December 1, 2003
My child, receive My Message!
I love My entire creation and it is My Eternal Will to establish the Reign of My Love in the whole world, in the whole of creation. Please help Me. Please give Me yourself for this work, please give Me yourself uncon-ditionally for this work. I am with you and will always be with you. Please build up My Holy Mountain to be the highest of the mountains, the height of holiness, the height of purity, the height of Love and service and dedication. Praise and thanksgiving will be the highest in the whole world.
Here I have chosen to dwell among men in My Infinite Love. Do not be intimidated BY THE VARIOUS SETBACKS YOU ARE EXPERIENCING NOW: THEY WILL ALL COME TO PASS. I am with you forever and ever.
Pray and ask for help. Let every nation or language or culture find its own place on My Holy Mountain and around it. That is why I told you to buy every piece of land about ten kilometres around Ugwu-Nso. Let all peoples and nations and languages and ages find their place on and around My Holy Mountain.
This is the place of salvation and refuge for all peoples.
My son, my beloved, secure and build up My Holy Dwelling Place. Pray and ask for all possible help to build it up. I will send you help. But please, be steadfast in prayers and thanksgiving and sacrifice. Let the securing and building up of My Holy Mountain be a priority. Please, My Son, My Beloved, take it for what it is, for what I want it to be: a priority only second to the priority of spreading the prayer in the whole world. It is the visible sign of unity and concentration and dedication to the cause of My Hearts of Love. I have blessed My Holy Place with all My eternal blessings. I have blessed Orlu with all My eternal blessings of Love. Make the best use of the least I send to you. I will increase all I give you. I will give you more and more, and I will send you more and more help, but please, make the best use of all, even the least I send to you. I bless Orlu with my eternal blessings. Amen, alleluia! Amen, alleluia! Amen! Amen! Amen!
November 3, 2003, Midnight
My son, I want to tell you more about My Holy Mountain, My Universal Centre for the Hearts of Love. This is the Centre of the World of Love, the Centre of the World of Hearts. Just as My Heart is the Centre of all things visible and invisible, so is My Universal Centre of My Hearts of Love the Universal Centre of Love for the whole world and the Centre of all hearts in the whole world. Here all hearts are at home, all Love is at home, Love is at home. Here is the Home of all Hearts and Home of Love – Home of all Love – human and Divine.
It is the Universal Centre of all Love – Divine and human, earthly and heavenly. This is My Universal Sanctuary, My Holy of Holies, the holiest place of the veneration of My Love in the Two Hearts of Love. This is the home of My Love, the seat, the throne of My Love, the throne of Mercy, My House of Love, the House of My Love, the Gate of Heaven and House of God.
Here I have chosen to dwell among men forever and ever. Nobody and nothing can separate My Love from this Place and nobody and nothing can separate this place from My Love. My Love is eternal and infinite. Here I mean to manifest My eternal and infinite Love to the whole world. Let the whole world come to Me in My Holy Place to experience My Love. Let all come to Me in My Love. I love all with My Infinite and eternal Love. I want all to come to My Love. Come all to My Hearts of Love!
On this My Holy Mountain all peoples, all races, all colours, all creeds, all languages, all ages, will come and encounter Me in My eternal and infinite Love. All classes of peoples, all! All! All! Let all come to Me in My Love. I love all with My eternal and infinite Love. My Child, all should rally around the Triumphant Two Hearts of Love. My Church, My Catholic Church is the place of this rallying around. My Holy Mountain, My Universal Centre for the Hearts of Love is the Place of this rallying around the Triumphant Two Hearts of Love. I am the Triumphant Love.
Let all come to Me!
Let all come to Me in My Love!
Let all come to Me in My Two Hearts of Love!
Let all come to Me in My Universal Centre of the Two Hearts of Love!
I am the Triumphant Love! My Love will reign on earth as it reigns in heaven. My Love will reign in every heart as it reigns in My Hearts of Love! My Love will reign in every home, every home of Love, as it reigns in the Universal Centre, universal Home of Love. Here is also home of universal Love. There should be no segre-gation, no discrimination, no racism, no atom of hatred, wickedness, no sin on My Holy Mountain, My Universal Centre of My Hearts of Love. Oh, My Love will reign on earth as it reigns in Heaven. Let My Love reign, My Love reigns, My Love will ever reign. My Love reigns now and forever. Amen! Amen! Amen!
All Hearts in the whole world belong to Me. I am calling on all My Children in the whole world to come to Me. Come to My Love and be saved. Come and drink from the fountain of living water. Come and drink from the fountain of Life. Come and drink from the fountain of Love. I am the fountain of Life and Love. I am the Life and Love. I am He Who am, the God of Love. Let all come to Me in My Love. Let all come to Me in My Hearts of Love, let all come to Me in My Holy Place of Love.
Let all come to Me in My Universal Centre of Love, let all come to Me on My Holy Mountain. Here I will pour My Love on the whole world not minding the obstacles. Here I will save all souls not minding the obstacles. Here I will draw all to My Love not minding the obstacles. Here My Love will reign.