Appeal letter for seminarians for Europe outside Germany in English(2)
Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus and Mary!
Peace and love from God in the Two Hearts of Love. Greetings from Fatherlove and the victims of love brothers and sisters living with him at the Holy Mountain, the Universal Centre of the Two Hearts of Love. We thank you for persevering in saying the Prayer of the Two Hearts of Love and spreading it and the devotion to the Two Hearts of Love. This is very important in God´s plan for the salvation of all souls and for the coming reign of His love in the whole world when our blessed Lord will come in glory and put an end to the power of the evil one. This will not happen without a fight and God wants to use human beings united with the triumphant Two Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary with this prayer and the sacrifice of the Holy Mass. Your prayers are piercing the darkness of this world and reach the throne of God, who responds with infinite blessings for the whole world. The future of the world and the church depends on sacrifices of love and prayer. That is why we also need priests for the fulfilment of this mission, because this prayer is closely united, yes, even one, with the Eucharist. It flows from the Eucharist and flows back to the Eucharist. This prayer is spiritual communion and is making of you an oblation to God in union with the Two Wounded and Bleeding Hearts of Love of Jesus and Mary. We rejoice that we already have two seminarians in the seminary. Moreover, we have four brothers, who have begun their theological studies in view of entering the seminary later on. Since the costs of formation are very high (657,000 Naira for accommodation/formation/toiletries/feeding for 9 months, which is one academic year; 322,000 Naira for tuition fee; total of #979,000 Naira for one seminarian in a year; adding working tools, books and transport = 1.200 €) and we are dependent on benefactors, we are looking for people, who want to commit themselves financially to the formation of priests of the Two Hearts of Love. This is a very precious and important circle of benefactors for us. It is decisive for the future growth of the International Society of the Two Hearts of Love. Each member in this circle helps with prayer and with every donation, even if it is small. We beg you from our heart to partake in our care for our future priests. You can use the following account for that:
Please send your contribution to the following account:
Account name: Katholische Vereinigung der Zwei Herzen der Liebe Jesu und Mariens e.V.
Purpose: Support for priests
IBAN: DE 73 37060193 2007084202
PAX Bank Essen
Be assured that we keep you and your intentions in our daily masses and prayers. May God grant you his special blessing for the sacrifice you make for his future priests. Please let me know your name and the amount of your support. May the life, the comfort, the glory and the love of God in the Two Hearts of Love come down upon you and remain with you forever. Amen.
Yours cordially in Jesus and Mary
Father Pascal Rodary SHL
Vicar General of the Sons of the Two Hearts of Love How to contact me:
By email:; By Whatsapp and phonecall: +234 81 62 81 04 07