My son, thank My priests, My priestly sons, for their love and willingness to work for Me and with Me, to care for My children, my sons, my daughters in the church, in the world.
All My sons and daughters in the church are to love and care for My priests, My priestly sons. My priests, My priestly sons are to love and care and offer their lives for my sons and daughters in My church.
Tell My baptized and confirmed sons and daughters, they are not to try to control or dictate to My consecrated sons and daughters; and tell My baptized and confirmed and consecrated sons and daughters, they are not to dictate, to control their rector, dominate My ordained sons, My priestly sons.
My priestly sons are precious gifts of Myself in the person of My priestly sons to My church. Tell My ordained sons to be responsible, to know, to be sufficiently aware of their responsibility of leadership and teaching and sanctification and sacrifice and purification of My entire people.
Every priest is priest of My entire people, his love and prayers and sacrifice, even when concentrated on a specific group of community, assigned to him by his superior, or bishop, his whole heart and love and prayers and sacrifice and concern should extend to the entire people, My church, all My children. In this way will he realize the full splendour and attraction, responsibility of his priesthood, which is Mine, it is My priesthood. I am the universal and eternal High priest.
My priestly sons are My very special children of My Hearts of Love. I love them very, very tenderly. I care for them with all My Heart of Love. I am in them and I unite Myself permanently with them. Let them never waver. Any and all of them, who remain true, steadfast to his priestly commitment and duty, will never, never be led astray by any person or force. He will certainly reach his goal of eternal union and happiness in Me in Heaven.
I thank all My priests, I love all My priests, I revere all My priests, I praise all My priests, I honour all My priests, I cherish them, I draw them deep into My Heart of Love, I cover them with the blood of My Love, I am in them, I am one with them, I continue My work of teaching and salvation and sacrifice and sanctification and glorification and union with My eternal loving Father in My Holy Spirit through My beloved priests.
My beloved priests are special children of My Love, of My Hearts of Love. All in My Hearts of Love are to pray for, care and have special concern for
My priestly sons! Anything done to them is done to Me directly. Anything given to them is given to Me directly. I am one with My priestly sons. Let all love, care and honour them. Let all listen attentively to their preaching. Come and see, I will show you the splendour of My priests:
(He let me have a glimpse into Heaven and said:)
See, nearest to Me and higher than all My angels and saints are My priests. The trunk of My beloved saintly priests are all next to Me, surrounded in indescribable splendour. My saintly priests are the joy of My Heart of Love. They are the glory of My Church on earth and in Heaven.





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