I, God the Son, your Jesus, your Love, your heart, I, the God of Love, the Heart of Love. I embrace you. I kiss you. I love you. I thank you for being My Love! I love you with all the Love that I am. I love you with all the Love that I have. I love you with all the Love, all, all, all the Love. I have given you My Heart. It is your special possession. I have given it all to you. I have given you all My Love. I love you. I will ever love you. I will ever love you. I will ever love you.
I am the Heart of Love. I am the God of Love. I am the source of all Love. All Love belongs to Me. All power belongs to Me. All glory belongs to Me.
I am God. You are My Love. You are My Heart. I thank you for being My Love, for being My Heart. Remain ever united with Me, in My Heart of Love. Remain ever in Me, in My Heart of Love. Never, never, never be separated from Me. Nothing can ever separate you from Me. I, I cannot separate Myself from You, and you cannot separate yourself from Me, because you are My Love. We are forever united, you come from Me. I come from the Father. You come from the Father. I come from the Father. You come from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes from Me.
You have the most important work in the whole history of the world to do. Through you the reign of My Heart will be established in the whole world, in every heart, in the whole world. Stand up. Do not be afraid of
anybody or anything. Go ahead and say the Prayer of the Hearts of Love and do Works of Love, and through this I will establish the Reign of My Love every where and every time. Don’t apologise to any body for loving Me, or blame yourself for accepting to be My Love. It is they who should apologise for not accepting My Love, and not you for being My Love.
The whole world belongs to Me. Every heart belongs to Me. I am the God of Love. You are My Love. I have given you the instrument of prayer, the prayer of My Heart, the prayer of My Love. I love you, My Love. I love you My Love. I love you, My Love, come deep in My Heart. It belongs to you. Take it. I love you, My Love. My Love. You are My Love. You will, My Love, you will ever, ever, ever be My Love.