteps and

love and respect him and

venerate him.


He is venerable

because of his oneness with Me,

because of his faith, hope and charity,

because of his attachment to Me,

because of his great love for Me and My Mother,

My Angels and Saints,

My Church, the entire humanity and

My entire creation.




He is a good shepherd,

a shepherd after My Heart –

My Heart of Love.


But please tell him,

he has still this work to do –

My Hearts of Love to proclaim

for the whole Church,

for the whole world.


This will be the

summary and

completion and

crown of

his pontificate,

to proclaim the


Union of the Two Hearts of Love –

My Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of

My Most Blessed Mother Mary.

We are One for We are United in Love.

We are the Two Hearts Ever United in Love.


I want him, the Pope of My Hearts of Love,

to proclaim this Union to the whole world

in and throughout My entire Church.


I will pour out

abundant blessings of peace and Love

on the whole of creation

when this universal proclamation is made.


Let him establish

the Solemn Feast of

My Two Hearts of Love

on the day

I have already appointed,


 i.e. on the Sunday following the solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (on Friday) and the memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (on Saturday)],


which is the day

many peoples,

many dioceses and

many countries are already celebrating.


I have prepared this for many centuries.

I have prepared this for a very long time.


I created the world for the Reign of My Love.


My Love, now it is My Eternal Will that

My Hearts of Love should reign.

My Love should reign

in every heart and home,

in every family and community,

in every person,

at every time and



I am God, the God of Love.

The whole creation belongs to Me.


Tell My beloved Son –

My Pope,

Pope of My Hearts of Love –

to do Me this honour.


I want him

to do Me this honour and

to have this honour and blessing

which he will call

upon himself and

upon the whole Church and

the whole mankind.

I leave him with his free will.

It can only be done

out of Love and the fullness of Love.


Please help him

to do Me this singular service.

Pray and make sacrifices for him.

Call the whole world to pray for him

and not to stop praying for him.


He is a blessing for the whole of humanity,

for the whole world.

He is My blessing.

He is suffering a lot.


Please tell all those around him

to help him and give him all their support.

Because of the difficulty

of getting this message

individually to all concerned

I will advise you to publish it,

but with the permission of your bishop.


If he says no, do not publish it,

but try to send it privately.

If he forbids your sending it privately,

obey him,

you would have done everything I want.                                                                                                                                                                                             



My Son,

be obedient,

be loving,

be pure,

be holy,

for I am holy.

I am the obedient one,

I am the pure one,

I am the holy one in your midst.   


The secret of his success (of the Pope John Paul II)

is his union with Me and his great love

for Me and My Mother.


He is the Pope of My Love.

He is the theologian of My Love –

of My Hearts of Love.

He is the philosopher of My Love –

of My Hearts of Love.


Let the world no longer pretend to hide My Love.

My Love cannot be hidden by anybody or anything.


Let My Pope proclaim My Love to the whole world.

Let him proclaim My Hearts of Love to the whole world.

Let My Church proclaim My Love to the whole world.

Let My Church proclaim My Hearts of Love to the whole world.

Let every heart receive My Love in the whole world.

Let every heart receive My Hearts of Love in the whole world.

Let all My creatures proclaim My Love in the whole of creation.

Let all My creatures proclaim My Hearts of Love in the whole of creation.


I love My Pope.

I love My Church.

I love all hearts.

I love all My creation.

I love all.

I am Love for all.









I greet all with My Love.

I bless all with My Love.

I love all with My Love.

I will always love all with My Love.


Let My Church honour this Son of My Hearts of Love  (the Pope John Paul II).

Let the whole world honour this Son of My Hearts of Love.

Let the whole of creation honour this great Son of My Hearts of Love.


I love him with My Eternal Love and

I want all My children to love and honour him.


Please keep praying for him and making sacrifices for him.

Through him

I have blessed his parents and relations,

I have blessed his land and its peoples,

I have blessed My whole Church,

I have blessed the whole world.


He is My blessing for all,

even for those who find it difficult

to believe in Me and My gospel,

even for heretics and schismatics,

even for atheists.


He is My blessing for all, even for sinners.

Let him make his joy complete by

proclaiming My Love for the whole Church

and for the whole world.

He has done a lot for Me, for the Church

and for humanity, nay the entire creation.


What is awaiting him

is the crown of eternal glory.

I have prepared this crown for him.


Come, faithful soul, come and receive your crown,

which is prepared for you in heaven for all eternity.


The crowning will begin on earth

with the proclamation of

My Love,

My infinite Love,

My eternal Love,

My unconditional Love,

My redemptive Love in

My Hearts of Love.      


I will give him this glory, this crown.

I will give him the crown of eternal glory

I have prepared for him.


My Son, mark this, whether he proclaims

My Hearts of Love and establishes the feast or not,

I will still give him the eternal glorious crown

I have prepared for him.


But please

help him and pray for him and

make sacrifices for him and

call on the whole Church and

the entire humanity and

entire creation to pray for him.


I am with him now and forever.

I am with you now and forever.



My Son,

this message about the Pope is very important,

do not let anything distract you from receiving it properly.

His position, his office, his work

is one of the most difficult in the world –

one with the greatest responsibility

for the whole world and

for the eternity of uncountable persons and souls.

That is why I pray for him and keep praying for him.

All My Angels and Saints are praying for him.


The Pope has the greatest responsibility for the whole world,

for the reign of peace and Love in the hearts of all –

not only for the believers but also for non-believers.

He is the Pope for all.


All have the responsibility of love

and respect for him, even if they do not know.

His office is also the most dangerous.


Defend the poor and helpless, especially children,

everywhere and every time.

I love all children and will save

all My children in My Love.

Let My program for the care

of all children in the world be fulfilled.


Tell all the leaders of nations

and peoples

and cultures

and organisations

and families in the world

to love and honour the Pope.


He is the leader of all.

He is the servant of all.


Tell all leaders

that the Pope is the greatest of leaders

and is the greatest of the servants

both temporal, worldly and religious.


My child, My Love,

defend the rights of the poor,

the rejected,

the suffering,

the sick,

the needy.


Promote their rights.

Pray and fight for them,

make sacrifices for them.


Defend and promote the rights of

My Church,

My Pope,

My Society,

My Family.


Defend the rights of

every person,

every soul,

every family on earth.


Pray and make sacrifices

for peace and love –

the reign of peace and love,

justice and righteousness.


Every human being,

even those who are in the wrong,

even sworn enemies and criminals

are to be loved and cared for.

Love and care for all,

pray and make sacrifices for all.

My child, My Love, take some rest, I will come and talk to you later. 


My Son, My Love,

tell My Pope,

My Pope of My Hearts of Love,

tell all My Pope that

I have given him authority and jurisdiction in the whole world.

I have given him authority in the whole world over every soul,

to care and love,

to teach and to lead all

to salvation and union with Me.


Let him not relinquish his authority to any person.

My Pope has universal and immediate authority

to love and care and lead,

to teach and feed,

to tend and defend and

save every soul,

every person in the whole world.

Let nobody and nothing delimit his love and care.


He is Papa for all.

His Love and care is for all –

for all My children,

for all My creation,

just as My Church is

for all My children,

for all My creation.

My Church is My Body.


My Incarnation is for the salvation of all,

to unite all things in Me,

things in heaven and things on earth.


I Am He Who Am The God of Love.

I am the God of all. I am the Love of all.

I am All in All. I am the One and the All. »   



November 29, 2003


« Come!

My Beloved, My Love!

I will tell you something more about the Pope.


Pope John Paul II is My beloved child.

I love him with Eternal Love.

And I want all My children to

love him and listen to him.


He will lead you all to the fountain of living waters.           

He will lead you all to union with Me in My Love.

He is the Apostle of My Love

– of My Hearts of Love.    

Let the whole world listen to him and follow him,

he is My beloved apostle.


He combines in himself the loving heart of St. John,          

the fiery zeal of Paul and

the authority and faith of the Rock – My Peter.

In him is all it needs to be the

universal apostle of

Love and faith and evangelisation today.


I love him and will always love and cherish him.

Let all My children love and cherish him.

The memory of him will last forever in this world

and in the world to come.


He is a light of the world and salt of the earth.

Through him a lot of light and joy and salvation

has come into the world especially at his time.

But his influence will last forever in this world

and the world to come.

I am proud of him.

The enemy has tried to discourage and intimidate him,

even to kill him and to destroy him;

but I and My Mother and all the hosts of My Angels,        

we stood by him and we stand by him and

will always stand by him forever and ever.

Amen! Amen!


Let all men of goodwill rejoice in his life.

His life has touched the life of the world permanently.      

I love him and I am very proud of Him.

I will protect him till the end.

I am with him always unto the end of time.


My good and faithful apostle,

My good and faithful child,

come into My Heart,

My Heart of Love.

Here is your home!


Come to the bosom of your Father – your God,

and receive the crown of eternal glory.

I am with you all times unto the end – unto eternity.

My Beloved! My Beloved! My Beloved!


He is a living intercessor for this My Mission of Love,

of the Two Hearts of Love –

My Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother

ever united in Love.


When he is done, is gone and has come back to Me,

he will do even more, infinitely more –

for the Reign of My Love,

My Hearts of Love in the world,

in the whole world.


He is your powerful intercessor.

He will intercede and do infinitely more

because then he will be completely in Me,

absolutely united with Me.


He is My living Saint now,

he is My Saint forever.       

He is a Saint of My Hearts of Love.

My Hearts of Love reigns in him and through him. »


« Please, My Son,

accept My messages and

My invitation to the whole world,

to come to My Love.

Concentrate on prayer and preaching.

Concentrate on children.

Do all the works of Love.


Build for Me

that chapel of My Two Hearts of Love

in Poland, in the birthplace of the Pope,

as My thanksgiving to My Pope

for leading My Church so effectively all these years.

I will bless him forever and with him all

who bless and follow him. »


A Letter to His Holiness,

Pope John Paul II

by Fr. Montfort Okanwikpo SHL


„Dearest Holy Father,

Pope John Paul II!

We are your children in the

Catholic Society of the Two Hearts of Love

of Jesus and Mary –

the Two Hearts ever united in Love.

We love you immensely and

will never stop thanking God for your Holiness.


In the Easter octave this year,

we visited your birth place in Wadowice and

kissed the floor of the room

where you were born and

we worshipped in the Church and

kissed the baptismal font

where you were baptised.

We prayed much there for you

and all your intentions.

We wish you the choicest blessings of peace and love.

We follow you,

 our great leader and model,

we revere you,

our living Saint of the

Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary.

We pray for you daily, at Mass,

holy hour of adoration,

rosary and Vigils – regularly.

John Paul II,

we love and revere you!!!

Now we humbly request

your fatherly blessings,

for us all,

dearest Holy Father!

Your servant

Rev. Fr. Montfort Okanwikpo

c/o Diocese of Ilorin

Most Rev. Dr. Ayo-Maria Atoyebi, O. P.

Bishop’s House P. O. Box 686,

Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria“


Invitation To Rome

January 20, 2000

Jesus says:

« I invite all who honour Me in My Love.

I invite all who honour Me in My Hearts of Love.

I invite all who honour My Sacred Heart and

the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.


I invite all who are waiting for the triumph

of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother and

the triumph of My Most Sacred Heart.


I invite all who are waiting for the

Reign of the Hearts of Love

to come to Me, to Me in Rome

for three days during the


Feasts of My Most Sacred Heart and the

Immaculate Heart of My Mother,

the Two Hearts of Love.


Let all  come to Me.

Let them all come to Me.

I will pour My abundant blessings on them all.

I am their blessing.

I am their Lord,

I am their God.

Tell the bishop to help and organise it.

Let all societies dedicated

to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart come.

Let all come.

Let all help to organise it.

Let all come. For these three days

let all come.

Let all come.


Come, come, come!

I love them all.

I mean to pour My Love on the whole world.

I mean to pour My Heart of Love out to them.

I mean to pour the blood of My Love on the whole world             

not minding their obstacles.

I love all of them. Let them all come.

I love you.

I love My Pope.

I love My bishops,

I love My priests,

I love My brothers and sisters.

I love all who are baptised in My name.

I love all My creatures.

I love My Church.

I love all.

My Church is not a creature.

My Church is Me.

My Church is My Body.

Let all come to Me.

I invite all to come to Me.

I love them all with the Love of My Father.

The Love which is Me.

Love of My Holy Spirit.

The Love of My Love.

I bless all of you. »



Godfather is speaking:

« My Son.

I am the Father of Love.

I invite all to come to My Love.

I will pour My blessings of Love on them all. »


The Holy Spirit is speaking:

« I, the Holy Spirit of Love invite all to come at this time.

I will pour the fire of My Love on all of them. »


Mother Mary is speaking:

« I, the Handmaid of Love. I am the invitation,

the organiser of this pilgrimage,

this most special pilgrimage of Love.

It is to be called the Pilgrimage of Love. »


St. Joseph is speaking:

« I, Joseph with all  Angels and Saints, I am there. »


St. Michael is speaking:

« I, Michael with all Angels and Saints, we are already there.

We are calling all to come to this pilgrimage of Love.        

It is a pilgrimage to pray and praise the Love of God. »


The Souls in purgatora are speaking:

« We also, the poor souls in purgatory,

we are crying to all of you:

Come, come!

In these three days your prayers and Masses

will release all of us from our purgatory.

Please come.

Let all come.

Let all who love us come.

Let all who care for us come –

to pray for our release.

We call on all our brothers and sisters,

to all whom it is possible to come.

Come, come, come, come all.

Love to you all! »


Message On Paray-le-Monial

July 4, 2005

Jesus says:

« My Love!

Now I want you to go to Paray-le-Monial and make it a

City of the Two Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary.


That is its new name and it will develop in this way

and become a place of regular international pilgrimages

and prayers and retreats and conferences.

I am with you now and forever and ever.


I want that house bought immediately,

and to be used as a place to begin living

community of the Two Hearts of Love in France.


Do not abandon My Centre of My Heart of Love in France in Paray

to people who do not really understand

what all the messages of My Hearts of Love are about.


It is about    




union of Hearts in Love.


It is about      

the renewal of My Church in Love.


It is about                

going back to the origin of all in Love.

God is Love and the origin of all,

and the fulfillment of all is in Love.


Bring My Church and bring My entire creation

back to the origin – Love.

Love is sacrificial Love.

Love is oneness with Love – with God.


Bring all back to

oneness with ME,

oneness with God,

oneness with Love.


I Am He Who Am The God of Love.

Go, I am with you.

Go in Love.

Go in peace and Love!



With this I mean to begin the claiming back

of all that belongs to Me – in My Hearts of Love.

Let it be clear

that this My Two Hearts of Love

is the fulfillment of all the apparitions and messages

I and My Mother have been giving the whole world.


I am your God, your Love, your All!

You are My Love.


Take it all, write it down:

„You are My God, My Love, My All.

Amen. Alleluia! Amen!

So it was in the beginning,

is now and ever shall be,

world without end, Amen.

Forever and ever!


Amen.“ »



After the Rosary prayers:

« My Love, you are looking for a centre

but I have already given you

this centre there in Paray,

it belongs to you.


All the messages I gave there

through St. Margaret Mary *)

are all for you, for My Family

of the Two Hearts of Love.


Please, claim what belongs to you.

Go to Paray and establish the

Centre of My Two Hearts of Love there.

I am with you and all with you

now and forever.



Begin to claim all that belongs to you

in My Hearts of Love, all that belongs to Me

in My Hearts of Love, all that belongs to My Mother

in My Hearts of Love, all these belong to you

in My Hearts of Love simply and clearly.


Do not be afraid to claim all

that belongs to you.

All that belongs to Me

belongs to you.

You are Mine.

I am yours. »





*) Hl. Margareta Maria Alacoque, 1647-1690


Message For The Church And The People Of Germany

July 15, 1999

God Father is speaking:

« My people!

My beloved people.

I am your God.

I am the God of Love.

I love you, My people.

Come to Me.

Come to your God.


My people,

I am your God.

My beloved people.

I am your God and Love.


I created you and called you to be My own.


I am your God, you are My people.

I love you.


Look with pity on My Love.

I beg you:

Come back to Me.

All who have left Me –

left the way I prepared for you

in My Church, in My Heart:

Come back to your God.

Come back to your salvation.

Come back to your fulfilment.


I created you out of Love and

called you to be Mine in My Love.

I have given you My Love.


Look in My Heart of Love.

Look on My beloved Son.

Look on His Heart – the Heart of Love.

Look on My daughter, My chosen daughter and bearer of My Love.

Look on her Immaculate Heart.

These Two Hearts are bleeding for you.

These Two Hearts are still suffering for you, for Love for you.

Come to Me in My Love.


Tell My people that I am the God of Love.

Tell My people that I love them.

Tell My people that I will forgive all their sins.

Tell them to repent of their sins and come back to Me.

Tell My people that My Heart is open to them.

Tell My people that I am crying for them.

My Heart is bleeding for them.

Tell them that I love them with an Infinite Love.


No matter how deeply they have wounded Me I still love them.

No matter how far they have wandered from Me I still love them.

I love them till the last minute of their life.

I love them till the end.


Tell them not to decide against Me.

Tell them not to decide against My visible Church.

Tell them not to decide against the visible leaders.

Tell them to build Me a Temple of My Presence in their midst.


I am God, the Holy One in your midst.

I mean to establish a Centre of My Love in your midst, in your land.

I mean to draw all souls to Myself, to bless and save them.    


This is the place where people will feel My Presence (in) My Love.

I mean to establish a Centre of My Love,

of My Heart of Love in their midst,

a Centre of My Presence.


Come! Come!

Come, My people,

to Me,

to My Love,

to My Heart of Love!


Only in My Love you will find  






I am your God.

You are My people.

In this My Centre of Love there will be


perpetual adoration

of My Love,

of My Presence

in the Sacrament of My Love

in your midst day and night.


From this place I mean to pour

My blessings of My Infinite Love

on the whole people,

on the whole land.


I mean to claim all who belong to Me,

and bless all and save all who come to Me.


Here true Love of God and of one another

is to be lived, taught and practised.

Pure and holy Love.

Here is the School of Love

for the whole people,

for the whole world.


The poor are to be taken care of,

the rich are to share,

the sick will be cured,

and all will share,

all will take part

in the Heart of My Love.


Here I mean to unite the hearts of all.

All will be one.

I am God.

One God,

one Love,

the God of all,

the God of Love.


Oh, My Love will reign!

From here My Love will spread to all, into

every heart and home,

every community,

everywhere and

at all times.



Oh, My Love will reign.

There will be attacks from the evil one

but My Love will reign! »














Message On The Priests


Jesus says:

« My Love,

any country from where a priest comes is blessed,

any community from where a priest comes is blessed.       

Any family from where a priest comes is blessed.    

Any womb that bears a priest is blessed.       

Any loin from where/from whom a priest comes is blessed.


Blessed are those

who receive My priests,

they receive Me personally.


Any person

who rejects a priest or insults a priest

or neglects a priest

neglects Me personally.


My Love,

My priests are

the most precious of all My creatures,

they are not just ordinary human beings,

they are Me –

another Me –

another Christ

in the real sense and in every sense,

the only difference is

that they are not gods

and cannot be God.


For God is one – Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


My Son,

thank My priests,

My priestly sons,

for their love and willingness

to work for Me and with Me,

to care for My children,

My sons, My daughters in the church, in the world.


All My sons and daughters in the church

are to love and care for My priests,

My priestly sons.

My priests,

My priestly sons are to love and care and

offer their lives for

My sons and daughters in My church.


Tell My baptized and

confirmed sons and daughters,

they are not to try to control or dictate to

My consecrated sons and daughters;


and tell My baptized and

confirmed and

consecrated sons and daughters,

they are not to dictate, to control their rector,

dominate My ordained sons,


My priestly sons.

My priestly sons are

precious gifts of Myself

in the person of My priestly sons

to My church.



Tell My ordained sons

to be responsible,

to know,

to be sufficiently aware of

their responsibility of leadership

and teaching and sanctification

and sacrifice and purification

of My entire people.



Every priest

is priest of My entire people,

his love and prayers and sacrifice,

even when concentrated on a specific

group of community, assigned to him

by his superior, or bishop,

his whole heart and love and prayers

and sacrifice and concern

should extend to the entire people,

My church, all My children.



In this way will he realize

the full splendour and attraction,

responsibility of his priesthood,

which is Mine,

it is My priesthood.




I am the universal and eternal High priest.


My priestly sons are

My very special children

of My Hearts of Love.

I love them very, very tenderly.

I care for them with all My Heart of Love.

I am in them and

I unite Myself permanently with them.

Let them never weaver.



Any and all of them,

who remain true, steadfast to his         

priestly commitment and duty,

will never, never be led astray

by any person or force.


He will certainly reach his goal of eternal union

and happiness in Me in Heaven.



I thank all My priests,

I love all My priests,

I revere all My priests,

I praise all My priests,

I honour all My priests,

I cherish them,


I draw them deep into My Heart of Love,

I cover them with the blood of My Love,

I am in them,

I am one with them,



I continue My work of

teaching and salvation and

sacrifice and sanctification and

glorification and union

with My eternal loving Father

in My Holy Spirit

through My beloved priests.


My beloved priests

are special children of My Love,

of My Hearts of Love.

All in My Hearts of Love

are to pray for, care

and have special concern for them.



My priestly sons!

Anything done to them is done to Me directly.

Anything given to them is given to Me directly.

I am one with My priestly sons.


Let all love, care and honour them.

Let all listen attentively to their preaching.


Come and see,

I will show you

the splendour of My priests: 


He let me have a glimpse into Heaven and said:


See, nearest to Me and

higher than all My Angels and Saints

are My priests.


The trunk of My beloved saintly priests

are all next to Me,

surrounded in indescribable splendour.


My saintly priests

are the joy of My Heart of Love.

They are the glory

of My Church

on earth and in Heaven. »







Message On The Synod And Church In Africa

At 07.22 in Air France from Paris-Charles de Gaulle

to Rome-Fiumicino:



Jesus says:

« Now I want to talk to you

about the synod for Africa.


This synod belongs to one

of the most important things

happening in the Church today

not just for Africa

but for the whole world:


My Son,

listen as I speak to you

about the Synod and the Church in Africa.

I have placed much of My hope, faith and love

in the Church in Africa and

I repose same in the synod.


Please pray for the synod fathers

that they take this synod as serious as possible,


because through it a lot of good and blessings

and progress and prosperity will come

to My Church especially in Africa.



My beloved Love,

I have appointed you

the bearer of My Hearts of Love,

the personification of My Love in and through

the Two Hearts of Love

in union with the

Most Holy Eucharist and

in full union

with the Most Holy Trinity of Love. »




Messages On The Pilgrimage

To The Holy Land

October 21, 2009

Jesus says:

« My Love,

I thank you for coming

to the Land of My birth here on earth.

Love this Land and people and

cherish and honour this Land and people.

I thank you for reverencing this Land and people

of My earthly birth.



I love and cherish and revere and honour

the land and people of your earthly birth and

I bring all My Angels and Saints and My church

and all who love and follow Me

to honour the land and people of your birth.



I want you to be coming on pilgrimage

to the Land and people of My birth on earth

every year if possible

as you go to Rome every year

for the Feast of My Hearts of Love.


I will give you the means for it.

In this way you will be bringing people

to the Love of Me even in the very Land

and among the very people of My birth.



My Love,

I am still being rejected by My own people

and My own Land of earthly birth.

It has happened to you and will also happen to you

but do not be worried, you are Me and I am you.

We are one for we are One.

As I and My Father are One,

so I am One with you.



My Love,

I love this people and this Land of My birth and     

I want all to love and cherish this Land and people of My birth.

I will bring the Family of My Hearts of Love

to this people and Land of my earthly birth and

plant them as a community of My Love and peace.

I will make it possible.     



My Son,

My Love, pray and work for it.

It is you who are My abode.

I dwell in you and in all in My Hearts of Love.

There will be attacks, but do not be afraid and

do not be discouraged,

I  am with you both now

and forever and ever.




I dwell in you,

I live in you and

I am more active in you,

more than in any other,

more than any human mind can fathom.

I am with you both now

and forever and ever.




My Love,

I thank you immensely

for coming to the very town and place

where My Incarnation took place.

This place is forever and ever hallowed

by My Incarnation.



Here you have done for Me

and for the whole Church          

and the whole creation

what pleases Me and My Father and My Holy Spirit

and My Mother and all My Angels and Saints most –

the Most Holy Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Mass.


Thank you for listening

and doing what I tell you.

I begged you

as you knelt and prostrated in prayer in the

Church of My Incarnation,

Church of Annunciation –

I requested you and commanded you

to offer the sacrifice of Holy Mass for Me and

you complied immediately.



My Love,

just be doing all I bid you and

you will see the tremendous miraculous progress

and blessings that will be poured on you

and the whole family of My Love

and My whole Church and entire creation.


It will be a continuation

of the blessings of heaven and earth

poured upon My Most Blessed Mother

as she gave Me herself

completely absolutely and unconditionally

in Love in her FIAT.



This FIAT is forever and ever

the most blessed and perfect response

and prayer a creature has offered to God.

I am most pleased with My Mother.



My Love,

I am very, very pleased with you.

Please give Me always

this your eternal and infinite YES

to My Most Holy Will,

as I gave Myself infinitely and eternally

to My Most Loving Father in

My YES to His Most Holy

and Loving Will. »



October 22, 2009

After Midnight Mass the Lord said:

« I want you to be organising

pilgrimages every year

to this Holy Land and to Rome and

to My Universal Centre –

My Holy Mountain.

My Holy Mountain is

My Holiest Mount on earth.

There is My Sceptre. »

At Cana in Galilea Mother Mary said:

« My Most beloved Love,

do whatever the Lord tells you and

avoid whatever He forbids.

Do this perfectly and avoid that completely.


You are the miracle of the Lord.


Love Him perfectly,

living the life of purity and holiness and

keeping the prayer times,

thus you bring all to the Love of Him.

I, your Mother, I am with you

both now and forever and ever.


I am continually praying the Lord God,

the Most Holy Trinity, on your behalf.


He loves you and will not only

ornament your preaching with miracles

especially miracles of union and Love of all hearts


but He will turn you

into a living miracle of Love for all.


He has done this and will do it

and bring all to fulfilment.

He is with you

both now and forever and ever.



Please, my Love,

my Most beloved Love,

‚agwa Gi uka Gi ekwere.‘


At every station listen, listen always to God,

even ask Him what you have to do and

do whatever and all He tells you perfectly well

and you will see that your mission

will be continually and fully fulfilled

both now and forever and ever.


Alleluia! »

October 23, 2009


After Midnight Mass Jesus says:

« My Love,

your public ministry and witness has started

and I will be with you to strengthen you and

support you and make your witnessing bear all the fruits.


My Love,

I am with you

both now and forever and ever. 

Amen. »



October 25, 2009

After Holy Mass at the Upper Room House Jesus says:


« My Love, My most beloved Love,

I thank you for celebrating

such a beautiful, holy, elevating, comforting,

glorifying and most loving

Holy Eucharistic Sacrifice

of the Holy Mass for Me.


I thank you for celebrating Me so –

most lovingly, beautifully, comforting,

glorifying, elevating, magnificent and

drawing all around

to the deepest loving encounter

with Me and with one another.


My Love,

I promise you

at every Holy Mass you celebrate,

when you raise Me up

in the Most Sacred Species

I will draw uncountable souls

and creatures to Myself.


My supreme intention and will is

to draw all to Myself.

Please, My Most beloved Love,

help Me to draw all to Myself through you.

In the Holy Eucharist you have celebrated

I have transformed you into Myself

and united Myself with you

in such a union that

I am completely one with you.


My Will is your will,

My Heart is your heart,

My Love is your love,

My Way is your way,

My Life is your life,

My Blood is your blood,

My Body is your body,

My Life is your life,

My Joy is your joy.


Simply and clearly:

I am you and you are Me.


Never be afraid or ashamed

to live My perfect union and identity with you.


I am you and you are Me.


I Am He Who Am the God of Love –

your God, your Love, your All!

I Am He Who Am –

the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,

the God of Israel,

the God of Moses and Joshua,

the God of Elija and Isaiah,


I alone am God,

there is no other.


Now rest and be sure

I am with you

both now and forever and ever.



My Love,

I want to thank you

for your Love,

for being My Love and

accepting My Love and

accepting to be My Love,

for being the embodiment of My Love and

the radiance of My Love. »

November 2, 2009


Jesus says:

« My Love,

I thank you for accepting to be My Love.

I thank you for accepting My Love without conditions.    

I love you with eternal Love and

I want you to love all human beings with My Love.


All you love with

My Love you win back to Me.

My Love,

love Me and

love all with

My Love.


Today on your Feast Day,

I want to talk to you about souls

and how important your mission is for the

fulfilment of the eternal plan of God

to redeem all souls out of His Infinite Love and mercy.

If I gain the whole world

and loose My soul or any soul

I have lost everything and the greatest, but

if I loose the whole world

and gain My soul and any soul

I have gained everything and the greatest.


My Love,

pursue the winning of souls,

every soul and all souls

at every cost, at all costs.

Lie down and rest a while. »

November 4, 2009


«There are many evil forces in the world

seeking to dominate and destroy the spirit of man.

Tell all human beings that they are

My beloved people.

I love them all and will preserve and protect them

and prosper them all in

My Love and unite them all to

My Two Wounded and bleeding Hearts.

My Love,

I am with you

both now and forever and ever.

Amen. »


« My Love,

help all human beings

to come to the fullness of love and life

in union with

My Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.

My Love,

fight for all souls,

for all hearts,

for all human beings

to come to the fullness

of salvation,

of love,

of life.


Fight and destroy and kill

the enemy of human life and Love,

the enemy of human spirit and soul.

I love all human beings,

for their sake I gave Myself to God completely.


My Love,

fight and destroy and kill

the devil and all his agents and

wicked Angels and forces.


My Love,

please help and eliminate

all these evil forces.

I am with you to grant you

the greatest success.


Your mission is My mission and

your mission must succeed.

I have granted the greatest success

to this great mission of Love

of the Hearts of Love.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love. »









Guidelines For The Formation Of Priests

Of The Two Hearts Of Love SHL


Jesus declares:

« My Son, My Love,

here are the guidelines for the formation

of the Priests of the Two Hearts of Love.


They have to be in perfect union and oneness

with My Love, with My Heart –

you are My Love, you are My Heart -,

perfect union and oneness with you,

the Love of God and

the Love of Man.


They have to be in perfect union and oneness

with The Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love       

– the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

the Two Hearts of Love ever united in Love.


They have to be in perfect union and oneness

with the Church – the Catholic Church –

their place is your place

in the very Heart of the Catholic Church.


So they have to be in union and oneness

with the Pope,

the Magisterium of the Church,

the bishops,

in union with the Pope,

the Priests, Religious Men and Women,

the Lay Apostles,

the Consecrated (who consecrated themselves to the Two Hearts of Love, ed.)

and the baptised,   

all men and women of goodwill –

all in union with the Catholic Church.




They have to be in perfect and total and absolute obedience

to the Most Holy Will of God –

in union and oneness, in Love

with the Most Holy Trinity of Love.


They have to be in perfect union and oneness

with one another

knowing that the Love of God

is the same as the Love of Man,

the Love of God and the Love of neighbour

are one and inseparable.


Their first neighbour is

their fellow brothers,

priests and

members of the

Family of the Two Hearts of Love.


They have to be consumed by the Love of God

and all souls and all persons and

communities and nations and races,

loving all with the same and one Love of God

and in this way winning all

and uniting all to the Love of God.


They have to have always before their eyes

the goal of perfect

union and oneness with the Love of God.

In all they think, say and do,

they have to be in

union and oneness with the Love of God.


They are in the world,

but not of the world and

they have to be perfectly formed

in the Image of the Love of Christ

being one with Christ’s Love for God,

the Church and mankind and

all souls and all creation.


The Most Holy Eucharist is

the centre of their lives,

both communal and individual lives.


The absolute Love for the

Prayer of the Hearts of Love

is their Life and their Love

and perpetual preoccupation day and night

both in community and deep

in their personal and individual

hearts and mind and spirit.

Their souls and bodies and physical existence is

consumed by the flaming fire of this Love –

every heart beat most

lovingly and

beautifully and


offers this prayer of Love.


Their whole life is one unbroken rhythm of

Prayer of the Hearts of Love.


They know that it is their vocation to be

victims of Love

in union and oneness with the

supreme Victim of Love – Jesus Christ,

in union and oneness with the

Most Holy and Immaculate

Virgin and Mother Mary.        


I will guide your

thoughts and words and actions. »


Message On The Sisters For Their

Final Profession

August 1, 2006

Jesus says:

« My Love,

I want to talk to you about the sisters

who will be going in to prepare for final profession.


Before applying for it any person must produce

written authenticated evidence

of complete faithfulness and compliance

with the prayer times and life of Love.


All the professed sisters must send in

  • a totally confidential report and conscientious assessment

written before Me in the Blessed Sacrament

of all they know about the sisters, both positive and negative,

with regard to the life of vocation as sisters,

  • concerning these main points of prayer life of Love,

compassion, identification with the ideals of the Hearts of Love,

  • in complete and unconditional and eternal oneness

with the Most Holy Will of God.


Each professed sister must

  • pursuit perfection and sanctity

with all she is and has;

  • prove her union and oneness

with the Love of God in purity and holiness of Life;

  • prove her union and oneness

with the Prayer of the Hearts of Love;

  • prove her absolute faithfulness

and unflinching and unconditional and loving

attendance to the Prayer Times without fail no matter the reasons;

and in spite of any difficulties and weakness and temptation and obstacles.


I mean to pour the Blood of My Love not minding the obstacles

  • so with the keeping of the Prayer Times without conditions

and no compromise with whole heart and mind and soul and all her Love;

  • union and oneness

with you, My Love and Founder, with your Spirit, charism, character;

  • union and oneness

with the Society of the Two Hearts of Love, especially with the sisters of her congregation, and with other members of various circles and stages;

  • union

with the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary,

as Victim of Love,

  • in union

with the Supreme Victim of Love, Jesus Christ,

and Our Blessed Mother Mary.


She has to be Maria and in

  • union and oneness with the other sisters, they have to be one Maria.

She must prove

  • her union and oneness

with the Catholic Church with passionate Love and joyful and loving

defence and promotion of the Church;

  • her great Love, obedience, respect and allegiance to the Pope and Bishops
  • in union

with him, Priests, Religious Sisters and Brothers, all Consecrated Life, Laity,

all Baptised, and her love for all souls and all human beings;      

  • her union and oneness

with Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament, the Most Holy Eucharist;

  • her great unconditional Love

and complete attachment for and total dependence on the Mass;

  • her great Love

for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and all the Sacraments;

  • her union and oneness

with the Most Holy Trinity of Love;

  • her union and oneness

with the vows – the three evangelical vows

and the vows particular and special to her congregation;

  • her comprehensive report of apostolate

done so far and pastoral program and plan and

even results so far visibly attained by the grace of God.

She must send in

  • a confidential report and recommendation

from communities where she has lived, worked, studied

or even religious, relations and friends who know her well;

  • with regard to her faithfulness

to her vocation as victim of Love in this Society and Congregation.

I will tell you more, pray, I will reveal to you their spirit.


The professed sister has to send in

  • her medical and psychological reports comprehensive;
  • progress report and comprehensive assessment
  • in the areas of continuous spiritual formation;
  • human formation;
  • intellectual – theological formation in the

theology of the Two Hearts of Love;

  • apostolic pastoral formation etc.

She must declare:

  • How many new vocations

has she attracted and promoted in this Congregation, Society

and in the Church?

  • In which initiatives,

community life and team work did she take part?




My Love,

any persons you have any doubts at all about her suitability for vows – first or final vows

  • you are bound to fully investigate and clear the doubts

before promoting the person to the vows and proceeding with her.

For the final professed sisters there is need at this stage

  • to give one full year of formation and assessment

so as not to do harm to them and to the Society and Congregation and

the Church and to her religious vocation.


My Love,     

  • take proper personal care of them and form and prepare them personally

at Ugwu-Nso.

  • Let them live in seclusion and deep personal reflection and preparation.
  • Let no other occupation distract them from full preparation

for their final vows.


This is the greatest thing happening to their lives in their life time.

The next is beatification and canonisation which happens when they are dead. Take the final profession as living beatification.


In fact, My Son,

any person you admit to final vows I have admitted for beatification.


Do not hurry it.

Take time and devote

all the necessary prayer and preparation, time and resources, sacrifice and research.


Let each candidate

  • write her autobiography and
  • let another person who knows her well write

a comprehensive biography of her, which will be well documented on her life as a Victim of Love.


My Son,

I will give all the blessings and graces necessary

for this comprehensive preparation.


It cannot happen that you will admit any person to final vows

who you do not know allround comprehensively and deeply spiritually.


Final vows is more than marriage.

It is next to beatification.


For any person to be admitted to final vows

there must be enough evidence which can be used

to advance her cause of beatification.

At least it must be certain

  • that she is firmly fixed on this narrow and thorny path of sanctity.


Give them

  • at least one year of intensive prayer and discernment and preparation.
  • Give them a six month preparation personally guided by you.
  • The remaining six months will be guided by the Servant General (Preparer Mother).

You will need to bring in

  • spiritual and theological and human experts in many fields

to supply them all they require, to prepare very, very well.


Please, My Son,

demonstrate for Me and for them My great Love for them

in this period of their preparation and

let them have already here on earth

some foretaste of the glory of the Life of Love and purity

and holiness and oneness with you and this Prayer,

with the Two Hearts of Love in the heart of the Catholic Church,

with the Most Holy Eucharist and the Most Holy Trinity of Love.

Let them have some glimpse

of what is awaiting them

if they remain completely faithful till the end.

In this time let them have an experience

close to what I gave My apostles at the mount of transfiguration.


Let them be completely fixed on holiness and purity.


This is the purpose of this final profession

–   that it is clearly attested

that the person is completely and unconditionally fixed –

freely, firmly fixed

  • on Love,
  • on Prayer,
  • on you,
  • on the Two Hearts of Love,
  • on the Church,
  • on the Holy Eucharist and
  • on the Most Holy Trinity,

as a sign,

that Love, the Prayer and the vows are totally

fixed and internalized in her.

She is a living embodiment and manifestation

of the ideals and goals and glory of the Hearts of Love.


My Son,

make them

My Glory and

your glory and

the glory of My Church

here on earth and even in heaven (later).

I thank you, I will tell you more.  


After Holy Mass:

My Son,

if you do all I bid you and

follow faithfully the instructions I have given you

regarding this second set (of sisters)

all will be alright.


It will not be easy I must tell you

but I will make sure

that My Congregation receives the best and

becomes a congregation of Saints

Saints of Love.

Saints of the Hearts of Love!

Saints of the Most Holy Eucharist!

Saints in the very heart of My Catholic Church.

Saints of the Most Holy Trinity of Love! 

Your Saints, My Love, My most beloved Love.


Do not hide My Love for you.

I do not hide My Love for you.

Do not hide your Love for Me.

I will never hide your Love for Me and

My Love for you.


You are My most beloved Love,

and this congregation

is the congregation of

My Own Very Heart of Love! 


My Love, listen to My message!

I have chosen this hour to be My Holy Hour.

It is holy to Me,

holy unto the Lord and

I want all men to respect it as Holy Hour.


This is

the hour of My death,

the hour of salvation,

the hour of the piercing of My Heart,

the hour of the opening of the gates of paradise,

the hour of opening of the gates of heaven,

the hour of My descending into Sheol,

into the regions of hell, the territory of the dead,

to wake them from their eternal sleep,


the hour I mean

to unite all hearts with the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts,

the union of union of all hearts

with My Hearts of Love. »
















Jesus Thanks All Who Have Followed

His Call For Prayer

July 6, 2001

« I thank all who have responded

to this Prayer Call,

which I sent from heaven.

All who keep awake and pray

in the middle of the night are blessed.



I bless them with My eternal blessings of Love.

I bless their families und undertakings.

I bless their generation.



Through their prayers  and sacrifice

they are supporting Me in carrying the world –

they are helping Me

in carrying the world,

in saving the world,

in renewing My Church,

in fighting evil.



Let them not get weak.

I am with them.

I am with them always till the end of time.



Let them never get tired.

I am with them and will never, never, never abandon them.

have accepted them and their sacrifice of Love.

They are fragrant offerings of Love of Me.



The light of their prayers and sacrifice shines

through the darkness of sin, of hatred and wickedness and evil.

Darkness cannot overcome them.

Weakness cannot overpower them.


Their Love is united with My Love.

Their hearts are united with My Heart.

Their blood flows into My own.


I am with them.

I am united with them.

They are united with Me.


They form a formidable army of praying and

loving and self-sacrificing souls.


The future of the world, the Church

and the salvation of souls

depend on such sacrifices

of Love and Prayer.



Let them never get tired.

If they see the effect of their sacrifices and prayers

in heaven, on earth and under the earth

they will marvel, they will be surprised.

They will not understand it now.



Their prayer and sacrifice

rock hell,

free innumerable souls in purgatory,

redeem innumerable souls on earth and

bring great joy in heaven.



I am very much comforted,

and My Mother and all My Angels and Saints

thank them and protect them and pray for them.


They form a formidable immense army

with all My Angels and Saints.


The devil fights against them.

Let them not be surprised or discouraged

that the devil is fighting them and

trying to discourage them.



And you,

My Son of Love,

My Heart of Love,

do not be worried at all

that the hell is let loose against you,

that all sorts of plans are being made against you,   

and all sorts of calumny are being unleashed against you,        

that all sorts of publications are being made against you.


Be firm, be firm, be firm.

Do not look left or right, back or front, up or down.

Look only on Me.

Fix your gaze on Me.


I am, I am, I am.

I alone am. I am God and no other.

You are doing My Will, My Eternal Will.

I am immensely pleased with you.


I am with you.

I am with you.

I am with you.

I am with you.

I am giving you the greatest support possible.


Your Mission is My Mission.

Your Mission must succeed.

My Hearts of Love must triumph.

I am! I am! I am!


Now I beg My beloved children

to remember that I am                

– still suffering,

– still lonely in many tabernacles in the world,

– in many hearts in the world,

– in many Churches, 

– in many families I am abandoned and not being cared for.


I call on all My beloved to keep Me company,

fifteen minutes a day is enough

for Me for the meantime.

Let any person choose the time

he/she can come and stay with Me

for at least fifteen minutes.

Just stay with Me.

Just visit Me.

Just say a word of Love to Me. »


« Visit Me – lonely in the Church,

visit Me –      lonely in prisons,

visit Me –      lonely in hospitals,

visit Me –      lonely in old people’s homes,

visit Me –      lonely, abandoned in many homes and places          

and towns in the world.


Please come! Come! Come!


Let all who are ready to do this apostolate of Love,

to give their hearts and their Love,

give Me their names.

I will write them in My own Heart of Love.


Come! Come! Come!

This visiting apostolate of Love, of the Hearts of Love,

will flourish in the whole world.


If enough people do this,

Love will reign

everywhere on earth

as it is in heaven.


I am the God of Love.

I am! I am! I am!

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.


When they visit Me or visit one another

let them say the Prayer of the Hearts of Love.

bless all who will do this apostolate

with My eternal blessings of Love.

I bless all who will propagate this

with all the blessings of My Hearts of Love.

I will be the teacher of all who will do this constantly.       

I Myself will teach them and lead them to perfection in

My School of Love, in My Heart of Love.


They will remain steadfast in My Hearts of Love.

They will never fall away.

No devil can separate them from Me.

No failure will destroy them.

I will raise them up always and

carry them in My Hands and

press them to My Heart.


My Heart of Love is

their place of refuge,

their solace,

their salvation.

I am! I am!

I am their Love!


They are

My loving children

of My Hearts of Love.

I love them all with Eternal Love,

and I bless them all

with My Eternal blessings of Love.


Remain in My Love!

Remain in My Hearts of Love!

Remain united with Me!

I am one with you.


All who remain

steadfast in this

will receive

My Eternal Blessings.

I will bless        

their generation,

their families,

their undertakings.

None of them will be lost.


I will comfort them                      

in all situations,

in their trials and sufferings.


I will stay with them always,

especially at their              

most troublesome,

most abandoned times,

especially their hours of death.


I am with them.

I will be their comfort,

their glory, their happiness.

I am! I am! I am!


I Am He Who Am The God of Love.


Through them

I will pour My blessings on

all to whom they go and

all who come to them.


I will pour My eternal blessings

on My whole Church anew.


Churches where

many of these visits take place

will experience a rebirth

in faith, hope and charity.


Through them (the professed sisters)

I will bless

all in their family,

relations and community,

I mean to pour

My eternal blessings on

all through them.


My children,

I love you.


My beloved children,

give Me this time  –

at least fifteen minutes a day now –

and I will give you eternity

for ever and ever.

Amen. »


Message To The Members

Of My Hearts Of Love

 September 1999

Jesus says:

« My members,

members of My Love,

members of My Body,

members of My Heart,

members of My Blood!


lt is the same Love between Me and My Father and the Holy Spirit.

It is the same Love which united Me forever with My Mother.

lt is the same Love which exists between Me and you,

between Me and every one of you.


I love you all with one and the same Love.

I am Love and I do not change.

I am God of Love, your God,

You are all children of My Love.

I begot each and every one of you

with My Love, with My Heart of Love.


Darling children of My Heart!

My Heart is your home.

My Love is your life.

Live the life of Love always and everywhere,

life of prayer and works of Love.


I repose My confidence on you.

I entrust you with the deepest secrets of My Heart.

I burn with the Love for you – each and everyone of           you.

My Love is all for you. 

Do not be worried.

Do not be afraid.

As long as you remain in My Heart of Love – 

My Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother

ever united and one in Love –

you are secure.


The devil has no power over you.

No catastrophe will,

no catastrophe can,

nothing can destroy you in My Love

as long as you remain united with Me

in My Heart of Love.


Montfort, My Love!

Unite all My children in My Love.

Gather all My children in My heart of Love!

Unite all in My Love.

This is urgent.

Pour the Blood of My Love on all.

Love all with My Love.

Love is. lt is Love. It is only Love. Love is all.

Love is that which unites you and all My children

with Me and My Father and the Holy Spirit,

with My Mother and

with all the Angels and Saints,

with all in heaven and all the redeemed on earth.


Love is all.

Love is that which separates you from the devil.

The devil cannot love.

The devil cannot love Me.

It cannot love you.

lt cannot love itself.

The moment it loves it ceases to be the devil. 

Kill the devil with Love!

Destroy the devil with Love!


As long as you remain in My pure and holy Love,

united in pure and holy Love with one another,

the devil has no power.

You are very, very, very secure in My Love.

The best and highest security for you

is in My Heart of Love.

Remain in My Love.

Remain in My Heart of Love. 


The Triumph of My Heart of Love is there.

My Love is in you.

The Reign of My Heart of Love

is coming among you.


Remain ever united with Me and

with one another in pure and holy Love.

I am in you.

I am for you.

I am with you.

I am. I am. I am:

through this Prayer, Prayer of My Heart of Love. 


This prayer is the precious gift of

My deepest and Infinite Love.

Storm the world,

the whole world

with Prayer,

with this Prayer of

My deepest and Infinite Love:

Prayer of My Heart of Love.


lt is I Myself Who am this Prayer.

Storm everywhere and everybody with it.

Let it reach every heart and every home.

Do not delay.

Put it into every language and every culture. 

This Prayer and works of Love!

Say this Prayer everywhere and every time and

do works of Love everywhere and every time.


The world of creation is Mine.

I give you all

to be My Love in the whole of My creation.

Be My Love everywhere.

Carry My Love everywhere.

Do not be afraid.

You cannot hurt anybody with Love. 


This Prayer is My Love.

My Love cannot be desecrated or destroyed.

Nothing can do that.

My Love can be rejected but

My Love cannot be desecrated, cannot be destroyed.

My Love is Me.

l am My Love.

I am God of Love.


This Prayer cannot be abused.

I Myself I am the security of this Prayer.

Pour this Prayer like rain on all good and bad.

Storm the whole world, all creation with it.

Through this Prayer

My Love reigns.

Through this Prayer and works of Love

My Love reigns.

Love is life and all life is about Love.

Without Love there is no life.

The meaning of life is Love.

Life finds its only and ultimate fulfillment in Love.

I am Love.


My child,

do not delay.

Never, never, never doubt.

Teach all to pray and do works of Love.

Let all pray and do works of Love.

Through My Love I will win all to Myself.

When I am raised up I will draw all to Myself.

I am God and God of Love.

I am Love.

Let all come to Me. 

Separated from Me they are lost.

United with Me they are saved.

This union with Me in My Heart of Love

is already there in this Prayer and in works of Love. 

My child!

My children,

never get tired or worried or angry.

Remain always cheerful,

full of joy and happiness and hope

which comes from the depths of the Heart. 


My Love is all for you.

All you need is My Love.

All you are is My Love.

Outside My Love you are not, you are nothing.

In My Love you have the fullness of Life and existence.    

You are fulfilled. 

I want your happiness here and hereafter.

I want your fullness of Life here and hereafter.

That is only possible with union with Me, in My Love.

Come! Come! Come! Come to My Love!

Come deep into My Heart of Love.


This Prayer cannot be said too much.

Love cannot be loved too much.

There can never be too much Love, excess Love.

There can never be too much Prayer, excess Prayer. 

Let every heartbeat say this Love, say this Prayer.

Let everything say this Prayer, say this Love, express this Love. 

Let everywhere be filled with this Prayer, with this Love.

Let everywhere be set aflame with My Love.

Let everything proclaim My Love. 


Oh, My Love is all.

My Love! In My Heart of Love!

I love all. I love all. I love all.

Let all come to My Love. 

Prayer of Love is Prayer of the new time.

Prayer of the Hearts of Love is the Prayer of the new age!

Love this Prayer! Prayer is Love! Love is Life!

Prayer is Life! Life is Prayer. Life is Love. Live Love, that is all. 


Thank you for listening to Me and loving Me.

Thank you for coming to Me.

Thank you for loving Me.

I am Love.

I will turn you into flaming fires of My Love.

My Love! My Love!

My Love will reign.

Love reigns. My Love reigns in heaven.

My Love will reign on earth.

Oh, My Love reigns!

Oh, My Love will reign!

Oh, My Love reigns! »


Imprimatur: Bishop Ayo-Maria Atoyebi O.P.,

Ilorin Diocese/Nigeria, May 2002


„The Highest Vocation Of Victims Of Love Is

What I Have Given You“

July 12, 2006

Jesus speaking:

« My Son, My Love,

I love you and will ever love you.

I have sent you into the world

so that My Love will be visible, touchable, hearable, consumable.


My Love,

you are being consumed and you consume.

All will consume My Love and

My Love will consume all.


My Love will burn in all.

All hearts will be set aflame with the fire of My Love.

I have come to set fire on the world and

how I wish it burns.

Let the fire burn.

Let all be set aflame with the fire of Divine Love.


My Love,

the highest vocation of Victims of Love, that is

what I have given you and all My children in the Hearts of Love –

My priests, brothers, sisters and lay apostles.


My Son,

teach them and train them to understand

their vocation as Victims of Love and

help them all to understand Love and

to live their vocation as Victims of Love.


Let them all be transformed and be what they are –

the flaming fire of Divine Love.


Let them all be aflame and be burning, wherever they are,

to dispel the darkness of wickedness, hatred and sin.


Let them all be fully united

with the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts and


let them be perfectly united

to the Most Holy Trinity of Love.


My Love,

let them all be perfect, as their heavenly Father is perfect.

Their perfection is the perfection of Love.


Concretely let them all learn from My Heart of Love.


Come to Me all you who labour and are overburdened

and I will give you rest.



Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of Heart.

Let them all learn from My gentle and humble Heart of Love.

Let them shoulder My yoke.


My Love,

My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

My yoke and My burden – that is Love.


That is Living the Life of Love.

That is Living the Life of the Prayer of the Hearts of          Love.

That is Living the Eucharistic Life.

That is Living the Life of the Gospel.

That is Living the Christian Life.


My Love,

let them all learn the Life of bearing witness.


The Life of Love –

loving God and loving all

with the Love of God and

bringing all to the Love of God

in and through and with the Two Hearts of Love    

in prayer and preaching and doing works of Love.


Let them be actively engaged in spreading

the Gospel of Love and shining and radiating

and pouring God’s Love on all.


Let them live the active Life of Love –

visiting the sick,     

feeding the hungry,

clothing the naked,

sheltering the homeless,

giving water to the thirsty,

visiting prisoners,

comforting the afflicted.


My Love,

let them live this.

This is the Life of Love.

This is My yoke and My burden.

It is light and sweet to be Victims of Love.

Receiving the Love of God and radiating it and

pouring it on people with the aim of

doing the Will of God and

saving all souls by

bringing all to the

Love of God and the

Love of God to all.


My Son,

this is the meaning of the Gospel.

This is the meaning of the scriptures.



My Love, this is the meaning of religion.

My Love, this is the meaning of Life – human Life.

My Love, this is the meaning of existence.


Let all My members, all My children know this and

live it and spread it.

Let the whole world be filled

with the knowledge of God,

with this knowledge of God of Love.


God is Love and the vocation of man is Love.

The life of man is Love.

The work of man is Love.

The knowledge of man is Love.


Man, know God and know yourself!

The fulfillment of Man is God is Love.

The fulfillment of all the laws and the prophets is Love.


My Son,

this is what you are – Love:

the Love of God and Love of man.


I have created all out of Love.

There is nothing outside My Love.

Outside My Love there is nothing but

damnation, misery, hell.


The devil has bracketed himself and

all who follow him out from My Love,

even though all is created and destined for My Love,

for infinite and eternal union with Me in Love –

Love and union of the Two Hearts of Love and then

Love and union of the Most Holy Trinity of Love.


But the enemy, the devil and all his agents,

have refused My Love,

separated themselves from My Love and       

established their own rebellion of disobedience,      

separation, hatred, wickedness, sin and misery of hell.      

That is their free choice.


My Son,

that is not all.

The most wicked act is not

that they have chosen to reject My Love, Me –

but that they are fighting to draw

innocent, unsuspecting souls into this hell fire.


My Love,

I have vowed to redeem all My souls.

Please, love Me and fight and

make all the sacrifice in Love,

in prayer and preaching and living the

Life of Love and works of Love,

shining and pouring My Love

to win back all My souls and

unite them to Me in Love.


My Love,

teach all My children to fight and

win all My souls back to Me

and bring them all to the Love of their Father.


I am their Father.

They are all My loving souls.

I love them all.

I created them all out of Love and

I will redeem them all out of Love.


I need your help and I want their help –

their loving response to My Infinite and Eternal Love.

No matter how small.

I need their response to My Love.


Let them all respond to My Love.

Let them all Love Me.

Let them all call Me Love.

I am God Love.

I am God of Love.

Let them all call Me from their hearts: Heart of Love.      

Let them all look at Me, look on Me as God of Love.         

Let them all come to My Love.


Invite them,

call them and

unite them all to Me in Love.

This is your work and

the work of all My children in Love.


My Love,

accomplish this Mission of Love.

This Mission of Love must succeed.

Love must reign.

The Two Hearts of Love must triumph.

The Love of the Most Holy Trinity of Love must reign.

Love must reign in all and through all for all.


I Am He Who Am The God of Love,

and you are My Love.

I am. »


„Your Vocation And The Vocation of Your Children“


Godfather is speaking:

« My Love,

please listen,

I want to talk to you about your vocation and the

vocation of your children in the Hearts of Love.


Your vocation comes from Me direct.

It is I who sent you.

It is I who gave you this Mission.

This Mission is not from anybody else and

not through the mediation of anybody –

I gave it to you direct and it is to Me direct

that you are accountable.


I did not give you this mission

through anybody or group of persons,

not even through the mediation of Angels or Saints.

I called you direct and gave you

this Mission of Love in     the Hearts of Love.


My Love,

please take this very, very seriously.


No other person in the world

could understand the magnitude of this mission,

it is only Me, God,

Who gave it to you.


That is why I did not send you

to any person to direct you.

Nobody would have directed you the way I want it.


That is why I Myself,

I am forming and directing you by

My Holy Spirit and

My Son Jesus Christ.


I have sent you Angels and Saints and holy people

to help you in this Mission.


My entire Church supports you and

works with you and prays for you and with you.

You are a member of My Church

like any other member.


That is why you have to listen

to the Pope and love and

respect and obey him.


That is why you have to listen

to My Bishops, your bishop,

and obey and respect him.


That is why you have to listen

to My Priests, your priest,

and respect and work with them

in obedience to My Most Holy Will.


That is why you have to listen

to My Sisters and Brothers        

and obey their need and work with them and

respect them and help them.


You need the help of the whole Church

and the help of everybody for this work,

because everybody has to open his own heart

to the flow of My Love,

to the radiation of My Love and

the shining and pouring of My Love.


My Love,

this work is apostolate of universal friendship and Love.

Do all I tell you and all will be alright.


Now, the vocation of

all My Children in the Hearts of Love

especially the Priests and Brothers

and Sisters and Lay Apostles

are all tied to yours.


They are all part of your vocation.

This is the way you should understand it and

the way they should understand it.


They have no vocation in the Hearts of Love

without you.     

And your vocation is not fulfilled

without theirs.


I have established a union with you and them

such that nobody and nothing can destroy it. 


Do not be afraid or worried,

there will never be a time when they will

do without you.

For without you they are nothing.


My Love,

listen well.

Protect their vocation as you protect yours.

Love their vocation as you love yours.

Cherish their vocation as you cherish yours.


They are all yours.

They are all your vocation.

They are all part and partial of your vocation of Love.


Love them as you love Me

and love yourself.


My Love,

this Love is real and pure and holy and unalloyed.

You cannot remain pure if they are not preserved in          purity.

Your purity is the preservation of their purity and

their purity is the manifestation and preservation and      

prolongation and extension of your purity.


Please, My Love,

this type of union between you and them

and between you and Me

has never been like that

since the beginning of the Church.


Your position is completely different.

Many will not understand that

but later I will make it as clear as daylight

to all to whom it is given to understand it.

There is no saying

that you are drawing them to you.


To be united with you

in eternal and infinite bond and union of Love

that touches and goes to the deepest roots of

their being and existence and eternal salvation

is the way,

I have made their vocation

and your vocation

and all in Me.


You are Me and you are My Love.

They are you and your Love.

They are you.

They are you.

They are you.

That is how I have made it from all eternity.


All the priests, brothers and sisters

and lay apostles of My Hearts of Love

are you. You are they.

They are you and you are they.

They are you and you are they.

They are you and you are they.

Say this millions of times to them

so that they will know

who they are and who you are.

They have no identity outside you.

You are identified with them

both now and forever and ever.


This bond of union is My eternal bond of Love.

It is infinite and does not depend on anything          

but My Most Holy and Eternal Will.


My Son,

that is how it is.

That is how it was.

That is how it will be

forever and ever.                                                  

Amen. »


Father Montfort says:

„Oh, my God, this is indescribable Love.

This is Infinite and Eternal Love.

I love You, my God, my Love, my All.

Help me to love and cherish and protect and sacrifice all

for the good of all these precious souls and vocations

You have given me and

eternally and infinitely united with me in You,

in Your Church,

in Your Hearts of Love,

in the Most Holy Trinity of Love.“


« My Love,

the prayer you said asking for helpers,

is the prayer I put in you.

It is the prayer I said in you.

I have given you helpers after My Heart,

who will have great Love of Me and

who will work with you

in complete union in Love,

in the Hearts of Love,

in the Love of the Most Holy Trinity,

in the heart of My Catholic Church.


Take care of all of them

with all the Love you are and you have.

I take care of all of you

with all the Love I am and I have.


I Am He Who Am The God of Love.

And you are My Love. »



This Little Family Of Love

Will Be The Greatest In My Church

June 21, 2003

Jesus explains:

« What I am doing with this My little family is this:


I have been looking for a person,

in whom I will live and    

through whom I will let

My Glory, My Love

shine like the sun,

more than the sun,

on the whole world,

on the whole of My creation

in Heaven and on earth.


I found this in My Mother,

the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.         


She gave Me all she is and has, and

I gave her all I have and I am.

We are one, I am one with her.


The clearest representation of

this our oneness is

the oneness in Love,

oneness in the Heart,

union in the Heart.

I remain forever thankful to Her,

My Most Blessed Mother.


Now I have been looking for the person,

in whom this union,

this oneness of Love,

oneness of the Hearts in Love,

will live and through whom

it will shine like the sun,

and more than the sun,

in the whole world,

in the whole of My creation,

in Heaven and on earth.


And I have found this in you.

I sent you into this world just for this reason,


to love and live and pray and preach

this oneness of Love,

union of hearts of Love,

which is also union with the

Most Blessed Trinity.

Now, as you prayed to Me

asking Me to give you helpers

for this great mission,

this work which I have given you to do,


I have chosen people

who will have great Love of Me and

who will work with you.


From these people

I mean to form a family,

a stable, a steady family, a solid family,

which will be the foundation of the

renewal of My Church and

My creation in the Love.


This Love

which has its origin in the

Most Blessed Trinity and

which is the same Love in the

Two Hearts ever united in Love and

which is the same Love in you: 


this is the same Love

which I have planted in

this little family of Love.


I am always beginning little and new.

I am always renewing

My Church and My creation.


This family will be an

unflinching support for you

in your mission – this work.


They are your co-workers.

They are My family and

they are in the family

of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


This family receives and bears and spreads the

Love of the Most Holy Trinity.

This family is not God.

God is one in Three Divine Persons.


This family is a little family,

but I have great things for this family.

When they live My Love

they will be


the greatest Family in My Church, in the world.



They are to receive My Love and

radiate My Love in the whole world.

Wherever they are,

the presence of My Love will be felt.

All who see them will know

that this is a blessed Family –

the Family of Love,

of the Hearts of Love,

of the Two Hearts of Love,

of the Most Holy Trinity of Love.


This family has to know

that it is special unto the Lord,

but at the same time must remain simple,

pure, holy, humble, uncontaminated.


Their wills will have to be united

with My Holy Will and

they have to be one

as I am one with My Mother,

the Two Hearts ever united in Love.

As I am one with the Father and the Holy Spirit


The Spirit of oneness must live in them,


not the spirit of division and separation,

no matter where they are,

they have to be one.          


One in heart,

one in soul,

one in body, 

one in prayer,

one in work.


My Son,

please make them one,

make sure that they are one.

They must be one to fulfil My purpose.


Take full control and make sure that they are one.

Through their oneness they will be universal.


They have always to be united with you,

their Father, their Love.


They have to be united with My Mother,

their Mother, their Love.


They have to be always united with Me,

their Lord and God, their All.


They have to be always united with My Father,

their Father, the One Father in Heaven.

They have to be united

with My Holy Spirit,

their Holy Spirit,

who inspires and strengthens them and

is their advocate everywhere and all times.


I mean to pour My Glory into them.


This is, why I require them to be always

adoring Me in the Most Blessed Sacrament.


During the adoration

I pour My Love steadily into them,

I pour My Glory steadily into them,

I pour My Life steadily into them,


I transform them into My Light of Love,

I transform them into My people, My family,

My workers, My instruments of Love.


I change them into flaming fires of Divine Love.

I bring them deep into My Heart of Love.

I let My blood flow into them and

I let them flow in Me.

They draw life from Me.


The Life they live is

no longer their ordinary lives but

My Love, My Life of Love,

Life lived in union with Me in Love.


What I do with them

during adoration is

what I do with

My Angels and Saints in Heaven.

Adoration is earthly Heaven,

life of adoration on earth is

life of an earthly Heaven.  


My Son,

encourage them to live this Life always.

If they live this Life

as I want them to live,

prosperity in grace will be theirs,

prosperity in holiness will be theirs,

prosperity in all the blessings

of heaven and earth

will be theirs.



The enemy will do all things possible

to distract them, to disturb them.

It will even bring storms and quakes and

all sorts of things to distract them.

But please reassure them,

that they are absolutely protected

in My Hearts of Love.


Let them not be disturbed.

Just as the enemy is trying

to disturb this message,

I am giving you now,

but has not and will not succeed.


So will it try to distract and disturb them,

but will never succeed

as long as they

remain united with Me in Love.


My Love is almighty.

My Almighty power shows itself

most especially in Love.



Let them know what they are

for Me,

for you,

for the Church,

for the whole world.

Especially let them know,

what they are

for you in this Mission.


Their reason for existing is this Mission.



Tell them all.

They are ever to be united in Love with you.


Let nothing and let nobody,

no matter who, no matter what,


let no situation, nothing whatsoever,

separate them from you.


You are Love,

you are Father.


Their union with you is

union in pure and holy Love, like the

union I have with My Mother.


You are their Father,

their Mother,

their sister,

their brother,

they are your mother,

your sister,

your brother.


Go to them.

They are waiting.

Be one with them and

remain united with them in

pure and holy Love of the Hearts of Love

of the Most Blessed Trinity.

They are your family.


I love them as

I love you and

I want them to

love Me as you

love Me.

Tell them all this.


Every day I will be giving you

messages for them.


I love them,

I love them,

I love them.

I love them.

I love them.

I love them especially because

they are united with My Love.

They are one in My Love.


My Love, My Love, My Love.

Love them all with My love.


My Love is their Life,

their existence, their glory, their salvation,

their eternal and their all.


I am All for them.

I am Love for them.

Let them be all for Me.

When they do all I tell them,

they will be all for Me.

I love them,

My Love.


My Love,

love them with My Love,

with all My Love.

Go to them, they are waiting.

Be My Love among them,

in them and through them.


I will let the whole world know that

I am God Love,

the God of Love.




I will let My Glory shine through them.

I will establish the Reign of My Love through them.            



Let them remain steadfast         

in Prayer,

in Love,

in Adoration,

in Union in Love.



With Me,

with the Father,     

with the Holy Spirit,

with My Church,

with My Mother Mary,

with all My Angels and Saints,

with you, My Love.

Go to them.  



My Son,

I thank you

for saving My House, My Family.

I thank you,

I will bless you forever and ever.

I will bless My Family forever and ever.

I will bless My House with My Eternal Blessings.



Let My Family, My House, My People

live the life they should live and

I will bless them with

My Eternal Blessings of

Love and prosperity in grace.



They will not lack anything,

which they need for life, for work.

They may not have luxuries,

but they will never lack anything,

which they need for life and apostolate.



Their life is prayer.

Their apostolate is prayer.



Their life is Love.

Their apostolate is Love.



They are to teach all

the Prayer of Love,

the Life of Prayer,

the Apostolate of Prayer of Love,

the Work of Love.




My Son,

let nothing worry you.

You will see,

what I will do with this House,

My House, your House.



You will see,

what I will do with this Family,

My Family, your Family.

Be calm but vigilant.


Do not be afraid to lead My Family.

Do not be afraid to take decisions.

Do all I tell you.



My Son,

take the decisions according to My Spirit,

My Love,

and to My Will and

I will supply all the graces and means

needed to execute them.



Take full control of this House and

restructure it to suit My Purpose,

the Life and Apostolate of the

Hearts of Love. »






















Message On The Importance Of

Keeping The Prayer Times

November 6, 2002. Morning.

Jesus warns us:

« My Son! My Love!

My Son of Love!

Note this:


Keeping of the Prayer times

is a sign, clear sign

of the Triumph of Love,

of the Triumph of the Hearts of Love,

of the Reign of the Love of God in the Hearts of Love.


Please keep them and

teach others to

keep them very, very religiously.

I Am He Who Am.


In all the Centres of My Hearts of Love,

in all hearts united to My Hearts of Love,

the Prayer times are to be regularly kept.


Anybody not willing to keep the Prayer times

should not live in any of My Centres

of the Hearts of Love.


My Centres are Centres of Prayer,

Centres of Triumph and

Centres of the Reign of My Divine Love.


When all the prayer times are

kept religiously –

kept by all who live there –

no matter their fewness –

there will be extraordinary

peace and love there,

peace and love which the world cannot give

will reign there.

All who live there

will feel it.

All who come there with open heart

will notice it and

will be filled with this peace and love.

This Peace and Love is My Presence – is Me.


Let all know that this is what I want.

This is how My Centres of My Hearts of Love

are to be run.


My Centre is built on Love and

rotates on the Prayer and

prayer times of the Hearts of Love.


This is how I mean

to establish the Reign of My Love

in My Hearts of Love.


My Love must reign.

My Hearts of Love must triumph –

through this Prayer and works of Love.


The principal sin of those given to Me –

dedicated to Me in My Hearts of Love –

is not keeping these prayer times and

not doing works of Love.

The principal sin at My Centres of My Hearts of Love

is not keeping the prayer times and

not doing works of Love.


My Son,

I asked you to teach all to say the prayer

especially at 12, 4, 6,

at communion, Holy Mass, Holy Hour, Vigil.


Let it be kept.

I bless all who

keep these prayer times and do works of Love.

They are My martyrs of Love.

They give their lives and pour their blood of Love

in union with Mine

for the whole world, the whole Church.


They are My heroes,

My Saints,

My beloved,

My companions,

My members.

They are My Love.

I love and cherish them all.

Let them realise

that these times are the

times of eternal union in Love,

in peace and Love,

they are times of triumph,

times of eternal triumph,

times of eternal graces,

times of eternal blessings,

times of eternity.


At these times

eternity unites with time and

time flows into eternity.

All in heaven

unite with the beloved on earth

and in purgatory.


Eternal flames of Love

burn from heaven to earth.

Eternal streams of Love

flow from heaven to earth and

from earth back to heaven.

Oh, what a wonderful union,

peace, Love, triumph.


It is in this simple way and plan

that the enemy, the devil,

will be destroyed

and all his plans annihilated.


My Son,

remain strong.

I am with you and with all who

keep these prayer times and do works of Love.

I am your God, your Love, your All.

I am their God, their Love their All.

Be one with Me.

I am one with you.

Every day before they go to sleep

let them examine their consciences –

personal and collective –

how they have kept the prayer times and

how they have lived the

Life of Prayer and works of Love.

Any failures, omissions, laxity,

should be confessed and

let them ask for pardon in all humility

both, personally and collectively.

I am the God of Love, mercy, pardon.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.


My Son,

My Love, My Love, My Love, My Love,

I am, I am, I am.

I bless you and I bless all with you.

I bless you and I bless all with

My Eternal Blessings of Love.

Peace and Love.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Halleluiah! Halleluiah! Halleluiah!


O, My Love must reign!

O, My Love reigns!

O, My Love will ever reign! »


Message On The Temptation

August 17, 1999

At the very beginning of community-life in Germany


Jesus says:

« My Son,

the temptation is there.

It will last for a little while and the

Reign of My Love will be made clear.


I have given you a very strong faith,

which has united you firmly to Me.

Do not be shaken. 

Tell the members not to be shaken.


Do not fear.

I am.

I am God.

I am the God of Love.

I have everything under My control.



Pray a lot for this little group.


That this temptation

to scatter and destroy this little group

is coming so soon

is all the better now than later.


This is My community.

I am the Heart and Soul

of this community.


They are all My members.

I am the Vine

they are the branches.


Ask them to remain united with Me,

for separated from Me

they are nothing;

but united with Me

they will receive all.


Tell them

to stand firm and pray and

do some penance – the much they can.

I am in their midst.


For entry into the community

proper preparation is necessary.


Nobody is to be accepted

without being properly prepared. »


Message On purity And Holiness

July 6, 2006

Jesus says:

« Now, My Love,

today on the Feast of St. Maria Goretti

I want to talk to you about


purity and holiness of soul, spirit and body.


I have already made it clear to you

that without holiness and purity

there can be no reign of the Hearts of Love,

there can be no reign of Love,

there can be no reign of God,

there can be no reign of the spiritual or

heavenly or true and right religion,

there can be no salvation.


Do you know

how many souls are being destroyed,

misled and damned because of impurity?


My Son,

your greatest enemy

you have to fight is

impurity and lack of holiness.


Fight it first of all

in you and around you,

then in your brothers and sisters

and around them.


Establish the right atmosphere

and environment

of purity and holiness

among you,

among your brothers and sisters

and you will see how

the Reign of Love,

true Love, pure and holy Love

will blossom.


Do not tolerate or ignore or downplay

any signs no matter how small

of impurity and lack of holiness.

This must be emphasized.


This is what is destroying the work

and negating the efforts

of so many priests and religious

in the world today.

I do not want

anything impure or unholy to come in –

in you or in this mission of My Hearts of Love,

in you or around you,

in My sisters and brothers or around them.


I mean to protect them with the

fire of My Divine Love as

I did protect My Mother,

but they must be prepared

to listen to Me and

obey Me completely,

submit their wills to Me completely,

give Me their bodies completely,

all the organs and senses

all the time and everywhere,

consecrate themselves to Me wholly and entirely and

do what I tell them,

all I tell them and

avoid all I forbid.


Let them keep My commandments and rules.


Now you have heard what

St. Theresa told you to avoid.

Be strict with that

very very completely and meticulously and

teach all your children

to live and do and be the same.


This physical care helps a lot

and conditions the mind

so that the longing,

the passions of the body are

controlled by the physical

discipline and abstinence.


Let there be no touching

beyond the elbows and the knees and the neck.

Do that, observe that and

you must have avoided

90% of the troubles and temptations.


I love you and will always love you and

care for you and protect you and prosper you.


The bodies of your sisters and brothers

and all members are

temples of the Holy Spirit,

temples of the Most Holy Trinity and

temples of Love.


They are sacraments of Love.

Their bodies are signs,

visible signs of pure and holy Love.

They are themselves

visible signs of the reign of pure and holy Love.

Let them realise their singular and great dignity.


Their bodies are given them

to live pure and holy Love,

for the reign of the Love of God,

for the pure and Holy Love of God,

for the worship of God,

to do the Most Holy Will of God.         


The bodies and souls are so united that

whatever touches the body touches the soul

and vice versa,

whatever touches the spirit touches the body.


And nothing vile, nothing impure, nothing unholy

will ever enter My Kingdom.


My Kingdom is

Kingdom of purity and holiness.

One of the greatest and clearest signs

of their consecration and belonging to Me

is their use of their bodies.


When I asked My Mother

to give Me herself, her body,

so that I will become incarnate in her

she accepted.


I took flesh in her.

I cannot take flesh

in rotten bodies and foul spirit.


Tell all My sisters

that they must remain absolutely pure and holy,


preserve themselves only for Me and

I will incarnate in them.


They are My Mothers.

They are My temples.


I long for their complete pure and holy Love

now and always.


Go for the conference and

you will hear what I will tell you

through the priest. »



Voice of Little St. Maria Goretti

July 6, 2006

At Holy Hour


Jesus says:

« My Love, My Son,

listen to the voice of the little Maria Goretti! »

 („My God! My Love! My All!“)


St. Maria Goretti says:

« The Eternal Father has sent me

to warn you and especially the sisters

about the dangers of impurity and immorality

and the sins of sex and lustful passion.



These sins and wicked weakness

crucify God,

crucify Jesus,

crucify the Love of God,

crucify the Mother of God,

crucify the Church and

crucify holiness and purity.



They drag innumerable souls to hell.



We must resist any little signs and temptations

against purity and holiness

with all that we have and are.


In this way we show

our Love for God,

our Love for Jesus,

our Love for the Mother of God,

our Love for the Church,

our Love for the Angels and Saints,

our Love for souls,

our Love for purity and holiness,


and our hatred

for evil,

for sin,

for hell and

for the devil.



this hatred is fixed by God.



This hatred for sin is a sign

that we are real

children of God and Jesus and

Mother Mary and the Church and

children of Love,

pure and holy Love.


Especially today –

do you know how many souls

are under the bondage of this sin?


It is the worst and most destructive bondage

into which uncountable people here on earth

have willingly surrendered themselves,

and they and everybody are paying for it.


The world is paying for it.

There is no single sin

that has not been paid or must be paid for.


Every soul that sins,

that falls into this sin

is dead.

It requires extra grace of God

to come out of this.


I warn you,

Father Montfort,

this mission of the Hearts of Love

is so holy

and so pure

that only the pure

and holy can live it

and persevere in it

and fulfill it.


Do not have any illusions:

Any soul that has tasted this

sin of fornication or adultery

should not be taken to be

priest or brother or sister

of the Two Hearts of Love.

If any must be taken at all

it must be after long consideration

and prayers and penance.


I warn you,

I have been sent

by the Eternal Father

to warn you;


exactly in this area of purity and holiness

will the enemy and

enemies of God,

enemies of Jesus Christ,

enemies of the Hearts of Love,

enemies of the Church and

enemies of religion and

enemies of souls

attack this Mission, attack you,

and the sisters and the brothers and priests.


Be prepared.


It will not take long and the attack will come.

But you are protected.


Now protect yourself by

never giving in to impure

thoughts or words or action.

Anything that arouses

the sexual desire and lustful passion

must be avoided as fire.


They are acid being poured on

simple innocent persons and souls.


Souls are as delicate as new born babies.

Souls are like little babies,

like little innocent harmless children.


For anybody to bring acid and

pour on innocent babies

that is what most evil doers are doing and

still worse intend to do

in a larger scale.


God has given this only solution

to destroy all the plans and activities

of the enemy and evil forces –

unite all with the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.


There is no need

bringing these evil forces into the

very ranks of the fighters against this evil.


Many have already tried to

penetrate into the

Family of the Two Hearts of Love.


Fish them out and weed them.



Bring the net to the shore and

select the good fish

and take them home into the

Family of the Two Hearts of Love,


but the bad ones

you must throw away.


This is the time to

do this little selection.


The big selection will be

done at the end of time.


Any person

who has tasted this sin of

fornication and adultery

need not be admitted as

brother or priest or lay apostle.


Be strict about this

but also discreet.

God is with you.


I am your little Saint

sent by God to

warn you and all the

sisters and brothers and priests.


Any who is already a

sister or brother or priest and

indulges in this

must be dismissed straightaway!


No compromise.

No compromise.

No compromise.


Tell the priests, brothers and sisters

that any person

who tempts them to impurity

is worse than the devil.

Jesus called Peter Satan

just because he wanted to prevent Him

from the cross of suffering and death

according to the Will of the Father.


How do you think

Jesus would have reacted

if any person has tried to pull him

into fornication or adultery?



Remember what He said:

„Any person

who looks at a woman lustfully

has already committed adultery

with her in his heart.“


Remember what He warned that

„… if your right eye would lead you to sin

pluck it out and throw it away,

it is better for you to be one eyed

and go into Life of Heaven

than to have your whole body

thrown into hell,

your whole person, body and soul,

thrown into hell.“


I did that.

Rather than loose my soul

I decided out of Love of God and neighbour

to give up my life.


Tell and teach the sisters and brothers

and priests to do the same.

Anybody and anything and anywhere

that would be a temptation to them

against purity and holiness

must be cut off no matter the costs.


I tell you this as God’s Love.

Do this, live this and teach this

very, very meticulously and uncompromisingly,

and you would have saved

the Mission of the Hearts of Love,

the Society of the Two Hearts of Love,

the Congregation of the Two Hearts of Love,

the Sisters, Brothers, Priests and Lay Apostles

of the Two Hearts of Love.


You would have served and saved

the Church and uncountable souls.

The world is looking for witnesses –

to pure and holy Love.

God has chosen you and set you apart for this –

for the Reign of pure and Holy Love,

for the Reign of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus                  

and the Immaculate Heart of Mary –

the Two Hearts ever united in Love,

for the Reign of the Love of God –

the Most Holy Trinity of Love,

for the Reign of Love.


You are there for the sake of the Kingdom –

the Reign of the Most Pure and Holy Will of God – Love.


Please father,

please priests,

please brothers and sisters,

please lay apostles,


do not disappoint God,

do not disappoint Jesus,

do not disappoint the Two Hearts of Love,

do not break the Two Hearts of Love,

do not disappoint the Church,

do not disappoint souls,

do not disappoint Love,

do not disappoint religion,

do not disappoint religious life and

priestly life and Christian Life.


Do not disappoint us who have died for God

out of Love of God in purity and holiness.

Do not disappoint all the Angels and Saints

and all in heaven.

Do not disappoint the Most Holy Trinity of Love –

the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


I, your little Angel,

I am always by your side

to help you and all

in the Hearts of Love,

to defend you and warn you sufficiently

of every danger to impurity.


I am with you.

God is with you.

You will succeed.

Your mission must succeed.                                                  

The Hearts of Love must reign.


Pure and Holy Love of God

and man

and the world

and all creation

must reign.

This is the Will of God. »








„Why Afraid To Appear Different?“


Jesus asks:

« My Love,,

why were you afraid

to appear different even

when you are doing the right thing?

Never again have any fear or shame or worry

when you are doing the right thing and

the right thing is always



My Most Holy Will.

Its rightness does not depend on anything

only that it is



My Most Holy Will.

Once you are sure it is



My Most Holy Will

do it. Once you are sure it is



My Will

go ahead and do it

not minding the consequences or obstacles.

Once you are sure it,

once it is clear that it is



My Most Holy Will

go and think, say and do it

without looking to the left or right,

or forward or backward or up or down

just look on Me and on Me alone and do



My Most Holy Will

in all situations and at all times.

Your only concern is to be

absolutely sure that it is



My Will.

My Love, I will always be making


My Most Holy Will

clear, I will make it absolutely

clear to you and

you do not need to have

any fears or feel ashamed

or be worried about anything

or anybody whatsoever.

Your only concern is to do



My Most Holy Will,

to live it,

to know it,

to think and

contemplate it,

to say it,

preach it and

do it and

see that it is done.



„May your Will be done!“

That is the Prayer

which you should be saying

at all times and every moment.


„Father, may your Most Holy Will be done.“

That is the prayer of prayers.

This prayer makes

all other prayers valid.

You can ask whatever you want

but always end with:


„Father, may your Most Holy Will be done.“

There is no difference,

for Christ is the Will of God and

He came only

to do the


Will of the Father.

So asking anything through Christ

is asking in and through


the Will of God

and it is the same as asking that the


Most Holy Will of God

be done. »








„It Is Heaven On Earth“

June 22, 2003

Jesus says:

« My Son, My Love,

do you know what happens here?


It is heaven on earth.

What happens here is exactly

what happens in heaven.


I have come down to dwell among you,

without leaving My Heaven,

during your adorations with the

Prayer of the Hearts of Love.


What happens is always the same

as in Eucharistic celebrations.


You give to Me this tiny piece of bread

you humans produced and

I accept it and change it into Myself.


I Myself  Who am God

the Everlasting,

the Eternal,

the Infinite,

the Almighty.


I accept this little piece of bread of yours

and change it not just into Mine but into Me.


So I accept your adoration

and change it into

Divine Adoration,

My Adoration, that is

My personal Adoration of the Father.


Come into your heaven,

My adoration is your heaven,

My presence is your heaven,

your chapel is your heaven.

How do you behave in your heaven?


My Son,

I am heaven in your midst.

I Myself, I am your heaven.

Because I am here

with My whole Person

with all My Divinity and humanity,

all My Angels and Saints

are here adoring Me.

That is why I said to you

that you should not worry about

putting Me back in the tabernacle.


When no human being is there or can be here

I receive all the worship of

My Angels and Saints in heaven.

My Angels and Saints are all there to adore Me.


Lie down,

I will show you a lot even as you lie down.

I communicate with you always.

Just as the Father is always in communication with Me,

even as I was in the world as a human being.


I was never separated from Him.

I remained ever united – ever one with Him.

So you must remain always and everywhere

one and united with Me.


I am your Life, your Love, your All.

Listen to Me always,

no matter where you are.

I am with you

to strengthen you,

to inspire you,

to direct you. »



October 18, 2004

Before Holy Hour:

« My Son,

write what I am telling you.


I want My Centres of My Hearts of Love

to be Centres of Perfection.


Here all who live in it

are struggling for perfection;

are aiming at being perfectly united

with the Will of God;

are doing their best to follow the Will of God

and live it and teach it and defend it.

I am with you and with all who seek

perfection in Love in the Hearts of Love. »



After Holy Hour:

« My Son, My Love,

the perfection which I want

from you and from all my           members is

the perfection which is

a gift of My Infinite Love.

I will give it to all who

with their whole heart

are crying and praying for it day and night

calling on Me

in My Hearts of Love,

in My Hearts of Love.

I will give it to them.


My Love,

this perfection in Love

is a gift of My Infinite Love and Mercy.

I give it freely to all whom I want. »



October 21, 2004

« My Son,

teach My children

the way of perfection –


in prayer,

in Love,

in works of Love and

in doing the Will of God.   


Teach them all the

Way of Perfection in Love.

I am with you.


Teach them

what I have taught you.

Everything about the Prayer of the Hearts of Love

that I have taught you belong to the

Way of Perfection.

Teach them all

I have taught you about this Prayer. »



October 21, 2004

11.50 pm

« Do not be afraid about the Pope,

his Life is in My hands and no other.

I will protect him now and always.

Just pray for him.


My Son,

listen to My voice.

Be perfect for I am perfect.

Be perfect yourself.

Be perfect Love, for I am perfect Love.

Do not be afraid to be yourself.

Be who you are! »

October 24, 2004

« My Son,

write this, you are the teacher of perfection.

Your work is to teach people the way of perfection,

the way of Love and bring all to the Love of Me.

My Son, My Love,

please make My House a House of Perfection –                                                       

perfection in Prayer,

perfection in Love,

perfection in works of Love,

perfection in doing the Will of God.

Let all who come here experience here as

House of Perfection

in Love,

in Prayer

of the Hearts of Love.

Do not hide the identity of My House –

house of Perfection in

Prayer of the Hearts of Love.

Do not hide your identity –

My Love, My Beloved,

Love of God and Love of man.

Teach My children this great

Way of Perfection in Prayer.

Before anyone attains the perfection in prayer,

that person must have really attained

human perfection and union with the Divine.

For this perfection is possible only

as a gift from God

in the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary. »


October 26, 2004

« My Son,

I am happy with you and

My family of the Two Hearts of Love.

But I want you to make more efforts

to be the perfect family I want you to be.

I am with you now and always.

Remain always in Me, grow in My Love.

I am with you and with all who are with you. »



October 28, 2004

« My Son,

never be discouraged.

I am with you.

This Mission of the Two Hearts of Love

is My Mission.

I will take full care of you and

of this Mission and all working with you.

The only thing I require from you

is steadfastness in prayer. »

October 29, 2004

« My Son,

write what I am telling you.

I have taken full control of you

and this work of Love,

see what will happen from now on.

I am with you.

I have given you

My Holy Spirit,

My Spirit of Love.


My Holy Spirit

will direct you in all things and

make sure that this mission succeeds as I want it.


It is My eternal Will

that My Love reigns

now and forever and ever. Amen.


My Love,

let Me do with you what I want.

I will do with you

what I, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

did with the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.

She gave herself completely to Me and

I did with her all I wanted.


Please let Me manifest My Glory in you.

Please let Me manifest My Glory in you.

Please let Me manifest My Glory in you and through you.

Please let Me manifest My Love in you and through you.

Please let Me manifest My Holiness in you and through you.

Please let Me manifest My Purity in you and through you.

Please let Me manifest My Simplicity in you and through you.

Please let Me manifest My Oneness in you and through you.

My Love, I am Who I am.


Please let Me manifest Who I am in you and through you.

Let nothing again be an obstacle to My manifesting

My Love,

My Glory,

My Holiness,

My Purity,

My Oneness,

My Trinitarian which you are,

My Being Who I am in you and through you.


My Love,

be yourself.

I have waited enough to

manifest Myself to the whole world.

You are My Epiphany.



let Me manifest all I want to

manifest in you and through you.

Be yourself –

the manifestation of Me, the God of Love.


I Am He Who Am and you are My manifestation.


My Love,

I thank you for allowing Me

to manifest Myself in you and through you.

You are one with Me and

I am one with you.


My Love,

thank you that you have heard My Voice and

have decided to come and follow Me.

I am with you now and forever and ever.



Let My Society grow.

Do not be afraid to let My Society grow.

Do not be afraid to let My Society manifest itself.

Do not be afraid to let Me manifest Myself fully in you.


It is My Eternal Will

to manifest Myself in you and through you –

the fullness of

My Love,







Might and Power.

My Son,

thank you for the Mass,

I will talk to you again after communion.


My Love,

you are the manifestation of My Love.

You are the manifestation of Love of the Most Holy Trinity.


Rejoice and be happy

for you are the Love of the Most Holy Trinity of Love. »


October 29, 2004

At 04.20 am:

« My Love,

I thank you for going this way of My Love, My Infinite Love.

I am with you and will always be with you

to help you and to protect you and inspire you.

Just listen to Me in every situation.

I am with you always, but please listen to Me always.

All I have revealed to you must come true.

I am the guarantee of the Truth of My Revelations.


My Love,

let Me tell you more and more,

let Me reveal more and more to you,

let Me show you more and more.


As I am spread on the cross so you are,


but by spreading Me

on the cross of suffering and death

so is the Love of God

wonderfully revealed to all,

opened to all and shining to all.

So you are.


You are shining,

My Love, My pure and holy Love,

My infinite Love,

as you are spread upon your cross,

your cross of victory white and red. »



October 31, 2004

At the Loire in France, after midnight Mass during adoration at 2.25 (3.25) am


« My Love,

please give Me this special time

of being alone with Me as I want it.

However, even if you cannot be alone at this time

do not give any creature attention at this time,

ignore all creation and give Me, the Creator, the attention

I need from you. »



April 30, 2001


« My Son, My Love,

because you have done this

I will bless you and My Family of Love,

My Family of My Hearts of Love,

with all My blessings, with all My Love.



I will make My Family not only the greatest in the Church

but also the greatest human Family.

I will make My Family of Love

the greatest family in heaven and on earth.

I will let all My Angels and Saints rally around the

Triumphant Two Hearts of Love.


All Mine are Mine in My Love.

All Mine will worship Me in My Love.

All Mine will Love My Love and worship Me in My Love.

All Mine will rally around My Love.

All Mine will rally around My Triumphant Heart of Love.


I love you, My Love.

Be My Love.

Remain My Love.

Live My Love.

I am Love.

You are My Love.

I am you. You are Me.


Do not be afraid to organise

My Family of Love

the way Iwant it,

the way I direct you.

Do My Will and I will do My Will in you.

Do My Will and My Will will be your will.

Do My Will and I will do your will.

My Will is your will.

My Will is one.

Your will is one with My Will.

Live My Will.

Love My Will.

Do My Will.

My Will is Love.

My Will is your will.

My Will is Love.

My Will is you.

You are My Love.

I am Love.

I am My Will.

I and My Will are one.

You are in My Will.

You are My Will.

You are My Love.

I will you, My Love.

I love you,

My Love.

I will ever love you.

You are My Love. »

„Lord, make me perfect.“


The Great Day Of The Absolute And Unconditional Donation

October 31, 2004


I came into the Chapel and prostrated myself completely

giving myself to Him absolutely unconditionally.


He asked me:

« Do you give yourself


absolutely and


to Me without (limits)

so that I will do with you all I want

absolutely and unconditionally?“


I said ‚yes‘.


„Do you give Me

this your mission,

the Work of the Hearts of Love


so that I will do with it all I want

absolutely and unconditionally?“


 I said ‚yes‘.


„Do you give to Me

all your Sisters,

and Brothers

and Priests

and Lay Apostles

and all that you have and are,

so that I will do with them all that I want

completely and absolutely and unconditionally?“


I said ‘yes‘.

He answered:

„I also give you

all that I am and all that I have

completely, absolutely and unconditionally.

All that I have created,

all that I have made,

all that I have,

and all that I am

I give to you,

all belong to you –

wholly and unconditionally. »


This is the Great Day of the

Absolute and Unconditional Donation.


„This Is The Perfection I Want You To Possess“

March 17, 2012

Jesus declares:

« My Love,

I am speaking!




It is you

I have established

as My Light for the nations,

for the whole world.

The Light of My Divine Presence

shines in you and through you

for the whole of My creation.



I Am He Who Am The God of Love,

and you are My Love.


Love Infinite and Eternal.

Let My Light of Love,

the Light of My Presence

shine in you and through you

for My entire creation.

I am with you both now and

forever and ever.



In you the Light of My Presence and Love shines

both now and

forever and ever.



My Love,

listening to Me and loving Me

is more important than anything.


And listening to your fellow human beings and

loving them for the sake of My Love

is more important than any other thing.


This is the perfection

I want you to possess –

the perfection of Love –

Love of God –

God the Most Holy Trinity of Love,

and union with the

Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love

of Jesus and Mary.


Just live this life of Love,

of the Prayer of the Hearts of Love,

fully uncompromisingly and perfectly

and all will be saved –

all will be okay,

the whole world

will be saved and restored

and My Will will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.


Begin each day

with rosary procession at


up to the Holy Sanctuary

with candles and flowers and incense.

Let all who want to take part in the Vigil

come in time and be prepared.

Let nobody come unprepared.

The little external visible

sign of their preparation

is the lighted candle or lamps,

their flowers and their incense –

light and smoke and Love.

Let none unprepared be allowed in.


This Vigil Mass is for all

for the salvation of all souls

but not all must be

present in the wedding hall.


Blessed are those

who are called and take part,

full and active part in the wedding of the Lamb.

I am with you

both now and forever and ever.





say the Angelus and give the Eucharistic Blessing and

begin the Mass immediately – latest  

0.30 am.


Let nobody and nothing

stop you or delay you.



Let the model of the Vigil Mass be the

Holy Saturday night Easter Vigil –

the Vigil of Vigils,

the mother of Vigils.


But conclude it with adoration.



All who take part must take part fully.

Part–partakers should stay outside.


I will still bless them and

I will in fact bless the whole world –

all I have created –

all souls, all persons.


I am the Lord, your God.


Plan everything and


My Holy Mountain –

all in My Hearts of Love

around this Vigil.


It is the summary,

the summit and culmination of all,

the beginning and the end.

It is one and all.

All is in it.


If you do it well

you have done all things well.



use the talents I have given you –

all the ingenuity of

your soul and heart and spirit –

and make it the

simplest and most splendid

place, time and action of Love,

show Me the summit of Love in this.


I am with you

both now and forever and ever.



My Love,

just do this for Me and

you have done all things well.


I Am He Who Am The God of Love.



My Love,

at the end of the Holy Mass and adoration,

there should be time of total silence and

adoring reverential quietness and

listening to the voice and inspiration of

My Holy Spirit of Love, and

the Two Hearts of Love.


Let all remain in

silent and quiet and joyful expectation.


I will come down and manifest

My Pleasure,

My Love,

My Blessings

will be poured in superabundance on

all participants and

all in the whole of My creation.



My Love,

never curse anything or get angry or upset.

Look only on Me, I am the Lord God.

I alone I am God –

your God, your Love, your All.



The Vigil ends at

4.00 am

with Eucharistic Blessings, or latest 

4.30 am.



People are given time to rest and

prepare for morning Mass at  

6.00 am.




6.00 am

say the Angelus and give the Eucharistic blessing and

celebrate morning Mass with lauds immediately.




At the end of Holy Mass is

morning function, compound cleaning –

Ugwu-Nso must be clean.

Cleanliness is second to godliness – holiness.





Then it is time for breakfast and

work and teaching and learning.

Father’s Office and consultation is from  


9.00 to 11.30 am.


The system is

the first to come is first served.




11.45 am

Father will be kneeling before the        


praying and bringing all the

petitions of the people to God,

that God will bless them all and

grant them their hearts‘ good desires,

according to His Most Holy and Adorable Will.





noon, say the Angelus, Eucharistic Blessing and

midday prayer of the Church.



Lunch begins at


and ends at  

1.30 pm.



Rest preparing for Holy Hour is from 

1.30 to 2.30 pm.



Washing of feet there at the foot of the Holy Steps at 

2.30 pm,



Holy Hour from  

3.00 – to 4.00 pm




concluded with Eucharistic Blessing at  

4.00 pm

and evening prayer of the Church.

There can be and there should be

Holy Mass during Holy Hour,

but all should end by  

4.30 pm.


Then supper is at  

5.00 to 5.30 pm.




And then preparation for Rosary Procession at  

6.00 pm,

Angelus, Eucharistic Blessing and Rosary Procession till  

7.45 pm,

ending with Eucharistic Blessing and compline.



Then at  

8.00 pm

all retire and sleep preparing for Vigil.


I bless all

with My Eternal Blessings of Love

Infinite and Eternal.


Do My Will and I will do your will.

I will save all in

My Eternal and Infinite Love.


This is the life I want you to live

perfectly here on earth.

Let My Will be done

on earth as it is done in heaven.

Let all who follow you

try to live this life perfectly.


Here at Ugwu-Nso

this life must be lived uncompromisingly,

fully, lovingly, devoutly and perfectly.


I bless you and

I bless all in My Hearts of Love.

I Am He Who Am The God of Love.



face this life and only this life,

and live it fully and perfectly and

all will be alright,

all will be okay and

all will be saved.


It is possible to save all souls.

It is possible to save all souls.

It is possible to save all souls.


I am with you both now and forever and ever.

I Am He Who Am

The God of Love – your God!

Your Love!

Your All! »

March 22, 2012


« My perfect Son,

My perfect Love,

this is the life I want you to live here on earth –

the life of perfect Love,

the life of perfect sonship,

the love of perfect Son.


My Love,

just live this and

all will be okay,

all will be alright,

all will be saved.

I will save all souls,

I will save the whole world.


My perfect Son,

My perfect Love,

this is how I want you to live

until you die and leave the earth.

Just live this life of Love

of the Trinitarian Love –

of the Two Hearts of Love –

of Eucharist Love

perfectly and all will be alright.

My Will be done on earth

as it is done in heaven. »





„I Need Victime Souls“

Jesus says:

« My Love,

tell all there that

I want them all to be Victims of Love.

I want them to offer themselves

as living sacrifice

in union with the Sacrifice

I have offered of Myself

for the salvation of the whole world.


I have really suffered everything

and offered everything

and achieved all that is needed

to save all souls

from the beginning of creation in time

till the end that is forever and ever.


What I have achieved

is infinitely more than is required

to save all souls forever and ever.

Imagine that what is needed

is just one drop of blood

but I have shed infinitely more than that.

I have shed all the blood

even till the last drop.

Still I need victim souls.



Why do I need victim souls?



It is the same reason why did

I create at all, why did

I create human beings.

I created out of Love.

I created human being out of Love to be My image and likeness.

I love human beings as I love Myself.

I created to fill the entire creation with My Love.

I created so that My Love will reign in all My creation.

I created for the Reign of Love.

I created human beings so that My Love will be personified.

I created human beings so that My image and likeness will be manifested.

I created human beings so that My personified Love, the human being,

will be the apex and caretaker of My entire creation.

So that My image and likeness will rule over My entire creation.


In the same way I need victim souls to manifest My Love

in its fullness, purity and holiness, in its perfection.



I need victim souls because I Myself

I am a victim soul.

I am a victim of Love.



I need souls

who are like Me, who will attain the heights of perfection in Love.



I need souls

who will radiate My Love in its fullness, purity and perfection in holiness.



I need souls

who are My image and likeness.



I need souls

who will reach that perfection of having the greatest Love.

No greater love has anyone than

that he gives his life for others, for his friends.



I need victim souls

who will help Me carry on the work of salvation of souls at all times,

who will go with Me and live with Me

and pray with Me and suffer with Me

and die with Me and for Me and for their brothers.



I need victim souls

who will sacrifice all they have and are,

their own lives for others.



I need victim souls

who will carry their cross and follow Me.



I need victim souls

who will shoulder My burden and take up My yoke.

And they will discover that My yoke is easy and My burden light.



I need victim souls

who will help Me carry My cross of taking away the sins of the world.



I need victim souls

who will cry with Me for the loss of souls.



The loss of a single soul is more catastrophic

than the destruction of the whole material world.



The loss of a single spiritual soul is infinitely more painful

than the loss of the whole world.

What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world

but looses his soul?

I need victim souls

who will receive and radiate My Love and the Love of

the Father and of the Holy Spirit.



I need victim souls

in whom My Love will live and be at home.



I need victim souls

in whom is the same Love which is in

the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.



I need victim souls

in whom the same Love that is in the Most Holy Trinity will be.



As the Father has loved Me so have I loved you.



Remain in My Love.


You remain in My Love if you do what I bid you

just as I do the will of the Father.


Keep His commandments and

so remain in His Love.


„A new commandment I give you: Love.

Love one another as I have loved you. No greater

Love has anyone than that he gives his Life for the other.“


(As Christ has died giving his life for us so we must give our lives for one another!)



I need victim souls

who will offer the sacrifice

of their lives and their wills and

unite themselves in all things

to Me and My Mother,

the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts.



I need victim souls

who will give their lives

so that others will live.

Look at St. Maximilian Kolbe.

I need victim souls

who will offer themselves for their love

to comfort Me, to show Me Love.

I thirst and hunger for Love.

Please love Me.

I am the unloved Love.




I need victim souls

who will shock the world

with their lives of sacrifice

to bring people back

to the real meaning of Love

as sacrifice of oneself for the good of others.



The greatest good possible in the world is

union and salvation of all souls in Love.


My children,

I thirst for your love because

I am Love and I love you.


I am suffering terribly –

being neglected and because of

sacrileges and Mass celebrations

and part taking in Masses

without love,

without respect and honour.



I do not need

the honour of human beings or

the honour of creatures.


But when I ask for their love and respect and sacrifice,

it is so that

I will manifest My Love,

My Glory in and through them.



My Love,

help Me awaken in the hearts

of My bishops, priests,

religious men and women and

in the lay people

the desire, the burning desire

for great Love of God

to make sacrifice.

I need their consoling Love.



Let  them   console Me

with their pure and holy Love.

I love all My victim souls

infinitely more and more.   



My Love,

please appeal to them to love Me.

You are My Love.

Please move them to love Me.





I am God of Love and

I love each and every one of them

with Eternal Love.



It is I

Who have created them out of Love and

called them to be My own children,

to belong to Me specially.



It is I

Who have called each of them

personally by name

to leave all and follow Me.



Please let them not forget

that it is Love that binds Me to them

and them to Me.  


I am God of Love and

they are My children –  

image and likeness of God in Love.



Please help them

to renew today their total and unconditional dedication

to Me in Love.



Let them use

especially this Prayer of the Hearts of Love,

which summarizes

–        the spirituality of the entire Christian religion,

–        the entire Catholic Church and

–        particularly the spirituality of Love and

–        total dedication to God in Love, 

–        Union with God. »
















« Jesus! Mary!

I love You.

Be appeased.

Save all souls.


(10 times as rosary)


O Hearts of Love!

O Hearts ever united in Love!

Make me to love You always and help me

to make others to love You.

Take my poor sinful heart to Thyself

and do not give it back to me,

until it becomes a flaming fire of Your Love.


I know that I am unworthy to come to You,

but take me to Thyself

and cleanse me by the flames of Your Love.

Take me to Thyself and use me as it pleases You,

for I am entirely Yours.



O pure Love!

O holy Love!

Pierce me with Your arrows and send my blood

flowing into the wounds of the Immaculate Heart.

O Immaculate Heart!

Unite with the Sacred Heart

to give life, to comfort, to glorify and to love.



O Jesus! O Mary!

You are the Hearts of Love! I love You.

Consume me. I am Your victim of Love.



O Hearts of Love!

Consume me. I am Your victim of Love.

Amen. »


Our thoughts should continuously be with God.

This prayer is to be said especially at 12 and 6 o’clock after the Angelus

and at 4 pm at the end of the Holy Hour,

at Communion and at the end of Mass.

This is for the solemn moments of union.

Approval: Vicar  Gen. V. A. Chikwe

Owerri /Nigeria, November 15, 1987


The Theology of the Union in the

Two Hearts of Love


Lecture by

Rev. Prof. John O. Egbulefu CCE


on occasion of the 6th Feast of the TWO HEARTS OF LOVE

in Rome, June 2, 2005






  • 1

The intimate union of the Two Hearts of Love – which are not only the heart of the Son and of His mother, namely the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but still deeper also the Heart of the same Son and of His Father, the meek and humble Heart of Jesus and the merciful and compassionate Heart of His heavenly Father – is the ultimate theological roots of that intimate union of the brothers and sisters of Christ in the Two Hearts of Love, which the title of this Congress has sought to recapture:


The Theology of the Union in the Two Hearts of Love.


And since all honour and glory to the Father can be given by the brothers and sisters of Christ only through Christ, with Christ and in Christ, and it is to the glory and honour of the Father that His children – His only begotten Son and the brothers and sisters of His Son –

get united in the Two Hearts of Love, that is why they seek to live out such union through, with and in Christ, in the heavenly Christ who is accessible on earth through, with and in the Eucharistic Sacrament, hence in the Eucharistic Christ.


  • 2

For these systematic-theological reasons, the title of my paper at this Congress reads:



The intimate Union of the Two Hearts of Love:

in God as Family of Father and Son,

in the Church as family of God and

in Eucharist as sacramental Communion.



The family of God concerned is the Church.

So is our title faithful to the ecclesiology proposed by the bishops of the particular Church of Christ in Africa, as the Apostolic postsynodal Exhortation ‚Ecclesia in Africa’ (1995) of the great Pope John Paul II of blessed memory articulates it in its no. 63.






Part I:

The Spirituality of the Union on the Two Hearts of Love

as a Eucharistic Spirituality


  • 1

The doctrinal and spiritual events going on in the universal Church in these first five years of new Millennium concern in a particular way the bilateral relation between the Church and the Church and the Eucharist.

On the one hand is the relation of the Eucharist towards the Church,

on the other hand is the relation of the Church (the new people of God) towards the Eucharist.

With regard to the relation of the Eucharist towards the Church,

the Holy Father, the Great Pope John Paul II of blessed memory (God rest him in perfect peace and glory), released, two years before  his death,

a prominent Encyclical Letter „Ecclesia de Eucharistia“ (Vatican City 2003), and he planned an

Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops to be held in the Vatican

from 2 – 29  October 2005,

whereby thetheme of the Synod isthe

Eucharist as both the source and the summit of life and mission of the Church,

and he made this plan known also in (the fourth paragraph of) his last Apostolic Letter, „Mane Nobiscum Domine“ (Vatican City 2003).

With regard to the relation of the Church towards the Eucharist, he, Pope John Paul II – “Having thought it helpful for this purpose to dedicate an entire year to this wonderful sacrament” (Mane Nobiscum Domine, 3) – declared the current year as

„Year of the Eucharist“ which stretches from October 2004 to October 2005;

and it is in function of this that he released the named Apostolic Letter and called upon

“the young people to gather around the Eucharist as the vital source

which nourishes their faith and enthusiasm” (Mane Nobiscum Domine, 4).

Hence, this year’s

World Youth Day (the twentieth so far in the series),

which will take place in the

City of Cologne (Germany) from 16-21 August 2005,

has chosen as its main theme

The adoration of God in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist,

following the footsteps of the wise men who travelled all the way from the East to come to adore God in the new born Most Sacred Child at Bethlehem: „vidimus stellam eius in oriente et venimus adorare eum“.

The celebration of the current Year of the Eucharist therefore stretches from

–  the event of the International Eucharistic Congress

(in Guadalajara, Mexico, from 10-17 October 2004), through

–  the event of the 20th World Youth Day

(in Cologne, from 16-21 August 2005), to

–  the event of the Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops

(in the Vatican, from 2-29 October 2005).





  • 2

Of all the key ideas contained in these and related writings and invitations the ones most relevant to the theme of the present Congress concerning the union of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary are the following:

The Christ-faithful, along with the memorial of Christ’s death, of which they have acquired unique experience in the Eucharist, always receive in the Eucharistic celebration

–  the gift of Mary, a gift made to us at the foot of the Cross in the person of John

(‘Behold your mother’, Jn 19:27), and they

 –  “take on a commitment to be conformed to Christ, putting ourselves at the school of His Mother and allowing Her to accompany us … as the Mother of the church” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 57)

–  in the long pedagogical spiritual journey of being conformed to Christ. In this Journey there is no better way than

–  to let oneself be “taught” by Mary, “woman of the Eucharist” who

–  “enables us to enter naturally into Christ’s life and as it were to share His deepest feelings” (John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Rosario Virginis Mariae, Vatican City 2002, n. 15).

The experience of the faithful is thereby like that of the two disciples travelling in the evening of the day of the resurrection (cf. Lk 24) for whom there was no better joyful surprise in the encounter with the God in our midst as the God with us and for us than to come to realize that the Wayfarer who had accompanied them on their journey, speaking to them and explaining the Scriptures to them and whom they had intuitively pleaded to stay with them, and who had gently agreed and stayed with them only to open their eyes to recognize Him through His significant breaking (‘opening’) of the bread that literally reminds of what happened at the last supper, was none other than their Master, risen from the dead (cf. Mane Nobiscum Domine, 1).

  • 3

Out of his own deep lived experience of the memorial of Christ’s death in the Eucharist and of his encounter with the presence of the resurrected Lord outside the Eucharist, Pope John Paul II made his particular und ultimate intention for inaugurating a Year of the Eucharist most clear in the following words:

“If the fruit of this year were only to revitalize in all the Christian communities the celebration of the Sunday Mass and to increase Eucharistic adoration outside the Mass, this year of grace would have attained a significant result” (Mane Nobiscum Domine, 29).

The two components of the Pope’s intention are intimately and mutually related:

–  on the one hand the Eucharistic adoration (required to be increased) is a source of power for a truly spiritual celebration of the Sunday Mass (required to be revitalized),

–  while on the other hand the celebration of the Sunday Mass (as of memorial of the death and resurrection of the Lord and the Lord’s Own Day in which what is believed is lived out and what is lived by the believer is shaped into authentic spiritual worship, cf. Rom 12:1) must lead to nurturing a Eucharistic Spirituality, for otherwise “the liturgical practice becomes easily reduced to ‘ritualism’ that cancels the grace that flows from the celebration” (Congregation  for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments: Suggestions and Proposals for the Year of the Eucharist, n. 4).

A Eucharistic Spirituality is one in which the Holy Spirit directs the human spirit towards

“Christ and the contemplation of His  Face” (Mane nobiscum  Domine, 10) in total intensive admiration of Him and, through Him like in a mirror, of the entire divine Trinity that is with Him and in Him, whereby such admiration is the act of adoration of Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Already in his other Apostolic Letter „Spiritus et Sponsa“ (Vatican City, 2003) Pope John Paul II indicated the development of new forms of authentic “Eucharistic Spirituality” within the Church as more gifts from Christ the Groom through the Holy Spirit as His Spirit (spiritus) to the Church His Bride (sponsa).

  • 6

Those sons and daughters of the Church

who as children of God cultivate spiritual devotion to and nurse spiritual affection for the Two Hearts of Love within the frame of an authentic Eucharistic Spirituality

have the duty

–  to give witness to – and give reasons for – their faith in the union of these Two Hearts and

–  to explain their own union with one another in the two united Sacred and Immaculate Hearts.

This they can most adequately do from point of view of their  

–  experience of the intimate unions of persons in the Divine Trinity and

–  of persons in the Church as family of God and, from there,

–  of their intensive encounters with Mary and Jesus in the Eucharist as the Sacrament of Union with Jesus the Son of God who assumed human flesh from the Blessed Virgin Mary and in whom this flesh of human nature is irrevocably united with His Divine nature, such that

“His humanity united with the Divine Person of the Word… (is) the instrument of our salvation” (Vat. Council II, Sacrosanctum Concilium 5).

For, while

–  this union of two – divine and human – natures in Him

which renders His humanity an instrument to our salvation, is distinct but inseparable from the union of the two – spiritual and corporal – components of His human nature, it is

–  this second union, namely the union of His human body and His human soul, that grounds the existence of His Heart as a coefficient of the

–  third union of His humanity: the union of His Sacred Heart with the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary.

The virgin Mary whose Heart is thereby perfectly united with the Heart of Jesus (cf. Cor Mariae corde Jesu perfectissime unitum) is she in whose womb the Son of God took human flesh in such a way that,

–  on the one hand, the conception and birth of the incarnate Son of God in time did not diminish the integrity of the Virgin Mother but rather intensified it (cf. Prayer over the Gifts at the common Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary), while,

–  on the other hand, since her “unviolated virginity did not know concupiscence and offered such material of the flesh” to the Son (cf. Pope Lei I, Letter to Flavian – Tomus Leonis – in DS 294), the incarnate Son, like His Mother, knew no concupiscence, neither of the flesh nor of the eyes, nor pride of life, but rather was meek and humble of heart (cf. Mt 11:29).








Part II:

The Intimate Union of the Two Hearts of Love in God,

the Divine Trinity, as Family of Father and Son


  • 1

God is a family of an eternal Father and His Son

eternally begotten by Him

–  not in flesh – for, “God is Spirit” (1 Jn 1:5)

–  but rather in spirit, and in fact in an

–  eternal, hence divine Spirit, thus in the Holy Spirit.

God is therefore a family of three persons of one essence (eternal nature).

These three divine persons, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (cf. Mt 28:19), are distinct but inseparable

–  on account not only of the one divine essence existing only in and out of the three and uniting the three with one another,,

–  but  also on account of the fact that the three penetrate one another and dwell in one another (cf. innerdivine pericoresis) and

–  are sowith properly, intimately, mutually united.

The three love one another, have joy at one another, glorify one another and are in peace with one another. The Son testifies of His Father’s love for Him even before the world was created (cf. Joh 18:24) and of the glory He had with the Father even before the world was formed (cf. Joh 17:5). The Son furthermore gives witness of their intimate union as lovers through their mutual indwelling, the Father and the Son being in one another (cf. Jn 17:21).


  • 2

But the heart is the organ for loving, as the eye is the organ for seeing, or the ear the organ for hearing or listening. That is valid not only for the heart of men and the human love, but also for the heart of God and the divine love. The Son of God has revealed the Heart of God as the name of God and as the glory from God, when He says to the Father:

“I have made your name (namely your heart) known to them and will continue to make it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and that I may be in them” (Jn 18:26), and

“May they all be one. Father, may they be one in us, as you are in me and I am in you… I have given them the glory (namely the heart) you gave to me, that they may be one as we are one (in heart). With me in  them (namely in their heart) and  you in me, may they be so completely one (in heart) that the world will realize that it was you who sent me and that I have loved them (with my heart, my whole heart) as much as you loved me.” (Jn 17:20-23).

  • 3

Therefore the Father and the Son are

–  the absolutely superlative, most perfect two Hearts of Love united with one another from whom the Son and His Mother as

–  the relatively superlative, perfect Two Hearts of Love that are united with one another, derive their identity as the model according to which the brothers and sisters of Christ should pattern their union not only with Christ as        

–  the comparative Two Hearts of Love but also with one another as

–  the positive Two Hearts of Love.


Part III:

The Intimate Union of the Two Hearts of Love

in the Church as Family of God


  • 1

The Family of God is different from the family of men, all similarities notwithstanding.

The family of men is a matrix of relationships:

1) between parents –

1a) as man and woman in front of God,

1b) as husband and wife in front of one another, and   

1c) as father and mother in front of their children;

2) between the parents and the children –

2a) between the father and his children (his sons and daughters),

2b) between the mother and her children (her sons and daughters);

3) among the children of same blood –

3a) as brothers (sons of the same parents),

3b) as sisters  (daughter of the same parents), and

3c) as brothers and sisters.


The Family of God is also a matrix of relationships but of different type:

1) the relationship between the heavenly Father and His Son made man

(the Godman Jesus Christ), whereby the two are in one another;


2) the relationship between the Godman Christ and

  1. i) His Mother who is His mother not only in the unique physical sense that she is the one who conceived Him in her womb and gave birth to Him,

but also in the moral sense that she does the will of His heavenly Father,

  1. ii) His brothers and sisters in the moral sense of Christians as those children of God who, like Himself and His Mother, do the Will of His heavenly Father and are united to the Son as the members are united to the head of a body;


3) the relationship between the Mother and the brothers and sisters of Christ.


And the Holy Spirit as the lifegiving Lord is the blood that runs through the veins of such mystical Body and is the one that unites the diverse members both with the one Head and with one another and sustains this union towards the unity for which the Son has prayed to the Father.


  • 2

With the Father in the Son (cf. Jn 17:21) and

the Son as Godman both in the Father and in us (cf. Jn 17:23),

it follows that the Father is in us through His being in the Son.

But the Father is in us not in the same way as He is in the Son and in the Holy Spirit.

–  The three are in one anotheras persons that penetrate and dwell in one another

(cf. the innerdivine pericoresis, or circumincessio and circum-insessio), whereas

–  the Father is in us in the form of the love with which He loved the Son. And it is

–  through the activity, the ministry of the Son as revealer of the name (namely unveiler of the heart) of the Father that the Son is in us (cf. Jn 18:26).


  • 3

The union of the Son with His physical and moral Mother,

whom at the foot of the Cross He gave to us to be our mother and

to whom he gave us to be her children

is the origin and model of our union with both

–  with Mary as our Mother and, through her,

–  with Himself in the Eucharist.


  • 3.1

The union of Christ with Mary

–  is the origin of our union with her, for,

since Christ as the Son of Mary is united with her as His Mother,  we becoming her children and she becoming our Mother as willed by Him, must be united with her; it is the God-willed union of a God-willed mother with her God-willed children.

That Mary is our Mother and we are her children, is the Will of Christ, not the fantasy of men.


„Seeing his mother and the disciple he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, ‘Woman, this is your son’. Then to the disciple he said, ’This is your mother’. And from that moment the disciple made a place for her in his home.” (Jn 19:26),

whereby the beloved disciple  represents here all the Christ-faithful, with the consequence that

–  Mary henceforth has, in keeping with the Will or testament of Christ, become the moral hence spiritual mother of all the Christ-faithful,

–  the Mother of the Church, Mater ecclesiae, and the

Church represented by John since then, following the example of this disciple,

–  made a place for Mary in the home – in the heart – of the Church;

consequently any Church that has no place in her heart for Mary

–  is not a dutiful son of Mary,

–  but an irresponsible and insensitive son,

–  a non-follower of the good example of the Apostles,

–          a non-doer of what Christ expects His beloved disciple to do for His beloved Mother,

–          or of what Christ expects His beloved disciple to do for His beloved Mother,

–          or of what Christ would have liked to see done to His Mother so dear to Him by those who are His friends – when Himself is no more physically around to take personal care of her –

–  especially by those for whom Himself had done so much good and

–  whom He had given the greatest love.

  • 3.2

But while

–  our union with Mary has its origin in the union of Christ with her,

–  this union of Christ with Mary as the union of the Son with His Mother has its origin in the union of the Son with His Father. The Son’s union with His Father is the origin and ground for His entering into union with His Mother,

–  not only physically by His entering into (cf. incessio) her womb and remaining there inside (cf. insessio) till birth (cf. “O Jesu vivens in Maria – veni et vive in famulis tuis, in Spiritu sanctitatis tuae,  in  plenitudine Virtutis tuae, in perfectione viarum tuarum, in veritate virtutum tuarum, in communione mysteriorum tuorum: dominare omni adversae potestati, in spiritu tuo, ad gloriam Patris. Amen. O Cor Jesu sacratissimum. Miserere nobis. O Cor Mariae, Cordi Jesu perfectissime unitum – Interveni pro nobis”, Manual of Prayers, pp 17-18),

–  but also morally by her being a doer of the Will of His heavenly Father

(“Anyone who does the Will of my Father in heaven, he is my brother and sister and mother”, Mk 3:35).

And the Son would not have entered into this union on earth with His Mother if He were not in a similar intimate union with His Father.

Yet, there is a difference between the two unions.

For, while

–  on the one hand the union of the Son with the Father is effected through a bilateral  inherence, a mutual indwelling whereby the Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father,

–  on the other hand the Son’s union with the mother is effected through a unilateral inherence and unilateral adherence, for only the Son is physically inside the Mother (cf. O Jesu vivens in Maria), whereby He, by entering into her womb and remaining there till birth, is in her, while only the Mother morally adheres to Him, whereby she, by doing the will of His Father and therefore the will of the entire Trinity, through her fiat, is adherent to Him like a branch for the stem and thus, through this adherence to His Will, is in Him, makes her home in Him and, only so, can she bear fruit:


“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine dresser …

Make  your home in me, as I make mine in you. As a branch cannot bear fruit all by itself, but  must remain   part of the  vine, neither can you unless you remain in me.

I am the vine you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty; for, cut off from me you can do nothing.” (Jn 15:1.4-5).

The Father, “every branch in me that bears no fruit, he cuts away, and every that does bear fruit he prunes to make it bear even more.” (Jn 15:1).

In other words,

–  it is only through the adherence of the Virgin Mary to the Will of God that she could conceive and give birth to Christ, and

–  it is because she has given birth to Christ as the blessed fruit of her womb that God has pruned her to make her become the Mother of Christians, the Mother of the Christ-faithful, the Mother of the Church.

In short,

–  while the union of the Son with His Father in heaven which is effected by a bilateral inherence, their mutual indwelling, is thus an

absolutely superlative union.


–  That of the Son with His mother on earth which is effected by the unilateral inherence of the Son in the mother and the unilateral adherence of the Mother to the (Will of God the Father and therefore of God the) Son, is a

relatively superlative union.



  • 4

The union of the Son with the Mother is the union of two hearts that love and are lovable, and are loving without frontiers.


  • 4 a

The heart is both symbol of love and instrument of love (cf. Romano Guardini, Bekehrung des Hl. Augustinus, S. 82); in this connection God commands men to love Him with the heart, with the whole heart.

The heart is in man the platform on which the drama of love is played. Hence it is said in the Christian revelation that “the love of God has been poured  into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us” (Rom 5:5; cf.Augustine, De Trinitate XV, 17;31). Love is the basis on which man’s existence is founded, and therefore love can shine forth properly only from the personal centre of man, namely only from the human heart.


  • 4b

With regard to where the heart is located in man, one can hold firm to the fact that

“Man is the synthesis of body and soul, and there must be a power that unites and holds the unity of the human person, through which the two substances, body and soul, are entirely innerly fused into a single unit.

The heart is the centre of the human person and is fit and suitable for symbolizing this fusion, since man sees himself essentially reflected in the heart like a mirror, and is only in the heart that which he is.”

(Anton Maxsein, „Philosophia cordis. Das Wesen der Personalität bei Augustinus,“ Otto Müller Verlag, Salzburg, 1966, p. 75).


  • 4c

With regard to the social and spiritual function of the heart, one can also hold firm to the fact that

“In the fusion of body and the soul prevails love, be it on the side of the soul the love that receives and joins the body to itself, be it on the side of the body the love of finding oneself in good condition and in feeling of harmony with oneself through devoting oneself to the soul as the leading principle. Seen from this fusion, the heart becomes very important as long as it, the correct heart, by virtue of its rectitude, presents the true order of the body-soul-relationship: the body directed towards the soul; the soul directed towards God. The correct heart, cor rectum, is thus that organ of love in which man knows and feels himself to be in the original order. 

For in  the heart are gathered the forces of the human synthesis, of  person, of rest, here they lie latent waiting for a new blossoming, because personal life is from the centre and is out for the centre. The heart is the personal centre, the centre of gravity of the personhood, possesses the unveiling and once again withdrawingly hiding force, in which the proper life of the person presents itself.” (Anton Maxsein, Philosophia cordis. Das Wesen der Personalität bei Augustinus, Otto Müller Verlag Salzbug, 1966, pp 75-76).



  • 5

Since on the one hand, the union of Christ with Mary as the union of the Son with His Mother is such that is effected by the Son’s physical inherence in the Mother and by the Mother’s moral adherence to the (Will of God the Father and therefore of God the) Son, and on the other hand we are Mary’s children and she is our mother according to the Will, Mind and Heart of Christ, then our union with Mary must be such that is effected, not by our physical inherence in her, nor by our physical adherence to her, but by her spiritual inherence in us and our moral adherence to her as our Model in doing the Will of (the Father and therefore of) the Son.




Part IV:

The Intimate Union Of The Two Hearts Of Love In The Eucharist


  • 1

But while this our union with Mary is rooted in our Mother-children-relation with her, our Mother-children-relation with her is on its own part rooted in the co-natural relation between Christ as the Light of the world

(“I am the light of the world, anyone who follows me will not be walking in the dark; he will have the light of life”) (Jn 8:12)

and us, the Christ-faithful (His beloved disciples), as the light of the world

(“You are the light of the world…No one lights a lamp to put it under a tub; they put it on the lamp-stand where it shines for everyone in the house. In the same way your light must shine in the sight of men, so that, seeing your good works, they may give the praise to your Father in heaven”) (Mt 5:14-16).

While we are co-natural with Christ (for both He and ourselves are light of the world, for He is the Son of God and we are in Him children of God, and God is light, hence he is the Son of Light and we are the children of Light), and on the basis of this luminous co-naturality with Him He as the son of the virgin Mary gives us to her as her sons, yet the difference between the type of Light of the world He is and the type of light of the world that we are is as clear as that between Him as the uncreated Light that gives life to men and ourselves as created lamps lit by God and put up on high to shine for others to the glory of God.

These two types of light, namely the uncreated life-giving Light that Christ is and the created visible light that we are, are united with one another in the sacrament of Eucharist  as mystery of light and this union of Christ as Light with us as light in the Eucharist is the union of the Sacred Heart of Christ with our heart in the Eucharistic communion.

And this union is effected by the Holy Spirit who is in the Body and Blood of Christ received by us in the Eucharist. For, like it is He, the Holy Spirit that prepared the womb of the virgin Mary for the indwelling of the Son, so, too, it is He that prepares our heart for the sacramental indwelling of the heavenly Christ in us.

(Cf. “Mentibus nostris, quaesumus, Domine, Spiritum Sanctum benignus infunde, cuius et sapientia conditi sumus providential gubernamur. Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui in Corde Beatae Mariae Virginis dignum Spiritus Sancti habitaculum praeparatsi: concede propitious, ut eiusdem purissimi Cordis commemorationem devota mente recolentes, secundum cor tuum vivere valeamus. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen”

(Manual of Prayers, pp 16-17)



  • 2

The receiver and the received are in the Eucharist as sacramental communion two hearts of love intimately united with one another. The incarnation of the Word – whereby the eternal Word assumed flesh of human nature and penetrates, permeates and resides in the flesh to sanctify it for man’s salvation, while the human flesh on its part adheres to the eternal Word to participate in His divine nature, His eternity, His eternal life – is the principle of the Eucharistic Sacrament and Communion. The incarnate Son thus has not only the whole divinity in Himself but also the entire humanity, human nature, as the union of body and soul through the heart as the principle of the fusion of the two.




  • 3

In the Eucharistic sacrament the human body of the invisible incarnate Son is in the form of visible bread, while the invisible human soul as the spiritual principle of life represented by the blood as the visible principle of life of the same Son is present in the form of visible wine.

To receive the body and blood of the resurrected and heavenly Christ at the Eucharist is thus to receive at the same time His heart – as the uniting principle of His body and soul, it is the reception of His Heart into our heart, the reception of the meek and humble heart to make our own hearts also meek and humble and, only so, worthy of elevation (of being raised) and of seeing God face to face, God who is Love in person, hence of seeing the fullness of Love face to face.


“O God, who illumines every man

that comes into this world,

make shine upon us

the light of Your face,

so that our thoughts

may be always conform

to Your wisdom and

so that we can love You

with sincere heart !”

(Prayer after Communion, 4th Sunday in Lent, Year C).






1) the absolutely superlative union of the Son with His Father which is effected by   

– a bilateral inherence, their mutual indwelling, and


2) the relatively superlative union of the Son with His Mother which is effected by

– the unilateral physical inherence of the Son in the Mother and

– the unilateral moral adherence of the Mother to (the Will of the Father and therefore of) the Son, and


3) the comparative union


3a) not only of the Mother with us which is effected by

– her spiritual inherence in us and

– our moral  adherence to her as our Model in doing the Will of (the Father and therefore of) the Son (“Ora pro nobis, Cor sanctissimum et amantissimum Dei Genitricis – Ut accendantur corda nostra divinis tui Cordis ardoribus, O Maria”,Manual of Prayers, pg 16),


3b) but also of the Son with us which is effected by

– the sacramental inherence of the heavenly Christ in our soul (similar to the physical inherence of the earthly Christ in the womb of the Mother) and our

– moral and spiritual adherence to Him (at the model of the Mother’s moral adherence to Him), there descends within the Church as the Spirit-filled family of God the reason for


4) our positive union with one another as brothers and sisters of  Christ, hence as sons and daughters of His Mother and of His heavenly Father, a union to be effected by a

bilateral spiritual inherence, our mutual spiritual indwelling in one another.


And such mutual spiritual inherence or indwelling

is the hallmark of the Spirit-worked

Union of Two Hearts of Love

that we as brothers and sisters of Christ

and as sons and daughters of His Mother Mary

and of His Heavenly Father

should symbolize with one another in our lives and

should not only manifest but also propagate

to prolong and perpetuate

the species of the Union of

the Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary

with one another. »



























Words of Welcome                                                                                                                                                   2


The Prayer Of The Two Hearts Of Love Of Jesus And Mary     6


  1. Preaching Of Francis Cardinal Arinze                     7

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary


  1. Forword                             10

Of His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Ayo-Maria

Atoyebi O.P., Bishop of the Diocese of Ilorin


III. Messages On The Mission Of The Two Hearts                                        12


  1. The Promises of the Prayer                                                                                                                         12


  1. Message on the Prostration                                                                                                                                                             16


  1. Call to Holiness                                                                                                                                                                                                                    18


  1. Call to Prayer and Sacrifice for All Christians                                                                                    21


  1. „This is the Prayer of the New Time“                                                                          26


  1. „The Two Hearts – the Only Way to Holy Trinity“                                                                               31


  1. „Only Those With the Seal of Love Will be Saved“                                                                              35


  1. Message on The Only Solution of God                                                                                                            51


  1. Universal Mission of Consecration                                                                                                                                                75


  1. Message on the Holy Mountain in Orlu/Nigeria                                                  78
  1. Messages From The Holy Trinity                   83


  1. Message from the Most Holy Trinity, God Father                                                             83


  1. Message from our Lord and God Jesus Christ                                                             86


  1. Christ the King – Message for the whole World                                                                        88


  1. The Holy Eucharist                                                                                     93


  1. Message from the Holy Spirit                                                                                                                                                107
  1. Messages From Our Blessed Mother Mary,

And From St. Joseph                                                                                                                                                      109


  1. Message from our Most Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary                                                 109


  1. „The Secret of My Success is Mary“                                                                                                                        112


  1. Message from St. Joseph                                                                                                                                                                                 115
  2. Messages For The Holy Church                                      117


  1. Messages for His Holiness Pope John Paul II                                                                                     117


  1. A Letter to His Holiness, Pope John Paul II                                                                                    129


  1. Invitation to Rome                                                                                                            130


  1. Message on Paray-le-Monial                                                                                                132


  1. Message for the Church and the People of Germany                                                                         134


  1. Message on the Priests                                                                                                                                                137


  1. Message on the Synod and Church in Africa                                                                                    141


  1. Messages on the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land                                                                         142



VII. Messages For The Congregations Of

The Two Hearts Of Love SHL                                                                                                         149


  1. Guidelines for the Formation of Priests                                                                                     149


  1. Message on the Sisters for their Final Profession                                                             152



VIII. Messages On The Life Of The Two Hearts Of Love                    157


  1. Jesus Thanks All who have Followed His Call                                                                                    157


  1. Message to the Members of My Hearts of Love                                                                         162


  1. „The Highest Vocation of Victims of Love“                                                                                    166


  1. „Your Vocation and the Vocation of Your Children“                                                170


  1. „This Little Family of Love Will be the Greatest“                                                                         174


  1. Message on the Importance of Keeping the Prayer Times                                                182


  1. Message on the Temptation                                                 185


  1. Message on Purity and Holiness                                                                                                                        186


  1. Voice of Little St. Maria Goretti                                                                                                                        187


38  „Why Afraid to Appear Different?“                                                                                                                                            195


  1. „It is Heaven on Earth“                                                                                    197


  1. The Great Day of The Absolute and Unconditional Donation             205


  1. „This is the Perfection I Want You to Possess“                                                                         206


  1. „I Need Victim Souls“                                                                                                                                                           213


The Prayer Of The Two Hearts Of Love                                                                   218




  1. The Theology of the Union in the Two Hearts of Love 219

Lecture by Rev. Prof. John O. Egbulefu CCE                                                                                               


Introduction                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             219


Part I:    The Spirituality Of The Union Of The Two Hearts Of Love                           220


Part II:  The Intimate Union Of The Two Hearts Of Love In God                                              223


Part III: The Intimate Union Of The Two Hearts Of Love In The Church       224


Part IV: The Intimate Union Of The Two Hearts Of Love In The Eucharist   228


Conclusion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    229


Index                                                                                                                                                                                                     231


Contact and Information                                                                                                                            235





























Contact and Information





Catholic Society of the Two Hearts of Love

of Jesus and Mary SHL

Rev. Fr. Dr. Montfort Okanwikpo SHL

Universal Centre for the Two Hearts of Love

P.O. Box 1500   ORLU / Imo-State (Nigeria)

Tel.: 00234 – 80 38 80 68 1

         00234 – 70 30 18 97 63

e-mail: fatherloveshl@yahoo.com


Kath. Vereinigung der Zwei Herzen der Liebe

Jesu und Mariens SHL e. V.

Kurfürstenstr. 5 – 7 / SHL

D – 45138  ESSEN  (Germany)

Telefon: .0049 – (0) 201- 319 5470

Telefax:  0049 – (0) 201- 319 5478

e-mail:        twoheartsoflove@t-online.de

Homepage: http://www.twoheartsoflove.com/


Information on:


Spiritual Retreats „School of the Love of God“

Pilgrimages with the TWO HEARTS OF LOVE to Rome, to Nigeria etc.


Publications as


Pamphlet in various languages

THE REIGN OF LOVE – GOD’s Only Solution in the Two Hearts of Love

Book in various languages


(to be continued)











TWO Hearts of Love publication

international (Editor)

© 2022



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