There, heaven is touching the earth and earth is touching heaven, so that there will be peace among us. Do...
My Son My beloved call on all priests, My beloved priests, your brother priests – My most beloved sons priests,...
My son, thank My priests, My priestly sons, for their love and willingness to work for Me and with Me,...
March 2000 /My people, the people of My Love: I am your God. I am your Love. I am your...
After the Holy Eucharist, after the Holy Mass, the greatest gift I have given to My Church and to the...
September 2004 / Work hard now and achieve all I want you to achieve. The time is short but you...
6.7.2001 / I thank all who have responded to this Prayer Call, which I sent from heaven. All who keep...
1999 / This is the prayer of the new time, the time of the reign of Love, the reign of...
My Love, tell all there that I want them all to be Victims of Love. I want them to offer...
September 1999 My members, members of My Love, members of My Body, members of My Heart, members of My Blood!...
I, St. Joseph, the Protector of the Holy Family. I have received the special assignment from the Father, from the...
2006 I, Archangel Raphael, I have brought to you the power to heal all. I Gabriel, I have brought you...
  September 30, 2004 My Love, I am still talking to you. I have a lot to tell you for...
Let it be preached: Sermon of Fr. Montfort on November 16, 2007 To hear that the day of the Son...
„Only those with the seal of the Love of God will be saved!“ Tell everybody! Tell the Pope, all the...
Vicar of Christ, Successor of St. Peter, Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church Holy Father! May...
May 18, 2004 My son, prostration is the highest form of physical expression of worship. To lay yourself completely on...
November 2002 My Love! Receive My message for the whole world. My Love! My call to holiness is for all...
My son, thank My priests, My priestly sons, for their love and willingness to work for Me and with Me,...
July 12, 2006 My son, My Love, I love you and will ever love you. I have sent you into...
November 8, 2009 My Love, your work has started in earnest. Face this mission and give all you are and...
My love, what I am revealing to you is the supreme truth. Hold on to it and teach it to...
July 15, 1999 Germany My people! My beloved people. I am your God. I am the God of Love. I...
July 6, 2006 Now, My Love, today on the Feast of St. Maria Goretti I want to talk to you...
June 21, 2003 What I am doing with this My little family is this: I have been looking for a...
August 17, 1999 At the very beginning of community-life in Germany: My son, the temptation is there. It will last...
At Holy Hour My Love, My son, listen to the voice of the little Maria Goretti: („My God! My Love!...
„My son, I want you to remain with Me, to receive all My messages the world is coming to an...
December 1, 2003 My child, receive My Message! I love My entire creation and it is My Eternal Will to...
My Love, do not let anybody or anything distract you or derail you or in any way diminish your Love...
I Father of Love, God the Father, Father of all Love, your Father, Origin of all Love, I speak to...
I, God the Son, your Jesus, your Love, your heart, I, the God of Love, the Heart of Love. I...
I, God the Holy Spirit! The Spirit of Love! The Spirit of the Father and of the Son! I am...
  I, your Mother, the Mother of Divine Love, I am the Handmaid of the Lord, but God My God,...
June 22, 2003 My son, My Love, do you know what happens here? It is heaven on earth. What happens...
Jesus! Mary! I love You. Be appeased! Save all souls. Amen. ( 10 times as rosary) O! Hearts of Love!...
„Those who will have theirs names enrolled, will never been lost, because they have specially consecratred themselves to Me and...
HOLY MOUNTAIN Universal Centre for the Two Hearts of Love Holy Mountain in Orlu, Nigeria is the Universal Centre for...
The Holy Steps Holy Steps consist of 100 steps leading to the highest Circle altar with perpetual exposition of the...
Holly Mountain – The Throne of God – HOLY MOUNTAIN   – The Throne of God-   Holy Mountain is...
Vigil, on Friday, 1. 5. 2020, at Holy Mountain by rev. Fr. Montfort Okanwikpo, SHL The main teaching of the...
 Words Of Welcome  „My Love will burn in all. All hearts will be set aflame with the fire of My...
CHRISTMAS GREETING TO OUR MEMBERS My dear brothers and sister, from this Holy Mountain, Heaven on Earth, I send you...
Appeal letter for seminarians for Europe outside Germany in English(2) Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus and Mary! Peace and...